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SagaFamily Commons => SagaFamily Tavern => Topic started by: Glanconar on April 19, 2020, 07:29:05 AM

Title: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Glanconar on April 19, 2020, 07:29:05 AM

     A teir'dal walks into the tavern...
'Well if this isn't a setup for a bad pun I don't know what is', he thinks to himself. He continues to walk to the bar, all the while conscious of the eyes on him. As he reaches the bar he turns with an easy smile. 
     "Vendui, or should I say Hello for you light dwellers. My name is Glanconar Madudh'mor, son of Leews and Lycina, formerly of House Sel'quar."
He looks curiously at the door, then around the room.
     "My wife Adriannae should be around soon to introduce herself. But until then I shall have to do my best without her guidance. Oh, unless Lady Malese is around, she can usually point this lumbering meat shield in the right direction."
     He turns back to the bar to order some wine.
     Turning back to the room, "I and my family have recently roused from a long sleep to find my long time House, silent as the grave. But luckily as I was wandering around like a lost Worg pup, I happened across Ilharess Ginizar. During the coarse of our discussions, she mentioned that her Great Granddaughter was spending time with a house of light dwellers. At first I must admit I was skeptical. However after meeting some of you, and being invited on a hunt, along with my mate, I was pleasantly surprised to find I enjoyed myself immensely.  And wonder of wonders, I seem to have made a good impression, and got myself invited back."
     Looks back to the door. "As I said my wife should be along soon, I'm not too positive about the rest of my family. Then tend to be... unpredictable. My elder brother Gwendion is the quiet one of the family, but then unless you speak dragon there is no point in talking to him anyway. He somehow caught the interest of Queen Cristianos and hasn't been the same since."
     Shakes his head, "Its a long story, and one that would probably get him executed if the King ever heard it. And father... well Leews is just...well.. a grumpy old necromancer, what more needs be said."
     Takes a drink of his wine, and settles in a nearby chair. "Well as introductions go I guess that will do, anything else will require more wine."
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Kalese on April 19, 2020, 08:16:02 AM
Stepping out of the shadows of the room, the assassin of House Moonshadows walks up to the bar next to Glanconar reaches over it and pulls up a bottle of wine.  Grinning from long pointy ear to pointy ear she places it next to him.  "Vendui dalninuk.  The Ilharess said you would show up and I personally would like to hear more of your story."  Refilling Glanconar's glass, Belladithana's indigo skin shinned in the torch light and her anticipation for stories long lost were etched in the fire of her eyes.
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Corsair on April 19, 2020, 01:54:54 PM
Hearing the introduction, Sylvase quirked an eyebrow.

"Well, that is an interesting entrance Glanconar. I look forward to meeting your wife soon. Vendui, I suppose I should add".

Standing, she wandered around to the cabinet where some of the better vintages are held in stasis at the perfect point of aging.

"I think this story may have a lot more to listen to, and unpack. I must say I am rather eager to hear all the details myself. Sorya mentioned you and Adriannae seemed to know what you were about. So that is well. I am eager to hear more from Kyry and Veolla and Elvany as well as Malese of course. But frankly, your tactical ability is not my first concern."

Corking one of the better bottles, Sylvase offered the wine to Malese to pour. Taking a seat, Sylvase's eyes took on a thoughtful distance.

"I was also wondering something you may help illuminate Malaese dear. Just how far is Ginizar going to work on this scheme, and exactly what are her intentions?"

Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Kalese on April 19, 2020, 04:18:20 PM
With a sigh of exasperation, Belladitana took the bottle from Sylvase and looked at Glanconar.

"She is a typical Koada'dal Glanconar, do not mind her.  To them, we all look the same."

Looking back to Sylvase, Bella simply said.  "And how would I know the exact intentions of my Ilharess?  And even if I were Malese, the Iharess wouldn't trust any of her intentions to someone so young.  So you would just get misinformation from her."   Bella filled both her glass and Glanconar's and set the bottle down leaving Sylvase's glass empty.

Catching the look on Sylvase's face Bella grinned. "I am beyond your years for you to attempt your hocus pocus on my mind so don't even try.  As far as "our" intentions are, they have not changed.  We help you with all your "problems" and you help us with King Nathox.  Once Queen Cristanos has sole control of Neriak she will take us back to where we belong and Norrath will be rid of us again.  It is what you want, is it not?"
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Corsair on April 19, 2020, 05:25:03 PM
((Bah...I just mad the assumption Malese would also be present...and not yet used to the idea Bella has already transferred! We'll roll with it LOL.))

"Honestly, I thought you were Malese wearing a disguise of some sort. Oh well. So you are this Bella I hear about? Nice to meet you, and thank you for pouring. Where is Malese anyway? She really should be here. Are you always this rude?"

Taking a glass and pouring her own, Sylvase paused for a time to enjoy the sumptuous rounded flavor of the deep red.

"Oh and also, no hocus, and no pocus. Your family should know I do not use such tools without need. I am sure you have it in some profile on me by now. Magical abuse it tasteless. Like...poor hygiene. Your condescending nature gets the better of some of you too often. Shall we try again dear?"

Another long sip, eyes closing slowly for a moment to savor.

"Besides, I don't have an agenda for the fate of the Tier'Dal per se. A vision perhaps, but not an agenda. I simply want the world to be...better.  Implicitly this would of course mean a better future for all Tier'Dal also, in a world where you are not so tormented by the legacy of Innoruuk. I just don't know how to achieve that. But to envision a world in which you are not consumed by pointless hated, and in turn no longer inspire such hatred...well, that is a rather tall order is it not?"

After a pause...."If I do have an agenda, it is to ensure the good folk of Saga are not...manipulated by you our this Ginizar in any harmful way. I will stake any of your lives on that, and mine as well. Just so everyone understands me fully, dear."

"Really now, let us allow this lovely Glancour see if he can help answer further. And by all means dear, keep thinking me a is both amusing and occasionally a useful trait i have seen from your family."

Then, turning a sparkling smile to Glancour.

"Please pardon this moment of what appears to be little more than two hens pecking. By the way, Rosalynd is positively terrified the whole place is about to be overrun, and one or another of you will surely turn out to be a murderer. Do go on dear, and please enjoy the wine....."

Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Kalese on April 19, 2020, 06:12:29 PM
Bella looked taken aback.  "Rude? Rude?  .. Who was it that called me Malese.  Do I look like a child to you?  Then you play it off as if she was under a disguise.  She is a Yathrin for Inny's sake.  And on top of that, your nose is so far in the air that it doesn't even occur to you that you can pour the drinks when the bottle is in your hand.  Yet you pass it to me as if I'm a common serving wench.  And you have the audacity to call me rude?"  Bella's face contorted in apparent frustration at the Koada'dal.

Shaking her head, she turned and headed for the door.  "I'll send Malese your way since you want to see her so much."
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Kalese on April 19, 2020, 07:00:03 PM
After a time, a very young Teir'dal entered the tavern, a teenager in human years.  Seeing Glanconar and Sylvase at the bar she walked up and took a seat.

Smiling, she said to Glanconar in a Nerian tongue. " Vendui abbil, lu'oh ph'dos nindol eaus? " Then looking to Sylvase "Bella said you were looking for me?  We missed you on our last excursion.  Glanconar here did great, he kept all the undead off me that Sorya couldn't corral.  I think Kyry got some book she was after.  It was a good hunt.  Why were you and Vee missing?  Oh, did I tell you that I made a TON of money!  That Frog is the best, just don't tell her I said so.  I got new shoes too!"  Malese hopped down and backed up so Sylvase could see her shoes, then she hopped back onto her seat. "Got some new spells, I haven't learned them yet though, but I'm sure I'll figure them out soon enough.  Bella said you were looking for me?  Did you need something?  OH!  Did I tell you that Glanconar here has a lady, she was there too!  Her name is Adriannae, she is a mage.  Good with her spells and her elementals can really fight well too.  I liked her dress too.  You think I could get one too?  Do you know of a place that has any like that?  Sooo, what did you want to see me about? "  Malese put her elbows on the counter and rested her head in her hands looking at Sylvase impatiently.
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Corsair on April 19, 2020, 07:35:34 PM
Sylvase, raising an eyebrow at the outburst, continued to focus on Glanconar, breaking eye contact only when Malese arrives.

"Oh hello Malese dear! Those shoes really are lovely. Saltha is such a dear...she is a treasure of more worth yet than we have yet seen I think. And yes, I am pleased the excursion went well with these new acquaintances. Well, friends or family to you and yours, but new acquaintances to me. I heard much the same from Sorya. Competency is no worry, which is wonderful. As for myself, I heard Veolla was off on some errand or another, and I had some very dry texts to translate myself. So, I thought to ask Sorya to accompany the troupe. She enjoyed the explorations immensely, but I will be eager to see Innoruuk's plane for myself soon as well. Is there much of a library by chance?"

Pausing, Sylvase admired Malese's new shoes, and cast about the room with a genuine and warm smile.

"I do not suppose your wife may enjoy new shoes Glan, if I may be so casual?"

"And as to Belladithana, honestly I thought you were just experimenting with some illusion potions or some such, or it might even have been Kyry in some magical guise. I just assumed. Honestly I had no idea to expect another long lost relative to appear unannounced. I fear my assumption offended her. Her refusal to pour a glass of the high vintage I uncorked as I spoke to Glanconar here was no more than a minor slight. But then, I know some treat age as some sort of tiara...I am just not among them. It is the temper of the metal that matters dear, not the age of it. I fear I rather ruffled her feathers.... Here, let me pour you a glass."

After pouring, Sylvase slides a generous glass of the fine vintage red over to Malese.

"Well, now at least the discussion should be more civil. I was just noting the...frequency of new Tier'Dal faces appearing our of the clear blue. And asking your relation and Glanconar here, what all Ginizar might be about. And of course to know more of our new friends in general."

Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: tanare on April 19, 2020, 07:37:52 PM
Kyry slowly made her way into the saga tavern after yet another unsuccessful attempt of "borrowing" the note from the ebon mask guildmaster after all the time she spent trying to convince them not to kill her on sight. Possibly Belladithana said something on her behalf but who knows. Hearing voices she froze in the doorway as she heard HER voice, the newfound bane of her existence, not only was she an enchantress and a high elf, but she also KEPT HUGGING HER!. Quickly, hoping she hadn't been noticed she turned and tried to make her escape from the tavern before it was too late.
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Corsair on April 19, 2020, 08:25:34 PM
Turning her head, Sylvase regarded the door for a moment, and shouted out.

"Kyry dear is that you? I was hoping you would wander by....have some of this wonderful wine!"
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: tanare on April 19, 2020, 09:08:54 PM
caught by the foul magics the enchantress no doubt used to detect her presence, Kyry slowly and reluctantly turned around "Oh...Sylvase, I didn't see you there. No wine tonight, I have a pocket to pick later and need a steady hand. Seeing all the others around she waved "hello everyone."  Looking down at Malese's feet she exclaimed "Wait! What? You? YOU actually spent money on something? Are you ok?" 

Then noticing the newcomer, she added "Oh hello Glanconar, I see you managed to find your way here after all. Maybe we should start painting the walls purple now for the influx of Teir-dal coming in."
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Glanconar on April 21, 2020, 07:33:48 AM
     Sensing a small lull in the flow of conversation, Glanconar rises and bows to Malese.
     "Vendui al ussta jallil, lu'dos? And very nice shoes by the way.", setting back down and picking up his wine. "Please give my greetings to Bella when you see her next, I am afraid she was here and gone before I could say a word."
      He looks back to the Koada'dal, "Greetings and thank you for the warm welcome."
      Looking over to Kyry he nods his head, "Well met again, yes I finally found my way here.", he responds with a laugh. "And no, purple is best left for the bed chamber in my opinion. Red and black though... it has potential."
     Returning his gaze to Sylvase, "As to our 'intentions', mine are simple. I am here to protect and serve Ilharess Ginizar's house and family in any way i can." He takes another drink of wine, and continued somberly. "As to the Ilharess's intentions, you will have to ask her. A wise male knows better than to stick his nose into business that is none of his concern. He would likely lose that nose... maybe even his head."

     "As to stories," he said with a brighter tone, "there are many and I'm sure they will all come out in time." He grinned, "depending on how good the wine is, some are even blackmail worthy... Come to think of it .. wine was how I got into those situations to begin with, hmmm"

Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Kalese on April 21, 2020, 09:35:24 AM
Stepping off her stool, Malese half curtsied and spoke again in the old Nerian dialect, "Ush'akal Glanconar,  Usstan tlun ves al, bel'la dos."  Ginning at the Shadowknight she returned to her seat.
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Corsair on April 22, 2020, 12:25:50 AM
"Blackmail", Sylvase echoed with a smile.

"Yes, we should not want anyone to lose their heads. Somewhat interesting, but I would like to hear more. Ahhh, you must need a refill, allow me."

After refilling Glanconar's glass, and retaking her seat, Sylvase chose silence as a form of encouragement for others to speak further.
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Kalese on April 24, 2020, 08:24:47 AM
Malese looked from Kyry to Sylvase to Glanconar. "Soooo. What is on the agenda for tonight?  Are we going someplace that I can make up for the gold I spent on these new shoes?"
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: tanare on April 24, 2020, 10:08:45 AM
"Weren't we going to return to the caverns again and explore the main castle? Though I vote we got by cat town instead of 'kill the teir-dal' city that sylvase took us to last time. Or are we going to try and get Elvanyllene  her whatever it is she needs from Hate again? or was it Fear?" Kyry said as she studied some scribblings on a pieced together parchment she had with her. "Maybe Veolla can join us this time?"
Title: Re: Teir'dal in the Tavern...I promise not to eat the Halfling
Post by: Corsair on April 24, 2020, 01:49:04 PM
After another sip, Sylvase spoke.

"This really is a wonderful vintage is it not? ......Well, as I am not yet prepared to go with Malese, to confront Ginizar directly with questions, tonight's excursion seems as good as any topic. I do hope Veolla can join us."

Kyry dear, I think you are right, we have spoken to a return to the caverns on the moon. And maybe that will be of interest to Glanconar and Adriannae as well."