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A dream come true

Started by Noa, June 04, 2006, 04:45:46 PM

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Elfhugging Halfling
Posts: 64
(2/27/02 2:58 am)
A dream come true
Hello to all of you, my new brothers and sisters.

I know these are distressing times for all of you, and I might have picked a better time to join this family, but events came to pass and here I am. I will therefore keep this as short as possible and just introduce myself, and save the lengthy tales to better, more relaxed times.

Untraditionally, this is not your regular application letter, as I
already carry the Starspun tag, but rather the tale of how this came to pass.

I am a lowly halfling rogue. Cliche, you say. Well, that's my life. I was born and raised in Rivervale, son to a long line of footpads and Deeppockets, spending most of my youth in the Fool's Gold, parting tourists and adventurers from their excess gold.

I have grown tired of this, and disgusted with the morality of it all, but that is a tale for another time. Suffice it to say that I took on the adventuring life and started hunting and fighting in Misty Thicket.

I have heard stories of Starspun and the great deeds of its members. I have even bumped into some of you in Rivervale and in Runnyeye citadel. I remember especially Mixxi - I knew immediately when seeing her - this is what I want to be like, that's the life for me. Approaching her, all she could tell me, very politely, was that she is in a hurry to meet some friends, I think it was in Runnyeye, and she left. I was awestruck.
I started looking for Starspun members, and considering them in detail.
All looked as if they had much more experience than me, and I was afraid they will have no room for me in their ranks.
One of your numbers (I am ashamed to say I do not even remember who, might be Mixxi again) gave me one day some pieces of Split Paw armor, for which I was grateful.

My dream in those days was to leave Rivervale and travel the world. But I was afraid, and didn't know much of the world outside. And so the days went by, and I kept fighting the cursed Runnyeye goblins, and the beasts of the thicket.

I will cut some of the story here, for briefness, and complete it another time. Suffice it to say that I have moved to Kelethin on lovely Feydwer, and joined the Order of the Oaken guild.

I was back home in Rivervale making all the way from my new home in Kelethin to participate in the guild (OotO back then) raid there.
Resting a bit in the thicket and practicing my cooking skills have become boring, and me and my friend Caspearious left for the long trip back to Kelethin. And long it was. The Al'Kabor curse was fresh upon the world, and we kept fainting in our travels. We have barely made it to Freeport before we had to rest for the night. Running through the Freeport street to take an Inn by the docks I spotted a bearded Dwarven lady, in scarab Armor. Kanina of Starspun. Starspun being constantly on my mind these days, I hailed her, and exchanged a few pleasantries meaning to ask her how to go about applying to join the guild. Alas, I could barely make what she was saying, and she could barely understand
me. This was not going to work. I bade her farewell and goo travels, and we went to our Inn to rest before the dreaded trip to Feydwer.

The next day, we took that bloody boat to Butcherblock Mountains. I hate those trips. I got so seasick I lost conciousness, and just when the journey was nearing its end. Coming to, I saw the Butcherblock pier receding in the distance. Not giving the matter much thought, I jumped
ship and swam to shore. It was an exertion for me, as most of my swimming so far was in our lovely lake in Rivervale, and ocean swimming was something else completely.

I have finally made it to shore, wet and panting. I managed to find my friend Caspearious who also experienced a fainting spell, right there in the water by the docks, having fallen in as he fainted just when coming off the boat. He handed me some berries he foraged, to refresh me. Suddenly I have lost my hearing almost completely and was so dizzy I could not tell what was in my pockets, and I could hardly move or act. I
was sure I have been poisoned, or cursed. That damned Al'Kabor - his magic dealings and insatiable lust for power have brought pain and sickness all over Norrath. He must be made to pay. Then, in the midst of this agony and confusion, I could barely make out the words "Ankles begins to cast a spell".
Ankles? This can mean only one person. I looked around hurriedly, afraid I will miss this chance. Lo and behold - there on the beach before the docks, like a vision out of Karana's own halls, I spot this beautiful half-elf who can only be Ankles Dirtyfoot herself, ranger and leader of Starspun. I must be hallucinating. Rubbing my eyes did nothing to change the view. She was really there. This must be a sign from the gods, I remember thinking.

Were I in my usual and healthy condition, I not have dared approach this vision from legend. But being crazed and half blind and deaf, I rushed over, knelt before her and beseeched her to accept me into Starspun. There and then I have renounced my membership in the Order of the Oaken,
to prove to her that I intended this very seriously.
She said something. I could not make it. I asked her to repeat. She said another thing. I could hear nothing, and fearing to miss this unique chance I yelled: "yes, I will be a loyal member of Starspun", hoping against hope she was inviting me into the fold.
A feeling of warmth went through me. I could faintly hear some voices, welcoming me into the guild. Yes. It was a dream of many seasons, finally come true.

Ankles has run off to board a boat (I am guessing she went to Kunark) and my good friend Caspearious dragged me in my state of deafness, blindness, and total bliss into Kaladim, to be healed.

I will be filling you in more of my life's events after things settle down here a bit. I hope this will help you all to begin to know me, and I am looking forward to meeting with you all, and sharing adventures, and tales, and ales.

I am one happy halfling now you have accepted me , and if not for Bristlebane's curse, my bliss will be complete. He must have his reasons.

Halfling Rogue of the 14th blade
Cursed by Bristlebane

Edit: Sorry, this was not as short as I intended.

Bippin Tenderfoot
Redeemed Rogue of the 33rd blade
An officer of <Starspun>
Safehouse Ring Warden of Firiona Vie

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish