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On a wing and a prayer

Started by Wayena, February 25, 2009, 06:59:42 PM

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Aemora awoke in a field of grass, giant plants casting their shadows all about her. She didn't know how she got there, nor why she felt different. Something about her wings...

"By the Nameless, no!"

Her wings, her beautiful wings, were gone. The dark crimson wings that Anaris had so fancied and Aemora had sworn to keep from here were gone. In their place were soft blue wings, wings that felt much stronger Aemora felt instantly, but not the wings she expected.

The hair that fell in her face shocked her even more. Her gorgeous curly red hair was gone. In it's place, long strands of white hung instead. She wanted to rip it out, both her hair and wings. These were not hers and she wanted hers.

She lay there a bit, crying until she heard movement. A goblin was nearby, carrying eggs. She followed, her curiosity replacing her grief and saw as the goblin arrived to a small pond and gave the eggs to another goblin who was tending to them. Small worm-like creatures were emerging from the pond. Slowly, she crept up to the pond. The goblins looked at her, at each other, shrugged, and went back to what they were doing. What Aemora saw shocked her even more than her wings and her hair.

Aemora looked into the water expecting to see an Arasai, but instead saw a Fae.

She stumbled back a few steps, her eyes rolled up into her head, and she passed out.