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[SW-TOR] Meanwhile, back at the spaceport... [Finished]

Started by Catri, September 21, 2011, 07:23:04 PM

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Raven smiled But did not turn his head.
"You know me. I love a good party. But this is my party. I do not think you would like the music. No one is to enterfear. This is the will of the force. This is how it will end. Jen, Cat please release the council. I have to take out the trash."
Cat and Jen moved to release the council. Jen knew that this would show that their bond did not make them weak. That even as she loved her Master. She knew that this was the life of a Jedi. That death was always their. That their love could not and would not stand in the way of what had to be done.
"As you wish Master."
Master Housman's rage came off him. Like the storm that raged outside.
"You are a bold one and a fool. I am a lightsaber Battle master. YOU WILL DIE!"
Master Housman force pushed Raven out the door. Raven hit the wall of the upper balcony. Raven brought his lightsabers up in time to stop Master Housman's lightsaber. Raven rolled to the left. Taking master Housman with him. The he brought his left hilt across. Hitting him in the nose. Breaking it. Blood poured Out of his nose. Raven then dropped into a leg sweep. Master Houseman jumped up to avoid it. Rave used this to his advantage. He force pushed him off the balcony. As raven stood up, he saw Levant and Cy.
"Hay shadow I see you are up."
Raven gave Cy a nod, and over the balcony he went. The two combatants  then became a blur of light as one would strike the other would block. The sound echoed through the whole temple.Then raven saw an opening. With a Force push. Master was outside. It was still raining out side. The rain sizzled off of Master Houseman's Lightsaber.
"You betrayed the Order, The Republic and now you pay."
Master houseman ran at Raven. As their lightsaber clashed. Lighting flashed behind them. Bringing more light to the stage. Master houseman push Raven back. The he put out his left hand. Lightning shoot out at Raven. He blocked it with his right lightsaber. The he ran forward. Master houseman was too shocked to react in time. He was now standing their with one less hand.
"Did you really think that would work. You have know idea what i have been through, and what it has done to me. Give up now. Give up now and live. Or i will have to kill you."
Master Houseman glared at Raven.
He ran forward. Raven side stepped him. With one lightsaber he took the other hand. With the other he took his head. It rolled down the stairs and stooped in front of a young Padawan girl. She looked at it with shock. Raven walked down the stairs to the girl. He put his hand on her shoulder.
"As a Jedi you will face hard choices. Always trust the Force. It will show you the way. Know go young one meditate on this.'
Raven turned to see the whole Jedi council and all his friends. Raven walked up to Master Shan.
"Not that you need it now. Here is the prof that Master Houseman was a Sith."
Thank you Knight Miles. You have done well. I also see that you and your Padawan are learning to let the other go. That is very good."
"Master i will need some time to heal. I will be taking some time to heal and Meditate. I will be taking my Padawan as well. I have leared more about the force. I wish to teach her."
Master Shan smiled at him. She put a hand on his shoulder.
"Rest young one. You need it. We will be here when you get back."
Raven bowed.
"Thank you Master."
Raven then turned to his friends.
"Hay, Cat. I could use a ride. You up for it?"
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Björn of course stepping off the ship with the other, looking around as he scratched his beard which seemed to have grown a few more inches recently. "Let me guess this is a dry planet huh... no evil drinks to sap the willpower and mind of our favorite space monks eh?"

Forum Name: Bobinator.


"No problem, Raven. I don't have any jobs at the moment. Just follow me to the Wildcat and tell me where you need to go. I'll even ignore my brother's multitasking policy, and I won't bother trying to find another job until we're there."

Catri walked toward the landing bay. On her way to the ship she ran into Bjorn. In answer to his inquiry about liquor she called out to aside a Zabraak female Padawan who was walking by.

"Hello, err...friends. How can I help you?" the Padawan said eying the strange group uncertainly.

"My friend here wants to know if there is a place to find a good drink around here. You Jedi do drink, don't you?" Catri asked

"Well, some Jedi choose to abstain from alcohol to avoid clouding their judgement, but there is a small Cantina downstairs for those who choose to imbibe."

"Alright, who wants to go cloud our judgement a little before we leave?" Catri said to the group.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Raven smiled
"That sounds good to me. It has been a big day."
Jen walked up behind him.
"I am in. But i will drink somthing with no alcohol. Do not fell like getting drunk."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


B's face is colored impressed, he didnt expect jedis to have a cantina of all things...he wonders if they can duel with sabers drunk without losing ears and what not. "Cloud my judgement is locked up in a box buried under a planet, im not to concerned about clouding." He of course followed, this time he was wearing a loose white shirt, black boots and tan slacks instead of the combat armor of his. "Thank you sweetcheeks." he said to the female padawan as he passed by.

Forum Name: Bobinator.


The Padawan blushed at Bjorn's comment. Catri glared at him and then headed toward the Cantina. When the group was inside Catri pointed out a table in the corner that could fit all of them then went up to the bar to order their drinks.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


He grins back at the glare. "What? Just a friendly thank you...." he of course walked and sat himself down in the chair. "Hmm...I want...Alderaanian Ale mixed with Coruscant brandy ooo and Abrax, a nice cognac, buddy told about this...its like getting punched in the brain if the fist was made of booze." He grins. "OF course I wish not to urinate in the planters  so i'll settle with  just a Alderaanian ale."

Forum Name: Bobinator.


OOC: Bah first part of my post of my post was deleted ><

As soon as the group had walked into the cantina Levant was pulled aside by a familiar face. Master Naa had his hand clentched on Levant's shoulder. "Could you ease up on the death grip please? I know my robes are thrashed but I prefer my shoulder remain in tact." Levant said as he was thrown into a wall near the door way.

The Togrutan Jedi master was staring him dead in the eyes. "That stunt back in the council chambers may have distracted the others but I am not so easy to forgive. Did you forget why you were tasked with this assignment?"

"I gave the council the data from the slaver and we secured proof of Master Houseman's corruption, what else do you want?"

"You were sent to discover the truth about the relationship between Raven and Jen. Report Jedi." Master Naa's voice was getting louder.

Levant scoffed a little in the masters face. After everything that had gone on through the mission, he didn't appreciate being lectured. "My Report, here it is. They have a bond, and they work daily to control it. Will it cause them to fall to the darkside? Probably not." Levant started to walk away. "Any other questions or concerns? Because quite frankly you and I both know this inquiry into their relationship was Timith Houseman's doing in the first place and I don't take orders from dark Jedi. So I guess I'm wondering why you're so concerned. After all you are a true member of the Jedi order, I would think such petty things were above you."

Walking back to his table he noticed his former master looking at him from the bar. He was oddly enough smiling. Levant walked over and sat beside him. Master Marik ordered him a Juma juice and turned to him. "So... How was your first assignment." His Falleen face grinning from ear to ear.

Levant tossed him a datapad of the information he had copied from Soryn's compund. "Turns out Soryn was the slaver from Shadish. He took my brothers and sister." Levant said before taking a big drink.

Marik could tell his former padawan was struggling with the issue. It was probably why he had the guts to stand up to a well liked master. "How're you going to deal with it?" Marik asked.

Levant chugged the rest of his drink. "For starters I'm going to get drunk, and then I'm going to put it in the past where it belongs. They were my family, and now I have to assume they're all dead if they're lucky."

Levant pulled the datapad off the bar and started to walk back to the table where everyone else had sat. Marik turned and called back to him. "Auric Northbourne is a good name. If you're going to carry what happened to them, taking back your name might be a good place to start."

Levant smiled and tucked the datapad back into his pocket. Sitting down with the others he picked up another drink.


It was hours after the party on Tython. Raven and Jen where standing behind Cat. She was bringing the Wildcat down on a Desart planet. The red sun in the system, mad every thing look red. "Welcome to Oassin Cat. This is where I met Jen." Jen Gave Raven a kiss. "It has been a long time. It feels good to be home." Raven smiled at Jen. He look back at Cat. "You will have to come back, when the baby is born." Jen look at over to Cat. "That would be great! But i know you have a lot to do." Raven Gave Cat the spot to land. As the Wildcat got closer. You could see a big fountain at the center of the village. The rest of the village was made up of small huts. Their where Jedi training every where. All with orange lightsabers. "You are the first off worlder to see the Oassin Knights, Cat."
The Wildcat landed. Everyone said there good byes. Raven watch as the Wild cat flew away. "May the force guide you and keep you safe little Cat." Raven smiled as he walked into his hut.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


As Catri was pulling away from the planet her comlink chimed. When she opened the channel she saw her brother, Javin. She could hear people in the background talking and moving rubble around while her father swore loudly.

"Cat, you look like a bantha tapdanced on your face. How are you holding up?"

"Thanks, Javin. I love you too. I'm fine. How is the redecoration project at Dad's shop going?"

"It'll go a lot quicker when Dad stops having a coronary. Say, while you're out, I have a job for you to pick up. A client wants some blasters delivered to Ord Mantll."

"Javin, you know I don't like weapons runs"

"Come on, Kitten, what could possibly go wrong"

The End

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight