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SagaFamily Commons => SagaFamily Message Board => Announcements => Topic started by: Ravenns on September 16, 2009, 07:50:10 PM

Title: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Ravenns on September 16, 2009, 07:50:10 PM
Well, the Garden Contest is finally over.

Noehy has had her creative juices flowing freely for the past several weeks as she pondered and deliberated over how to decorate a one room house and make it look like a garden.  I watched her garden take shape and get refined and fine-tuned as the deadline for completion approached and the judges came to inspect each contestant's work.

I am very pleased and proud to announce that my beloved Orrernoeth got 2nd place in the contest.  Her room in Castleview Hamlet in Qeynos under the name of Nathyra is beautiful and quite creative!

Stop by and have a look!

Congratulations, my love!  You did an excellent job!

Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Sons of Halas on September 16, 2009, 07:56:18 PM
Pics or it didn't happen!!!   :viking2:

J/k lol, congratulations!
Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Anaris on September 16, 2009, 08:14:16 PM
Yay!! Congratulations!!!   :bdg  :bdg  :bdg  :bdg  :bdg

You really need to see it in person because pictures just won't do it justice.  It's beautiful! 

Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Jasyn on September 16, 2009, 08:45:14 PM
Well done, Noehy!  If I am only able to do one thing in game this week, I will have to make a point to visit your garden!  O0
Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Jezerai on September 16, 2009, 08:53:40 PM
Grats Noehy!
Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Lyrima on September 17, 2009, 05:01:54 AM
I will log in to take a look!


Second place !! That's a huge compliment.

Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Orrernoeth on September 17, 2009, 06:13:12 AM


Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Ravenns on September 19, 2009, 09:16:11 AM
I'ts also worth menntioning that our very own Lady Boudeccai did a garden too, and I'm sure she received some honors for her efforts as well.

Noehy said Bou's garden was nicer than a couple that placed ahead of her.  I want to go see that one too, before it gets taken down to make room for Frostfell decorations...hee!

What place did you get, Bou?

Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Jezerai on September 19, 2009, 12:34:30 PM
Tied for ninth.  I don't think they appreciated my swamp, heh.  If you want to look it is at Tayntrix' inn room in Kelethin on the platform just below the bank.

As for the judging, it's all a matter of taste anyway.  Personally I liked Noehy's work better than the person that got first place.  I had fun setting it up and I can use the stuff for a bigger, better swamp for Mabb so it's all good.
Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Namae Nai on September 19, 2009, 04:56:02 PM
I wouldn't take anything down yet. The new layout feature ( is coming on Wednesday, and you'll be able to save and instantly restore houses and guildhalls. For example, save your Frostfell decorated room, and next year you can restore it immediately, just the same way you left it.

Oh, and Bou's swamp is awesome! You should see it!
Title: Re: The Garden Contest Winners
Post by: Orrernoeth on September 20, 2009, 05:11:05 PM
I agree it is awesome!

One of the reasons why I have not taken down my garden was for just that reason, I want to save the setting and maybe put it in another location.  Wonder how that will work, if you use the setting in a different house size....hmmm