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Who's That Behind You?

Started by Kaminari, November 05, 2007, 07:03:03 PM

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Kaminari stepped through the tavern doors. There was less activity than she had supposed. And that was not a bad thing. After leaving the library, her fourth straight night visiting, she had not wanted to turn in just yet. Her mind was buzzing too much, and there was too much dark elf involved in the buzzing, for her to risk going to sleep and dreaming. Some conversation -- or not -- and some strong spirits seemed to be in order instead. The emphasis this evening she supposed, as she glanced around wondering if she knew anyone there, would be on the strong spirits.

And not the Jin kind.

She moved with graceful assurance befitting a bred Kojani warrior to the bar and studied in what she would partake. Ale, mead, lager, were all too heavy for the evening. She didn't want to fill up; she wanted a nice, soothing, undisruptable buzz to drown out the buzzing already there. Wine seemed too tame, and besides there didn't seem to be anything of the high elven variety, and fizzle water wasn't in the budget. But whiskey ... now there was something she could appreciate. It burnt going down and spread warmth with the swiftness of her sorceress fireball. After that, it was all a downhill stroll until the slumber.

Since she didn't immediately notice anyone she should know by crest or cloak, she picked a table as close to the fireplace as the other customers had allowed. It was a habit, coming from the rainy weather of Tanvu, to find a fire as soon as one could and claim it. But it was warm in the cozy pub and she considered sliding the bamboo from her severe obsidian hair to let it fall comfortably, but realized the drink would soon be warming her, too, and left it as it was for the time being.

She toyed with the goblet before her, like a cat playing with a mouse. Now, where was she? Ah yes. Unwinding. Relaxing. Forgetting.


The tavern doors slam open, letting in a swirl of night air, as Alanni bursts in.  Her dark hair hangs, as always, untidily in her eyes and she brushes it away impatiently.  Although only four feet tall, the halfling seems well able to handle herself in a scrap even after leaving her shield and sword in a place set aside for such by the door.  Her body, though small, is hard muscled and bears the scars of many battles.  Her green eyes dart around the tavern, lighting on the form of the new recruit, sitting quietly by the fire.  Relaxing being a foreign concept to Alanni, she darts over almost knocking Kaminari off her chair by the force of her rush.

"Ahoy there, ye landlubber!"  Alanni's voice booms, seemingly too large for her body to contain it.  "Whatcher doin' there, by tha fire?  Ain't yeh a sight young fer sech?"  Alanni signals the barkeep, "Grog here!"  The barkeep rolls his eyes, well used to the request, and pours Alanni a plain dwarven ale secure in the knowledge that she will never know the difference.

"Kaminari, ain't it?  Glad teh see yeh made yer way ta tha tavern."  Alanni has a large gold colored key strapped to her chest piece at the shoulder, which she fingers on occasion.  She pulls up a stool next to Kaminari and takes a seat, studying the recruit closely.
EQ2: Boudeccai, Callysta, Dulcette, Mabb, Missa, Kudzoo, Negghia, Alanni
SWTOR: Jezerai, Callysta, Jujule, Myrriam, Catta, Temi'ana
TSW: Kud-zu, Teasel


Kaminari blinked and hoped she didn't appear rude. It took a bit to catch up with Alanni's vernacular.

She grinned a little. "Good evening, Captain," she said. Had she been a little quicker on the uptake, she probably would've pretended indignation at the term 'landlubber,' as she had a sloop of her own. A gift, and nevermind where from. Then again, she did only use it in extreme emergencies; the high seas didn't call to her like it did for Alanni.

Kaminari looked around and nodded. "It's quite pleasant. Cozy. The fire adds an agreeable amber glow to the drink," she held up the goblet and winked. The tender brought over Alanni's grog and set it in front of her.

She leaned back into her chair slightly, bringing her whiskey with her. "What brings you to port, Captain?" she asked sincerely.


Alanni thanked the barkeep for her "grog" and takes a long sip.  "Ahhh!  That be good!"  She then turned her attention back to Kaminar, startled.  "Port?  I neva drink tha stuff though me da used ter like a glass afta dinner with his cigar."  She then gives Kaminari a sly wink.  "As fer what I be doin', well tha be secret piratey business yeh know."  Alanni fingers the key and tries her best to look secretive.
EQ2: Boudeccai, Callysta, Dulcette, Mabb, Missa, Kudzoo, Negghia, Alanni
SWTOR: Jezerai, Callysta, Jujule, Myrriam, Catta, Temi'ana
TSW: Kud-zu, Teasel


"Ahh," Kaminari nodded as if in total understanding, and took a long swig. It burnt the tender bitts beneath her tongue, before she could swallow it completely and burn the rest of her insides.  One eye squinted closed and seemed disinclined to reopen. "I -- couldn't help but notice you have a rather handsome key -- decoration -- there ..." she pointed with a free finger.


Alanni's eyes get a shifty look, and for a moment seems disinclined to answer.  But after inspecting Kaminari closely she decides the girl is trustworthy and answers in a low whisper, or as low a whisper as Alanni can voice.

"Oh this?"  She fingers the key again.  "Well I been readin' 'bout pirates.  The books all say that pirates got a parrot to sit on their shoulder.  I been thinkin' and thinkin' 'bout what that might be."  Alanni frowns.  "Somebody said it were a bird, but why would enybody want a bird on their shoulder?  They might poop!"  Alanni shakes her head and shrugs.  "Well, ennyway, I thought a pirate's got a treasure chest, right?  And if yeh gots a treasure chest yer gonna want yer key handy, right?  So a parrot must be a pirate's treasure chest key!"  Alanni fingers the key again.  "I found this key fer sale in tha market fer a verra good price.  Now alls I gotta do is find a chest!  And a treasure!"
EQ2: Boudeccai, Callysta, Dulcette, Mabb, Missa, Kudzoo, Negghia, Alanni
SWTOR: Jezerai, Callysta, Jujule, Myrriam, Catta, Temi'ana
TSW: Kud-zu, Teasel


Kaminari resisted the compulsion to rub a hand over her forehead and features. She nodded again, more to herself. "Indeed. I can see the need for those. A pirate is what you aspire to, then? Seems that the chest would be easy enough to locate. What ... treasure do you seek?"


The door swings open and a tall wood elf strides in, her tangled dark hair bouncing on her back with every step.  As the door slams shut with a resounding crash, a satisfied smile curves surprisingly attractive lips.

The ranger stops short at the sight of the tender.  The smile changes from satisfaction to one of attempted charm.

"Yo! How're ya doin?" She nods hopefully and slides between the bar stools and orders her usual.  "Whaddya mean ya wanna see some coin afore ya serve me?!"  The tender merely stares, arms crossed.  "Aight, aight..." She mumbles a comment as a dark look is directed at her packs.  Sighing noisily, Lyrima laboriously unbuckles her packs and sets to seeking her purse.  Her arm reaches deep in as her face squinches in effort.  "Maybe this's it..." She yanks out a haphazardly piece of hide.  After shaking her head, she tosses it over her shoulder.  Another long reach into the pack brings up a handful of items, none of which are the sought after purse.  Those, too, end up on the floor behind her.  In a short time, the floor is littered with the remains of various creatures: teeth, claws, stingers.  Some of the slimier items are clearly organs in various stages of decay. Several broken, rusty weapons decorate the edges of the pile.

"Aight! This has gotta be it!"  Triumphantly, the black haired ranger holds aloft a well abused coin purse.  The contents give a muted jingle when she shakes it in front of the tender. 

"Ya happy now? I got my coin purse!  Can I have my drink now?"

The tender holds out a massive hand, clearly expecting the coins.  "AIGHT!" she bellows before upending the purse on the counter.  Several more teeth clatter down, along with a few buttons.  The coppers in the pile gleam dully from the bottom, clearly in the minority.  The tender, losing patience and seeing his other patrons drifting away, reaches over and nimbly plucks out the correct number of coins.  Lyrima scowls at him but says nothing.

In short order, her drinks arrive.  A small glass filled to the brim with a golden liquid partnered with a tall glass of iced water.  Her good humor restored at the sight of her favorite libation, Lyrima tosses back the contents of the small glass and carefully sips the water, making loud, satisfied smacking noises.

She spins around, leans her elbows on the bar and surveys the crowd.  Her green eyes fall on her Guild Leader and her yelp of surprise and concern is loud enough to stop all conversation in the small room. 
Lyrima - EQ2, ESO, now Baldur's Gate 3
Lark - Storm Trooper SW:TOR
Kiaria - Warden EQ2, ESO
Tira l'Arc - Ranger/Healer HZ/ EQ2, ESO
Athen'a - TankArcher AC


Alanni turns her head and the yip coming from behind her and sees Lyrima at the bar.  "Ahoy there, ye landlubber!"  she calls, waving from her stool.  She gets up and makes her way over to the ranger.  "Whatcher up ..."  As she gets to Lyrima she comes to a halt, spotting the debris scattered about the ground.  Her eyes narrow.  "Wha be this mess, eh?"  She crosses her arms across her chest and glares.  "Do yeh got any idear how long it took me ta clean this floor?  I'll have yeh keelhauled if it ain't cleaned up!"
EQ2: Boudeccai, Callysta, Dulcette, Mabb, Missa, Kudzoo, Negghia, Alanni
SWTOR: Jezerai, Callysta, Jujule, Myrriam, Catta, Temi'ana
TSW: Kud-zu, Teasel