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*pushes Anaris into the door*

Started by Lyrima, October 29, 2006, 07:22:20 PM

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Quote from: Kharga on November 08, 2006, 02:54:35 PM
Oh gods Peri.. I forgot about Sol..  I'll take her..  you handle all the gnomes...  >>with a snarl, he leaps from the rafters, landing on Solspidey's back, and hooking his arms around some of her legs, and his legs around some other legs, trying to keep her immobile<<

Umm ok!

>>looks around confused then gets an Idea<<

Hey You! look at this!

>>dumps a sack of mechanical parts onto the floor<<

Mechanical Booty!

>>almost all the gnomes she knows are pirates or mad scientists<<


"oooh pretty metal gear thingies! I bet that will help me make my cutre automatic combing thingy!"

<Tanare bounces over and starts sorting through the gears to see which ones will attach best to her comb>


* Jasyn-gnome  finds some parts that have been partially assembled to resemble a familiar object.

Oooh.  A mechanical ale mug.  I wonder how it works...

* Jasyn-gnome  leans in close to the mouth of the stein to peek inside.  He feels around the handle and the lip of the mug, trying to figure out if there are any buttons to help operate it...


OOOOOOOOOoooooWwww!!!  Wha the heck kinda daggum son of a biscuit <mumblemumble> is this!?!

* Jasyn-gnome  tries to shake the mug free of his hands, but it's stuck to him like a Chinese finger trap puzzle.


Quince watches Jasyn-gnome in fascination.  "Hey! Someone find the Doc!  Jasyn got himself caught in the drunk cowboy trap!"

He giggles at the sight, then is suddenly struck with an inspiration to improve the heat-output of the stove ...
EQ2 - Antonia Bayle: Quince Flutterfoot, Frixobulus, Sunbeam


>>wrangling and wrestling with the giant spider, he makes very little progress, and somehow ends up lying on his back on top of a table, still trying to pin all the spider's scrabbling legs<< 

How about a spider cage folks?!?

(( and oh my god..  Quince is gonna burn down the tavern ))



*begins spinning silk and wrapping up the rolling, flailing Kerran*



Cage! Cage!  Let's make a cage!  A pretty one too, Tanare darling see that we find the finest of wrought irons and a silver lever fo the mechanical handle... Perhaps we ought to just, oh!  I have an idea!  We can figure out a way to make it so that there's a pulling device on it and we can raise it to the ceiling when the spider is being naughty, that way we have more room in the tavern!  We'll also need to implement a feeding system so we don't have to get near it, and maybe a lockpad for safety, and WHAT AM I SAYING!???  I am NOT A GNOME!

*looks around the room in exasperation*

That's it!  We all have to go back to our original selves!   

*looks around again*

Well, except maybe that one...  It can stay in Gnome form....

*eyes Sunbeam*

Alright, um........does anyone remember the spell chant for reverse illusion?  Anyone at all?  Helloooooo?  I... um.....  I slept during that lesson........

*scratches her head and contemplates inventing a time machine so she can go back and wake herself up during class*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


Sunbeam walks in, banging his head on the doorframe.  As he shakes his head, he calls out,


He surveys the scene, and a blissful expression covers his face.  He can hardly contain his excitement, and starts to bounce up and down, causing minor tremors in the floor.




*panics and prays Sunbeam doesn't step on her*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


* Jasyn-gnome  finally pries the contraption from his fingers.

Whew!  I need a drink.  Good thing all the mugs in this place're extra large now.  Mmm.

* Jasyn-gnome  wonders when that happened.


Huh?  What're ya talkin' 'bout, Beamer?

* Jasyn-gnome  looks around the room and then at himself.

Son of a biscuit.


>>the struggling, squirming silk encased kerra begins to make strange noises, and his movements slow<<


*looks at the poor strangling Kharga*

Are you sure you are handling that?

*pokes him*

Doesn't look like you can breath.

*pokes again*

I hate to interfere... but


*pulls out a katar and starts cutting Kharga free*


Mind ya don't slice off his tail, now, y'hear?

* Jasyn-gnome  keeps watching anway.

... 'n somebody un-gnome me already!  I'm gettin' the willies.


Tanare suddenly remembers another time when an ogre tried to eat her at Littany -bad- dressy-makey-person's party at lord thuley's house and leaps behind the bar at the sight of another ogre oblvious to whoever may already be cowering behind there until the collision....


>>As the threads start to loosen, he takes in a huge gasp, panting heavily, then abruptly sitting up, giving three sharp barks and spewing a spiderwebball onto Peri's boots<<

::coughcough::   ..  Sorry Per....



Horse hooves are heard and they stop outside the tavern.  The door opens carefully and Gwenae gracefully enters carrying a large pack.  The door closes behind her and she stops suddenly when she views the gnomes, ogres, and a large spider on the ceiling.

"Um, what in Tunare's name is going on here?  A little ale and you all go wild?  What are you drinking that is causing this?  Maybe I should try some." She says with a laugh.

Moving towards the bar, she takes in the scene and wonders about Peri with a huge ball of spider silk at her feet. 


Three halflings behind the bar seem to be doing some sort of juggling act with the bottles.

Quince, one of the three, says, "What'll it bee, Gwen?  You have Flutterfoot Flying Bar tonight! Name your drink!"
EQ2 - Antonia Bayle: Quince Flutterfoot, Frixobulus, Sunbeam


*becomes highly frustrated (apparently a Gnomish trait) and shouts*



I seem to have forgotten how to......

*blushes some more and hides behind a chair*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365