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Jasyn's Drunken Memories of Saga's Tavern Grand Opening Event

Started by Jasyn, August 20, 2009, 08:20:30 PM

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Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered Sagacity's Large Inn Room.
Dror says to the guild,"'allo lads 'n' lasses"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"hello all!"
Dicey says to the guild,"Hoi!"
Anaris says to the guild,"DArling i am almost there... My page took a long time fetching a carriage so I do not get my hair wet...."
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Greetings!"
Anaris tells saga (1),"Welcome Sagacity, darling!"
Jasyn says to the guild,"caladril;s tryin' to upstage ya's entrance Anaris."
Sagacity tells saga (1),"welcome welcome to the new tavern!"
Dicey waves to Jasyn.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"lady Renei, thou art beautiful"
Jasyn says,"Howdy folks!"
Jasyn sighs disappointedly.
Jasyn says,"It was a mess!"
Anaris says to the guild,"((question, are we using the saga channel as the official medium of communication for the opening or are we using a different channel?)0"
Jasyn says,"Spent more time cleanin' up in the kitchen than I did cookin'"
Pryce says to the guild,"((Yes.))"
Jasyn says,"A mess!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"((SAGA channel))"
Jasyn says,"Didn't get to finish bakin' nothin'!"
Pryce says,"Welcome to you, Jasyn!"
Caladril says to the guild,"(*laugh*"
Kiaria says to the guild,"((or white"
Dicey says,"Har! now that is why I be leavin' the cookin' to someone else"
Grimaldo begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Grimaldo begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Sagacity says to the guild,"((well no new channel anyway, that would just be silly...))"
Sagacity says,"hello hello!"
Jasyn appears frustrated with himself.
Pryce says to the guild,"((White chat IN the tavern, the saga channel outside it.)0"
Jasyn waves hello to Sagacity.
Grimaldo says,"Hail"
Caladril says to the guild,"(yeah we dont wanna be silly...)"
Sagacity welcomes everyone.
Pryce says,"Sagacity, welcome! I just LOVE this little nook!"
Jasyn says,"Howdy Sagacity."
Kiaria regally waves at Grimaldo.
Anaris says to the guild,"((ok just checking, because I'm turning off most other channels for /log purposes))"
Sagacity says,"is Pryce invisible again?"
Sagacity glances around
Grimaldo blows a kiss to Kiaria!
Pryce says,"Not in this case, madam."
Sagacity says,"ah! just hidden in the nook"
Kiaria says,"He sits on the throne"
Dicey says,"An' the bear skin rugs an' the fire, they be wonderful"
Pryce says,"There are books! And a ME cadelabra!"
Jasyn says,"Don't sit on a tooth."
Caladril says to the guild,"(grat. my drunken typing will be kepot for all posterity"
Kiaria says,"You added the bottles in the kitchen area, verra nice!"
Jasyn says,"HOwdy griM!"
Jasyn waves hello to Grimaldo.
Grimaldo says,"I need a ale. An I'm sure Jasyn needs one too."
Sagacity says,"I had to stock up on wine for Jasyn"
Caladril says to the guild,"(heh already startin it)"
Grimaldo graciously thanks Sagacity.
Dicey raises her tankard
Caladril says to the guild,"shard retrieved! "
Kiaria says,"Thank thee!"
Pryce tells saga (1),"Come one, come all! The Grand Opening of the Saga tavern has commenced!"
Caladril says to the guild,"I dont know WHY I left the castle without getting it first. call it a lesson"
Kiaria carefully sets the potent drink on the table nearby
Sagacity has started a trade with you.
Sagacity adds jumjum wine to the trade window.
Sagacity has accepted the trade.
Pryce says to the guild,"((We need to get on the relevant channels of our friends to advertise.))"
Dicey says,"Oh an please watch the bowl o' ale I put down fer Eyeballs, he seemed thirsty"
Grimaldo belches loudly shaking the ground beneath your feet.
Jasyn has accepted the trade.
Grimaldo says,"scuse me."
Pryce says,"Dear me."
Jasyn appears thankful.
Kiaria beckons to Dicey.
Kiaria beckons to Sagacity.
Sagacity says to the guild,"((I think we should have posted invitations to our friends by now))"
Kiaria says,"GRimaldo! leave prithee!"
Pryce says to the guild,"((We have, but I mean in their channels, if we know them.))"
You flashes a sly grin.
Sagacity giggles at Pryce.
Pryce says,"Oh, Jum wine!"
Jasyn says,"Heh."
Pryce says,"Thank you, m'lady!"
Dicey says,"Yes Miss Kiaria?"
Sagacity says,"please make yourselves at home!"
Sagacity says to the guild,"((oh! well i don't! but please do if you do!))"
The spirit of the wolf leaves Kiaria.
Grimaldo takes off some of his heavier armor.
Grimaldo waves to a steppes spider .
You spills ale on the floor... but misses the rug.
Caladril says to the guild,"(I dont know who to show up to the party as. haha! and I make fun of women cause they dont know what to wear)"
Anaris says to the guild,"((shardrunners is one of them))"
Kiaria beams at Dicey
Pryce says to the guild,"((Flann, I think. We love him most.))"
Anaris says to the guild,"((whomever you like RPing best, Flann... *cough*))"
Grimaldo kneels down.
Caladril says to the guild,"(*chuckle*"
Anaris says to the guild,"((<bonks Pryce> You were supposed to be more subtle like me!))"
Caladril says to the guild,"(he aint quite as annoying as Cal I spose. ok! see you in a few)"
Jasyn appears happy!
Vermilion tells saga (1),"hello :) "
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Lady Vermilion! Welcome!"
Anaris tells saga (1),"Welcome!"
Crulec begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Crulec begins to draw upon the Strength of the North.
Jasyn says,"Howdy folks!"
Pryce says,"Welcome, newcomer!"
Sagacity says,"welcome!"
Droz waves to Simple Stove & Keg.
Jasyn pokes Grimaldo.
Vermilion tells saga (1),"ty :) "
Sagacity welcomes Grimaldo warmly.
Pawpad waves.
Dicey says,"Hoi!"
Guildmate: Caladril has logged out.
Droz says,"Hello!"
Jasyn says,"Look Grim! Halflin's"
Jasyn waves hello.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"E'eryone, prithee meet a friend of mine from al-Yad"
Droz says,"The Rumblebelly Boys are glad to be here!"
Kiaria watches Crulec with wide brown eyes
Crulec smiles warmly.
Vermilion tells saga (1),"hello friends :) "
Guildmate: Flann has logged in.
Pawpad appears thankful.
Droz appears thankful.
Anaris tells saga (1),"Well met darling! i am Lady Anaris Astyrhim, Illusionist of Saga! <curtsies> Welcome to our lovely tavern!"
Pryce says,"Thank you so for coming! Now gaze upon my overwhelming beauty!"
Jasyn says,"Glad ya could come by. The drinks're flowin'!"
Sagacity says,"I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before. i'm Sagacity, welcome to the Saga tavern!"
Flann says to the guild,"greetins folks"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Please welcome Vermilion! she needs better directions than i can give to this place"
Pryce tells saga (1),"*waves to the newcomer*"
Sagacity welcomes Runningdream warmly.
Jasyn says,"I can't gaze on it. i'm blinded by it. Um. Or somethin' like that."
Kiaria regally waves at Runningdream.
Sagacity says,"Hello friend! Welcome to the new Saga Tavern!"
Jasyn stumbles around, obviously confused.
Droz says,"We are the Rumblebelly's of the Rumblebelly Boys Entertainment. It's a pleasure to meet you fine folk!"
Runningdream says,"Greetings"
Jasyn waves hello to Runningdream.
Dror begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Dror begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Pryce says,"Oh, Jasyn, do pardon me! Perhaps I've become recklessly, dangerously pretty."
Dicey whispers to Jasyn Itselfre ye sure it wasn't the free ale that be blindin' ye*
Pryce says,"Wecome, Runningdream!"
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Howdy there! Ya can call me Jasyn. Most people do."
Grimaldo waves to Runningdream.
Sagacity whistles a happy halfling tune
Grimaldo says,"Hail, Spindel"
Droz gulps his whisky.
Runningdream waves hello.
Pryce says,"Welcome, Spindel!"
Sagacity says,"Hello Spindel! Welcome to the new Saga Tavern!"
Spindel says,"Heya guys..."
Spindel waves hello to Runningdream.
Runningdream says,"Hello Spindel"
Droz says,"Hullo over there spindel!"
Sagacity says,"We're terribly glad to hear of your rescue from those nasty ratongas"
Jasyn says,"Rumblebelly Boys Entertainment? Wha kinda entertainin' ya's do?"
Dicey raises her tankard
Droz gasps at Jasyn in astonishment!
Dicey says,"HoI!"
Pryce says,"Runningdream, could you come here for just a moment?"
Droz says,"Yous never heard of the Rumblebelly boys?"
Droz sternly scolds Jasyn!
Jasyn says,"Spindel? Oh yeah! I know that name!"
Pryce waves to Runningdream.
Vermilion tells saga (1),"good to meet you :) "
Dror says,"allo lads 'n' lasses."
Kiaria regally waves at Cholan.
Jasyn shrugs noncommittally at Droz.
Spindel says,"Heh. It ain't all true."
Sagacity says,"welcome Dror!"
Jasyn says,"Yeah?"
Spindel smirks.
Cholan says,"Hail All!"
Sagacity says,"and cholan, welcome!"
Jasyn says,"Like... just when ya's told me 'bout 'em."
Droz says,"the Rumblebelly boys are famous for our dance of course."
Jasyn nods in agreement at Droz.
Grimaldo waves to Dror.
Dror waves to Grimaldo.
Kiaria regally waves at Dror.
Cholan says,"My what a fine establishment."
Jasyn says,"Dancin'! Heh."
Dicey says,"Oh! Dancers"
Droz chuckles at Jasyn.
Spindel thanks the halfling for the shot which he puts down quickly...
Dror smiles at Kiaria.
Pryce says,"I couldn't help notice what you were wearing. A bit below your abilities, I should think. Perhaps this would help..."
Kiaria says,"Wilst thou dance for our party?"
Dicey watches intently
Anaris says,"Greeetings my dear friends! So lovely to see you all this evening!!"
Cholan graciously thanks Sagacity.
Runningdream graciously thanks Sagacity.
Droz says,"Will we dance?!"
Cholan says,"Thank you saga"
Dror nudges Jasyn
Droz says,"Paw did you hear that?"
Sagacity says,"Anaris, glad you made it!"
Dror says,"Whar be th' ale lad? nar bartendeR!"
Droz says,"they wants us to dance!"
Droz cheers for everyone!
Anaris blows kisses in everyone's direction.
Droz says,"the Rumblebelly Boys will indeed dance!"
Jasyn says,"Dror!"
Sagacity says,"this bartender is over here!"
Dror pats Eyeballs on the back
Jasyn waves hello to Dror.
Pryce says,"Oh! Lady Anaris!"
Dror grins evily at a steppes spider .
Runningdream graciously thanks Pryce.
Jasyn cheers at Droz!
Anaris says,"Pryce darling!"
Grimaldo hugs Anaris.
Dror says,"that be th' aLE! thank ye lass."
Grimaldo says,"Oy there lass."
Runningdream says,"Thank you kind sir"
Pryce thinks, 'And for once, she didn't wear my dress! I mean robe."
Cholan leans against the archway and sips his jumjum wine
Vermilion tells saga (1),"you all are in the inn?"
Anaris smiles at Grimaldo.
Anaris hugs Grimaldo.
Crulec's vigor begins to fade.
Guildmate: Kiaria has logged out.
Sagacity tells saga (1),"we are!"
Pryce says,"You are quite welcome! Jewelry-making is what I do."
Dror takes a stool and settles into drinking
Grimaldo tells saga (1),"Aye We are."
Jasyn waves to Anaris.
Pryce try to impress Runningdream with a theatric bow!
Spindel tries to find an ashtray...
Renei tells saga (1),"Cept me, probably!"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"North Qeynos inn, first door on the left. Just ask for saga!"
Anaris hugs Dicey.
Guildmate: Kiaria has logged in.
Anaris smiles at Jasyn.
Anaris hugs Jasyn.
Grimaldo says,"Just use the fireplace Spindel."
Pryce says,"Well, that and being much more beloved of Tunare than everyone else."
Dicey hugs Anaris.
Sagacity says,"Crulec, glad to see you could come!"
Anaris smiles at Spindel.
Anaris curtsies to Spindel.
Runningdream says,"I am a maker of scrolls myself"
Anaris hugs Sagacity.
Pryce says,"Oh! What an excellent profession!"
Spindel tips his hat to Anaris.
Droz gulps his whisky, peering at Pawpad's untouched glass.
Crulec says,"wouldn't miss it!"
Vermilion tells saga (1),"umm first floor?"
Runningdream says,"Yes, i truly enjoy the research"
Pawpad falls asleep.
Droz says,"wake up paw!"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"straight up the stairs"
Anaris somehow feels overdressed when eyeing all the scantily clad guests.
Droz pokes Pawpad.
Pawpad says,"Eh, what huh?"
Pryce says,"I myself love to learn the intricacies of enchanting metals and gems."
Sagacity says,"So you two are dancers, you say? I'm looking forward to seeing that!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"((any suggestions on settings? i'm getting some decent lag :( ))"
Droz says,"Ah yes we dance, dance we do."
Cholan scans the room looking for any familiar faces
Anaris says,"Dancers? we've dancers? who?"
Pawpad nods in agreement with everyone.
Droz chuckles at everyone.
Pryce says,"Plus, the jewelry I make causes me to look even lovelier than before!"
Sagacity smiles at Cholan.
Grimaldo says,"The Rumblebelly Brothers."
Runningdream says,"I think our own Master Spindel is aspiring to become a jewler as well"
Anaris says,"Oh, how splendid!"
Spindel says,"Hunh?"
Anaris smiles warmly.
Jasyn says,"Oh good gravy."
Sagacity giggles at Cholan.
Kiaria stares at Dicey and Anaris
Droz gives Dicey a standing ovation!
Pryce looks faintly guilty.
Jasyn says,"Is Flann in here? Spreadin' the lu~uv?"
Spindel says,"Oh yeah... jeweler. "
Anaris says,"Um.....she started it....."
Anaris points at Dicey.
Sagacity giggles at Anaris.
Jasyn raises an eyebrow at Anaris!
Pryce says,"Ahem. Dancing charm. I thought it would liven things up."
Kiaria says,"Both of thee were in perfect time together!"
Jasyn stares fixedly at Anaris.
Jasyn says,"Uh huh."
Sagacity says,"Vermilion, welcome!"
Vermilion curtsey
Spindel says,"Sorry. dis durn farspeak crystal is on da fritz agin..."
Dicey says,"pryce!"
Jasyn says,"Ya's flirtin' with Eyeballs again 'n got everyone else in on the act!"
Pryce says,"Welcome, Vermilion! Welcome, Cholan!"
Runningdream says,"I thought it was the whiskey"
Sagacity says to the guild,"((I"m on the lowest possible settings myself))"
Spindel shakes the crystal and bangs it on the table.
Kiaria says,"Welcome my friend!"
Sagacity beckons to Cholan.
Vermilion says,"many thanks"
Anaris says to the guild,"((try lowest? i will be switching to that once I gets some SS))"
Kiaria says,"Prithee, meet my friends and family"
Sagacity says,"Come on in cholan, and introduce yourself! I don't think we've met!"
Vermilion says,"appreciate the invite"
Pryce says,"Oh, indeed!"
Kiaria says,"EVERYONE! Tis my dear friend Vermilion of al Yad!"
Flann says to the guild,"whups. forgot soem stuff. "
Dicey says,"Hoi!"
Pryce says,"If I recall correctly, Cholan, I remember the gnome Kwerk mentioning your invitation."
Runningdream waves hello to Vermilion.
Droz waves.
Anaris smiles at Vermilion.
Grimaldo says,"Welcome"
Anaris curtsies to Vermilion.
Crulec says,"welcome1"
Grimaldo welcomes Vermilion warmly.
Vermilion says,"nice to meet you all :0"
Anaris grins evily at Pryce.
Sagacity says,"a friend of Kwerk's is surely welcome!!"
Anaris quietly snickers and points at Pryce.
Vermilion says,"lovely room"
Pryce says,"Apparently, you helped him out. Or got him killed. Or something. Either way, we're in your debt."
Sagacity says,"ye got Kwerk killed?"
Anaris smiles at Cholan.
Anaris curtsies to Cholan.
Dicey says,"Oh thank gods"
Anaris says,"Well hello there, handsome Human....."
Sagacity says,"that's got to be worth some applause!"
Pryce thinks, 'That WENCH Vermilion is wearing my dress! I mean robe.'
Sagacity gives Cholan a standing ovation!
Anaris says,"Do you, uh, frequent this tavern often, darling?"
Anaris stares fixedly at Cholan.
Cholan smiles slightly
Vermilion says,"lol"
Sagacity welcomes Fenith warmly.
Cholan says,"No, my first visit belive it or not"
Kiaria regally waves at Fenith.
Runningdream waves hello to Fenith.
Grimaldo says,"Startin already, aint she..."
Droz chuckles at Pawpad.
Sagacity says,"Welcome Fenith! Welcome to the opening of the new Saga tavern!"
Anaris says,"Oh! It is mine too! We already have something in common!"
Anaris winks at Cholan.
Cholan says,"I was hunting qith kwerk and he extended and invitation"
Spindel waves hello to Droz.
Anaris bats her eyelashes at Cholan.
Fenith graciously thanks Sagacity.
Grimaldo chuckles at Anaris.
Fenith says,"thank ye kindly"
Cholan says,"Indeed we do *smiles*"
Dicey frowns.
Cholan says,"How rude of me allow me to introduce myself"
Droz bows to Spindel.
Vermilion wants pryces gloves and shawl too
Cholan says,"I am Chalon, at your service"
Cholan bows to Jasyn.
Anaris says,"Oh, that ...... that Kwerk character.... He had the nerve to think I was the barmaid! As if I look like a commoner!"
Dicey says,"Does that mean that Kwert is still alive?"
Droz says,"Hello there spindel!"
Cholan bows to Anaris.
Pryce says,"Alas, I wish I'd had time to fashion more jewelry to bring with me. I'd planned to do it earlier, but got distrcted by the loveliest sight in a mirror."
Sagacity giggles at Pryce.
Jasyn says,"Howdy there fella! Welcome."
Kiaria tells saga (1),"I would like to announce that we shall be seeking Kwerk in our first game of the night in 8 minutes!"
Fenith crisply salutes Runningdream.
Jasyn waves hello to Fenith.
Ajen slips in quietly and looks around...
Grimaldo belches loudly shaking the ground beneath your feet.
Anaris says,"Well met, Cholan darling... I am Lady Anaris, illusionist of Saga... Pleased to meet you...."
Anaris smiles at Cholan.
Pryce says,"Well, Anaris, your glamours could use just a DASH of touching-up..."
Anaris curtsies to Cholan.
Cholan says,"Indeed, how foolish, you look quite regal in your loverly clothing"
Spindel says,"Heh. I was gonna get ya fer dis party, but seems like someone beat me to it. /chuckle"
Fenith nods in agreement at Jasyn.
Kiaria regally waves at Ajen.


Pryce says,"Ajen! Welcome!"
Pryce says,"So GOOD to see you!"
Jasyn says,"AJEN!"
Droz chuckles at everyone.
Pryce try to impress Ajen with a theatric bow!
Vermilion says,"ooh a jeweler?"
Ajen says,"Heh...hello..."
Jasyn tries to get Ajen's attention.
Cholan says,"Ahh an illusionist"
Spindel waves hello to Fenith.
Dicey waves to Ajen.
Jasyn says,"wave"
Cholan says,"Very interesting"
Jasyn says,"Howdy there!"
Sagacity says,"Ajen! Welcome! It's a big crowd tonight, I'm sure I'll need a hand at the bar - or three!"
Fenith nods in agreement at Spindel.
Sagacity welcomes Ajen warmly.
Spindel says,"heya fenith..."
Anaris says,"tell me about it darling.... Obviously the gnome had no idea I wear the most fashionable and exquisite of garments!"
Fenith says,"hey boss"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"hunt the Kwerk!"
Flann waves.
Ajen says,"Heh i would but I can't stay too long..."
Pryce says,"Speaking of the gnome Kwerk..."
Jasyn smacks his forehead at Flann.
Cholan says,"Indeed, that i can see."
Pryce says,"We of Saga have actually arranged a small game."
Spindel says,"Heh. lemme get da drinks. What'll ya have guys, first round is on me?"
Cholan says,"And they suit you so well."
Jasyn says,"Howdy Flann"
Anaris smiles at Cholan.
Tanuvan bows to Sagacity.
Anaris blushes at Cholan.
Sagacity says,"((If anybody is not also in the Saga chat channel, /join Saga ))"
Fenith says,"any stout ya can get"
Kiaria regally waves at Tanuvan.
Imeriel curtsies to Sagacity.
Sagacity says,"you made it!"
Cholan winks at Anaris.
Flann says,"brung me preachin clothes, in case yer soul is is jeapordy"
Sagacity welcomes Tanuvan warmly.
Anaris says,"Why thank you darling, most kind of you to say so!"
Tanuvan smiles at Sagacity.
Sagacity welcomes Imeriel warmly.
Jasyn waves to Imeriel.
Jasyn waves hello to Tanuvan.
Cholan says,"A pleasure, I speak but the truth"
Ajen makes his way to the fireplace
Jasyn says,"Howdy there hitched elven folks."
Imeriel says,"We did ... just for a bit before bed *smiles*"
Sagacity says,"everybody, please meet Imeriel and Tanuvan, a charming couple I met just today!"
Kiaria regally waves at Imeriel.
Droz waves to Imeriel.
Tanuvan waves.
Kiaria says,"Welcome to both of thee!"
Flann says,"greetins"
Anaris says,"So Cholan, darling, please make yourself at home and feel free to meet everyone... surely they will be as impressed as I am meeting you....."
Tanuvan says,"ello everyone1"
Dicey says,"Hoi!"
Crulec waves.
Anaris smirks at Cholan.
Runningdream waves hello.
Spindel tells saga (1),"/hello"
Pryce shouts,"All right, friends, if I may have your attention..."
Imeriel waves hello.
Crulec says,"greetings!"
Anaris says,"Come along, let me introduce you to some friends!"
Cholan says,"Thank you"
Grimaldo takes a long drink of his ale.
Sagacity tells saga (1),"welcome to the new Saga Tavern opening! For anybody not yet arrived, the address is the North Qeynos inn, first door on the left! Games will begin shortly"
Jasyn snaps to attention!
Jasyn crisply salutes Pryce.
Pryce says,"Whoever isn't listening to our psychic network should at this time. ((join /saga.)0"
Cholan follows anaris
Sagacity says,"Anaris would be your neighbour, Imeriel and Tanuvan! She runs a rather fashionable day spa in Castleview"
Pryce says,"Our first game of the evening will be "hunt the gnome," and will begin in just a couple of minutes."
Imeriel says,"Day spa/ wondermouS!"
Tanuvan says,"Excellent whiskey sagacity1"
Jasyn says,"Unfortunately certain bards ain't in attendance."
Anaris says,"Darling, Ajen!"
Pryce says,"The gnome Kwerk is hiding in North Qeynos."
Ajen smiles softly to Anaris
Anaris says,"I did not see you come in! how are you?"
Anaris smiles at Ajen.
Cholan leans back against the window fram enjoying the warmth of the fire
Anaris curtsies to Ajen.
Pryce says,"The first person to find him will win a fabulous prize!"
Ajen says,"All right...and you?"
Sagacity hugs Flann.
Tanuvan looks amazed at the amount of people
Sagacity says,"Flann, welcome! I did not see you enter"
Kiaria slips her hand into Crulec's hand
Tanuvan appears happy!
Anaris says,"Ajen, please meet our new friend Cholan! Cholan, this is our wonderfully wonderful barkeep, Ajen!"
Pryce says,"Once you get the signal from Kwerk on the Saga channel, the game will begin!"
Imeriel peers curiously at a steppes spider .
Renei begins to clench Her jaw tightly.
Renei begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Ajen waves hello to Cholan.
Flann says,"aeright, seems i aint gonna have ta do no preachin *stuffs his holy symbol in a pouch and chucks the robe* party1"
Cholan says,"Oh a pleasure to meet you"
Ajen says,"Likewise"
Cholan waves to Ajen.
Imeriel ponders a steppes spider .
Tanuvan gives Flann a standing ovation!
Pryce says,"I must rest for the evening. A good night to all of you1"
Kiaria says,"Lady Vermilion, please let me introduce you to Sir Pryce"
Cholan says,"I must say your Jumjum wine is quite nice"
Vermilion looks at Eyeballs and says eeek
Kiaria says,"A moment, Pryce!"
Dicey waves goodbye to Pryce!
Grimaldo says,"See ya, pryce."
Anaris says,"And Cholan, this would be Jasyn.... Saga's very own ale tester and my personal Ranjer.... Jasyn, meet Cholan!"
Flann says,"heh "
Ajen says,"..."
Pryce says,"Indeed, Lady Kiaria?"
Jasyn waves hello to Cholan.
Anaris appears flustered!
Cholan waves to Jasyn.
Grimaldo hugs Renei.
Jasyn says,"Howdy Cholan!"
Grimaldo says,"ello lass."
Cholan says,"A pleasure Jasyn"
Kiaria says,"Pryce, this is Vermilion, I believe she might have a question about the gorgeous jewelry you can craft"
Jasyn says,"Renei?"
Sagacity says,"Jasyn has a very nice inn of his own in Willow wood too"
Jasyn says,"HERO!"
Grimaldo says,"Ye loo, vera nice this evenin'./"
Pryce says,"Indeed, I've answered it! I'm more than happy to help her with glass."
Sagacity says,"welcome Renei!"
Pryce says,"Good night to you all!"
Jasyn hugs Renei.
Vermilion says,"actually was interested in glass :) "
Kiaria says,"Oh! Most marvelous good!"
Kiaria says,"thank thee!"
Ajen says,"Afraid I can't stay...I came to say hello and see everyone, but I have to go. Everfrost expedition..."
Renei says,"Hiya Grimaldo! hiya folks1 Sorry I'm late.. there was an assassin and a dark elf and.. well..."
Anaris says,"Renei! darling! You look lovely!"
Guildmate: Noamuth has logged out.
Anaris pouts dramatically at Ajen.
Pryce's vision returns to normal.
Guildmate: Pryce has logged out.
Fuscienne begins to focus upon Her elven reflexes.
Fuscienne begins to draw upon Innoruuk's cauldron.
Grimaldo says,"I'm sure ye had no trouble dealin with that."
Anaris says,"Oh, it's a shame you cannot stay darling Ajen, but I suppose we shall see you soon..."
Sagacity says,"thank you for stopping by then Ajen! Don't get frostbite now."
Kiaria says to the guild,"Anaris? can you take Vermilion under your wing a tiny bit?"
Jasyn says,"Yeah! That's too bad! It's always good to see ya, ya know1"
Ragonark begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Ragonark begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Flann hugs Renei.
Spindel checks to see what's on tap...
You flashes a sly grin.
Guildmate: Kwerk has logged in.
Grimaldo waves to Flann.
Anaris says,"thank you so much for stopping by, Ajen! Good luck in Everfrost and should your expedition end early, perhaps you may stop by again!"
Renei says,"well.. usually not but the gods decided it would be red, so i didn't quite roll over and die as usual."
Anaris hugs Ajen.
Sagacity grins evily at Spindel.
Cholan says,"a pleasure to meet you Ajen until next time"
Ajen says,"Sorry...I'd love to stay and relax some more. I haven't gotten enough since the ctadel.."
Anaris smiles at Ajen.
Dicey pushes Eyeball's bowl of ale under the table so that no one steps in it
Cholan nods in agreement at Ajen.
Guildmate: Elloise has logged in.
Anaris says to the guild,"of course, darling!"
Grimaldo chuckles at Flann.
Sagacity hands Spindel a clean stein and invites him to help himself
Kwerk says to the guild,"((Can someone do one more check to make sure everyone's on the saga channel who's in the bar now?))"
Grimaldo says,"Come in, an have a drink."
Anaris says to the guild,"i am simply making introductions, tell her to join my little group!"
Fuscienne waves.
Flann says to the guild,"i cant find Kiaria1"
Kiaria says to the guild,"I fear she is too shy..."
Spindel says,"Hey thanks, ya got three a couple more?"
Vermilion says,"what a nice big table in the back room"
Anaris smiles at Ajen.
Tanuvan says,"Im?"
Kiaria says to the guild,"I am here!"
Flann says to the guild,"ahh there she is"
Ajen says,"But anyway, it was good to see everyone. I should be back to my normal work schedule soon..."
Tanuvan says,"What're ye doin'?"
Ajen waves goodbye to everyone!
Imeriel says,"yes?"
Ragonark says,"want to find a seat, fusci?"
Flann waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says to the guild,"Next to my Guardian!"
Anaris says,"Goodbye Ajen!"
Imeriel says,"Looking at the speeder"
Anaris waves goodbye to Ajen!
Ajen says,"Take care."
Runningdream waves hello to Fuscienne.
Kiaria says to the guild,"surely thou canst see him!"
Jasyn waves goodbye to Ajen!
Droz points at Sagacity.
Fuscienne waves hello to Runningdream.
Droz says,"bar maiden! have you more to drink?"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Hail to ye, patrons of the Tavern! I've been told we're playing a little game! ...although I can't quite remember why..."
Jasyn says,"See ya 'round fella!"
Tanuvan says,"getting....down....and personel?"
Imeriel says,"he's actually not all that hairy as I thought he might be"



Sagacity says,"((REMINDER - please /join Saga in order to keep in contact during the 'hunt the gnome' event which will be starting shortly!))"
Spindel waves to Fushi and ragonark from across the crowded room.
Fuscienne says,"Sure"
Renei says to the guild,"21 in Saga.. 22 in Tavern."
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Give me a moment to explain the roles!"
Jasyn waves hello to Ragonark.
Jasyn waves hello to Fuscienne.
Runningdream waves hello to Ragonark.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Er, rules."
Kwerk tells saga (1),"*cough*"
Ragonark waves to Runningdream.
Droz chuckles at Sagacity.
Anaris says,"Cholan darling, meet Grimaldo! The official Saga Hero!"
Fuscienne smiles at Jasyn.
Ragonark says,"how are you doing, running?"
Anaris says,"Grimaldo, meet our new friend Cholan!"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Point One - The gnome is hiding somewhere in North Qeynos."
Sagacity says,"((THE RULES for hunt the gnome event are currently being read out in the Saga channel ... /join saga!))"
Cholan bows to Grimaldo.
Grimaldo bows to Cholan.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Point Two - The gnome is not invisible."
Anaris smiles at Vermilion.
Cholan says,"A pleasure to meet a true hero"
Grimaldo says,"Well met, friend."
Anaris smiles at Imeriel.
Vermilion smiles at Anaris.
Cholan says,"Indeed sir,"
Tanuvan shamelessly flirts with Imeriel.
Imeriel curtsies to Anaris.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Point three - To win the prize, ye must be the first to start a trade with him."
Grimaldo says,"They make too much outta it. Anaris just has a bad habit o tryin ta die."
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Point Four - The gnome is me!"
Anaris says,"Greetings Imeriel, i don't believe we've met... I am Lady Anaris, illusionist of Saga, well met!"
Spindel takes both hands full of frothy mugs and tries to shimmy through the crowded room.
Anaris curtsies to Imeriel.
Cholan says,"You certainly have an air of experince about you"
Imeriel smiles at Anaris.
Sagacity says,"The rules: 1. The gnome is hiding somewhere in North Qeynos. 2. he is not invisible. 3. to win the prize, you must be the first to START A TRADE with him. 4. the gnome is called Kwerk!"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Point Five - Er... what was I talking about again?"
Anaris says,"now, Vermilion and Imeriel, please meet my friend Cholan! Cholan, meet vermilion and Imeriel!"
Cholan chuckles at Grimaldo.
Jasyn says,"Howdy folks nice meetin' ya's."
Imeriel says,"the spider likes you anaris"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"All right..."
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Ready..."
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Set..."
Fuscienne says,"Hail, Spindel"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"I've repeated the rules aloud too"
Grimaldo says,"Hunt the GNOME"
Vermilion curtsies to Cholan.
Imeriel looks for cholan
Kiaria says,"OOH! the first game begins!"
Ragonark waves to Spindel.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"The Great Gnome Hunt is ON!"
Kiaria dashes for the door
Imeriel waves to Cholan.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Now, uh..."
Anaris says,"Eyeballs! Off me, NOW! I do not have flies!!"
Sagacity says,"HUNT THE GNOME begins NOW! Head to North Qeynos and begin hunting!"
Renei says,"eyeballs has always had eyes for lady Anaris. 8 of them."
Spindel nods hello and hands fushi and Ragonark mugs.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Which gnome are we hunting, again?"
Flann says,"we startin?"
Anaris scolds Eyeballs.
Spindel smiles warmly.
Tanuvan bows to Cholan.
Renei tells saga (1),"YE!"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"we're hunting YOU! *chases kwerk*"
Grimaldo laughs at Renei.
Anaris says,"Flann!"
Cholan says,"So are you off to find the wayward gnome also Grimaldo?"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"AIE!"
Tanuvan says,"Nice to meet ye Cholan"
The spirit of the wolf leaves Renei.
Spindel hands Fenith a mug of ale.
Anaris says,"Oh he's gone...."
Grimaldo says,"I think so.!"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Git away! Git away!"
Cholan bows to Tanuvan.
Fenith graciously thanks Spindel.
Kwerk says to the guild,"((This rainstorm couldn't be better-timed!))"
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered North Qeynos.
Kwerk says to the guild,"((I love you, SOE!))"
Sagacity says to the guild,"((heheh))"
Kiaria says to the guild,"LOL"
Kwerk shouts,"Git away from me! Git!"
Elloise tells saga (1),"Well ... he's not in Antonica. *grin*"
Ragonark beckons to Fuscienne.
Fuscienne nods in agreement at Ragonark.
Tanuvan tells saga (1),"~/em laughs at the sport and cheers~"
Kwerk says to the guild,"Leave me alone! What'd I ever do to ye?"
Crulec says to the guild,"How'd I end up in the temple?"
Kwerk shouts,"Leave me alone! What'd I ever do to ye?"
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Boy howdy, rain! This's gonna be fun!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Flann's Temple of Love?"
Kiaria says to the guild,"I hae an idea about that! Stay put! <wicked grin>"
Kwerk shouts,"Stop chasing me, for Bristlebane's sake!"
Ragonark slips cloak on
Vermilion tells saga (1),"looks in the stalls with the"
Kwerk shouts,"Nice try, elfy!"
Dementhos says out of character,"Credendo Vides is currently recruiting for all lvls, send a tell with any questions"
Kwerk shouts,"Nope, I'm not there! Or there!"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"<theatrical sigh> he wilst not join my group"
Vermilion tells saga (1),"lol"
Kwerk shouts,"Ye'll have to get up earlier in the morning to catch the likes of me!"
Kwerk shouts,"Why are these people chasing me? Git away!"
Kwerk shouts,"We have a winner!"
Kwerk shouts,"The Great Gnome Hunt is over!"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"We have a winner! The Great Gnome Hunt is over!"
Flann tells saga (1),"bah. darn gnomes"
Grimaldo tells saga (1),"BAH!"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"NO!"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"ooh, that was fast! well done!"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Who??"
Guildmate: Crulec has logged out.
Ragonark tells saga (1),"great job!"
Cholan tells saga (1),"That would be me !"
Sagacity tells saga (1),"hurray for CHOLAN!"
Elliasar shouts,"can we punt it now?"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Congratulations to Cholan!"
Cholan tells saga (1),"Thank you Kwerk"
Vermilion tells saga (1),"grats :)"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Well done! All back to the tavern now! More games will be starting soon!"
Ragonark tells saga (1),"great job cholan"
Kwerk shouts,"O no! Don't punt me1"
Guildmate: Sagacity has logged out.
Anaris tells saga (1),"Oh darling! Well done! Congratulations handsome!"
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Woo hoo! I'll drink to that!"
Grimaldo tells saga (1),"Whar was he?"
Tanuvan tells saga (1),"nice! yay! Cholan!"
Patche shouts,"Beware of Elliasar....he's champion punter of Halas"
Elliasar shouts,"HAHA!!!"
Cholan yells for help from ahead of you and to your left.
Guildmate: Adeste has logged in.
Guildmate: Crulec has logged in.
Cholan tells saga (1),"he was swimmin in the temple of life"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Cholan is now the proud owner of a 20-slot bank box donated by Adeste!"
Ragonark tells saga (1),"very nice!"
Anaris tells saga (1),"<cheers>"
Cholan tells saga (1),"Thank you all so much!!"
Fenith tells saga (1),"congrats"
Elliasar shouts,"Come won't feel a thing!..."
Anaris tells saga (1),"why can't Eyeballs stay away from me?!!!!"
Adeste tells saga (1),"congratulations! I hope you're able to carry that weight, lad!"
Elloise tells saga (1),"*claps quite politely*"
Anaris tells saga (1),"<shoos the spider>"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Now I must bid ye all adieu, and Pryce also sends his regrets that he can't stay longer."
Imeriel tells saga (1),"Congratulations! *tips her head to Cholan with a flourish*"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Have fun, all!"
Guard Icebear salutes you.
Guard Illervo salutes you.
Jasyn tells saga (1),"G'nite Kwerk!"
Cholan tells saga (1),"Thank you all very much i will be in the tarven again soon, this box is quite heavy *grins*"
Adeste tells saga (1),"rest well Kwerk!"
Ogaje begins to call out to His ancestors for protection..
Cholan tells saga (1),"Thanks again Kwerk rest well"
Durp begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Durp begins to focus on enduring the situation.
A travel spell is cast on Imeriel.
Kwerk tells saga (1),"((Oh, and for the record, the hiding place was under the Temple of Life, in the water, behind a column.))"



Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered Sagacity's Large Inn Room.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Nicely done, Cholan!"
Fuscienne nods in agreement at Ragonark.
Kiaria hurries over and hugs Rillic
Rillic bows to everyone.
Adeste says,"welcome Rillic, I don't think we've met! I'm Adeste"
Grimaldo hugs Adeste.
Adeste bows to Rillic.
Cholan tells saga (1),"*blushes cause of all the attention he is getting*"
Kwerk tells saga (1),"Never trust a summoner! We can breathe underwater forever!"
Rillic bows to Adeste.
Anaris says,"Hello there, froggie friend!"
Anaris smiles at Rillic.
You stands in a puddle, dripping wet.
Anaris curtsies to Rillic.
Adeste says,"a pleasure to meet another member of the order"
Adeste welcomes Ragonark warmly.
Rillic says,"It ist good to meet so many faces that I've heard splendid talk honor"
Jasyn says,"Good gravy! S'pourin' outside."
Guildmate: Crulec has logged out.
Adeste says,"come in and dry off!"
Adeste welcomes Fuscienne warmly.
Kiaria says to the guild,"what dost all of thee suggest? 20 questions? or trivia?"
Anaris says,"Well met, Rilic! I am Lady Anaris, Illusionist of Saga... Charmed...."
Fuscienne waves hello to Adeste.
Anaris curtsies to Rillic.
Elloise says,"Oh my!!"
Renei says,"sir rillic just put in an application this very day, and i intend to sponsor him! he's a very proper froglok."
Kiaria warms herself by the fire
Rillic bows to Anaris.
Anaris says,"oooh how very lovely....."
Kiaria says,"Oh well done Sir Rillic!"
Anaris bats her eyelashes at Rillic.
Adeste says to the guild,"20 questions seems a bit longish, perhaps trivia? Or a limerick competition or something?"
Guildmate: Crulec has logged in.
Grimaldo says,"Hail, Rillic"
Rillic bows to Grimaldo.
Flann petitions unseen divinities.
Kiaria smiles joyfully at the Froglok monk
Anaris says,"so....darling Rillic...... Do you like to dance/"
Adeste bows to Spindel.
Grimaldo says to the guild,"Trivia sounds good."
Spindel says,"Heya Adeste... howzit goin?"
Anaris giggles at Flann.
Anaris winks at Flann.
Guildmate: Kwerk has logged out.
Rillic says,"mine feet are flat...and perhaps I hast two of the same"
Flann says,"yer silly"
Adeste says,"glad you could make it Spindel! It's going well."
Rillic looks a bit awkward at the though
Flann points at Anaris.
Dicey pours some more ale into eyeball's bowl
Renei smiles at Fuscienne.
Flann waves to Jasyn.
Grimaldo hugs Elloise.
Jasyn says,"Flann's got fancy duds!"
Grimaldo says,"When did ye sneak in, lass?"
Flann bows to Elloise.
Adeste says,"I stop by Brosha's inn across the hall so often, only seemed fair to invite you all to drop in and meet us!"
Spindel says,"are you kiddin? Heh. did a great job wit da place here I gotta add!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Anaris, thou must needs make the announcement and I shall begin whatever thy announce"
Crulec begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Crulec begins to draw upon the Strength of the North.
Anaris says,"Well, darling Rillic, should you feel the need to dance, you just let me know.... I"ve been....trying to make amends with your people.... so how better to start than by dancing with one of them?!"
Anaris smiles at Flann.
Flann says,"ya fergot ta sweep the chapel, Elloise"
Cholan waves.
Flann sternly scolds Elloise!
Anaris bats her eyelashes at Rillic.
Spindel smiles warmly.
Jasyn says,"Elloisie!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"when thee judges the time is aright"
Jasyn waves hello to Elloise.
Adeste says,"thank you kindly! I'm pleased with the result"
You flashes a sly grin.
Rillic graciously thanks Anaris.
Ragonark chuckles at everyone.
Renei smiles at Anaris.
Anaris says to the guild,"Um....what am I announcing again?"
Vermilion tells saga (1),"ty all for inviting me..was very nice to meet such a fun group"
Anaris smiles at Renei.
Rillic says,"thou art most kind to offer. I thank thee"
Anaris hugs Renei.
Spindel says,"Yeah, she's been workin real hard on it. I just moved into Fish's today, ya still do interior work?"
Adeste tells saga (1),"thanks for coming!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Either the trivia or the 20 questions"
Anaris says,"Anytime, Rillic darling!"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Goodnight Vermilion, thank thee for joining us!"
Elloise says,"jasyn! darling you are looking quite delicious tonight."
Kiaria smiles radiantly at Crulec
Runningdream agrees with Fenith.
Jasyn says,"I spilt foulr 'n chocolate all over me while tryin to cook."
Anaris shouts,"Um.....Hello everyone? May I have your attention please? I've an announcement to make!"
Jasyn says,"*coughs* Flour."
Adeste says,"indeed I do"
Grimaldo ignores Anaris.
Anaris tells saga (1),"Rest well, Vermilion darling, well met and thank you for joining us!"
Cholan turns his attention to Anaris
Anaris bonks Grimaldo on the head.
Grimaldo smirks at Anaris.
Elloise says,"well, you look good enough to eat."
Rillic looks up at his Master
Elloise says,"or lick. Whichever."
Adeste says,"did a bit of work for Ondatra over there not long ago"
Ragonark points.
Renei congratulates Cholan on a job well done.
Adeste raises an eyebrow at Elloise!
Crulec grins.
Cholan graciously thanks Renei.
Kiaria glances sharply at Elloise
Anaris says,"Um..... I am to announce that right now we are either going to engage in trivia or in the 20 questions......."
Spindel says,"Oh yeah, Adeste. Meet two of my crew. Dis is runningdream and fenith. Guys, dis is Adeste, one of da best carpenters and a good friend ta boot."
Cholan graciously thanks Renei.
Anaris says,"and um.........that's it."
Adeste bows to Fenith.
Adeste bows to Runningdream.
Anaris panics.
Jasyn gives Cholan the thumbs-up!
Dicey looks up from watching eyeballs in amusement to see what Anaris is saying
Fenith waves to Adeste.
Cholan says,"Thank you renei *smiles"
Elloise nudges anaris.
Adeste says,"Hello friends, pleased to meet you"
The spirit of the wolf leaves Renei.
Anaris isn't good at public speaking.
Cholan graciously thanks Jasyn.
Renei says,"Trivia! it's faster!"
Fenith says,"nice to meet ya"
Spindel says,"and over here we got rag and fushi."
Grimaldo needs another ale.
Runningdream wonders when the lap dance starts
Anaris says,"Oh... and um..... Elloise has something to say!"
Kiaria laughs quietly to herself
Cholan says,"Thank you both :) quite the stroke of luck on my behalf"
Jasyn tells saga (1),"G'nite to ya Vermilion"
Anaris pushes Elloise to the spotlight.
Fenith agrees with Adeste.
Fenith agrees with Runningdream.
Elloise says,"i dO/"
Elloise says,"I do?"
Adeste bows to Fuscienne.
Kiaria says to the guild,"Should I do this over /saga or in /say?"
Anaris says,"Yes.... you do!"
You flashes a sly grin.
Adeste bows to Ragonark.
Adeste says,"a pleasure"
Jasyn says,"She does?"
Elloise says,"I was simply going to suggest that you announce the trivia game."
Ragonark says,"hello there jasyn!"
Anaris says to the guild,"((not really sure.... ))"
Ragonark waves to Adeste.
Jasyn says,"She ain't the one that married Katu is she?"
Anaris says,"Oh....right..... "
Elloise says to the guild,"i'd do it in /say"
Fenith whistles appreciatively at Fuscienne!
Renei tells saga (1),"night friend1 thank ye!"
Cholan backs up a little and stands near Renei
Elloise says,"Most certanly not, jasyn."
Dicey says,"no Jasyn that was sagacitY!"
Fenith crisply salutes Ragonark.



Anaris says,"Elloise has just suggested i announce the trivia game! So, ladies and gentlemen, here is our lady Kiaria with the Trivia Game! Give her a hand!"
Jasyn stumbles around, obviously confused.
Guildmate: Crulec has logged out.
Fenith says,"fushi, quite lovely this eve"
Ragonark says,"hi fenith!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Huh. I was just thinking in /saga, but Say it will be"
Anaris gives Kiaria a standing ovation!
Adeste says,"hurrah Kiaria!"
Renei claps!
Grimaldo gives Kiaria a standing ovation!
Fuscienne says,"Oh why thank you"
Ragonark says,"great to see you again, how have you been?"
Kiaria appears flustered.
Dicey mutters I still think Katu is lost
Adeste gives Kiaria a standing ovation!
Kiaria regally waves.
Fenith says,"good ragonark, and yourself/"
Kiaria says,"Hello E'eryone!"
Flann applauds!
Crulec begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Crulec begins to draw upon the Strength of the North.
Guildmate: Crulec has logged in.
Elloise says to the guild,"then /saga, this is your show."
Kiaria says,"I shall announce the rules of our Trivia game!"
Anaris smiles at Kiaria.
Anaris smiles at Flann.
Ragonark says,"doing great, thank you. such a nice place saga has, wouldnt you agree?"
Flann says,"canine saliva1"
You whispers to Dicey: he definitely ain't dead.
Kiaria says,"First person to answer correctly will win a prize, which Elloise will hand out"
Flann says,"sorry, just warmin up"
Kiaria glances at Elloise for confirmation
Adeste blushes at Ragonark.
Fenith says,"indeed"
Dicey whispers back Ye sure?
Elloise curtsies to everyone.
Fenith says,"makes my place look like a gnoll's cave or worse"
Jasyn nods in agreement at Dicey.
Fenith laughs.
Fuscienne laughs at Fenith.
Kiaria says to the guild,"You do have the prices yes? Elloise?"
Anaris smiles at Elloise.
Elloise says to the guild,"yep"
Dicey says,"If'n ye say so"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Most marvelous good"
Grimaldo says to the guild,"She IS the prize isn't she?"
Ragonark says,"thats ok! we all must lay our heads somewhere."
Anaris says to the guild,"<bonks Grim>"
Kiaria says,"So, if e'eryon is aready, I shall begin with the first question...."
Fenith says,"aye lad ain't that the truth"
Flann says to the guild,"*chucklE8"
Anaris raises her hand!
Grimaldo says to the guild,"heh"
Runningdream bows to Elloise.
Flann sternly scolds Grimaldo!
Kiaria says,"True or false:"
Spindel snaps to attention!
Anaris says,"TRUE!"
Flann says,"false!"
Ragonark says,"finish any quests today, fenith?"
Jasyn says to the guild,"She has prices?"
Adeste bonks Anaris on the head.
Elloise says to the guild,"i'm the GRAND prize."
Adeste bonks Flann on the head.
Kiaria says,"Odyssey stones are activated by everyone who has one, True or False?"
Ragonark says,"i know you were working on that one just the other day"
Anaris grins evily at Flann.
Elloise says to the guild,"and yes."
Flann says,"thank ya"
Fenith says,"nay not really"
Grimaldo says,"Indeed ye are."
Droz says,"false"
Grimaldo says to the guild,"Indeed ye are."
Renei says,"flann and anaris.. disqualified! *giggleS*"
Kiaria says,"Droz wins!"
Adeste cheers at Droz!
Kiaria says,"DROZ WINS! "
Droz flexes for the crowd.
Spindel says,"Um."
Kiaria says,"Next question:"
Flann says,"aye, that's false"
Droz dances with everyone!
Anaris scratches her tiara.
Crulec smiles.
Droz says,"hehe"
Fenith says,"nay not really"
Elloise says,"ooH! a halfling! how cute!"
Spindel leans over to runningdream and whispers 'What exactly do dey do anyway?'
Droz blushes uncontrollably.
Ragonark says,"thats ok, always another day!"
Fenith says,"aye"
Ragonark says,"whats all the commotion about? "
Ragonark looks around
Kiaria says,"Name all the harvested woods in order from tier one to tier five in order. Please, no rare woods. GO!"
Flann says,"dont ask fer true or false before ya ask hough, haha"
Adeste says,"elm, maple, ash, briarwood, teak!"
Runningdream whispers to Spindel, I believe they are musicians
Kiaria says,"ADESTE WINS!"
Jasyn says,"Heh."
Ragonark says,"wow!"
Grimaldo cheers at Adeste!
Ragonark says,"shes a quick one!"
Kiaria shuffles papers
Adeste says,"but I'm kinda an expert, so i'd better bow out *grin*"
Anaris says,"um....... cedar! and......and.....elm! and.....fir! and............copper! and.........elm!"
Kiaria says,"Next!"
Dicey sticks her tonguw out at Adeste
Spindel whispers back 'No, odyssey stones...'
Fenith says,"aye"
Jasyn says,"Sheesh! 'course SHE would know!"
Anaris says,"and maple!"
Fenith tells spindeL i can tell ye about them
Flann cheers at Anaris!
Jasyn says,"ALE!"
Anaris says,"!"
Kiaria says,"How many gods and goddesses attended the Council of the Gods, as recorded in the Tower of Knowledge?"
Elloise cheers at Droz!
Ragonark pokes fuscienne in the back
Ragonark chuckles
Adeste says,"most, but not all, of those woods were used in decorating this tavern!"
Droz says,"7!"
Anaris says,"All of them!"
Fenith looks confused by Kiaria!
Jasyn says,"82!"
Pawpad says,"12!"
Droz chuckles at everyone.
Crulec says,"12 !~"
Kiaria laughs softly
Spindel says,"9?"
Fenith says,"no clue"
Grimaldo says,"42"
Spindel says,"er."
Elloise says,"6"
Flann says,"i got a primitive elm chair just fer you if ya want it, Adeste"
Runningdream shrugs.
Renei says,"8?"
Kiaria says,"Crulec tis closest with 12. "
Pawpad says,"11!"
Spindel says,"well mine wasn't dere so i dunno."
Adeste says,"heh. Thanks Flann, but I'll pass on that one."
Spindel shrugs.
Kiaria says,"CRULEC WINS .. ANSWER 13"
Ragonark says,"great job!"
Elloise says,"My aren't you a big fella..."
Pawpad says,"i said 12 first... =\"
Droz sobs pitifully at Pawpad.
Flann says,"Erollissi is the only one what counts"
Droz looks to Pawpad for comfort.
Anaris says,"You and your goddess...."
Crulec smiles.
Elloise winks at Crulec.
Anaris rolls her eyes at Flann.
Renei says,"True, Pawpad did say 12 first."
Kiaria says,"Ah!"
Flann says,"we got a thing"
Pawpad sighs disappointedly.
Kiaria says,"My mistake"
Droz looks to Pawpad for comfort.
Adeste says,"a tie!"
Kiaria says,"and my pardon Pawpad"
Kiaria says,"Nay."
Kiaria says,"Twas Pawpad first"
Anaris raises an eyebrow at Flann!
Fenith moves away from the fire as it is heating up his platemail
Anaris says,"What thing?"
Ragonark says,"good job pawpad!"
Cholan drinks smore more jumjum wine as he really has no clue, barely knowing his own name
Grimaldo says,"He worships her."
Droz says,"yay paw"
Droz giggles at Pawpad.
Runningdream laughs at Fenith.
Elloise smiles at Pawpad.
Pawpad cheers for everyone!
Jasyn cheers at Pawpad!
Fenith says,"it was getting a tad warm"
Jasyn gives Pawpad the thumbs-up!
Anaris says,"thank you, Grim, for that bit of information, as if I didn't already know he worships another woman...."
Crulec smiles at Pawpad.
Renei says,"AyE!"
Grimaldo says,"Better stated, He's got a thing fer her, Anaris."
Anaris pouts dramatically at Grimaldo.
Flann says,"me an me goddess. "
Kiaria says,"As is recorded in the Tower of Knowledge (SOE) and in the chapter called Awakenings, the entire story is about Ogres, True or False?"
Flann says,"we ogt an unnerstandin"
Spindel says,"FALSE"
Anaris says,"You are so.......Old Norrath...."
Droz says,"true"
Anaris pouts dramatically at Flann.
Kiaria says,"DROZ WINS"
Droz cackles gleefully at Pawpad!
Kiaria says,"Tis true"
Adeste gives Droz a standing ovation!
Fenith sighs at Spindel in disappointment.
Kiaria says,"next:"
Runningdream says,"shucks"
Spindel says,"Dang. knew it was one of da two..."
Droz dances with Pawpad!
Spindel says,"shucks."
Fenith chuckles at Spindel.
Jasyn gives Droz a standing ovation!
Spindel smiles warmly.
Droz graciously thanks Elloise.
Fuscienne smiles at Vinka.
Grimaldo chuckles at Spindel.
Flann says,"darnit, Anaris keeps distractin me"
Spindel laughs.
Fenith says,"i had no clue either way"
Elloise grins evily.
Vinka looks around, admiring saga's tavern
Anaris says,"you know Flann, she's not exactly knocking on your chapel door....."
Spindel says,"Heh. Why do i keep doin dat?"
Kiaria says,"What did Tranquility's disciple's new title become?"
Elloise says,"hey!"
Jasyn shamelessly flirts with Vinka.
Jasyn says,"Howdy there!"
Adeste eyes Erollisi's charm
Anaris says,"AVATAR!"
Fenith shamelessly flirts with Adeste.
You clears his throat. Uh.
Anaris says,"Um...wait, no....."
Spindel waves hello to Vinka.
Runningdream says,"Well, hello..."
Jasyn waves hello to Vinka.
Grimaldo laughs at Flann.
Runningdream cheers for everyone!
Kiaria glares menacingly!
Vinka waves hello.
Jasyn says,"Welcome! "
Spindel says,"Er..."
Anaris says,"Um...... I didn't so so well in my history class....."
Kiaria says,"Anyone else?"
Spindel says,"dang I should know dis one..."
Spindel ponders.
Kiaria says,"Shall I give a clue..?"
Droz shrugs.
Renei says,"Avatar o' Tranquility?"
Flann says,"um... bob?"
Runningdream waves to Vinka.
Elloise says,"SerenitY?"
Kiaria says,"RENEI WINS!"
Anaris says,"That was too easy!"
Fenith waves to Vinka.
Flann says,"hey, anaris said that"
Vinka waves hello.
Kiaria says,"In which god or goddess do the Frogloks put their faith?"
Anaris says,"Flann, doe she even visit you?"
Spindel shoots back another shot.
Fenith says,"Mith marr"
Anaris says,"Mithaniel marr!"
Spindel says,"MITHANIEL MARR!"
Flann says,"yep"
Spindel says,"dang!"
Kiaria says,"FENITH WINS"
Elloise hugs Renei.
Fenith says,"woot"
Runningdream gives Fenith a standing ovation!
Fuscienne says,"Yay Fenith"
Spindel says,"iknew dat one too!"
Flann says,"Erollissi is smarter"
Adeste welcomes Vinka warmly.
Anaris says,"i only know that because of my sister...."
Vinka says,"hello everyone"
Fenith dances with himself!
Adeste says,"welcome to the party, Vinka!"
Fuscienne says,"Hello Vinka"
Anaris says,"You need to stop drooling over erollissi..... "
Spindel waves hello to Vinka.
Spindel smiles at Vinka.
Runningdream laughs at Fenith.
Spindel cheers at Grimaldo!
Elloise says,"where is Fenith/"
Flann says,"quit distractin me, i know a few of these. well mebbe one so far"
Spindel gives Fenith a standing ovation!
Ragonark says,"way in the back"
Vinka says,"this place is beautiful. "
Spindel points at Fenith.
Elloise waves to Fenith.
Runningdream says,"crouch down"
Fenith says,"short dwarf back here"
Anaris says,"I'm not distracting you....."
Adeste blushes at Vinka.
Adeste says,"thank you Vinka"
Flann says,"yes you are1"
Anaris says,"Am not!"
Anaris smiles at Vinka.
Anaris curtsies to Vinka.
Fenith graciously thanks Elloise.
Flann says,"yer too dang pretty. quit lookin at me"
Kiaria says,"In the Chapter called A Moment of Reflection, the monk and the ranger are responsible for the two cities. The monk takes care of Qeynos and the Ranger Freeport. TRUE OR FALSE?"
Spindel says,"what'd ya get?"
Anaris says,"Well met, vinka!"
Runningdream says,"Good job Fen"
Spindel says,"TRUE!"
Dror says,"False!"
Anaris gasps at Flann in astonishment!
Kiaria says,"DROR WINS"
Jasyn says,"RANGER!"
Dror cheers for everyone!
Spindel says,"DANGIT!"
Jasyn gives himself the thumbs-up!
Kiaria says,"Twas the other way around "
Elloise hugs Dror.
Crulec chuckles.
Anaris says,"Where you talking to me?"
Adeste gives Dror a standing ovation!
Dror smiles at Elloise.
Droz cheers at Dror!
Flann says,"we got the ranger? bah"
Dicey begins to think that Dror needs to be gagged
Spindel says,"Bah. i need to get a better coin..."
Dror says,"More drinK! Oi, oi like this game"
Droz giggles at Dror.
Fenith laughs at Spindel.
Runningdream says,"Third time's the charm, Master"
Renei says,"that's why we had Surefall glade, i bet."
Flann says,"we shoulda got a templar"
Fenith says,"i would give ye one of mind but i am a poor dwarf"
Jasyn peers curiously at Flann.
Vinka says,"thank you Adeste"
Elloise says,"I'd take a ranger over a templar anytime."
The spirit of the wolf leaves Runningdream.
Adeste gulps her drink
Jasyn smiles at Elloise.
Anaris says,"I have both....."
Flann says,"bah"
Spindel says,"yeah... usually it's better dan dis..."
Jasyn ponders.
Kiaria says,"In the story of the Halasians <glances at her husband, smiling> What is the relationship between Murbeck and Aimara? Husband and Wife or Leader and Follower?"
Elloise laughs.
Spindel examines his lucky coin.
Jasyn ponders Anaris.
Spindel says,"HUSBAND AND WIFE!"
Flann chuckles at Anaris.
Anaris says,"Both!"
Renei says,"SpouseS1"
Kiaria says,"ANARIS WINS"
Kiaria grins
Kiaria says,"A trick one!"
Anaris says,"huh?"
Ragonark says,"these are hard!"
Elloise hugs Anaris.
Flann says,"you won? "
Flann gasps at Anaris in astonishment!
Jasyn says,"Heh. Yeah. A trick!"
Anaris says,"WAIT!!!!!"
Runningdream says,"Darn"
Spindel pouts dramatically at Fenith.
Dror says,"trivck question!"
Crulec laughs.
Jasyn says,"How the heck did Anaris get a TRICK question RIGHT?"
Anaris says,"Wait a minute Kiaria!"
Renei says,"They're the same thing. Tricky."
Flann says,"she musta cheated"
Fenith says,"keep yelling em out Boss, you bound to get one"
Anaris says,"Did you just.....husband?!!!"
You starts digging through her bags for the answers.
Kiaria says,"How many Heritage Quests can be completed in our land of Norrath?"
Anaris smiles at Elloise.
Runningdream says,"20"
Dicey says,"22"
Anaris graciously thanks Elloise.
Spindel says,"Hail"
Flann says,"17"
Ragonark says,"24!"
Crulec says,"25!"
The spirit of the wolf leaves Kiaria.
Renei says,"21"
Kiaria says,"DICEY WINS"
Rillic says,"21"
Adeste says,"She's quick enough to get both you and Jasyn to carry all her bags for her, why shouldn't she get the trivia right too? *grins at Flann*"
Ragonark says,"arg!"
Anaris says,"Kiaria, you didn't answer my question! When did you get married?!!"
Fenith says,"BINGO...err wait wrong game"
Anaris smiles at Kiaria.
Flann ponders.
Anaris hugs Kiaria.
Anaris congratulates Kiaria on a job well done.
Elloise grins evily at Dicey.
Kiaria says,"True or False: A green mist kills General Urduuk, Leader of the Rallosian army."
Dicey appears thankful.
Jasyn ponders Adeste.
Pawpad says,"TRUE!"
Anaris congratulates Crulec on a job well done.
Droz says,"false"
Ragonark says,"falce"
Adeste says,"true!"
Kiaria says,"PAWPAD WINS"
Renei says,"Oh, you mean by normal mortals. I was discounting Lost Legend of Lacastorm."
Crulec smiles.
Droz says,"YAY paw!"
Pawpad cheers for everyone!
Jasyn says,"It's completely job satisfaction."
Adeste says,"Cazic was furious the ogres defiled his temple!"
Jasyn nods in agreement to himself.
Anaris says,"flann why didn't you tell me they got married?!!"
Kiaria says,"Who did Lucan d'Lere betray and attack instead of wiping out the rest of the Orcs?"
Flann says,"these are hard questions1"
Anaris bonks Flann on the head.
Adeste says,"the green mist destroyed the army of Zek"
Flann says,"I aint no dang sage"
Spindel says,"HE"S A JERK!"
Anaris says,"They're not hard, I guessed one right...."
Fenith says,"frogloks/"
Pawpad graciously thanks Elloise.
Renei says,"firiona vie"
Jasyn says,"Who got married? Katu?"
Jasyn says,"Sagacity?"
Kiaria waits
Jasyn says,"Eyeballs?"
Droz says,"quellious!"
Dror says,"Katu 'n' sagacity got marrieD??"
Anaris says,"No! Crulec and Kiaria! They got married!"
Spindel says,"heh. i should win fer dis one..."
Droz curses the gods!
Kiaria blushes
Pawpad says,"Purple!"
Vinka whispers to spindel ''speaking of marriage, have you and tosta set a date yet?''
Kiaria sighs disappointedly.
Anaris says,"she tried to sneak it past us! both of them!"
Crulec grins.
Kiaria appears flustered.
Spindel says,"nah, not yet..."
Dicey cheers Kiaria and crulec
Kiaria says,"Now then!"
Kiaria says,"Tis a question out there!"
Adeste perks her ears up at Vinka's whisper
Anaris says,"Flann you must have married them, why didn't you tell me?"
Kiaria says,"No answers??"
Elloise says,"true."
Ragonark says,"next!"
Flann says,"I dint do it"
Renei says,"firiona vie was wrong?"
Anaris says,"Um...what was the question?"
Spindel says,"Um... da avatar of war?"
Kiaria says,"twas wrong Renei"
Adeste says,"the goblins?"
Vinka smiles mischeaviously at spindel
Fenith says,"FroglokS?"
Renei says,"Bah1"
Droz says,"the elves!"
Elloise says,"the orcs."
Crulec says,"rangers"
Adeste says,"qeynos!"
Runningdream says,"Antonia Bayle"
Anaris says," was the pixies!"
Spindel says,"da monk guy?"
Kiaria says,"fine. He betrayed the Monk; the Knights of Truth and the Priests of Marr"
Jasyn says,"The knights of truth?"
Anaris says,"Flanns god?"
Kiaria says,"SPINDEL WINS"
Spindel cheers for everyone!
Runningdream cheers at Spindel!
Spindel says,"WOO HOO!"
Ragonark says,"yay! spindeL!"
Kiaria beams at Spindel
Spindel dances with everyone!
Elloise says,"the knights that say nii."
Fenith says,"woot spindel"
Vinka says,"well done spindel"
Kiaria says,"Hail"
Crulec says,"Spindel !"
Flann says,"esss"
Runningdream dances with Spindel!
Adeste says,"way to go Spindel!"
Spindel says,"Oh yeah! oh yeah! who's da rat!"
Elloise pats the little rat.
Fenith claps!
Flann says,"goddess"
Kiaria says,"What tis the first and last name of our fair Queen?"
Pawpad says,"FALSE!"
Anaris says," coudl it be the monk if he betrayed the monk? I am SO confused!"
Anaris sobs.
Droz says,"antonia bayle"
Vinka says,"antonia bayle"
Runningdream says,"Antonia Bayle"
Jasyn cheers at Spindel!
Pawpad giggles at Elloise.
Kiaria says,"DROZ WINS"
Droz dances with everyone!
Spindel says,"COOKIES!"
Anaris says,"Anaris Astyrhim!"
Crulec cheers.
Flann says,"Erollissi Marr"
Adeste says,"Droz is on a winning streak tonight!"
Spindel says,"Oh yer my pal fer life dat ya are..."
Jasyn is genuflects to Anaris!
Kiaria says,"The Avatar of Flame is the chosen of Solusek Ro, True or False?"
Droz says,"I likes me cookies!"
Anaris says,"Oh get over this Erollisi Marr chick!"


Ragonark says,"true"
Droz says,"true"
Cholan says,"false"
Spindel says,"TRUE!"
Fenith says,"droz needs some more to drink"
Anaris sighs at Flann in disappointment.
Cholan says,"lol"
Cholan says,"Laughs heartily"
Pawpad says,"BLUE!"
Renei says,"TRUE1"
Adeste says,"both? Maybe it's a trck!"
Crulec says,"True!"
Flann says,"someone musta won by now"
Droz cheers for everyone!
Renei says,"Wait, that wasn't a trivia question"
Spindel begins scarfing down his bag of cookies...
Runningdream says,"none of the above"
Fenith has confused himself!
Anaris says,"i heard someone say cookies....who has cookies?"
Anaris drools.
Dicey says,"Only one person said false"
Flann says,"oops we lost our question lady"
Jasyn tries to get Kiaria's attention.
Adeste says,"oh dear! she's been overcome with the excitement!"
Droz hides his cookies and pie.
Fenith streches lazily to himself.
Jasyn tries to get Kiaria's attention.
Crulec says,"it's too hot in here!"
Guildmate: Kiaria has logged out.
Renei says,"False?"
Ragonark says,"someone fan her!"
Elloise says,"QuicK! revive her!"
Spindel muffles something about not having any with his face in the bag...
Guildmate: Kiaria has logged in.
Cholan says,"Hehe took false as a guess"
Elloise says,"Mouth to mouth!"
Jasyn says,"No tracks!"
Anaris says,"Crulec I can't believe you didnt' tell us you got married!"
Flann says,"mouth to mouth? outta the way!"
Flann says,"healer incomin"
Anaris says,"bonk"
Kiaria says,"I apologize"
Anaris says,"oops"
Renei clutches her chest at Anaris!
Kiaria says,"Who answered correctly?"
Fenith says,"bah, i can rez her"
Anaris bonks Flann on the head.
Flann says,"ahh she's alright"
Anaris bonks Flann on the head.
Grimaldo chuckles at Flann.
Elloise says,"i did."
Anaris bonks Flann on the head.
Ragonark says,"glad to see your ok, kiana!"
Fenith chuckles quietly to himself.
Jasyn says,"Wha was the answer?"
Dicey says,"what was the answer *grins*"
Crulec says,"question?"
Anaris says,"She's married now, you can't mouth to mouth her!"
Anaris bonks Flann on the head.
Flann says,"see, even thinkin bout folks I can heal em. gettin good"
Kiaria says,"FOUR MORE QUESTIONS ((unless you really wanta continue..?))"
Droz says,"I win! gimme cookies and jumjum! <looks arounD>"
Flann gives the thumbs-up!
Anaris says,"((yes this is fun Kiaria))"
Kiaria says,"How many different types of writs are there?"
Runningdream says,"5"
Ragonark says,"6"
Spindel looks up and hides the cookies behind his back.
Anaris says,"a lot!"
Droz says,"11"
Flann says,"5"
Fuscienne says,"too many"
Kiaria looks aghast
Fenith says,"vinka i must say white is a VERY good color for ya"
Kiaria says to the guild,"ACK"
Elloise says,"3"
Spindel says,"Um. 60?"
Ragonark says,"7"
Flann says,"dang"
Renei changes form.
Renei changes form.
Kiaria says to the guild,"forgot tradeskillones1"
Ragonark says,"3"
Crulec says,"9"
Elloise says,"4"
Kiaria says,"erm."
Ragonark says,"1"
Vinka smiles at Fenith
Runningdream says,"2"
Vinka says,"thank you"
Kiaria says,"Allow me to rephrase that"
Grimaldo says,"42"
Dror says,"10!"
Kiaria says,"how many adventure writs are there?"
Flann says to the guild,"should be 5"
Elloise says,"16"
Kiaria says,"no wait gods!"
Ragonark says,"7"
Droz says,"11"
Grimaldo says,"4"
Elloise says,"15"
Renei says,"1: kill Xx of YY"
Kiaria glances at Crulec
Droz says,"TRUE!"
Kiaria takes a deep breath
Kiaria laughs at Droz
Fuscienne giggles at Droz.
Droz demands more jumjum.
Flann says,"um... none!"
Pawpad says,"Qeynos!"
Dicey chuckles at renei
Anaris wants cookies
Kiaria says,"oh forget that one "
Kiaria mumbles
Flann says,"they are all the same1"
Vinka sits down next to the boss
Crulec smiles.
Anaris laughs at Kiaria.
Fenith drains his tankard of ale...
Spindel congratulates Vinka on a job well done.
Grimaldo belches loudly shaking the ground beneath your feet.
Kiaria says,"last question about solsek ro.. RAGANOK WINS"
Ragonark says,"yay!"
Anaris says,"You don't even know what she looks like, Flann...."
Spindel cheers at Ragonark!
Spindel gives Ragonark a standing ovation!
Fuscienne gives Ragonark a standing ovation!
Anaris says,"that was confusing....."
Flann says,"do to"
Adeste refills Fenith's glass with some gnomish beverage
Fenith says,"thank ye adeste"
Anaris says,"do not..."
Anaris glares menacingly at Flann!
Kiaria says,"Assuming pristine combines to make the WORT's, how many combines does it take to make a pristine palladium torque from scratch?"
Jasyn cheers at Ragonark!
Adeste says,"ack! *counts madly*"
Spindel says,"Um."
Droz says,"4"
Spindel says,"1?"
Crulec says,"5"
Anaris says,"Besides, I hear she looks like a Human.... "
Dror says,"11"
Flann says,"do too1"
Adeste says,"6?"
Dicey says,"7"
Rillic says,"8"
Vinka says,"12"
Fenith says,"too many"
Anaris says,"what's a WORT?"
Crulec says,"trick question?"
Jasyn says,"16?"
Vinka says,"resins, oils, and the like"
Grimaldo says,"Too man and too damn expensive."
Kiaria says,"RILLIC WINS.. closest answer"
Kiaria says,"tis 9"
Elloise says,"you know, those things that grow on ugly peoples noses."
Jasyn says,"ALE!"
Adeste says,"I think Grimaldo had a good point!"
Flann says,"7"
Kiaria says,"and the steps will be listed in our guild halls on the morrow"
Flann says,"bah"
Flann says,"still doin the math"
Grimaldo says,"Don't hurt yerelf, flann"
Anaris says,"She doesn't even try to enlighten you at your most critical moments, Flann...."
Kiaria says,"What tis the name of the Greystone Yard Scholar's Guild?"
Spindel says,"Bah I shoulda been drinkin Fuzzlecutter's if'n I knew dat we were gonna have tests instead of tequila....."
Elloise smiles at Rillic.
Flann says,"werent never no good at math"
Droz says,"the greystone yard scholar yard!"
Droz dances with everyone!
Renei says,"WORT is a Wash, Oil, Resin, or Temper."
Anaris says,"If she LOVED you so much she would have whispered the answer into your ear.... right Grim?"
Flann says,"they got scholars there/"
Droz says,"FALSE!"
Grimaldo says,"Scriveners Society"
Crulec says,"wash and oil?"
Kiaria says,"No correct answers?"
Droz motions for more jumjum.
Spindel winks at Adeste.
Flann says,"aint got a clue"
Spindel says,"Heh. thanks darlin..."
Vinka says,"the eventide hammer"
Adeste says,"stalwart township?"
Anaris says,"yes, you should always oil AFTER way to moisturize..."
Kiaria says,"Hm. I wonder if I can dream up a clue..."
Anaris nods matter-of-factedly.
Flann says,"heck i dlont even know where them scribes go in Starfrest"
Grimaldo says,"Durn it. I walk by that place every day."
Crulec says,"no schol'rs in Greystone!"
Vinka says,"the tradewind sages?"
Kiaria says,"all the words reside in your head!"
Kiaria beams at her own cleverness
Dicey says,"The stalwart township?"
Flann says,"er starcrest"
Adeste says,"luminary cache? fellowship of arcana?"
Dror says,"Wayfarer's StockpileS?"
Anaris says,"They have scholars in graystone?"
Renei says,"and Eyeballs is part of the answer, I bet."
Kiaria says,"Tis ......."
Jasyn says,"ALE!"
Flann says,"nay, i seen it once. they got one. probly 2 members"
Anaris looks shocked.
Vinka says,"the fellowship of arcana"
Flann says,"heck if i can remember"
Fenith says,"not many scholarsthere i can atest"
Vinka says,"the circle of Vaniki?"
Kiaria says,"THE MIND'S EYE!"
Grimaldo says,"Bookworm's Hovel."
Fenith says,"too busy at the local tavern"
Jasyn smacks his forehead.
Adeste says,"I don't believe they have scholars in Graystone!"
Vinka says,"the circle of the cove?"
Droz says,"Kiara gets a cookie!"
Elloise hugs Grimaldo.
Droz cackles gleefully at everyone!
Jasyn says,"Doh! Kiaria wins!"
Kiaria says,"Last question, then all of thee ask ME questions..!"
Anaris says,"Yeah, I bet they'd call it the mind's eye....... hippies......."
Spindel says,"bah, dat's cheese. AND DEY DIDN'T SHARE! DOES !^&!$&!^$ REOKKLIK... when I gets my hands on them..."
Flann says,"awrioght"
Kiaria laughs and sips the cool beverage
Spindel appears frustrated.
Kiaria says,"A fig is found in what two Zones?"
Pawpad says,"FALSE!"
Droz says,"true"
Droz cackles gleefully at everyone!
Dror says,"Antonica and commonlands!"
Kiaria says,"DROR WINS!"
Dror emits a low rumble and then roars like a lion!
Ragonark says,"sheesh!"
Kiaria applauds!
Fenith says,"who gives a fig?!/"
Dicey says,"Shush dror!"
Pawpad giggles.
Adeste says,"pretty fast for a dwarf!"
Spindel gives Fuscienne a standing ovation!
Flann says,"dang he is fast"
Fenith has confused himself!
Kiaria says,"THUS ends the TRIVIA CONTEST of SAGA"



Grimaldo says,"G'd job dwarf."
Anaris says,"I don't even now what a fig is? figment of my imagination? figure drawing? figaro?"
Kiaria sighs in relief
Jasyn gives Dror a standing ovation!
Flann cheers for everyone!
Ragonark says,"good job, dror"
Droz cheers for everyone!
Runningdream says,"Well done"
Flann says,"good joballa you smart folks1"
Kiaria says,"Thank thee, all of thee, for playing with us"
Crulec cheers at Kiaria!
Dror smiles at Elloise.
Anaris says,"Good job everyone who participated and to all the winners!"
Elloise giggles at Dror.
Adeste says,"thank you Kiaria! Excellent questions!"
Fenith gives Kiaria a standing ovation!
Droz gives Kiaria a standing ovation!
Flann says,"alla us dumb folks get ta drink beer1"
Kiaria says to the guild,"next game? or clear out for nekkid fun run?"
Anaris says,"our next game shall be.....?"
Jasyn says,"BEER!"
Vinka wonders if they have tea
Grimaldo says,"ALE!!!"
Kiaria says,"Tis another game..."
Elloise has started a trade with you.
Anaris says,"I have never heard of this Beer game, jasyn....."
Dror says,"Whisky!"
Flann says,"awright"
Jasyn says,"Keg chuggin contest!"
Kiaria says,"but tis all talk again..."
Grimaldo changes form.
Grimaldo changes form.
Fenith hands Vinka a chilled tea
Elloise adds refreshing bumble bee to the trade window.
Elloise has accepted the trade.
Kiaria says,"i am happy to run it, if there tis interest"
Elloise hugs Dror.
Dicey whispers to flann My prize was beer
Spindel says,"Heh. ya ain't played coppers then?"
Vinka says,"oh! thank you Fenith"
Grimaldo whistles innocently.
Jasyn gasps at Elloise in astonishment!
Anaris says,"If she really loved you Flann, she would have come celebrate with you here tonight... and guess what? She's not!"
Spindel chuckles at everyone.
Jasyn has accepted the trade.
Jasyn hugs Elloise.
Elloise winks at Dror.
Jasyn graciously thanks Elloise.
Anaris glares menacingly at Flann!
Kiaria says,"20 QUESTIONS"
Vinka takes a sip of tea
Chiani begins to focus upon Her elven reflexes.
Elloise says,"yes! 20 questions!!"
Grimaldo says,"I'll hold it."
Spindel yawns.
Kiaria says,"WILL BE ANSWERED"
Jasyn waves to Chiani.
Anaris says,"Oooh i want to be the hot seat!"
Flann glares menacingly at Adeste!
Jasyn says,"hello"
Elloise says,"can you repeat the question."
Jasyn says,"Howdy stranger!"
Flann says,"she does too love me1"
Chiani says,"Well, hello there handsome."
Jasyn says,"Welcome!"
Spindel says,"guys, thanks fer da gret party, but i gotta get goin. Ya all take care now and tanks fer da invite!"
Anaris says,"Grimaldo! You'!"
Elloise says,"GrIM!"
Anaris stares fixedly at Grimaldo.
Dror waves goodbye to Elloise!
Adeste bows to Spindel.
Dror says,"thanks fer comin' lad!"
Kiaria says,"AYE?"
Grimaldo says,"always have been, lass."
Spindel hugs Adeste.
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Droz dances with everyone!
Jasyn says,"His beard's on his head."
Fenith says,"see ya boss"
Vinka says,"goodnight Spindel"
Spindel says,"seeya Toots"
Adeste says,"I'm glad you could come Spindel, I hope you enjoyed yourself!"
Jasyn stares fixedly at Grimaldo.
Grimaldo flexes at Anaris.
Chiani says,"I figured since my cap'n is heading out, it's time for a little fun... <grin>"
Elloise says,"aren't you a lovely shade1"
Anaris says,"Spindel thank you so much for joining us! Rest well and see you soon!"
Spindel says,"had a great time!"
Anaris smiles at Spindel.
Anaris curtsies to Spindel.
Anaris says,"Send my greetings to Tosta!"
Fuscienne waves to Chiani.
Spindel says,"heh. you guys are invited to our next party... "
Spindel winks.
Runningdream waves hello to Chiani.
Anaris waves goodbye to Spindel!
Jasyn gives Spindel the thumbs-up!
Vinka says,"yes, give Tosta a hug for me boss"
Spindel says,"Watch da skies..."
Jasyn says,"PARTY!"
Spindel chuckles at everyone.
Fenith waves to Chiani.
Anaris says,"we love parties!"
Jasyn waves goodbye to Spindel!
Chiani blushes at Fenith.
Droz dances with everyone!
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Spindel waves goodbye to everyone!
Jasyn says,"G'bye fella!"
Fenith shamelessly flirts with Chiani.
Renei says,"take care1 thank ye for coming1"
Chiani says,"Who's serving the drinks in this place?"
Anaris sighs at Flann in disappointment.
Flann says,"tryin ta figger out what's goin on now"
Flann stumbles around, obviously confused.
Droz asks anyone to scratch an itch.
Pawpad asks anyone to scratch an itch.
Kiaria says,"GO"
Anaris says,"I believe we've an open bar, darling! but our barkeep has parted so do help yourself, I think? do we have a bartender left?"
Adeste cheers at Pawpad!
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Jasyn shouts,"Is it wet?"
Adeste welcomes Chiani warmly.
Kiaria looks around the room
Vinka yawns rudely in Anaris' face!
Chiani says,"Hey, that's all I needed to hear!"
Kiaria says,"ANARIS?"
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Chiani rubs her hands together.
Fenith leans back on the wall and takes a long drink of ale
Anaris says,"Is it pretty?!!!"
Vinka yawns
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Chiani says,"ah, thank you."
Renei waves to Kiaria.
Vinka says,"I'm afraid i need to be off to bed."
Cholan waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Renei?"
Anaris says,"Ok then now I know you don't have a picture of me...."
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Droz dances with everyone!
Vinka says,"goodnight everyone"
Renei says,"CAN IT BE WORN?"
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Adeste bows to Vinka.
Elloise says,"goodnight vinka."
Sensing his impending doom, Grimaldo waves goodbye to himself!
Fenith says,"night vinka"
Cholan waves to Kiaria.
Vinka waves goodbye to everyone
Fuscienne says,"Goodnight Vinka"
Anaris says,"Goodnight vinka, well met and thank you for joining us!"
Adeste says,"thank you for coming Vinka!"
Chiani waves goodbye to Vinka!
Kiaria says,"CHOLAN?"
Cholan says,"IS IT ORGANIC"
Runningdream says,"Good night Vinka"
Chiani says,"Sleep well, Vinka."
Ragonark says,"goodnight vinka, sleep well"
Kiaria says,"AYE@"
Anaris smiles at Vinka.
Anaris curtsies to Vinka.
Anaris waves goodbye to Vinka!
Jasyn tries to get Kiaria's attention.
Dror chuckles at the rumblebellies
Ragonark waves to Vinka.
Kiaria says,"JASYN?"
Grimaldo waves goodbye to Vinka!
Jasyn shouts,"IS it ale?"
Vinka waves goodnight to everyone
Renei waves goodbye to Vinka!
Renei smiles at Vinka.
Renei graciously thanks Vinka.
Anaris says,"it's organic....."
Anaris says,"we know that......"
Adeste says,"Jasyn thinks everything is ale..."
Cholan waves to Kiaria.
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Waiting on Jasyn"
Droz jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
Pawpad jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
Renei says,"aye, so is nay a edible tunic."
Elloise says,"he shouted Kiaria, could you not hear it?"
Adeste says,"he asked if it was ale (in shout)"
Chiani says,"Well, many things should be ale that are not! I agree!"
Jasyn says,"*ahem* IS. IT. ALE?"
Grimaldo quietly snickers and points at Renei.
Kiaria says,"OH I missed it"
Kiaria says,"My pardon..NAY!"
Cholan waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"CHOLAN?"
Jasyn says,"Rats."
Cholan says,"is it from a creature"
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Jasyn appears frustrated with himself.
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Grimaldo waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Grimmy?"
Grimaldo says,"Is it a type o rock?"
Kiaria says,"Nay!"
Elloise juts a polite hand in the air.
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Flann says,"heh"
Kiaria says,"Elloise?"
Elloise says,"Is it crafted?"
Kiaria says,"Nay"
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Adeste waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Anaris?"
Anaris says,"Is it Flann's goddess? "
Kiaria rolls her eyes
Anaris glares menacingly at Flann!
Grimaldo says,"heh"
Flann gives the thumbs-up!
Kiaria says,"Nay."
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Cholan waves to Kiaria.
Adeste waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Cholan?"
Renei says,"Yeah. Edible rock. I heard o' those. Isnay that the the punchline to the joke about ogres eating rocks in Oggrok?"
Anaris says,"See Flann? she didn't come!"
Cholan says,"Is it harvested?"
Fenith waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"AYE!"
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Flann says,"she still likes me though"
Adeste waves to Kiaria.
Jasyn tries to get Kiaria's attention.
Kiaria says,"Jasyn?"
Anaris says,"she doesn't even know you exist....."
Elloise waves to Kiaria.
Jasyn says,"Is it soft?"
Kiaria says,"Nay"
Adeste waves to Kiaria.
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Elloise?"
Flann waves to Kiaria.
Renei says,"soft like ale, he means."
Elloise says,"Is it harvested in the commonlands?"
Kiaria says,"Nay"
Adeste waves to Kiaria.
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Renei smiles at Jasyn.
Kiaria says,"Adeste?"
Fenith yawns.
Adeste says,"Is it a fayberry?"
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"hm. I forgot a rule..."
Fenith says,"am getting sleepy from the ale and warm fire"
Elloise waves to Kiaria.
Flann says,"darn stuff'll get ya"
Adeste looks at Kiaria, completely puzzled.
Kiaria says,"Adeste, ask me if tis a type of berry"
Adeste says,"Is it a type of berry!"
Kiaria says,"Nay."
Anaris smiles at Fenith.
Adeste says,"drat!"
Dicey waves to Kiaria.
Grimaldo waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says to the guild,"I"M SORRY! :("
Anaris says,"Rest well Fenith, thank you so much for joining us this evening, and well met sir!"
Kiaria says,"Grimmy?"
Flann says to the guild,"*hug8"
Grimaldo says,"Dicey was first"
Anaris curtsies to Fenith.
Renei says to the guild,"we love you!!"
Kiaria says,"Oh ah"
Kiaria says,"Dicey?"
Dror says to the guild,"Yer th' besT!"
Adeste says to the guild,"seems the guests are starting to tire, do you think we should start wrapping up soon? it's been an hour and a half"
Fenith says,"thank ye milady, tis a fine place you got here"
Dicey says,"IS IT FROM A TREE"
Kiaria says to the guild,"yes! Nekkid fun run"
Fenith bows to Anaris.
Anaris smiles at Fenith.
Kiaria says,"AYE! Would thee like to guess?"
Jasyn waves goodbye to Fenith!
Renei says to the guild,"My department1"
Jasyn says,"Thanks for stoppin' by fella!"
Flann pokes Kiaria.
Fenith waves goodbye to Jasyn!
Renei says to the guild,"More like nekkid suicide run."
Anaris says,"Aye, Adeste decorated the place with her heart put into it... we are quite pleased...."
Dicey says,"Nay, not yet"
Adeste says,"thanks for cominG Fenith!"
Grimaldo says to the guild,"Ye run around nekkid a lot?"
Fenith says,"thanks fer havin me"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Start talking about it Renei!"
Jasyn says,"Stay lucky... 'n stuff!"
Anaris smiles at Fenith.
Kiaria says,"Flann?"
Fenith says,"and you1"
Anaris waves goodbye to Fenith!
Flann says,"is it maple wood1"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Was that 20 questions YET?"
Elloise says,"Is it "
Renei says,"it's time for the nekkid fun run, to end the night!"
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Kiaria says,"Cholan?"
Cholan says,"Does it glow/"
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Runningdream says,"Goodbye my friend"
Elloise says,";perks up ..."
Kiaria says,"Anaris?"
Chiani says,"Someone say nekkid?"
Anaris says,"Is it Murdook oranges?"
Grimaldo waves to Kiaria.
Elloise says,"Naked what??"
Fenith's wave of health fades.
Kiaria says,"Must have an AYE First anaris"
Kiaria says,"Grimmy?"
Jasyn says to the guild,"Gosh. Was someone supposed to be keepin' count? I reckon it was."
Elloise eyes the lovely men around her...
Grimaldo says,"Is it brown?"
Flann laughs at Anaris.
Anaris says,"oh.... "
Kiaria says,"AYE!"
Kiaria says,"Guess Grim?"
Elloise waves to Kiaria.
Anaris says,"Flann, don't laugh....."
Grimaldo says,"Is a piece o Ash?"
Flann says,"ok"
Adeste whispers .... maybe ash?
Renei says,"Aye, we're going to head to Everfrost, and run down the Corridor as fast as we can, avoiding the ice wolves."
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Kiaria sobs pitifully at everyone.
Anaris frowns at Flann.
Flann says,"I take it back"
Elloise waves to Kiaria.
Elloise waves to Kiaria.
Jasyn tries to get Kiaria's attention.
Flann laughs in reverse
Kiaria says,"Elloise??"
Anaris giggles at Flann.
Adeste whispers .... briarwood? teak? elM?
Runningdream stretches lazily.
Elloise says,"is it belladonna root/"
Anaris says,"Whatever, goddess-lover...."
Chiani says,"Heh... think I'll stay here and sample more of the fine drinking."
Kiaria says,"NAY"
Anaris rolls her eyes at Flann.
Kiaria gives up
Renei says,"whoever can make it there and back is the winner.. the catch is, you gotta go naked."
Adeste says to the guild,"that's definitely past 20!"
Anaris waves to Kiaria.
Adeste says to the guild,"heheh"
Adeste says,"what was it??"
Kiaria:Kiaria\/a says,"TWAS \aITEM -1487066438 severed elm"
Jasyn says,"Are ya sure it ain't ALE?"
Anaris says,"Oh....."
Kiaria sighs disappointedly.
Ragonark smirks.
Flann groans
Kiaria says,"This was not such a good game"
Kiaria shrugs.
Adeste says,"tricky one! Good going Kiaria!"
Jasyn says,"Heh. Grim was CLOSE!"
Flann says,"i knew i shoulda said elm"
Adeste cheers at Kiaria!
Elloise says,"no, no. it was lovely."
Cholan cheers at Kiaria!
Grimaldo says,"I was with my piece o ash."
Anaris says,"You knew nothing, sir!"
Anaris raises an eyebrow at Flann!
Kiaria says,"shall we get Naked?"
Adeste says,"I was miles off with a fayberry!"
Ragonark gasps
Grimaldo says,"Indeed!"
Kiaria says,"and run?"
Adeste says,"final game of the night then!"
Kiaria looks to Renei
Grimaldo says,"aw"
Flann says,"nah not miles. well maybe yeah, miles. "
Kiaria says to the guild,"I have all the prizes"
Elloise says,"do we just run or run somewhere specific?"
Anaris says,"Rillic what happened to you? you are not an amphibian anymore!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"None have been given out"
Ragonark laughs.
Rillic nods in agreement at Anaris.



Anaris smiles at Cholan.
Anaris says,"Are you having a nice time, Cholan?"
Rillic says,"I tooketh this form to fit with mien surroundings..."
Flann says,"woo1"
Jasyn gives the thumbs-up!
Cholan says,"Indeed Anaris "
Jasyn gives Pawpad the thumbs-up!
Cholan says,"Quite good :0"
Adeste says,"hurrah!"
Dicey cheers at Kiaria!
Grimaldo cheers at Pawpad!
Jasyn shouts,"Yeee haH!"
Renei cheers at Pawpad!
Anaris cheers for everyone!
Anaris cheers at Droz!
Renei cheers at Droz!
Anaris cheers at Pawpad!
Kiaria says to the guild,"Shall I give to Elle all the prizes so she can give to anyone who didn't get something?"
Droz says,"gather'round everyone!"
Elloise cheers at Pawpad!
Kiaria says to the guild,"just as party favors kinda thing?"
Droz says,"The Rumblebelly Boys would like to perform a few dances for you all this evening!"
Renei becomes a halfling groupi!
Flann cheers at Pawpad!
Jasyn says,"No gettin' footfur in the ale, please."
Anaris says to the guild,"sure thing darling!"
Kiaria applauds!
Droz says,"The first dance we will be performing is the 'Rivervale Rumble'!"
Grimaldo says,"Aye, no foot fur."
Flann says,"foot fur sucks"
Flann says,"in the ale"
Jasyn says,"S'okay on the foot."
Cholan cheers for everyone!
Anaris bats her eyelashes at the Rumblebelly brothers.
Pawpad ducks!
Droz ducks!
Adeste cheers wildly
Pawpad ducks!
Droz ducks!
Pawpad asks anyone to scratch an itch.
Droz asks anyone to scratch an itch.
Droz dances with everyone!
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Pawpad begins frantically raising his hand.
Droz begins frantically raising his hand.
Droz dances with everyone!
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Droz dances with everyone!
Droz dances with everyone!
Droz jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
Pawpad jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
Pawpad gives the thumbs-up!
Droz gives the thumbs-up!
Elloise cheers at Runningdream!
Dicey cheers at Kiaria!
Dror cheers for everyone!
Adeste cheers at Kiaria!
Renei gives Droz a standing ovation!
Grimaldo cheers at Droz!
Dror applauds!
Kiaria cheers for everyone!
Anaris says,"YAY!!!!!!!!"
Flann cheers for everyone!
Grimaldo gives Droz a standing ovation!
Adeste cheers wildly
Renei cheers at Pawpad!
Cholan cheers for everyone!
Droz says,"thank you all!"
Anaris cheers at Pawpad!
Rillic gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Jasyn cheers for everyone!
Chiani claps!
Renei gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Kiaria cheers at Droz!
Runningdream cheers at Pawpad!
Anaris cheers at Droz!
Flann says,"that was great!"
You whistles wildly.
Rillic gives Droz a standing ovation!
Pawpad bows to everyone.
Kiaria cheers at Pawpad!
Grimaldo says,"Vera impressive."
Jasyn applauds!
Dror says,"Aye, hae an ale fer that!"
Droz says,"The next dance we would like to perform for you all is the Baubbleshire Boogie!"
Flann laughs quietly to himself.
Anaris says,"wonderful!"
Adeste says,"wow!  who knew halflings could dance!"
Jasyn says,"I'll drink to that."
You raises a mug in honor of the rumblebelly brothers.
Flann says,"boooooogie1"
Anaris says to the guild,"((omg they're great!! hahah))"
Flann says to the guild,"awesome1"
Jasyn shimmies!
Droz appears flustered.
Pawpad appears flustered.
Adeste says to the guild,"who found these guys?"
Droz chuckles at everyone.
Pawpad chuckles at everyone.
Pawpad giggles.
Droz giggles.
Pawpad happily bounces around!
Droz happily bounces around!
Kiaria laughs.
Droz says,"Gimme'a beat, Paw!"
Pawpad begins to search His pack for important supplies.
Pawpad pulls a baubbleberry pie from His pack.
Pawpad begins frantically raising his hand.
Droz begins frantically raising his hand.
Dror says to the guild,"haha!"
Jasyn says to the guild,"(( CUTE!   ADORABLE!! ))"
Droz dances with everyone!
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Pawpad asks anyone to scratch an itch.
Droz asks anyone to scratch an itch.
Pawpad does a doubletake at the crowd!
Droz does a doubletake at the crowd!
Jasyn says to the guild,"(( and slightly frightening ))"
Droz dances with everyone!
Pawpad dances with everyone!
Renei says to the guild,"((Backstreet Halflin's))"
Kiaria says,"Amazing!"
Droz gives the thumbs-up!
Pawpad gives the thumbs-up!
Pawpad flourishes his weapon at everyone!
Droz flourishes his weapon at everyone!
Anaris considers taking her bustier off and throwing it to the brothers....
Adeste gives Droz a standing ovation!
Chiani claps!
Dicey cheers for everyone!
Kiaria gives Dicey a standing ovation!
Renei cheers at Pawpad!
Grimaldo gives Droz a standing ovation!
Anaris says,"WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
Runningdream gives Droz a standing ovation!
Anaris cheers at Droz!
Cholan says,"Hail"
Kiaria gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Renei gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Dror applauds!
Jasyn gasps at Anaris in astonishment!
Flann says,"cheer"
Droz says,"thank you all!"
Kiaria cheers at Pawpad!
Fuscienne gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Grimaldo gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Kiaria cheers at Droz!
Cholan says,"thats the best dancing i have ever seen!1"
Renei smiles at Droz.
Crulec cheers at Droz!
Flann cheers for everyone!
Grimaldo cheers at Pawpad!
Adeste cheers at Droz!
Elloise cheers for everyone!
Fuscienne gives Droz a standing ovation!
Anaris gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Jasyn gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Adeste gives Droz a standing ovation!
Pawpad bows to everyone.
Anaris gives Droz a standing ovation!
Jasyn cheers at Droz!
Flann says,"gosh you guys is good"
Renei says,"encore, encorE!!"
Cholan gives the thumbs-up!
Dror says,"Yer greaT!"
Anaris says to the guild,"((omg too cute!  this is great! hahahah))"
Kiaria says,"More?"
Anaris says,"AYE MORE!!!!"
Anaris is flustered with Droz.
Grimaldo says,"Yes!"
Droz says,"okay! last dance!"
Droz giggles.
Adeste says,"oh my, I'm so sorry Spindel missed this!"
Anaris bats her eyelashes at Pawpad.
Droz says,"We have one more for you all this evening."
Chiani seems distracted by Jasyn.
Kiaria shivers at Droz in antici..pation.
Pawpad blushes uncontrollably.
Jasyn gives Pawpad the thumbs-up!
You flashes a sly grin.
Adeste gives Droz the thumbs-up!
Anaris flings her gloves at the brothers!
Droz says,"This dance is going to be featured at the 'Lion's Den' grand opening in freeport on monday!"
Anaris says,"marvelous darlings!"
Adeste says,"ooh!"
Renei says,"Sneak preview!"
Droz says,"This dance is called 'Punkin' out in the Shire'"
Grimaldo laughs at Pawpad.
Anaris smirks at Pawpad.
Cholan cackles gleefully at everyone!
Droz stretches lazily.
Pawpad stretches lazily.
Droz taps his foot impatiently.
Pawpad taps his foot impatiently.
Pawpad howls in victory!
Droz howls in victory!
Droz mercilessly taunts all nearby!
Pawpad mercilessly taunts all nearby!
Droz sneers!
Pawpad sneers!
Pawpad gestures at everyone, Who me?!
Droz gestures at everyone, Who me?!
Pawpad looks away.
Droz looks away.
Droz glares menacingly!
Pawpad glares menacingly!
Pawpad threatens all nearby!
Droz threatens all nearby!
Pawpad sulks quietly.
Droz sulks quietly.
Pawpad formally curtsies.
Droz formally curtsies.
Renei cheers at Droz!
Cholan cheers for everyone!
Grimaldo cheers at Pawpad!
Dicey claps!
Anaris says,"LOVELY!!!!!"
Adeste whistles appreciatively at Pawpad!
Droz says,"Thank you all!"
Grimaldo gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Renei says,"That was great!"
Adeste cheers at Droz!
Anaris gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Dror gives Droz a standing ovation!
Elloise cheers at Droz!
Runningdream cheers at Droz!
Chiani claps!
Cholan looks for a flower to through,
Grimaldo gives Droz a standing ovation!
Rillic gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Anaris gives Droz a standing ovation!
Dror gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Renei gives Droz a standing ovation!
Grimaldo cheers at Droz!
Adeste says,"brilliant!"
Runningdream gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Flann says,"ahaha good job1 I like yer show1"
Rillic gives Droz a standing ovation!
Kiaria gives Droz a standing ovation!
Cholan says,"Amazing!"
Jasyn says,"Heh!  Ya's fellas're better than 'em street performers in the Plaza1"
Pawpad bows to everyone.
Kiaria gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Anaris says,"Yay!!!!!!!"
Dicey blushes at Pawpad.
Droz says,"We hope that we entertained you all this evening, as it is our goal to make others enjoy the dances of the Baubbleshire."
Anaris throws her handkerchief at the brothers!
Pawpad giggles.
Anaris has run out of virtuous things to throw...
Flann says,"you sure did"
Pawpad cheers for everyone!
Droz appears thankful.
Adeste says,"That definitely deserves a payment!  Please accept this on behalf of the tavern!"
Kiaria says,"THANK THEE to BOTH OF THEE !!!"
You swigs down an ale.
Cholan cheers for everyone!
Pawpad appears thankful.
Flann says,"keep goin an you'll probly git her dress"
Cholan gives the thumbs-up!
Pawpad appears thankful.
Anaris blows a kiss to Pawpad!
Droz says,"Thank yous all!"
Anaris blows a kiss to Droz!
Runningdream says,"Splendid, absolutely splendid!"
Droz says,"The gifts are most generous!"
Dicey whispers to Anaris Don't ye just want to pinch their lil cheeks?!
Adeste says,"your dancing is most amazing!"
Pawpad flourishes his weapon at everyone!
Droz flourishes his weapon at everyone!
Rillic agrees with Adeste.
Adeste says,"and please, come back and perform again!"
Adeste cheers at Droz!
Jasyn says,"Rats.  I didn't bring my nekkid clothes."
Renei says,"AyE! Everyone, get on your horses, carpets or boots.. time to go to the frost! "
Pawpad nods in agreement with everyone.
Droz says,"Enjoy your evening, and may the Jumjum be plentiful!"
Adeste gives Pawpad a standing ovation!
Anaris whispers to Dicey "Oh yes!  and maybe even more than their cheeks...... "
Anaris winks at Dicey.
Anaris says,"Please do stop by whenever you'd like!  You're always welcomed here boys!"
Anaris blows a kiss to Pawpad!
Anaris hugs Pawpad.
Anaris blows a kiss to Droz!
Jasyn cheers for everyone!
Elloise says,""cause I've got more goodies..."
Anaris hugs Droz.
Flann says,"yep. laughed my arse off. *picks it back up*"
Dicey says to the guild,"We need to give a bif prize to our dancers *grins*"
Droz blushes uncontrollably.
Kiaria says to the guild,"AYE!"
Anaris says to the guild,"i agree!"
Pawpad cheers for everyone!
Kiaria says to the guild,"you know"
Elloise says to the guild,"i didd.  too cute!"
Adeste says to the guild,"I gave them each a bearskin rug"



Renei says,"Everyone meet at the docks in Everfrost1"
Anaris smacks Flann!
Kiaria says to the guild,"ah okies"
Cholan says,"Now that i have seen the boys dance my evening is complete thank you all so much for the invite hospitality prizes games fun and jumjum"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"How do you get there?"
Flann says,"hmm its cold there I bet"
Cholan says,"But i am sad to say i have pressing business"
Anaris smiles at Cholan.
Adeste says,"NAKED RUN TIME!  To the docks in Everfrost!"
Elloise says to the guild,"i gave them whatever those boots and blouse were."
Cholan says,"So i must depart thank you all so much pleasure to meet you all"
Elloise says,"Where is that?"
Cholan bows to Anaris.
Anaris says,"it was truly a pleasure to meet you Cholan... I hope to see more of you in the future....."
Runningdream says,"I too will be departing"
Dror says,"Thank ye fer comin' Cholan.  hope ye enjoyed yerself/."
Anaris smiles at Cholan.
Elloise says,"jasyn, darling, will you escort me?"
Adeste says,"thanks for coming cholan!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"shall we form a raid?"
Anaris curtsies to Cholan.
Anaris bats her eyelashes at Cholan.
Dror says,"Ye too, Runnin'dream."
Cholan says,"I am sure you will all see me again real soon"
Kiaria says to the guild,"mentor to the lowest rank?"
Dicey says,"I too must sleep, moog has me workin' in the mornin'"
Anaris says,"Journey safely and do come visit us whenever you'd like!"
Adeste says,"i believe we take a griffin to the Steppes, then take a mariner bell from the Steppes"
Jasyn says,"Uh.  Sure.  But I got bags to carry too."
Anaris smirks at Cholan.
Cholan says,"Thank you and bee safe"
Dicey waves goodbye to everyone!
Cholan winks at Anaris.
Jasyn nods in agreement at Elloise.
Elloise says,"oh,  Just leave them here.  She won't miss them."
Anaris blushes at Cholan.
Anaris waves goodbye to Cholan!
Flann says to the guild,"aye, how we doin this? "
Cholan waves.
Jasyn says,"Anaris?  Not miss 'er bags/"
Renei says to the guild,"There's no real advantage in mentoring, to be honest.. you just die faster.. you don't run faster.. but we can if you like."
Jasyn says,"Ya's kiddin' me, right?"
Anaris says,"You've got to be kidding darling...."
Runningdream says,"See you later guys"
Jasyn says,"See."
Elloise says,"well ... Flann will hold them."
Anaris says,"I am not going without my bags, and I am not going where the temperature is going to ruin my skin....."
Flann says to the guild,"we want all groups to be the same level for even chance"
Fuscienne waves goodbye to Runningdream!
Kiaria says to the guild,"no it is to keep it fair.. no advantage to being an upper rank for the run?"
Runningdream waves goodbye to everyone!
Jasyn says,"YA know... it's gonna be cold there?"
Jasyn says,"Should we take somethin' warm to wear?"
Jasyn hasjoined the group.
Your courage fades.
Kiaria has joined the group.
Crulec has joined the group.
Flann says to the guild,"huge advantage to being high level, aye. and do we take off jewelry too?."
Dror says,"Ye look a fool in that helmet, lad."
Dror laughs at Flann.
Elloise says,"Who needs a group?"
Flann says,"jes in case anaris wants ta hit me"
Droz says,"I would like to thank all of saga for this fine event, the Rumblebelly Boys must get some rest for our next performance soon to come.  Once again thank you all - saga city is indeed a great place!"
Anaris says,"Flann always looks like a fool....."
Flann says,"thank ye"
Elloise waves to Droz.
Pawpad cheers for everyone!
Anaris says,"and I can still kick you...."
Flann says,";capers"
Droz waves goodbye to everyone!
Jasyn says,"G'nite to ya's Rumblebellys"
Kiaria claps two hands to her lips at the sight of Flann
Dror waves goodbye to Droz!
Pawpad waves goodbye to everyone!
Crulec crisply salutes Droz.
Anaris kicks Flann in the shin.
Dror waves goodbye to Pawpad!
Droz waves goodbye to everyone!
Kiaria laughs.
Flann jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
Droz begins to cast a travel spell.
Pawpad begins to cast a travel spell.
Ragonark says,"goodbye, runblebellys.  did a great job tonight!"
Fuscienne says,"Yes sure did"
Jasyn cheers for everyone!
Elloise knocks on the helmet.
Elloise says,"How do you breathe in there?"
Jasyn gives the thumbs-up!
Flann says,"who's there?"
Runningdream says,"We need to get them at one of our parties"
Anaris raises an eyebrow at Elloise!
A travel spell is cast on Droz.
A travel spell is cast on Pawpad.
Dicey says to the guild,"Night all!"
Fuscienne nods in agreement at Runningdream.
Kiaria says to the guild,"Nite Dicey! "
Anaris says to the guild,"((ok really who found the rumblebelly brothers?  they were fantastic!))"
Elloise says to the guild,"gnight kicey!"
Anaris says to the guild,"Goodnight Dicey darling, rest well1  <hug>"
Flann says to the guild,"night friend"
Guildmate: Dicey has logged out.
Ragonark says,"most definently"
Jasyn says to the guild,"(( I have no idea ))"
Flann says,"what? cant hear ya"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"Shall we join up the groups into a raid?"
Anaris says,"And I am NOT taking my clothes off......"
Flann says,"bah! "
Elloise says,"Vagabond knights ... are you joining us in our naked little fun run?"
Kiaria stares
Flann says,"takes off the darn helmet"
Kiaria says,"Then I am not either!"
Anaris tells saga (1),"aye darling....."
Runningdream says,"Good evening Chiani."
Runningdream waves goodbye to Chiani!
Chiani says,"Hey there, furry."
Chiani smiles warmly.
Elloise says,"It's not a naked run if we aren't naked."
Kiaria says,"If Anaris keeps her clothes, then I must as well!"
Kiaria fluffs her hair
Elloise shows off her nakedness.
Anaris says,"surely you are not suggesting I take my clothes off....."
Flann howls in victory at Elloise!
Elloise dances with Flann!
You wiggles out of his boots.
Flann gives Elloise the thumbs-up!
Kiaria toys with her gown's buttons
Elloise starts flirting!
Anaris glares menacingly at Flann!
Flann says,"heh, she just started flirtin? "
Elloise blushes at Jasyn.
Anaris says,"Elloise!"
Flann says,"thought she been doin that all night....."
Anaris says,"Stop staring at her you two!!"
Kiaria blinks at the naked barbarian next to her
Anaris smacks Flann!
Flann says,"why/"
Anaris bonks Jasyn on the head.
Elloise says,"Anaris, love, need some help with that gown??"
Ragonark laughs.
Flann says,"I got yer bags, dont be frettin"
Elloise winks at Flann.
Anaris says,"i am not taking my clothes off!"
Kiaria sighs and removes her robe
Fuscienne says,"Goodnight everyone"
Chiani considers joining in on the naked dancing, but decides it wouldn't be right for a guest...
Anaris says,"Will you two boys stop gawking over elloise alreadY?!!!!!"
Jasyn waves goodbye to Fuscienne!
Jasyn says,"G'nite Fuscienne"
Flann waves goodbye to Fuscienne!
Fuscienne waves goodbye to Jasyn!
Elloise pokes at the buttons.
Chiani waves goodbye to Fuscienne!
Fuscienne waves goodbye to Flann!
Ragonark says,"aye, was a lot of fun.  hope to see you guys again soon.  take care"
Elloise waves to Fuscienne.
Flann says,"take care1"
Anaris waves goodbye to Fuscienne!
Fuscienne waves goodbye to Elloise!
Anaris waves goodbye to Ragonark!
Ragonark waves.
Fuscienne waves goodbye to Anaris!
Kiaria hides behind Crulec
Fuscienne says,"You as well"
Anaris says,"thank you so much for joining us friends1  Rest well!"
Fuscienne says,"Same to careful in Everfrost!"
Flann says to the guild,"aint real sure wha tthis run thing is about"
Elloise eyes flann up and down ...
Adeste says to the guild,"something about running naked?"
Elloise eyes him up again.
Kiaria says to the guild,"Tis for a most marvelous prize!"
Renei says to the guild,"We race!"
Anaris says,"Darling chianti you are one of our guests and more than welcomed to join the run!"
Flann says to the guild,"chucked everthing, even myjewelry"
Anaris says,"Erm... Chiani, I mean...."
Elloise says to the guild,"who cares, flann, we get to be naked."
Chiani says,"hehe.  I may be blue, but Everfrost doesn't quite tickle my fancy, if you know what I mean."
Anaris says,"elloise!  Stop looking at Flann like that!  and Flann, stop returnign her looks!!!!"
Flann says to the guild,"8cheer8"
Dror says to the guild,"Oi can't believe yer makin' me take me shoes off be cold out thar!"
Anaris smiles at Chiani.
Crulec grins.
Elloise says,"But Anaris!  he's an attractive ... naked ,,, man ."
Anaris says,"We understand darling...  well, just know you are more than welcomed to join us should you choose to!"
Chiani says,"I understand.  thank you!"
Renei says to the guild,"Take off anything that decays."
Anaris says,"It doesn't matter elloise1  he's FLANN!  we do not look at Flann like that!"
Elloise says,"i do."
Anaris smiles at Chiani.
Chiani looks at Flann like that.  <grin>
Anaris says,"You can't, Elloise!"
Elloise winks at Flann.
Jasyn says,"I ain't ever been to Everfrost before.  Soo... uh... what's gonna try to eat me there?"
Anaris gasps at Chiani in astonishment!
Flann winks at Elloise.
Elloise says,"me."
Chiani quietly snickers and points at Flann.
Kiaria gasps
Anaris stands in front of Flann to cover him.
Jasyn blushes uncontrollably.
Flann winks at Chiani.
Chiani says,"Oh, human men.... <swoon>"
Anaris says,"FLANN!"
Chiani clutches her chest!
Anaris smacks Flann!
Flann says,"see, even got he dark elves swoonin"
Anaris says,"Fine!"
Chiani says,"THIS one, anyway."
Jasyn says,"It's 'cause he's got that magic flirtin' fork."
Flann says,"awright, how we doin this here race?"
Kiaria says,"didst Renei leave?"
Elloise says,"Anaris ... you are sooo out of fashion this evening."
Flann says,"aye, that does help"
Kiaria says,"Tis only us"
Anaris says,"Oh yeah?  take THIS!"
Elloise says,"Don't you see, naked is 'in'."
Kiaria says,"LET US LEA__"
Chiani snickers.
Kiaria blinks
Flann says,"let's meet outside"
Crulec says,"Lea?"
Elloise cheers at Anaris!
Kiaria starts to put her dress back on, muttering
Anaris gasps in astonishment!
Elloise whistles appreciatively at Anaris!
Anaris says,"he didn't even look at me......"
Anaris pouts dramatically.
Elloise laughs at Anaris.
Anaris shrugs.
Chiani says,"Uh oh.  Someone's in for it."
Anaris smiles at Chiani.
Anaris says,"Chiani, you sure you donkt' want to come?"
Chiani ponders.
Chiani says,"It does sound fun..."
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
Jasyn beckons to Chiani.
You flashes a sly grin.
Anaris giggles at Chiani.
Chiani says,"Well, if Jasyn wants me to...."
Jasyn fervently agrees!
Anaris says,"ooooh!"
Anaris says,"alright, heading out!"
Chiani has joined the group.
Flann says to the guild,"meetin on the docks in thunderin steppes?"
Anaris whistles appreciatively at Chiani!
Jasyn cheers for everyone!
Chiani blushes at Jasyn.
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered North Qeynos.
Kiaria says to the group,"I am in an astonishing place..."
Renei tells saga (1),"everfrost docks, folks."
Kiaria says to the group,"and tis not Qeynoes.."
Najera raises an eyebrow
Najera says,"Where you speaking to me?"
Adeste tells saga (1),"so what exactly are we doing?"
Renei tells saga (1),"they're safe, don't worry."
Cylinthia says,"sir?"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"There are mystical horses and electric lights..."
Najera exchanges a look with Cylinthia
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Ya's kiddin'.  It's STILL rainin?"
Cylinthia looks down at her breasts...
Nevaren's wave of health fades.
The spirit of the wolf leaves Nevaren.
Renei tells saga (1),"running all the way to me, waiting to get hailed, and then running back."
Kiaria tells saga (1),"I am stuck!"
Renei tells saga (1),"first one to make it alive back here wins."
Kiaria tells saga (1),"how do I leave this place??"
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Stuck?  Where are ya?"
Flann says to the guild,"yeeeeehaaaa! *bends over Melody's neck and races across Antonica*"
Elloise says to the group,"bah!  I'm carrying this 100 pound box!"
Chiani says to the group,"Can't win that way!"
Kiaria says to the group,"NO doors NO windows NO way to swim out"
Renei tells saga (1),"call of qeynos?"
Crulec says to the guild,"Where meeting?"
Adeste says to the guild,"the docks of Eerfrost"
Jasyn says to the group,"Swim?"
Renei says to the guild,"Everfrost docks."
Jasyn looks around for tracks...
Jasyn says to the group,"Lemme see if I can find ya"
Kiaria says to the group,"I"m out <disgusted tone>"
Jasyn stops tracking.
Jasyn says to the group,"Ya... went to the Temple of Life?"
Kiaria says to the group,"Apparently"
Chiani says to the group,"She's repenting even before we begin!"
Crulec says to the guild,"It's in North Qeynos?"
Guard Meyer salutes you.
Flann says to the guild,"cCrulec!"
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered Antonica 2.
Flann says to the guild,"I just noticed ya got 30th level"
Flann says to the guild,"nay, go ta steppes docks"
Crulec says to the guild,"Steppes!  aye!"
Flann says to the guild,"everfrost bell is there"
Flann says to the guild,"ye be needin some feyieon now, fella. I'll get ya some made soon"
Renei says to the guild,"Thundering steppes docks takes you to Everfrost."
Stormwynd auctions,"Anyone interested in Chromatic Storm ?"
Stormwynd auctions,"Adept 1"
Crulec says to the guild,"Fey armors?"
Godiva auctions,"WTS............. yarrow.............pst"
Godiva auctions,"WTS Discomfiting Gaze (Adept I):Discomfiting Gaze (Adept I)...... Caltrops (Adept I)...PST"

(( Perhaps Godiva should have been invited to the nekkid fun run too? ))


Where would you like to go?
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
Crulec has gone linkdead.
Kiaria says to the guild,"Adeste? May we use thy prize in thy possession for the ending prize?"
Autumnangel says out of character,"link it?"
Elloise says to the group,"chiani are you with us?"
Crulec left the group.
Guildmate: Crulec has logged out.
Whitesoul auctions,"WTB status items"
Jasyn appears happy!
Adeste says to the guild,"sure - which prize?  A rug?"
Chiani says to the group,"(( I didn't know Antonica 2 was the marching order.  I'm in 1.  : ( ))"
Elloise says to the group,"That's allright."
Chiani says to the group,"(( I'll hook back up in TS, I figure. ))"
Elloise says to the group,"Just get to the steppes."
Kiaria says to the group,"Worry not Chiani we go to the Steppes"
Jasyn lands softly and avoids hurting himself.
Guildmate: Crulec has logged in.
Renei says to the guild,"but Flann doesn't use a hairpiece...??"
Anaris says to the guild,"((ahahahah I just got propositioned by a dwarf.... aparently walking out of a room in the inn while naked makes one look like a  harlot of sorts....))"
Crulec has joined the group.
Grimaldo says to the guild,"Har!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Flann, Adeste"
Adeste tells saga (1),"*is unable to resist sneaking over to the woodworking table*"
Stormwynd:Stormwynd\/a auctions,"\aITEM 2000237268 Chromatic Storm (Adept I) anyone interested ?"
Kiaria says to the guild,"I shall make it a choice between thy prizes"
Elloise says to the guild,"((hehe,  you'll get used to it.  ))"
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered The Thundering Steppes.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"what what? thou art running AYE?"
Anaris says to the guild,"((I have to reboot if I want to run, brb....add me to group when I relog))"
Chiani seems glad to see Jasyn.
Flann says to the guild,"alrighty"
You dries off.
Jasyn says,"Woo wee.  What a storm that was."
Kiaria wrings out her golden hair
Adeste tells saga (1),"I am running, but there are these woodworking tables ... just waiting to be used ... and time to kill while everybody arrives .... *furtively planes some lumber*"
Jasyn says,"Ain't been through one like that in a while."
Chiani fidgets and primps.
Flann tells saga (1),"*laughs* forgot all about that stuff. gonna have ta look around too"
Renei tells saga (1),"who else is coming/"
Renei tells saga (1),"flann and anaris, obviously... but who else?"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"I am!"
Jasyn says,"There they are!"
Flann tells saga (1),"Crulec is"
Jasyn lands softly and avoids hurting himself.
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
Renei tells saga (1),"ok. I'll group with rillic and explain it to him."
a leg biter tries to crush Chiani, but misses.
a leg biter hits Chiani for 11 points of crushing damage.
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Crulec, Kiaria, Chiani, Elloisie, 'n me!"
Adeste tells saga (1),"explain it to the channel?"
A leg biter is no longer worth any experience or treasure.
A leg biter is no longer worth any experience or treasure.
This encounter will no longer give encounter rewards.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"rules?"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"spells allowed?"
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
Elloise says to the guild,"my group has room for one more."
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Yeah.  Um.  Ya might wanna explain it to all of us.  'Cause I ain't gotta clue what were doin' exactly."
Adeste:Adeste\/a tells saga (1),"*guiltily stuffs \aITEM 486101187 a pristine teak bookcase into her bag*"
Renei tells saga (1),"the rules"
Flann tells saga (1),"jumped in teh water to swim to the stuff over there, an seen big sharks!"
Renei tells saga (1),"We will begin at the entrance to the tunnel. GO will be announced by me."
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
Guildmate: Anaris has logged out.
Kiaria's gills begin to fade.
Elloise tells saga (1),"aren't we all supposed to mentor?"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"and raid?"
Chiani says to the group,"Three females... two males.  Seems about right.  <ponders>"
Renei tells saga (1),"before we start, you will all mentor don to 25, and strip all buffs. No spells or clothes of any kind1 you don't want something to Decay if you die."
Elloise tells saga (1),"'Cause i'm at a weee disadvantage ..."
Kiaria tells saga (1),"what about Elloise?"
Crulec says to the group,"I count as two"
Elloise tells saga (1),"uh ... ((lvl 12))"
Kiaria says to the group,"<sharp glance from Barbarian to dark elf>"
Chiani says to the group,"Works for me!  <shrug>"
Elloise tells saga (1),"(err, 13))"
Renei tells saga (1),"hmmm.. ok, elloise... level 13."
Jasyn says to the group,"(( Chiani, you may wish to join the /saga channel if you haven't The rules for the race are being explained ))"
Kiaria says to the group,"<coughs> I think Not."
Renei tells saga (1),"anyone else level 13/"
The snow begins to fade
Renei tells saga (1),"can you mentor in a raid?"
Elloise tells saga (1),"if it's too low, then just do 25."
Kiaria tells saga (1),"We stand at the bell"
Coebidi says out of character,"Heh, can someone open the brudge dors for me? :P"
The verdurous light begins to fade.
Your courage fades.
Your energy begins to fade.
Your skin returns to normal.
Renei tells saga (1),"How about we have kiaria SoW elloise, to make it even?"
Coebidi says out of character,"bridge*"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"<mentors Elloise>"
Renei tells saga (1),"Zone into Everfrost."
The spirit of the wolf leaves Kiaria.
Elloise tells saga (1),"ooh!  sounds fair to me!"
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered Everfrost.
Guildmate: Anaris has logged in.
Chenier begins to mentally focus on the situation.
Chenier begins to draw upon Innoruuk's cauldron.
Grimaldo changes form.
Grimaldo changes form.
Chiani says to the group,"Yes, this is um.... brisk."
Jasyn shivers.
Chenier calls forth the greater lupine spirit of the forests.
Chenier calls the spirit of the wolf.
The spirit of the wolf leaves Chenier.
Chenier begins to move faster!
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Chenier.
Chiani folds her arms so as not to reveal too many of her attributes.
Kiaria summons a curative element!
Elloise huddles with Grimmy for warmth.
Chenier begins to breathe water as if it were air!
Kiaria heals Kiaria for 214 hit points.
Kiaria feels healthier.
Chenier draws upon nature's bounty for assistance.
Kiaria heals Kiaria for 23 hit points.
Kiaria's blooming health fades.
Chenier is covered in a misty haze!
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Chenier.
Kiaria summons a curative element!
Kiaria heals Kiaria for 26 hit points.
Chenier feels primal!
Chenier begins to command the elemental spirits.
Kiaria heals Kiaria for 69 hit points.
Kiaria regains some health.
Chenier's skin grows protective brambles!
Grimaldo holds on tight.
Renei tells saga (1),"ok, i'll walk everyone to the starting line."
The spirit of the wolf leaves Kiaria.
Elloise smiles.
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Alrighty.  No buffs 'n we mentor Elloisie?"
Kiaria glances at jasyn
Elloise tells saga (1),"No buffs, mentor someone 25."
Crulec begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Crulec begins to draw upon the Strength of the North.
Renei tells saga (1),"mentor to level 25.. Kiaria, You are allowed to sow elloise and only her."
Flann begins to breathe normally.
Crulec tells saga (1),"Mentorin' Kiaria"
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
One or more spells have been suspended due to the lowering of your effective level.
You begin mentoring Kiaria, reducing your effective level to 25.
Elloise tells saga (1),"*basks in her specialness*"
Flann tells saga (1),"no jewelry either? I aint sure on that one yet"
Kiaria tells saga (1),"now or in a bit?"
Grimaldo begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Grimaldo begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Guildmate: Dror has logged out.
Guildmate: Adeste has logged out.
Elloise tells saga (1),"No nothin'."
Elloise tells saga (1),"All naked!"
Flann tells saga (1),"awright"
Kiaria calls the spirit of the wolf.
Jasyn tells saga (1),"we run to ya only when ya say go right?"
Elloise begins to move faster!
Flann tells saga (1),"lost adeste and dror"
Elloise tells saga (1),"where are you?"
Renei tells saga (1),"Maybe we should make this a raid.. who are the group leaders/"
Elloise tells saga (1),"me."
Samez's added refreshment is depleted.
Samez's group returns to its regular stance.
Grimaldo tells saga (1),"Flann"
Flann tells saga (1),"I am."
Chiani shivers.
Jasyn looks around for tracks...
Kiaria tells saga (1),"so Elloise and Flann hook up <nods>"
Elloise says to the guild,"how ..."
Renei tells saga (1),"elloise, and you raid invite flann?"
Jasyn stops tracking.
Flann tells saga (1),"awright, I aint sure who is in groups. I got grim, anaris, rillik, and dror and adeste when they come back"
Elloise's group has joined the raid.
Elloise tells saga (1),"there we go!"
Renei has joined the group.
Your level is too far below the highest level group member; you will not receive experience or quest credit for kills.
Elloise tells saga (1),"Is everyone in either Flann or my group?"
Sinshei begins to clench Her jaw tightly.
Sinshei begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Sinshei begins to draw upon the Strength of the North.
Chiani tells saga (1),"Check."
Dror begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Dror begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Guildmate: Dror has logged in.
Flann tells saga (1),"I aint"
Jasyn says,"I'm cold."
Flann tells saga (1),"jes a joke"
Durgor begins to clench His jaw tightly.
Durgor begins to draw upon His Halasian blood.
Durgor begins to draw upon the memory of Halas..
Durgor begins to draw upon the Strength of the North.
Elloise breathes on Jasyn's cheeks to warm them.
Chiani tells saga (1),"I think you're in Flann's group, Flann.  Not sure..."
Grimaldo says,"We gotta swim?"
Flann pokes Chiani.
Flann says,"yer right"
Elloise tells saga (1),"where's dror and adeste?"
Jasyn says,"Uh?  Ya's kiddin' right?"
Chiani giggles at Flann.
Jasyn says,"I'm gonna be wet... 'n cold."
Kiaria says,"Wet?"
Dror tells saga (1),"Oi, Adeste be comin'"
Kiaria says,"in THIS?"
Guildmate: Adeste has logged in.
Grimaldo points at the water.
Jasyn says,"Grim said somethin' 'bout swimmin'!"
Kiaria stares in horror
An idea begins to take form in Cinda's mind.
Lliigia begins to draw upon His mixed heritage.
Lliigia begins focusing on the lessons of the past.
Lliigia begins preparing to defend against magic attacks.
Chiani taps her foot impatiently.
Renei says to the raid party,"can everyone hear me/"
Chiani says to the raid party,"Yes."
Elloise says to the raid party,"yes"
Sweetdesire begins to focus upon Her elven reflexes.
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Lost Adeste"
Elloise says to the raid party,"((type /r to talk in raid))"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Yeah.  I think"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Waiting on Anaris, aye?"
Dror begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Dror begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Renei says to the raid party,"Ok, Click on me to find me.. swim between the little islands.. safer from sharks."



Adeste says to the raid party,"I'm sorry, I fainted, and awoke in a shark's mouth"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"WAIT"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Anaris!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"What happened to Anaris?"
Lliigia begins a fiery arcane spell.
Lliigia is surrounded by a crimson aura!
Lliigia begins to gather strands of arcane energy.
Lliigia is surrounded by arcane runes!
Biicin begins a comprehensive enchantment.
Anaris says to the raid party,"Hi?"
Renei says to the raid party,"Ok."
Biicin begins an intense enchantment.
Flann heals Adeste for 234 hit points.
Kiaria says to the raid party,"She is not here!"
Anaris says to the raid party,"I'm here!  On my way!"
Flann gathers divine energy!
Flann heals Adeste for 234 hit points.
Adeste's renewed health increases Her zeal for battle.
Adeste's zeal for battle fades.
Biicin fizzles!
Biicin begins an enchanting aura.
Biicin is surrounded by a Scintillating Aura!
Illusory shadows form around Biicin!
Anaris says to the raid party,"is there a quicker way for me to get there other than traveling cross country?"
Biicin feels a surge of power course through Her!
Sweetdesire gathers the power of the elements!
Biicin begins an expeditious enchantment.
A shield of frost surrounds Sweetdesire!
Biicin appears somewhat quicker!
Sweetdesire begins a fiery arcane spell.
Sweetdesire is surrounded by a crimson aura!
Sweetdesire calls forth the power of the eternal elements!
Anaris says to the raid party,"isn't there a bell in the harbor maybe?"
A swirling cascade of runes surrounds Sweetdesire!
Sweetdesire gathers the power of the elements!
Sweetdesire blessed with the icebound gift!
Flann says to the raid party,"yep. get a ticket to thundering steppes"
Sweetdesire's blessing fades.
Lliigia begins a Frostbound arcane spell.
Sweetdesire begins an arcane spell of scrying.
Lliigia's group is surrounded by a frosty aura!
Biicin's group is surrounded by a frosty aura!
Songhead's group is surrounded by a frosty aura!
Sweetdesire appears more aware of Her surroundings.
Sweetdesire's rings begin to radiate with power.
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Anaris? thou art still in North Qeynos?!"
Biicin's frosty aura fades.
Songhead's frosty aura fades.
Flann says to the raid party,"i'll pay yer way if ya need"
Songhead's Scintillating Aura fades.
Songhead's surge of power begins to wane.
Songhead is no quicker than usual.
A flare of intelligence enters Sweetdesire.
Renei says to the raid party,"you could use the Qeynos harbor to Travel by Sea to TS."
Sweetdesire begins an arcane spell
Songhead says out of character,"so why does so many man with lv 25-38 come to this zone ?"
Grimaldo says,"don't do that ta me."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Take 64 silver coins with ya 'n buy a ticket for an voyage by sea to the Thunderin' Steppes.  The harbormaster sells 'em up near the Mermaid's Lure."
Flann begins to cast a travel spell.
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Songhead.
Renei says to the raid party,"just pay the Harbormaster in Qeynos Harbor by the docks 60 sp. He'll give you a ticket to Ts, from there, you can click to everfrost directly."
Songhead begins to breathe water as if it were air!
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Songhead.
A travel spell is cast on Flann.
Biicin begins an enchanting aura.
Jumubuh begins to breathe water as if it were air!
Songhead is surrounded by a Scintillating Aura!
Illusory shadows form around Biicin!
Songhead feels a surge of power course through Him!
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Songhead.
Biicin begins an expeditious enchantment.
Songhead appears somewhat quicker!
Cinda begins to breathe water as if it were air!
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Songhead.
Lliigia begins to breathe water as if it were air!
Biicin begins an enchanting aura.
Elemental energy begins to coalesce about Songhead.
Jumubuh is surrounded by a Scintillating Aura!
Illusory shadows form around Biicin!
Biicin begins to breathe water as if it were air!
Jumubuh feels a surge of power course through Him!
Biicin begins an expeditious enchantment.
Jumubuh appears somewhat quicker!
Biicin begins a potent enchantment.
Biicin's group disappears!
Songhead's group disappears!
Cinda's group disappears!
Lliigia's group disappears!
Jumubuh's group disappears!
Chiani stares fixedly at Jasyn.
Caelith begins to focus upon His elven reflexes.
Kiaria yawns.
Elloise says to the raid party,"Anyone have a tale while we wait?  A joke?"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"A dirty limerick?"
Chiani says to the raid party,"Two trolls run into a bar..."
Elloise says to the raid party,"oooh."
Chiani says to the raid party,"One turns to the other and says "OW, that hurt!""
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"What ye call a lazy bison?"
Adeste says to the raid party,"heheh"
Evely begins to focus upon Her elven reflexes.
Evely begins to mentally focus on the situation.
Evely begins to draw upon Innoruuk's cauldron.
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<laughs at Chiani's joke>"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Heh."
Elloise says to the raid party,"a lazy bison?"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"*fills Grim's mouth with ale before he can finish speaking*"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Nar a Buffaloafer."
Chiani says to the raid party,"<giggle>"
Adeste says to the raid party,"heheh"
Anaris says to the raid party,"<chuckles>"
Guildmate: Flann has logged out.
Renei says to the raid party,"A barbarian, 2 dwarves, a Monk, 45 assassin, 3 templar, one and a half halflings and gnome walk into a bar. the bartender says "what is this, a joke?""
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<shakes head>"
Guildmate: Flann has logged in.
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"har"
Anaris says to the raid party,"<laughs>"
Renei says to the raid party,"then a genius Ogre walks in, and says, "No, it's a fable.'"
Jasyn smacks his forehead at Grimaldo.
Kiaria says to the raid party,"No Koada'Dal?"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<pouts>"
Renei says to the raid party,"They're too pretty for bar jokes. And a tea cafe would nay have a bartender."
Elloise says to the raid party,"there wasn't any room with 45 assassins."
Kiaria says to the guild,"FLANN?"
Chiani says to the raid party,"Koada'Dal don't go to any "good" bars.  <wink>"
Kiaria says to the guild,"THOU art in North Qeynos now??"
Adeste says to the raid party,"how many high elves does it take to screw in a new, er, wall-mounted torch?"
Flann says to the guild,"bringin our lost one"
Kiaria says to the guild,"<nods>"
Flann says to the guild,"nope. qeynos harbor. buyin a ticket and waitin fer you know who"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"None!  They'd have someone else do it for 'em."
Adeste says to the raid party,"just one - to stand there holding it and looking pretty, while the rest of the world revolves around him"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"*lifts Anaris's bags*"
Elloise says to the raid party,"HAHA!!"
Chiani says to the raid party,"<laughs>"
Renei says to the raid party,"good one!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Heh!  That's good."
Renei says to the raid party,"What did one crypt say to the other crypt?"
Adeste says to the raid party,"what?"
Renei says to the raid party,"that you, coffin?"
Flann says to the raid party,"HMMM if she is goin in the buff, why we takin her bags?"
Elloise says to the raid party,"*srhug*"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"hehe"
Flann says to the raid party,"*chucks em down at the docks*"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"I fear I dost not see the humor in Adeste's joke. Anaris? Norrath always revolves around the Koada'Dal, regardless of what we hold, aye?"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I figure she wants'ta get dressed soon as we're done."
Chiani says to the raid party,"(( You know, I hate to bail like this, but I'm having trouble typing because my nose is in the way. ))"
Flann says to the raid party,"(I aint near that drunk yet)"
Adeste apologizes to Chiani whole-heartedly.
Chiani smiles at Adeste.
Anaris says to the raid party,"((your nose?!!))"
Adeste says to the raid party,"((I'm so sorry it's getting so late))"
Shadowkhan begins to call out to His ancestors for protection..
Chiani says to the raid party,"(( Good luck with the race!  I hope you all win!  : D ))"
Elloise says to the raid party,"((aww, thanks for braving the frost bite.  and nice to meet you.))"
Renei says to the raid party,"*hugs Chiani* It's ok! Sorry it's takin' so long1"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<laughs> ack! Yes it is rather late for us folks on the eastcoast :))"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"(( *grins*  Sorry for the wait!  Thanks for coming! ))"
Chiani begins to cast a travel spell.
Grimaldo waves goodbye to Chiani!
Adeste says to the raid party,"thank you for coming, I hope you'll stop by again!"
Jasyn waves goodbye to Chiani!
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Nice ta meet ye."
Chiani says to the raid party,"(( See you all next time!  Thanks for the fun! ))"
Elloise says to the raid party,"It's Anaris' fault."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"This is Sooo Anaris's fault!"
A travel spell is cast on Chiani.
Adeste says to the raid party,"how could she possibly take half an hour to get from North Qeynos to Qeynos Harbour anyway?  *laughs*"
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Heh."
Elloise says to the raid party,"'Cause she changed 4 times."
Chiani left the group.
Adeste says to the raid party,"but it's a naked race!"
Songhead says out of character,"any shard up ?"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Ain't there only one outfit ya can where for that?"
Renei says to the raid party,"a lot of inn rooms between here and there.."
Jasyn tells saga (1),"Um wear."
Elloise says to the raid party,"maybe she's waiting for the rain to stop."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Um wear."
Olga says out of character,"red 63 -650"
Anaris says to the raid party,"im trying to catch up othe readings...."
Jasyn tells saga (1),"*pretends to be talking into his mug*"
Anaris says to the raid party,"mt"
Kiaria says to the guild,"ANARIS? FLANN? BOTH OF THEE ARE LOST?"
Flann says to the guild,"no, she is tryin to be a social bug as always. darnit"
Kiaria says to the guild,"WHAT?"
Adeste says to the guild,"pick her up and carry her!"
Kiaria says to the guild,"Ok we go without her."
Flann says to the guild,"tryin ta git her goin *shoos Anaris"
Kiaria says to the guild,"it is LATE!"
Renei says to the raid party,"Readings.. you do readings? Can I have a reading?"
Elloise says to the raid party,"Anaris!  There are a dozen people waiting for you, ya twit!!"
Ashford's Aspect of Owl fades.
The spirit of the wolf leaves Ashford.
Evely says out of character,"red shard is up"
Renei says to the raid party,"*holds out her palms. I have a short lifeline, but a long loveline."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"That's 12-ish!"
Zasartik <Tanilya's rotting thrall>'s seal begins to fade.
Tanilya's fading mist begins to dissipate!
Elloise says to the raid party,"And naked.  In the snow."
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<looks at her palms>"
Adeste says to the raid party,"I think they're in the Steppes now."
Elloise tries to hide her gnomish highbeams.
Flann says to the raid party,"almost there"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Should sent Anaris here about a half hour before we left. She miighta caught up by now."
Elloise says to the raid party,"And worse ... we sent Flann to find her."
Renei says to the raid party,"Poor anaris *hugs*"
Flann says to the raid party,"doubt it. but its a thought"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"He found 'er though."
Knup says out of character,"Brood mother is up"
Flann says to the raid party,"hey, I kinda know my way around"
Elloise says to the raid party,"Follow the sound of my voice, Flann..."
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Ye know yer way around Anaris?"
Adeste says to the raid party,"let's not go there..."
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<laughs, glancing at Grim>"
Flann says to the raid party,"bah. thats naughty"
Elloise says to the raid party,"Ahh, no wonder she got anxious when I  was eyein' Flann..."
Kiaria blinks and turns away, blushing herself
Grimaldo whistles innocently.
Flann says to the raid party,"almost there1"
Adeste admires Dror's tattoos
Elloise couldn't whislte innocently if she used someone elses lips.
This encounter will no longer give encounter rewards.
Jasyn cheers at Flann!
Elloise hugs Flann.
Flann says,"wave"
Adeste says to the raid party,"hurrah, they're here!"
Flann waves.
Flann says,"greetins"
Elloise says,"And Anaris ...."
Adeste cheers at Flann!
Crulec says,"Flann !"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Well half of em are."
Adeste says,"did you stuff her in one of her own bags and carry her?"
Elloise says to the raid party,"there'd be no room for her."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"She's still in the ships hold."
Adeste says to the raid party,"but she'd arrive on time..."
Kaybe says out of character,"Tundra Jack up"
Grimaldo cheers at Anaris!
Elloise says to the raid party,"And Flann wouldn't dare dump the clothes out."
Anaris says to the raid party,"I'm freeeezing!!!"
Jasyn shivers.
Elloise hugs Anaris.
Adeste cheers at Anaris!
Renei says to the raid party,"Come on over to me!"
Adeste begins to focus upon Her elven reflexes.
Adeste begins to draw upon Her mixed heritage.
Elloise cuddles with Anaris for warmth.
Anaris says to the raid party,"whose idea was this?!!  ,eyes the northman and northwoman>"
Renei says to the raid party,"Tent is the Starting line."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Alrighty!  I forgot why we were here."
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"What tent?"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"tent?"
Renei says to the raid party,"Rillic and I are at it."
Renei says to the group,"don't swim directly.. hope the islans to be safe from sharks."
Renei says to the raid party,"don't swim directly.. hope the islans to be safe from sharks."
Renei says to the raid party,"hop the islands"
Crulec says to the raid party,"aye"
Dror is hit for 152 points of falling damage.
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Uh.  Wow.  Big fish."
Renei says to the raid party,"Anaris.. directly swimming will lead to sharks"
Renei says to the group,"Get ready veryone.. I'm going to run down to the end, so you know where to stop."
Flann says to the raid party,"ye sorta left us behind"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"This way, Flann"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Why is Flann involved whenever someone is left behind? hmmmm?"
Renei says to the raid party,"Flann?"
Bord says,"i c"
Renei says to the raid party,"Target Rillic, and come towards him, hopping the islands"
Adeste says to the raid party,"((oh how I miss being an EQ1 magician ... Call of the Hero made all these problems simply vanish.... =) ))"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Hop the islands.  And watch out fer the big fish."
Bord waves goodbye to everyone!
The spirit of the wolf leaves Elloise.
Renei says to the raid party,"Ok.. wait here, let me run to the end."
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Back here, Flann"



Anaris says to the raid party,"Um...why are we here agin?  i thinK I'm freezing....."
Adeste draws a line in the snow
Flann peers at the line
Flann says,"got no clue where we're goin"
Elloise says to the group,"Ren, you'll need to mentor before we start."
Kiaria calls the spirit of the wolf.
Elloise begins to move faster!
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Why is that wolf not attackng?"
Adeste says,"we're going to Renei and then back here, I believe"
Adeste says to the raid party,"perhaps it's tame ... some of them are, around here"
Dror waves to Prideaux.
Adeste grins evily at Rogoth.
Darkstarpuncher's group fades away!
Anaris turns into an icicle.
Kiaria regally waves at Rogoth.
Adeste tells saga (1),"so we run to Renei and then back here, is that right?  Do we have to hail her or something?"
Anaris says,"brrrrrrrrr!"
Renei triggers a starter chain.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"just one way? please?"
Anaris stands on the firecamp.
Renei triggers Crushing Anvil.
Renei completes Crushing Anvil.
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I nnnnnneed an nnnnnn ale."
Renei triggers a starter chain.
Kiaria tells saga (1),"whose idea was it for a nekkid fun run, anyway??"
Adeste tells saga (1),"trust me ... you don't wanna stop and stand still down the other end.  I've been there."
Renei triggers Sky Cleave.
Anaris says to the raid party,"i need warmth!"
Flann says,"it'll be cold anyhoo"
Grimaldo tells saga (1),"Yers"
Heroic opportunity expired.
Anaris hugs Haijakt for warmth....
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I knnnnnow."
Renei says to the raid party,"REady?"
Adeste says to the raid party,"do we have to hail you or something?"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Ready here."
Renei says to the group,"Elloise, you have sow?"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"we can sprint right???"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Um.  Yeah?"
Anaris says to the raid party,"Hugging elloise was sort of warm but then her......  ya know, they were poking......"
Elloise says to the group,"i could use another."
Kiaria calls the spirit of the wolf.
Flann says to the raid party,"awright, what rules?"
Kiaria says to the group,"there you go!"
The spirit of the wolf leaves Elloise.
Elloise begins to move faster!
Anaris says to the raid party,"what are we doing and where are we going?"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"No buffs, no clothes or jewelry."
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<fluffs her hair> sprinting allowe?"
Renei says to the raid party,"Everyone nekkid.. tunnel looks clear.. avoid agggro wolveS!!"
Flann says to the raid party,"srpint ok?"
Songhead is wisped away to safety!
Biicin is wisped away to safety!
Cinda is wisped away to safety!
Lliigia is wisped away to safety!
Jumubuh is wisped away to safety!
Kiaria calls the spirit of the wolf.
Anaris begins to concentrate.
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"ya ye can sprint."
Adeste says to the raid party,"do we have to hail you or something?"
A light breeze passes through Flann!
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Some rat stole ya's bags.  Ya gotta help renei get 'em back."
The spirit of the wolf leaves Elloise.
Elloise begins to move faster!
Renei says to the raid party,"sprint it recommended."
Flann says to the raid party,"alright"
Renei triggers a starter chain.
Renei triggers Crushing Anvil.
Biicin begins a fleeting enchantment.
Flann begins to chant divine words.
Anaris begins to concentrate.
Renei completes Crushing Anvil.
Biicin's group is briefly illuminated!
Songhead's group is briefly illuminated!
Cinda's group is briefly illuminated!
Lliigia's group is briefly illuminated!
Jumubuh's group is briefly illuminated!
A light breeze passes through Anaris!
Songhead calls the spirit of the wolf.
Flann feels comforted by the divine words.
Grimaldo feels comforted by the divine words.
Dror feels comforted by the divine words.
Adeste feels comforted by the divine words.
Anaris feels comforted by the divine words.
Jumubuh begins to move faster!
Elloise says to the raid party,"hail you then run back here?"
Renei triggers a starter chain.
Renei triggers Sky Cleave.
Renei completes Sky Cleave.
Renei says to the raid party,"Aye"
Renei triggers a starter chain.
Renei triggers Crushing Anvil.
Renei completes Crushing Anvil.
Elloise says,"hail Renei."
Elloise says,"I win."
The words no longer comfort Adeste.
Flann's light breeze fades.
Crulec says,"Hail, Renei"
Renei triggers a starter chain.
Renei triggers Sky Cleave.
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<laughs>"
Renei completes Sky Cleave.
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"NO BUFFS."
The words no longer comfort Grimaldo.
The words no longer comfort Dror.
The words no longer comfort Anaris.
The words no longer comfort Flann.
Anaris' light breeze fades.
Biicin begins a potent enchantment.
Kiaria says to the group,"LIVE RENEI!"
Flann says to the raid party,"hmm I got engaged"
Jasyn says,"All done. Let's go home"
Renei says to the raid party,"Killin wolves"
Biicin's group disappears!
Songhead's group disappears!
Cinda's group disappears!
Lliigia's group disappears!
Jumubuh's group disappears!
Adeste says to the raid party,"congratulations!"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"heh"
Adeste says to the raid party,"whos' the lucky woman?"
Elloise says to the group,"don't forget to mentor ren."
Renei wins the lotto for a damaged superb quality wolf pelt.
Flann says to the raid party,"bah"
Adeste says to the raid party,"*giggles*"
Flann begins to chant divine words.
Dror congratulates Renei on a job well done.
Flann was interrupted!
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Is it Katu?"
Renei says to the group,"Got it1"
Cinda says out of character,"any shard up now?"
Flann says to the raid party,"nuffa the funny stuff. we ready?"
Renei says to the raid party,"On your Mark...."
Adeste says to the raid party,"I think we're ready then ... no buffs, sprinting allowed, run down hail renei and run back."



Grimaldo says to the raid party,"WAIT"
Renei says to the raid party,"Waiting.."
Rillic says,"ouch"
Anaris says,"kiaria your skin isn't damaged yet, that isod...."
Elloise says to the group,"Ren ... you're greying stuff out."
Renei says to the group,"It's all colored to me."

(( there was some of this ... ))

Flann punches Rillic
Anaris says,"8is good, that is......"
Renei says to the group,"Mentor no workie."

(( A lot of this ... ))
Kiaria heals Dror for 360 hit points.
Dror regains some health.

(( Yet even more of this... ))
You are too weak to hit your target!
Elloise heals Dror for 58 hit points.
Dror is healed slightly.
Your target can parry all of your attacks!

(( Um... and this... ))
Anaris brushes off frost from her hair.
Flann says to the raid party,"showin this guy!"
Renei says to the raid party,"almost done?"
Flann says to the raid party,"darn near"
Adeste says to the raid party,"slow goin', since we're all mentoring"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Aye."
Renei says to the raid party,"And nekkid"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"... 'n some of us ain't got weapons."

(( Left this in for Elloise... ))
This art cannot be performed on a friendly target.

(( And finally, after MUCH time, a raid of Effective Level 25's eliminate a 33 roekillik assassin by tickling him to death...))
Elloise says to the raid party,"And some of us couldn't land a hit if we drugged him and chained him."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Yeah.   That too."
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Well done!"
Kiaria gives Dror a standing ovation!
Elloise says to the raid party,"*puts her chains away*"
Rillic says to the raid party,"*feels a bit sorry for the little white furball surrounded by a small army*"
Adeste says to the raid party,"whew.  A moment to regain power, please"
Flann says to the raid party,"punched his arse off"
Anaris says to the raid party,"casting breeze"
Anaris begins to concentrate.
A light breeze passes through Dror!
Flann says to the raid party,"no breeze"
Jasyn shivers.
Dror's symbols of vitae dissipate.
Anaris says to the raid party,"so we can regen faster silly then they can cancel it"
Elloise says,"we're happier this way."
Renei says to the raid party,"In the Frost we call it 'Freeze'"
Sweetdesire says,"lol"
Elloise smiles warmly.
Anaris begins to concentrate.
Dror's light breeze fades.
A light breeze passes through Dror!
Sweetdesire says,"polarbear club  huh?"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<laughs at elle's smile>"
Elloise says,"Something like that."
Sweetdesire giggles.
Flann says,"oh I get it"
Adeste says,"it's toughening.  Endurance.  Yeah."
Dror's light breeze fades.
Flann apologizes to Anaris whole-heartedly.
Anaris rolls her eyes at Flann.
Kiaria blinks at Flann's apology
Jasyn says,"Yeah... uh... what Adeste said."
Anaris says to the raid party,"ok ready!"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"NOW let us go?"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Everyone powered up?"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I need a drink."
Renei says to the raid party,"On your Mark....."
Adeste has started a trade with you.
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"when don't ye, jasyn?"
Adeste adds Fuzzlecutter Formula 6000 to the trade window.
Adeste has accepted the trade.
Renei says to the raid party,"Get Set....."
Jasyn has accepted the trade.



Renei says to the raid party,"GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Heh!"
Crulec begins to sprint.
Grimaldo begins to sprint.
Crulec is no longer sprinting.
Flann begins to sprint.
Adeste begins to sprint.
Crulec begins to sprint.
Kiaria begins to sprint.
Adeste says to the raid party,"and Grim takes the lead!"
Jasyn begins to sprint.
Dror begins to sprint.
Crulec begins to sprint.
Adeste says to the raid party,"Adeste and flann are close behind though"
Elloise begins to sprint.
Olga hits an ice wolf for 30 points of crushing damage.
Adeste says to the raid party,"no wolf bitings ... yet"
an ice wolf tries to crush Olga with Wild Swing, but misses.
You are no longer sprinting.
Crulec is no longer sprinting.
Dror is no longer sprinting.
Jasyn begins to sprint.
an ice wolf hits Gorwrath for 68 points of crushing damage.
Gorwrath hits an ice wolf for 70 points of slashing damage.
Crulec begins to sprint.
an ice wolf tries to crush Gorwrath, but misses.
Renei says to the raid party,"Remember, it's to me, and BACk folks.. don't stop when you hail me.. turn around and run bacK!"
You are no longer sprinting.
Gorwrath's Shatter Will hits an ice wolf for 135 points of divine damage.
Gorwrath hits an ice wolf for 69 points of slashing damage.
an ice wolf hits Gorwrath for 40 points of crushing damage.
Gorwrath's Sword of Battle hits an ice wolf for 116 points of slashing damage.
Crulec is no longer sprinting.
Ashford's Summer's Flame hits a Bitterwind pioneer for 144 points of heat damage.
a Bitterwind pioneer's Swipe hits Ashford for 121 points of crushing damage.
Ashford hits a Bitterwind pioneer for 34 points of crushing damage.
Grimaldo begins to sprint.
a Bitterwind pioneer hits Ashford for 68 points of crushing damage.
Ashford's Winter's Bite hits a Bitterwind pioneer for 275 points of cold damage.
Ashford has killed a Bitterwind pioneer.
A Bitterwind pioneer is hit by an icy blast!
You lack the power reserves to use this ability.
Crulec begins to sprint.
an ice wolf tries to crush a Bitterwind explorer, but misses.
a Bitterwind explorer tries to crush an ice wolf, but misses.
an ice wolf hits a Bitterwind explorer for 58 points of crushing damage.
a Bitterwind explorer tries to crush an ice wolf with Wild Swing, but an ice wolf parries.
an ice wolf hits Kiaria for 106 points of crushing damage.
an ice wolf hits Kiaria for 51 points of crushing damage.
Kiaria begins to sprint.
an ice wolf pup hits Flann for 51 points of crushing damage.
an ice wolf pup hits Flann for 37 points of crushing damage.
an ice wolf pup hits Flann for 55 points of crushing damage.
Flann begins to sprint.
You share in Kiaria's experience debt.
Your quest journal has been updated.
Renei says to the raid party,"Wrong way Jasyn!"
Dror says,"Oi stopped cause I saw an ore..."
Adeste says to the raid party,"and Kiaria is down!"
Crulec says to the raid party,"First down !"
Ashford tries to crush a Bitterwind pioneer, but a Bitterwind pioneer ripostes.
a Bitterwind pioneer hits Ashford for 45 points of crushing damage.
Ashford heals Ashford for 120 hit points.
a Bitterwind pioneer tries to crush Ashford, but Ashford blocks.
a Bitterwind pioneer hits Ashford for 47 points of crushing damage.
Adeste says to the raid party,"Elloise, Jasun, and Flann are in the lead... it's hard to see in the snow"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"<fluffs hair> Tis nice to be first at something!"
an ice wolf tries to crush Olga, but misses.
Olga's Pox hits an ice wolf for 52 points of disease damage.
Olga hits an ice wolf for 11 points of crushing damage.
an ice wolf tries to crush Olga, but Olga blocks.
Olga hits an ice wolf for 18 points of crushing damage.
Olga's Maul hits an ice wolf for 273 points of slashing damage.
Olga's Icy Flames hits an ice wolf for 108 points of cold damage.
The flames sputter and die out
an ice wolf tries to crush Olga, but misses.
Olga hits an ice wolf for 15 points of crushing damage.
Olga begins to draw spiritual energy about Her.
Olga's Pox hits an ice wolf for 52 points of disease damage.
An ice wolf's sickness begins to fade.
Olga's Pox hits an ice wolf for 61 points of disease damage.
An ice wolf feels violently ill!
an ice wolf tries to crush Olga, but misses.
Olga hits an ice wolf for 11 points of crushing damage.
Olga's Maul hits an ice wolf for 44 points of slashing damage.
an ice wolf tries to crush Olga, but misses.
Olga's Ire of the Grey hits an ice wolf for 184 points of divine damage.
Olga's Inspiring Piety hits an ice wolf for 158 points of divine damage.
an ice wolf hits Dror for 111 points of crushing damage.
a Bitterwind explorer's Wild Swing hits an ice wolf for 149 points of crushing damage.
Adeste says to the raid party,"and Adeste is ... ooh ... harvestable mineral ... *pauses*"
an ice wolf hits a Bitterwind explorer for 40 points of crushing damage.
a Bitterwind explorer hits an ice wolf for 86 points of crushing damage.
an ice wolf tries to crush a Bitterwind explorer, but misses.
Jasyn begins to sprint.
a Bitterwind explorer tries to crush an ice wolf with Crush, but an ice wolf parries.
an ice wolf's Wild Swing hits a Bitterwind explorer for 135 points of crushing damage.
a Bitterwind explorer's Wild Swing hits an ice wolf for 146 points of crushing damage.
An ice wolf is no longer worth any experience or treasure.
Kiaria begins to sprint.



Anaris says to the raid party,"sorry, i got distracted by a guard.... <smirks>"
You are no longer sprinting.
Adeste says to the raid party,"Rillic, Elloise, and Kiaria were back at the finish line when I arrived"
Rillic says to the raid party,"and Elloise hath crossed the line first"
Grimaldo cheers at Elloise!
Kiaria says to the raid party,"YAY ELLE!"
Elloise cheers at Haijakt!
Adeste says to the raid party,"*cheers for Elloise*"
Crulec cheers at Elloise!
Jasyn cheers at Elloise!
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Way to go Elloisie!"
Elloise says to the raid party,"no.  I feel like I cheated!"
Dror says,"Oi stopped ta mine...'n' th' stone told me I whar nar skilled enough!  Hmph!"
Anaris cheers at Elloise!
Flann says to the raid party,"she was runnin fast! "
Anaris congratulates Elloise on a job well done.
Your quest journal has been updated.
Flann says to the raid party,"even with wolfs bitin me I couldnt ketch her"
Anaris shivers at Elloise in antici..pation.
Kiaria says to the raid party,"The price"
Adeste says to the raid party,"remarkable sprinting!  Probably had lots of practice chasing, er, harvestables"
Flann says to the raid party,"nay, ye won"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Tis thy choice Elloise"
Elloise says to the raid party,"Every girl knows the best way to win is to cheat."
Anaris says to the raid party,"<laughs>"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"a tier three ? <glances at Flann> spell from Flann"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"or a fireplace by Adeste"
Anaris says to the raid party,"Adeste you are blowing smoke out of your mouth!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Fireplace!"
Adeste says to the raid party,"it's my breath freezing, I'm cold!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Take the fireplace!"
Jasyn shivers at Elloise in antici..pation.
Elloise says to the raid party,"oooh.  I can get spells from Flann easy enough.  i'll take the Fireplace."
Renei says to the raid party,"Good work all!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Warm!"
Adeste says to the raid party,"congratulations Elloise!  Grant me trustee rights to your home, and I shall install it in the coming week"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"I shall return home. thank all of thee for a most marvelously magical e'ening!"
Grimaldo offers himself to Elloise as the prize.
Renei says to the raid party,"and Kiaria deserves a special prize fer even finishing! *hugs*"
Flann says to the raid party,"adept spell from tier 1 to tier 4, you choose, is what I am offerin. fireplace sounds nice too though"
Adeste says to the raid party,"Kiaria surely does!"
Anaris says to the raid party,"Aye!"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"What? Nay!"
Kiaria regally waves.
Grimaldo begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Grimaldo begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Renei says to the raid party,"Even after she died,, she still ran the race. that's spirit!"
You flashes a sly grin.
Jasyn waves goodbye to Kiaria!
Flann says to the raid party,"awright, I get Kiaria an adept spell then. "
Kiaria says to the raid party,"I shall rest now <laughs softly> ahh Lady Renei. Twas to get my shard!"
Elloise says to the raid party,"she died??  oh no!"
Flann says to the raid party,"she deserves it for puttin up with alla us"
Kiaria says to the raid party,"Tis spirit..indeed <grin>"
Adeste says to the raid party,"a wolf bit her!"
Anaris says to the raid party,"yeah i totally didnt' even make it to renei...."
Kiaria appears flustered.
Kiaria glances at Crulec
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I never saw 'er but I think I was there."
Jasyn looks completely puzzled.
Kiaria says,"I must go!"
Anaris says to the raid party,"now Kiaria, why didn't you tell us about your wedding?!!!"
Cinda says out of character,"anyone raid the Iceberg?"
Renei says to the raid party,"Ye ran past me Jasyn."
Kiaria says to the raid party,"GOODNIGHT ALL! REST THEE MERRY!"
Kiaria fizzles!
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Heh!  I get anythin' for extra effort?"
Renei says,"night Kiaria!"
Cimber is wisped away to safety!
Gapik is wisped away to safety!
Mojoki is wisped away to safety!
Kiaria begins to cast a travel spell.
Adeste says to the raid party,"thank you Kiaria!  rest well!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"A drink?"
Anaris says to the raid party,"Notice how she is avoiding my question......."
Anaris raises an eyebrow at Kiaria!
Anaris hugs Kiaria.
Elloise has started a trade with you.
Anaris waves goodbye to Kiaria!
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Hey Anaris, put yer tongue on my armor and see if it sticks."
Elloise adds refreshing bumble bee to the trade window.
Elloise has accepted the trade.
Cimber calls the spirit of the wolf.
Jasyn has accepted the trade.
The spirit of the wolf leaves Gapik.
Gapik begins to move faster!
Renei hugs Kiaria.
Jasyn hugs Elloise.
Anaris puts her tongue on Grim's armor.
A travel spell is cast on Kiaria.
The spirit of the wolf leaves Kiaria.
Elloise says to the raid party,"that is such a line, grim!"
Jasyn graciously thanks Elloise.
Cimber begins to cast a travel spell.
Anaris mumbles inaudible things.
Cimber's bright red aura fades.
Renei says,"ok, Get dressed and let's join the polar bear club!"
Anaris says,"GAAAAAAAH!!!!!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Oh great.  How're we gonna get'er back home?"
Grimaldo quietly snickers and points at Anaris.
The cloud begins to dissipate.
The gift of Vul fades.
Crulec begins to cast a travel spell.
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I ain't carryin' ya Grim."
A travel spell is cast on Cimber.
Cimber's Aspect of Owl fades.
Cimber's misty haze disperses.
The spirit of the wolf leaves Cimber.
Flann says to the raid party,"call of qeynos, or I can boot ya with odysey"
Crulec says to the raid party,"Night all !"
Kiaria says to the guild,"<blows kisses to all her family> THANK YOU! NITE!"
Adeste says to the raid party,"maybe Grim could gate back.  At worst, he'd take her tongue."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"But... where's her tongue gonna end up if she uses Call of Qeynos?"
A travel spell is cast on Crulec.
Renei says to the guild,"Sleep well, mi'lady1"
Kiaria has gone linkdead.
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Graystone Yard or Castleview Hamlet?"
Adeste gets out the teak bookcase and uses it as a toboggan
Grimaldo pours some water over Anaris' tonge to unfreeze it.
Anaris says to the guild,"Rest well Kiaria1  <hug."
Kiaria left the group.
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You stop mentoring, and return to level 36.
Guildmate: Kiaria has logged out.
Elloise hugs Rillic.
Dror begins to focus His body into a defensive positioin.
Dror begins to focus on enduring the situation.
Anaris says,"Grim!  That was evil!!!"
Adeste begins to focus upon Her elven reflexes.
Adeste begins to draw upon Her mixed heritage.
Dror begins to cast a healing spell.
Dror heals Dror for 442 hit points.
A healing spell is cast on Dror.
Dror begins to cast a healing spell.
Dror heals YOU for 336 hit points.
A healing spell is cast on you.
Renei hugs Elloise.
Renei graciously thanks Elloise.
Grimaldo says,"Nonsense."
Elloise smiles at Renei.
Crulec left the group.
Guildmate: Crulec has logged out.
Adeste says,"fare thee well friends!  It was a good race!"
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Woulda been evil if I was like this instead."
Anaris sounded more like "gwim!  zad wazzzz eviwl!!!
Grimaldo changes form.
Grimaldo changes form.
Renei cheers at Adeste!
Dror says,"Och, well oi be headin' home, it's too cold out 'ere without me armour.  Thank ye fer th' fun!"
Anaris stares fixedly at Grimaldo.
Flann says,"anyone need oddyseyed back to qeynos?"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Good race 'n a great party!"
Flann says to the raid party,"was a hoot!"
Dror graciously thanks Elloise.
Grimaldo says to the raid party,"Ok, how we get back to the dock?"
Anaris says to the raid party,"Aye, zad wazzz fun!!!"
Dror waves goodbye to everyone!
Dror begins to cast a travel spell.
Anaris waves goodbye to Dror!
Renei hugs Dror.
Grimaldo waves goodbye to Dror!
Flann graciously thanks Elloise.
A travel spell is cast on Dror.
Anaris graciously thanks Elloise.
Elloise has started a trade with you.
Anaris smiles at Elloise.
Jasyn says to the raid party,"What if I just wanna oddysey just 'cause I ain't done it before?"
Anaris eats her chocolate and drinks the warm tea.
Adeste says,"thanks for coming Rillic, it was nice to meet you!"
Elloise adds a pinch of fairy dust to the trade window.
Elloise has accepted the trade.
Rillic bows to Adeste.
Jasyn fervently agrees with Rillic!
Jasyn says,"Hope to get to know ya better!"
Rillic says,"I thank thee all for allowing me to attend"
Bord says out of character,"any groups around need bloodrage for eyepatch heritage?"
Rillic agrees with Jasyn.
Jasyn says,"Great meetin ya fella."
Elloise says to the guild,"*shrug*  I gave him some yummies."
Adeste bows to Rillic.
Flann says to the raid party,"well I can only do one every 10- minutes. if anyone needs it, they oughta get fiurst chance"
Knayyan begins to hatch a sinister plan.
Knayyan begins to focus upon His elven reflexes.
Knayyan begins to draw upon Innoruuk's cauldron.
Anaris says,"Aye, very nice to meet you Rillic!  Journey safely and rest well, thanks for coming!"
Rillic says,"and I hope to know each of thee better, as well"
Grimaldo says,"GOod havin' ye, friend."
Anaris smiles at Rillic.
Flann says to the raid party,"anyone NOT have call ready ?"
Jasyn has accepted the trade.
Songhead calls upon an elemental force.
Anaris curtsies to Rillic.
Adeste says,"I look forward to seeing you around!"
Jasyn says,"Fairy dust?"
Songhead draws upon the ursine elements of nature.
Elloise says to the raid party,"call what?"
Lliigia begins to gather strands of arcane energy.
Cinda begins to gather strands of arcane energy.
Songhead begins to command the elemental spirits.
Rillic apologizes for being so quiet
Lliigia draws upon the forces of the arcane!
Songhead begins to command the elemental spirits.
Renei says to the raid party,"Of Qeynos"
Cinda begins an ancient energetic spell.
Lliigia begins a dazzling arcane spell.
Adeste begins to cast a travel spell.
Cinda begins a dark ancient spell.
Lliigia begins a fiery arcane spell.
Elloise says to the raid party,"i do."
Songhead draws upon the untamed elements of nature.
Cinda begins an ancient seal.
Lliigia begins an intense arcane spell.
Biicin begins to glow with energy.
Elloise waves to Rillic.
Elloise hugs Rillic.
Biicin begins to gather strands of arcane energy.
Songhead calls the spirit of the wolf.
Biicin begins an enchantment.
Songhead begins to move faster!
Biicin begins a comprehensive enchantment.
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I'm givin' ya a hard time.  Just 'cause I can."
The essences of nature begin to coalesce about Songhead.
Rillic enjoyed being a part of the festivities very much, despite his lack of voice
A travel spell is cast on Adeste.
Jumubuh receives a Crystallized Phoenix Feather!
Songhead calls the spirit of the wolf.
Jasyn mercilessly taunts Flann!
Flann says to the raid party,"ya got call of qeynos ready, anaris?"
Jumubuh begins to move faster!
The essences of nature begin to coalesce about Songhead.
Flann shakes his fist menacingly at Jasyn!
Rillic graciously thanks Elloise.
Lliigia receives a Crystallized Phoenix Feather!
Songhead calls the spirit of the wolf.
Anaris says to the raid party,"Aye I do....."
You flashes a sly grin.
Lliigia begins to move faster!
The essences of nature begin to coalesce about Songhead.
Flann says to the raid party,"alright, Jasyn"
Biicin receives a Crystallized Phoenix Feather!
Songhead calls the spirit of the wolf.
Renei changes form.
Renei changes form.
Elloise says to the raid party,"Wow ... center of attention."
Biicin begins to move faster!
Songhead calls the spirit of the wolf.
Cinda begins to move faster!
Biicin begins an enchanting aura.
Flann says to the raid party,"git ready, sendin ya home"
Biicin is surrounded by a Scintillating Aura!
Illusory shadows form around Biicin!
Biicin feels a surge of power course through Her!
Biicin begins an expeditious enchantment.
Biicin was interrupted!
Renei says,"My1 it is cold out herE! you weren't kidding1"
Biicin begins an expeditious enchantment.
Biicin was interrupted!
Anaris giggles at Elloise.
Biicin begins a potent enchantment.
Divine energies begin to coalesce about Flann.
Biicin's group disappears!
Songhead's group disappears!
Cinda's group disappears!
Lliigia's group disappears!
Jumubuh's group disappears!
Renei hugs Elloise.
Renei cheers at Jasyn!
Flann says to the raid party,"hmmm"
Renei hugs Jasyn.



You are transported to safe haven.
Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered The Willow Wood.
Flann says to the raid party,"it worked! I got rid of him"
Elloise says to the raid party,"are we done?  going home?"
Flann says to the raid party,"aye, we're done"
Anaris says to the raid party,"I may just want to stay here... Lots of carry my bags, that is....."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"*gasps*  I need a drink!  That's more power than Flann should be allowed to control."
Anaris says to the raid party,"they died!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"But on the bright side... I'm warmer now."
Elloise says to the raid party,"well ... let's get 'em buried."
Elloise says to the raid party,"I hope that's a snow angel, Rillic and not ..."
Elloise says to the raid party,"look!  yellow snow!  I heard it tastes like ... ale."
Flann says to the raid party,"hmm I heard ya can write yer name in the snow.. er..."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Can Flann bring me back now?"
Anaris says to the raid party,"<laughs>"
Flann says to the raid party,"nope. yer gone"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"Rats."
Flann says to the raid party,"outta here"
Flann says to the raid party,"II'm outta here too"
Elloise says to the raid party,"I think I'm heading out as well."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I'll have to try that yella snow someday."
Flann says to the raid party,"want me ta bring ya some?"
Flann says to the raid party,"I see one of Anaris; bags is empty *goes toward the yellow snow8"
Anaris says to the raid party,"<gasp.  FLANN!"
Jasyn says to the raid party,"But won't it kinda melt on the way back?  Oh heck.  Go ahead 'n give it a shot."
Flann says to the raid party,"oops I wasnt gonna you know "
Anaris says to the raid party,"You wouldnt' dare....."
Renei says to the raid party,"Aye, best check the sides on that one.. it's a deep bag. I think it was fulla clothes."
Jasyn says to the raid party,"I mean.  Ya wouldn't do that Flann, would ya?  Bad Flann!"
Anaris says to the raid party,"<whimpers>"
Flann says to the raid party,"*shakes the bag vigorously* nothin in it now"
Anaris says to the raid party,"FLANN!  You want to give me a shock attack?"
Flann says to the raid party,"uh... no... I think...."
The spirit of the wolf leaves Nihthin.



Jasyn begins to focus upon his elven reflexes.
Jasyn begins to draw upon his mixed heritage.
You have entered Jasyn's Inn Room.
Flann says to the raid party,"nuffa this. gittin outta here"
Anaris says to the raid party,"But it's nice and cold!  "
Anaris says to the raid party,"i already got used to the frost....."
Flann says to the raid party,"yeah, too cold. gonna head home"
Anaris says to the raid party,"<shivers uncontrollably>"
Jasyn says to the guild,"(( wonderful chaotic fun *hugs Saga* ))"
Flann says to the guild,"(still gota kill some undead for the halberd. gettin cal)"
Anaris says to the raid party,"I should head out as well....  It was a pleasure to journey alongsid eall of you1  <hugs>"
Renei says to the group,"Let's go to Greystone!"
Jasyn says to the guild,"G'nite to anyone who leaves while I'm catchin up on my ale drinkin' (( AFK Taking a short break ))"
You are now afk.
Guildmate: Anaris has logged out.
Renei left the group.
Guildmate: Adeste has logged out.
Guildmate: Anaris has logged in.
Elloise says to the group,"Oh dear ... left all alone with Jasyn ..."
Elloise says to the group,"*grins most evily*"
Guildmate: Dror has logged out.
Elloise says to the group,"*thinks of all the wonderful ways to molest him*"
Flann says to the guild,"(gettin Cal)"
Elloise says to the group,"Now then ... you'd mentioned something about spilling chocolate all over yourself ..."
Guildmate: Flann has logged out.
Grimaldo says to the guild,"Ye all got a plan fer somethin ta be doin?"
Guildmate: Caladril has logged in.
Elloise says to the guild,"I plan on sleeping.  So many men tonight ... I'm just tuckered out."
Elloise says to the guild,"Just plum tuckered."
Caladril says to the guild,"*hugs* "
Caladril says to the guild,"goodnight, friend"
Grimaldo says to the guild,"G'nite then, lass."
Elloise says to the guild,"*hugs*  goodnight boys."
Anaris says to the guild,"goodnight elloise, rest well!  <hug."
Elloise says to the group,"goodnight Jasyn.  Sweet dreams.  *wink*"