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more brother spam: The Secret

Started by Lyrima, June 23, 2006, 07:47:51 AM

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You know, my brother sends me so much spam, I never know what to expect when I open his emails.  Rarely does he comment; usually it is merely a forward with his name in the message part.  Sometimes I can get a feel for what is coming next by who he sends it to.

Remember when I asked about that movie not long ago? - What The Bleep Do We Know?'

His email was a link to a free google hosted video about the 'secret' and it reminds me strongly of What the Bleep.

I'm not sure I subscribe wholesale to what they say here, but some of it resonates with what I have noticed about my life.

I'll save further comments until some folks have actually watched it.  Or maybe I'll finish watching it and post again, and you all can ignore or read my thoughts as you wish. :)

Warning: It is long.  I watched for 40 mins before needing to go on with my day.  I'll finish it later, but I haven't any idea how long this video is.


Lyrima - EQ2, ESO, now Baldur's Gate 3
Lark - Storm Trooper SW:TOR
Kiaria - Warden EQ2, ESO
Tira l'Arc - Ranger/Healer HZ/ EQ2, ESO
Athen'a - TankArcher AC