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[SW-TOR] In a cantina far, far away...

Started by Mixxi, August 28, 2011, 06:20:38 PM

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 Raven could sense the Senator fear. But none in the blond. He used the force to pull the bag to him. He did not want to get to close.
"Why thank you Senator. the Order will always remember you. I mean that. Now would be a good time for you to leave. This place is not very safe, and you would not want your voters to get the wrong idea." He said with a smile

He opened the bag and put the holocron in his robe. the he looked at the blond " How about a drink? I sure could use one. Oh, by the way I am Raven Miles." As he said it he put out his hand.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Jerking her head toward the back exit of the dressing room, Kit made sure the senator had made it out before she turned to the Jedi.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be on speaking terms with a knight," she said. "Forgive me if I don't shake hands. Never got in the habit."

She led the way back to her former table. "Nils keeps some emeraldfuit nectar behind the bar for me, if you would join me. I assume you do not drink alcohol, and I never indulge unless everyone is getting their minds similarly dulled." She tapped the bag on the table. "Since it's yours now, what can you tell me about this?"


Rave sat at the table. " I will have a Hut Hell Maker. I am a Jedi not a Monk." He said With a big smile. " and as for the Holodron, I t was my Master's. He had made it for me before he was killed by the Sith." His smile faded a bit. But he was trying not to let it show. " I was to have it when i became a full Knight. But it was lost before that happened. How did you find it?" he asked.
(ooc i do not know if that was a real drink in SW, but it sounded good.)
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


((All apologies for the delay, 5 days on the beach with a sweety and a cooler of beer :)   ))

All of the commotion seemed to happen around him at one time, and there he sat, sipping some strange smoking brew a random Trandoshan had left on the bar.  He sat by passively as his fellow Jedi battled the Sithies. After that threat was extinguished he used that strange sense to take stock of the new situation.  With a quirked eyebrow, not that it could be seen, he slid off his stool and seemed to follow Raven with his "eyes."  A slight smile upturned the right side of his lip as he felt the sudden fear in the Senator, a full chuckle followed directly after as he felt the emotions rolling off that glowing, small blond woman.  Ashla showed him many things, but even then there were more secrets.

      Snapping to attention, almost like he was given a direct command, he quickly moved back and out the front doors, taking a sharp left before moving directly towards the back door, which he could "see" as a bright glow, Raven and Kit did indeed give off a unique auras....

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


((/ooc Beach! Sweety! Beer! Bah. Must...control...envy leads to the dark side...))

If it were anyone other than a Jedi knight sitting in front of her, Kit would have laughed at the man's story and chalked it up to a transparent attempt to claim the holocron as his property.

She eyed the holocron warily, a very uncharacteristic shiver scuttling between her shoulder blades. His Master's holocron. What in all the Huttese hells was happening? There was no way she was going to even consider the idea that any spooky "Force" had any influence over her. And you could bet your asteroid she wasn't going to give up her source to this hothead saber jockey.

Standing abruptly, she shrugged. "You know, I can't remember. Must have just shown up on my freight ledger one day." She hesitated, and damned if she could explain why. Bending over the table, she clipped a tiny data tab onto the man's sleeve. "Follow that, and you can find me. If you ever need any...recovery work done. Just don't ask a lot of questions, and we'll be fine. And..." she surprised herself again, "I hope it did belong to your Master. It's hard to lose someone."

Before the very strange night had a chance to get any weirder, she headed for the door.


Raven put the data tab in his belt and smiled as she walked away. The Force had lead him here, and he knew he would see her again. He sat their for a long time sipping his drink. and remembering his Master. He cold still fill him in the Force, but it was not the same. Raven got up, and went outside. He stopped at the broken window for a bit. He was about to head for his ship, when a man in a dark cloak bumped into him."Sorry, sir." the man said. Raven felt it in the Force right away. He put his hand in his robe. The Holocron was gone. "Really, after all that and a pickpock nabs it." Raven laugh at himself.
"HAY, YOU WANT TO GIVE THAT BACK NOW. OR ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE THIS HARD?" The man took off running. "Hard it is." and Raven ran after him.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


(( Real nice scene, Gang. Thanks for writing it for me. ))
The opinions expressed here are my own and I have my wife's permission to say so.


Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2