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Evil Spreads

Started by Noa, December 04, 2006, 09:56:45 PM

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Posts: 115
(8/14/02 4:27 pm)
Evil Spreads
((this you wouldn't know IC unless you had very very very good faction with the Haven, and perhaps the rogues. More of a note for those who don't know what it is exactly that Bridh does...))

The thicket was cool in the twilight shadow, only the azure glow of Norrath overhead offering its light across the rolling hills. The shadows shift in the breeze, the broad palms shading the path from Shar Vahl to the caverns beyond. The sound of footsteps move up the dirt path from the far off city. The Loda Kai comes into view, his chain tussled as he hauls a rough squirming sack over his shoulder. The sound from the sack makes her skin crawl...

Three waiting shadows shift, leaving the cover of the palm, and creep silently over the rocks guarding the path. The human man steps closer, headed for his camp. A blur of motion scurries from the rock, the two Fier'dal men striking the Loda Kai without warning, a spatter of crimson as his throat slits. His body slumps into the grass, his fingers releasing their infernal grip on his prize. Her motions are fast, catching the sack before it topples to the ground. She cuddles the sack close to her chest and pulls open the tie. Inside, the two mewling Vah Shir kittens look out at the emerald eyes looking in at them and begin to cry. A stir of whispers between the three, quick Cant, as the men descend on the brigand to search his gear. They find the contract note stuffed into a pocket and hand it up to the woman. Removing what valuables the man had been foolish enough to carry, the Fier'dal drag his carcass under the weeping palm for the saurs to dispose of. The woman folds open the small note, reading carefully. An order for two Vah Shir young in the fluid script of the Tier'dal. A name. A name was all she needed. Pulling the babies close to her body, the half elf turns, beating feet back towards the towering city gates.

She finds her Taruun ally patrolling the street near the entry of the city, the blur of shadow luring him out of sight. She gently places the two small kittens in his arms, briefing him in a whisper, and vanishes, back into the bustle of the city. She had to return to the Haven quickly. The Tier'dal was awaiting his delivery...

... ... ...

Her eyes scanned the note once more, assuring that she was at the right place at the right time. Sahm, her new friend among the Haven guard, and his patrol brother Saul, stood at the ready behind her, silent. Few had been told of her business here, but those who had been so trusted were quick to assist. This was going to be fun. They were going to get to make some noise. The halfelf begins to undress, placing her chain into her pack and leaving it with River where she knows it will be safe. Down to nothing more than her dressing tunic, her form begins to change, an indigo hue spreading across her figure. Long ashen white hair sweeps across her bare shoulders, covering her Den mark. She slips back towards the door of the tavern to where her friends await her, grinning to them both.

"LET GO OF ME!!! I'LL HAVE YOUR TROATS SLIT!!!" the woman shrieks, the two men grabbing her by the arms and pulling her to the ground. The blood curdling sound brings the bustle of the busy market to a dead stand still, all eyes turning towards the three now wrestling in front of the pub. Those who realize turn quickly away, those who don't can't help but stare as the half naked Tier'dal wench struggles with the two well armored Haven Guard. A form fills the door of the pub.

"You're going to burn, slaver witch!" Sahm bellows, tearing at the fighting woman's hair.

"What in Ro is going on here!" the slender Tier'dal noble demands, his robe fluttering in the stir in front of him. "How dare you, lay your hands off her!" he insists with a rap of his staff, seeing nothing more than a defenseless Tier'dal woman being manhandled by two human guards. He is nearly thrown off his feet as the three tumble in through the door of the tavern.

In the fray, her eyes scan the quiet pub, no soul to be found save the Dwarven barkeep who scurries under his counter at the sight. Bodies hit the floor in the tussle, two sets of shining steel armor rise to cover, as the woman twists, her body coming up from the floor and pinning the small man to the floor with her knees. Her form begins to shift again as horror fills his eyes. "No room for slavers here," the halfelf hisses, and a loud *SNAP* echoes through the room. Still... silence.

Sahm helps the woman to her feet as his brother grabs the limp form off the floor. A search of his robes reveals the payment, as well as the original contract. The woman takes both, splitting the coin between the three of them. Saul stuffs what is left of the broken Tier'dal into the rough sack and flings it over his shoulder, standing now at his full height. A nod, and he turns out the door to dispose of the body in the caverns below the city. Sahm and Bridh stand, looking at each other. A faint grin crosses his lips as she smiles. She steps back into the market to retrieve her things, and he turns back towards the bank, as though nothing had happened.

The contract in her hands will lead her closer to those who have dared bring their foul trade here. This slave route will fall like all those before it... 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish