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[SW-TOR] Meanwhile, back at the spaceport... [Finished]

Started by Catri, September 21, 2011, 07:23:04 PM

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[[If it's ok, I wanted this to be set on the same planet as the "In a cantina far, far, away" thread. These events run concurrently with the events of the last few posts on that thread.]]

Catri Sage activated  The Wildcat's PA system as Bowdaar positioned the ship to enter the docking bay.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and lifeforms of indeterminate gender this is your Captain speaking. Ground Control has cleared us for landing. We'll be planetside in a few minutes. Thank you for doing business with Sage Industries , and please remember to settle your accounts with the Wookiee before you leave." Catri closed the com channel and leaned back in her chair rubbing her forehead.

"Roooarrgh ur roo."

"I know," Catri replied, "I don't like passenger trips either. At least all of our cargo was legal this time." She shuddered at the memory of a previous trip when her brother Javin's brilliant business plan to get their money's worth out of each trip caused her to simultaneously transport a smuggler's compartment full of contraband and a group of low level Republic diplomats to a rim colony. That was not a fun job.

"Whoaaaa. Waa maa. Warrgh." Bowdaar's statement pulled Catri back into the present.

"I know. We could both use some rest, Bow. Just one more job and we can head home to Nar Shadaa for Wildcat's scheduled maintenance, and a vacation for us...just in time for Dev and Jett to weasel us into joining their team for the Huttball tournament."

A wide grin spread across Bowdaar's face as he finished the docking process. Catri knew he loved Huttball as much as her brothers did.

After the passengers had left and the cargo had been turned over to its recipient, Catri headed into town looking for the Cantina. Javin had sent her instructions to meet a potential client there for a routine transport job. He also instructed her to look for any odd jobs she could find along the same route. This whole "efficient use of resources" idea was really starting to get to his head.

Catri walked through town skimming a data pad containing the details of her next job. She turned the corner onto the street with the cantina just in time to see a man in a dark cloak a few feet away running toward her. Before Catri could say "Watch where you're going, Nerf Brain." the cloaked figure ran into her with the impact of a stampeding bantha knocking her backward onto the sidewalk.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Raven saw the man he was after knock down a woman. Who was standing next to a wookiee." This guy has a death wish. As he ran by her he smiled at her and said" Pardon me Miss." He was almost to the man now. The dark man took a side street into a back ale. It looked like a dead end. The man then entered a old wearhouse. Raven charged right in. The next thing he knew, lightning was all around him it picked him up and put him into the wall. Raven lay on the floor for a moment. then he stagered to his feet." Mind if i smoke?" he said with a grin. "This is mine know." Said a sith pureblood as he stepped from the shadows, holding the holocron. Raven smile was gone. It could not be how was this possible. "Darth Kattonus" He said. Then the other man stepped out and removed his hood. It was the Sith padawan he had fought earlier. raven drew his lightsabers and orange light filed the room.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


"RRRrrruurgh! Arrggg!" Bowdaar shouted, shaking his fist in the direction of the two men. He reached down to help Catri to her feet.

Catri leaned on him for a minute struggling to catch her breath. She was certain there were no major injuries, but her introduction to the locals sure had knocked the wind out of her. She checked her data pad for damage before handing it to her friend.

"I'm ok, Bow," Catri said, " I say we split up, find some jobs, and get the frack out of here as soon as possible. Why don't you head over to the cantina to meet with Javin's contact?  I'll head back to the spaceport and see if there are any jobs worth taking there. Call me on my comlink if you find a job"

"Roooarrgh ur roo"

"Don't worry. It should be easy to pick up some routine transport jobs and maybe a few passengers if we have to. What could possibly go wrong?"

Bowdaar shrugged and walked into the cantina. Catri took a moment to consider her options. She was going to check the bulletins at the spaceport for job postings, but it might not hurt to walk through town first and see if she found anything along the way. She turned around and headed in the direction of what seemed to be the trade district.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


As Kit moved off in one direction, his focus was split for a short time but then he felt that Sith Lord and his head snapped back in the direction of Raven.  He was rather curious who this dark one was, so he began sliding off around the cantina, past the Wookiee and moving towards the woman and in the direction of Raven.  He stopped at the crossroads just up the way, "watching" Catri move towards the Trade District, surprised that for the second time today, Ashla would take an interest in a non-believer.

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


The Sith lord ignited his lightsaber. along with the Sith padawan. "That was unwise. You should have ran" said Lord Kattonus. He ran at Raven. Raven pared left to put the padawan on the back side of The sith Lord. Kattonus brought his lightsaber down and Raven blocked it. Raven brought his left lightsaber around and the Sith Lord ducked it. As he ducked he rolled around to Raven's backside. The Sith padawan rushed Raven. Raven Force pushed him into the wall. The Sth Lord used this, and put his lightsaber into Raven's side. Raven dropped to one knee, and rolled forward. Then the Sith lord Force pushed him out the window. He Landed in the street. The People in the market screamed and began to run in all directions. Lord Kattonus was now standing over him. " Know you die. Just like your master."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Catri knew her way around the trade districts on planets like this one. For all of their differences they were really at their core quite the same. Rows of shops and cantinas lined the streets interspersed with storerooms, warehouses, and dark alleys. A steady hum of activity pulsed through the streets set to the rhythm of commerce. Shipments of goods and travelers came in from the spaceports to fill the shops. Merchants displayed their wares for shrewd shoppers hunting for the best bargain. Freighter captains walked around the shops and cantinas looking for jobs while the local authorities on patrol kept a close eye on them. This was what Catri expected to see in the trade district.

Unfortunately, it was nowhere near to what Catri saw. The familiar "rhythm of commerce" had been replaced with chaotic pandemonium as screaming men and women rushed away from one of the shops. It didn't take long to see why. There, in front of the shop, was an injured Jedi...the same Jedi who ran past her earlier...with a Sith Lord standing over him, lightsaber in hand.

Catri liked to think of herself as a sensible woman with a healthy fondness for self-preservation. She knew she should mind her own business and head off to the safety of the spaceport. If only working in Monty's clinic all those years hadn't given her that gorram compulsion to help injured folks....

"Son of a kriffing rancor, this is just not my day." Catri growled as she fired a blaster bolt at the Sith Lord.

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Lord Kattonus was just about to take Raven's life. When a blaster bolt hit him in the arm. He turned to see a woman holding a smoking blaster. Raven used this and Force pushed Kattonus. Taking him off his feet and knocking him into his Padawan. They both hit the ground. Raven the rolled back and on to his feet. Then with a force leap he was at the woman's side. "Thanks. Nice shot. I am Raven It is nice to meet you. If we make it out of this. I will buy you a drink. I know i need one." Raven said with a smile. Then Raven felt it. Some one was close. Some one he hand not felt in a long time. Raven looked at the woman and smiled. "The Force is with us today."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


"Right...the Force isn't gonna patch up that hole in your side; so hold still" Catri said as she aimed her mediscanner at Raven.

Then with a speed and efficiency that can only come from years of patching up nerf-brained miscreants in the middle of fist fights Catri cleaned out his wound with an irrigation bulb and applied a bacta patch.

"That should keep you breathing for a while, assuming your friends over there don't finish us both off." Catri said as she turned to point her blaster at the two Sith. "The name's Catri Sage. Would've been nice to meet you under better circumstances,Raven, but I'm pleased to make your acquaintance all the same."

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


He was now moving at a Force assisted sprint, coming in just behind the 2 Sith and stopping when he was only a few very short feet away from them.  Twin lightsabers ignited as he opened his mouth to speak, his voice soft and calm. "Sith, you are both under arrest by order of the Jedi Council, you will disarm immediately and come with me" 

He knew there was no chance the Sith would just give up, but that was not the point, he had to try.  There he stood, in a defensive posture, reaching out and feeling everything that was happening. Lips curled into a small smile as soon as he felt that slight wave given off by the Padawan, the sign that the attack was about to commence.

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


Raven Looked a Catri. "OK this will go fast. Keep shooting at Kattonus. I will Rush him to keep him off balance. The other Jedi will keep the padawan at bay. We may get out of this yet." He smiled and Rush right at the Sith Lord. Just then the Padawan rushed The other Jedi.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


"Got it...wait...which one's Kattonus?"

Catri had barely begun the question when Raven rushed the Sith she shot earlier.  Catri shot several blaster bolts at the Sith Lord Raven was fighting as she ran toward them. She rolled behind a shipping crate on the sidewalk near the Force users and continued shooting at Kattonus from behind the cover.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


The Padawan made it about 3 steps towards him with that lightsaber swinging in a vicious arc before it connected with the blocking blade in his left hand, right hand neatly slid underneath and severed his hand at the wrist, causing his hand and lightsaber to thump to the ground. The saber in his right hand was powered down quickly and smashed against the padawans head in a sickening crunch, rendering him very unconscious and depositing him in a heap of robes right on the street for later arrest. 

Attentions now turned towards Kattonus, who had now become a little ducky in a shooting range, second saber ignited again before he stood straight up, cocked his head to the side a bit and powered down both of his weapons, hanging them at his belt.  Ashla had spoken, he was not to assist Raven in this fight, it was the will of the Force.

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


Kattonus started sending the blaster blots at Raven. So Raven sent them back. Blaster bolts where hitting every thing around them. It was like a fireworks show. Raven could feel it in the force the moment was near. With a flick of the wrest he sent a bolt into Kattonus's lightsaber. The bolt destroyed the tip. Making it useless, and at that moment. a blaster bolt hit Kattonus in the head. He was dead. Raven looked over to Catri with a smile. "Nice shooting." The he turned to the other Jedi. "It has been a long time Cy." Then he raised his arms to hive him a huge. When he did so you could see blaster holes in his robes. "So a few got by me." he said with a smile.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


"Nice shooting."  Raven said

"Thanks" Cstri replied. Just as Raven turned to the other Jedi Catri heard her comlink chime.

"Hello...Oh, good, it's you Bow. Did you make the arrangements with Javin's contact?....Complications? What kind of complications?...Complications with the cargo, well what is the cargo...SLAVES!!! HE WANTS US TO TRANSPORT SLAVES!!! Does Javin even check on these contacts before he sends them to us?....You're right about that. Common sense is not my brother's strong suit. You did refuse the job without ripping the slimeball's limbs off, right?....Good. Thanks for exercising restraint. Look, just hang around the Cantina a little longer. See if anyone there has a job for us and have them call me....No I haven't found anything. I got sidetracked playing catch with a Jedi and a Sith Lord....I'll explain later. I'm going to keep looking for a job here. Bye"

Catri slipped the commlink back into her pocket and walked over to the two Jedi. She winced upon seeing the holes in Raven's robe.

"You ok?" she asked.

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Raven smiled a t Catri. " i am fine not one scratch." Then he bent over Kattonus's Body ad removed the holocron. " How about a drink you two?" Just then his comlink beeped. " Nothing? OK, meet me at the Cantina. The Force has our answer." Then Raven looked at Catri. " do you have a ship?"
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


His head swiveled towards the Jedi and he smiled to him "Yes it has Raven, a very long time.  I would join you but I need to get this confused young man back to the council"   He motioned to the still unconscious Padawan before he turned to Catri with a smile. "Good shooting Miss" Was all he had to say before turning towards the crowd of onlookers.

Cy finally found who he was looking for and he nodded to a man. "You can take him to my ship now, don't use shockers and set your blaster to stun only" The man moved forward and bound the hands of the Padawan, hoisted him over his shoulder and carried him around the corner towards the hangars.  He turned once more towards Catri and Raven, gave a low bow and moved off after his prisoner and mule.

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


Catri nodded at the Jedi. Then she turned back to Raven.

"A drink sounds great right now. As for ships, I have the best ship in the galaxy, and I happen to have an opening in my itinerary at the moment," Catri said " I'll fly anywhere outsid'a Imp space with near any cargo you have, with the exception of spice and slaves. I've got room for passengers as well if you want to get off this rock."
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Raven bowed to his old Jedi friend."May the Force be with you, my friend." Then he turned to Catri. "Well,  i need to get this holocron back to the Jedi council on Tython. Passengers will be me and my Padawan Jen Sim. We can go to the cantina and wait for her. She is on her way. I think i owe you a drink any way." With that said he waved a hand in the direction of the cantina and started walking.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Catri followed Raven to the Cantina. She paused on her way in raising her eybrows at the damaged window. No matter where she went she could always rely on the three universals: death, taxes, and Cantina fights.

She scanned the room until she spotted Bowdaar sitting at a corner table with a drink in his hand. She approached the table waving for Raven to join her.

"Bowdaar, this is Raven. He wants passage for himself and his padawan to Tython."

"Wyaaaaaa. Ruh ruh."

"He says 'Hello,how are you?'" Catri said to Raven
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Raven sat down, and replied " Nice to meet to you as well. It has been a long time since i have been around a wookiee. I spent a year on your home world catching slavers. I think we need some drinks." with that said. Raven waved his hand at the bartender. Just then a short woman in Jedi robes entered the cantina. She had long black hair and bright green eyes. She walked up to them. " There you are Mast..." she looked at raven with shock. " Are you OK?" she asked. " I am fine" Raven answered. She sat down. "Catri, Bowdaar This is Padawan Jen Sim." She smiled and said. "nice to meet you." Raven The said." Well i say we have a drink or two. Then we can go when you are ready."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2