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Roster Card

Started by PinkRose, January 25, 2014, 05:44:52 AM

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Please write an introduction to your character.
Include name, race, gender, profession, alignment.
If you have any crafting disciplines or have other talents, please include those as well.

Do you have alternate characters on the same server?

How did you hear of us?

Is there anyone you have got to know from the family, IC or OOC?

What types of games have you participated in? (include all types, such as pen/paper or MMORPGs, PC, Console, board games, card games.)

What other games are you interested in that Saga participates or is moving towards?

What aspects of gaming have you enjoyed in the past and/or looking forward to enjoying with Saga? Light raiding, dungeon delving, situational roleplay, story-writing, crafting, PvP, etc.

What are you looking for as a member of our guild?

Have you read and agree to our Guild Policies and Guidelines?

Please answer the following three questions, IN CHARACTER:
Tell us of your past.

What hobbies and quests do you presently have?

Where do you see yourself in the future?
The opinions expressed here are my own and I have my wife's permission to say so.