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Xianya 7/17/02

Started by Saga Librarian, November 23, 2006, 11:30:01 PM

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Saga Librarian

Xianya Lilboomer

Xianya steps from the shadows outside the tavern and enters, her staff begins to glow brightly. She waits a moment for some attention to be gained.

"So that is how you treat an ambassador of the Pride?" She looks at the patrons, not knowing most of them, but trying to picture which ones threatened Charizma.

"I had heard many things about Saga, many good things. But when I heard of how Charizma was treated when she was on a mission to establish friendship between our two guilds, I had to wonder."

Faces peering at her told their tales."I know she is married to who appears to be a sworn enemy of yours. And we have deliberated the consequences of her marriage amongst our own till our faces were blue. I let you know now that Baron Apep is NOT a member of the Pride, nor will he ever be. Though you may think he has control over Charizma, he has NO control over the Pride. I see to that! That is my job!".Xianya recomposed herself, knowing she is getting a little riled that their actions remotely suggested that she had failed in her duties.

"It is true that she has joined with someone most of us do not like. From what I understand, you believe that she should now share the same animosity you give to Baron Apep," Xianya shrugs,"understandable as that is what marriage does. But is that how you all feel about Tinker's Pride? We had great hopes when Sabbik was among us that we would be able to work together with you to accomplish even greater goals, and it is no secret that we were weakened when he left on his sabbatical."

"Recently, we have rebuilt ourselves. We are a neutral guild. We have no enemies, nor do we want any. But we also have no friends other than what each person brings with them into the Pride. That also means that each person brings with them their own enemies. Two things we preach to our members, tolerance and respect. We understand that no one is perfect and we try to give all people the respect that we would wish to be given to us. But we do have limits to those who do not share these views."

" You condemn Charizma for being Baron Apep's wife. Do you condemn Tinker's Pride for allowing her to be our ambassador with such a stigma? Please, do not let intolerance come between us. I am not asking for you to change your opinion about Baron Apep or Ebon Storm. Far from it. I am asking you to treat Charizma as our ambassador. With the same respect you would have accorded her brother Sabbik Silvertongue, or our current leader Zapoo the Wise. As you do not like the idea of having her here. Perhaps you can let us know of a more appropriate meeting place where you can talk with her to get to know our beloved guild better?"

Xianya pauses a moment."I hear this place brews a mean ale, would there be one for a thirsty wizard?"

Xianya Lilboomer


Jebbar Godsbane
Human Cuisinart of Death

*Jebbar stands from the shadows in which he has been sitting all this time*

Tinker's Pride is a guild we have had some contact with, and most of us would call you and your guild friends. Sabbik is a dear friend of mine, and I hold no animosity toward the Pride as a whole.

But do not ever send Charizma to us again.

You have chosen a strange ambassador. One who will be locked out of many places for her choice in a mate. We tolerate, and we respect. But we do not tolerate Apep's atrocious deeds, and neither will we tolerate a person who has bound their fate with Apep's. Charizma says she has not changed--that is not the truth. The day Charizma married Apep, she changed. She is now Apep's wife, and no matter what else she says or does, she sleeps with one who most of us would sooner kill than greet--she hugs him, laughs with him, and SHARES HIS JOYS.

If you send Charizma to us again, do not expect her to return in one piece. She has chosen her path, and we have no desire to walk with her down that twisted road. We would deal with you, Xianya, not your tainted ambassador.

*Jebbar sits back down and quietly takes a drink of his watered wine*

Quea FV
Port a Party

Quea continues drinking her brandy and begins to weep. Salty tears mix into her filled shot glasses. In a heavily slurred voice she shouts. "I will not ferget Mommy not never noshir. The inkeesh will die."

It's not a dress!

Rorack frowns, then slowly stands up, and begins to cast wake of tranquility on all in the tavern
I believe this is a place for fun and good times.
Rorack throws his mug of gnomish spirits on the floor
I will not drink with this hostility.
he leaves the tavern, stopping to give Quea a hug

Xianya Lilboomer

I see.

Xianya leaves the tavern.


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell

Brutin stopped leaning back in his chair, bringing all four legs to rest on the wooden floor and he set his tankard on the table with enough Dwarven manners not to spill a drop of it.

"Send the wench's mate to me, and by the power of Brell I will grant that marriage a swift divorce." He patted his mace-like weapon. "I respect evil. I only tolerate Inkies long enough to knock some sense into them."


Tuppen Tangledroots  
Happy Hobbit

I was born in a cozy little hole in Misty Thicket, near the Honeybugger's place. My Mum and Pap were humble folks (farmers and unofficial wardens of the vale) who lived offa the land and gave back ta it the best they could. I grew up ta cherish their ways, ta help my neighbors when they needed it, and ta praise Karana for the blessin's he bestowed upon us


Kettlestomp Wyrmcrusher

...A Gnome with a double sword rig and rich red beard walks into the tavern with a sly smirk on his face. He asks for a honey mead and a gut shaker chaser. He downs them quick and turns his back to the bar. his eyes are looking at almost all of the patrons. He looks eye to eye with the warriors/paladins in the Tavern as his hands slip to his hilts. "I've heard you had a little comotion here people! Had some problems with Gnomes! Bounced them out of your bar ya did and threatened one of them you'd take her life if she ever showed her face in here again! Just because you don't like her Ink Hubby!! Well, I am her because of that. For what you have all said you must take whats coming to ya. My name is Kettlestomp Wyrmcrusher...and the drinks, are on me!!" With that Kettlestomp slips his hands behind his swords hilts and takes out two medium size bags of coins. Throwing them over his shoulders they land on the bar, coins pouring out of one bag spill like water on the bar. A few patrons close enough to Kettlestomp notice something else as well. A dark blue ear poking out of the coin purse that is open.


Iniyu of Akanon
Trickster of Bristlebane

Greetings goodgnome Kettlestomp.

My name is Iniyu. Although not officially a member of this group of friends who are sometimes referred to as Saga, I would venture to speak and offer my interpretation of these circumstances you describe.

Gladly accepts one of the drinks purchased by Kettlestomp and takes a small sip

The people in this circle of friends appear to be very near and dear to each other. Many of them have faced adversaries that are blue-skinned hate worshipers. I suspect that they have some difficulty in understanding how someone who married a tier'dal would not be corrupted by the evil half of that bond.

It is all well and good for Xianya to plead with the people here to accept her ambassador as an individual, it is quite another for her to expect them to do so.

As an independent witness to this whole affair, I would say that perhaps the peoples of the group known as Saga may not be as open-minded as outsiders might wish when it comes to consorting with known evil. I would also agree with Xianya that each person should be judged on their own merits.

However...and this is a big however...I believe that gnomes of the Pride should have investigated the people of Saga a bit more before sending one who is married to a Tier'dal as a representative seeking friendship.

When choosing an ambassador, in my opinion, it is wise to know the people with whom you choose to forge a friendship. There are cultural norms and mores that should be considered when approaching potential friends. Norms and mores that should not be violated if you hope to have a chance of success.

Perhaps a different abassador...say...once such as yourself, would be a more appropriate choice Mr. Kettlestomp.

Raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, I found the life of wealth and privilege full of hypocrisy, self-centeredness, and greed.  Behind my father's back, I have begun to train in the roguish arts so that I might take from his pockets and give to the poor.   I seek adventure anywhere and everywhere, and am proud of the moniker assigned to me by my mentor.  Finneas Mythhunter calls me "Little Sneak", and so might you.


...Kettlestomp listens to the sweet looking gnome but almosts chokes on his Honey Mead when she says he would be a better choice for Ambassador from Tinker's Pride. Laughing loudly as mead drips off his beard Kettlestomp speaks. "My sweet Lass I never said I was from Tinker's Pride. And as for me being picked as their new ambassador...I think Tinks current leadership would oppose that, quite strongly!" Kettlestomp's laugh goes to a chuckle as he wipes the mead off his face and beard.


Iniyu of Akanon
Trickster of Bristlebane

Taken aback, Iniyu blushes

See, this is what I get for speaking out of place. All the same, I think that what I said needed to be said, even if the intended audience was not present.

Iniyu hopes that her message was not only overheard by Xianya, but aslo by those of Saga for she believes that they might have handled the situation better.

I apologize wholeheartedly good sir for presuming too much.

Although it is not my rightful place, you have me curious enough to inquire as to your purpose here.

Iniyu looks at Kettlestomp expenctantly
Raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, I found the life of wealth and privilege full of hypocrisy, self-centeredness, and greed.  Behind my father's back, I have begun to train in the roguish arts so that I might take from his pockets and give to the poor.   I seek adventure anywhere and everywhere, and am proud of the moniker assigned to me by my mentor.  Finneas Mythhunter calls me "Little Sneak", and so might you.


Wishful Dreamer

A beautiful Vah Shir with flashing emerald eyes enters the tavern.

"Kettlestomp! Hi there! Are the minotaurs causing trouble again? Ooooh! Drink drink, and tell me how you have been!"



Rorac enters the tavern and glances around, as he so commonly does now since then...misfortune that was bestowed on him. He walks to a table in the corner, nodding at the patrons as he passes. He takes his seat, makes no motion for any ale, and takes out his trusty sword and axe that have served him so well as of late, puts them on the table, and sits there glancing around the room, making sure there are no...shady...patrons in the tavern. He lets a smile slip when his gaze meets with Katryna's, then quickly fix's back on his stern look.

Katryna Sowdier
Shamaness of Saga

Katryna looks at Rorac and catches his little smile, smiling to herself she gets up and walks over to say hi to her dear friend.

Katryna bends down and gives Rorac a big hug, "Hi Rorac, ye just missed Rorack. He wasna doin to good when he left me thinks but I be hopin he will be better in a bit."


Priestess Jora Annwvyn
Cleric of Thunder

Next to the low-burning fire in an old and well-used fireplace, at a ale-stained table with knife gouges and spark singes, sat Jora. She wasn't smiling and her hair wasn't neatly braided. The purple robes she wore were ragged and dusty from weeks of travelling and backpacks rested on the floor at her feet.

The priestess watched but kept silent.

She had no room to talk.



Hello Kat. Aye, he told me there was some hostility in the bar, thats why I came. Not much for drinking, but if there is going to be a fight and my friends might be in danger then you can't keep me away, you know?
Rorac trys to pear around Katryna, trying to get a good look at everyone in the tavern.
Why don't you sit down and take in the scenery with me?
Katryna sits down across the table, still in his way
No no Kat, over here.
he pats the chair right next to him



...Kettlestomp Turns to Iniyu and places in front of her another drink, and motions a barmaid to bring drinks to the patrons that just walked in. He smiles and bows to Titaisia. "Well lass its like this. I was a member of Tinker's Pride. I objected to the marriage of her and Apep. I have only disdain for Inks but showed up to the wedding to safe guard my guild, I did not trust Apep and his goons. They picked the wedding place at a barbarian fish camp, where the inks started to slaughter the villagers. I protested, brought it up to the highest officer of my guild in attendance, Charizma. She told me that it needed to be done to protect some of our guild and hers husband. That was a lie. Enraged at the needless killings and at my leader for not stoping the situation, I disrupted the wedding. The aftermath of all of this is I was told to say sorry for this, and mean it. I gave my guild leader the terms I needed to give a honest apology. He, Zapoo only thought that I was setting a trap for Apep and threw me out of the guild. I felt no real backing from most of my guild members and in the end it was the best thing. I heard that Saga met with Charizma and after finding out who her husband was told her to hit the road. I'm not here because you booted Charizma, I tried to talk to her and have her question if Apep was using her in someway, like a Tier'dal would. She never replied to me. I just wanted to buy drinks for a guild that sticks together and knows how Tier'dal really are. I wanted to raise a glass to a guild...that has Pride." Kettlestomp Jumps to the top of the bar and raises a glass looking around the room. "To Saga! May your guild always be strong!" Kettlestomp toasts the Saga Guild jumps off the barr, and starts to walk to the door.


Human Cuisinart of Death

Jebbar stands and steps from the shadows once again. He picks up his glass and raises it in a toast...

"I'll drink to that, wise gnome!"


More than a few of the Tavern's patrons were enjoying the free round from Kettlestomp when the merriment was suddenly interupted by a loud crash. All eyes turned towards its source to find a young Gnome sprawled out beneath a recently open window, the remnants of a table splintered beneath him.

The newcomer quickly sat up and adjusted his helm, twisting it back around so that he could see clearly and met everyone's shocked look with a meek, "Umm.. surprise?"

Kettlestomp downed his remaining drink and groaned as he recognized the Gnome, "Flippus of Tinker's Pride..."

Flippus picked himself up off the floor and at once attempted to piece back together the table. Finding no success, he quickly ran over to the bar, selecting a stool that was obviously designed for a Barbarian and comically began to climb up and sit. Motioning the barkeep over, Flippus offered his apologies and a bag of coins, "I'm sorry about the mess, I hope that this will compensate you for a replacement as well as the inconvinience." The Gnome then turned to face his audience and met eyes with Kettlestomp.

"Kettlestomp Wyrmcrusher," he nodded, giving him a look deserving of a Gnome who would stand by his convictions, even when it meant standing against his Guild, "I'm glad to see you are doing well."

"Flippus, still practicing the Necromantic Arts are you?" Kettlestomp replied with a grin. A few members of Saga straightened in their seats, some even reaching for their weapons.

"No, no, no. I never really went for that whole cavorting with the undead thing. They never could hold a good conversation and the smell! Put a bit of a damper on my social life ya' know." Flippus shrugged, "I'm pursuing the life of a Rogue now." he smiled, glancing at the broken table, "As you can tell, I'm not very good at the whole sneaking thing.. yet."

A few murmurs from the Tavern, with whispers as to what to do with a former Necromancer floated through the air. Before any conversation could reach any level of liveliness, Flippus cleared his throat. A serious expression showing on his face.

"I come here on business actually. I know I am the third Officer from my Guild to visit you in almost as many days. I am not here to preach our beliefs or ask for forgiveness for my Guild's actions. Whether our two Guild's can be friends," he paused thoughtfully, "remains to be seen."

Flippus scanned the room, making sure that he held everyone's attention, before he continued. "We have recieved word, as I think you all have also heard rumors, that Baron Apep.." Flippus sighed, "Apep has openly threatened Ak'anon. I suppose he is angry with the way some have treated his wife, Charizma. Regardless of what you may think of Tinker's Pride, our Guild's first and foremost charge, is the protection of ALL Gnomes. Our Officer's are working toward a diplomatic solution, but I'm sure some of you know first hand how... unreasonable Apep can be, particularly when he is gripped in a fit of rage." Flippus took in a deep breath, "So it is this reason that I come here. Should war and violence rear its head, will Saga help defend Ak'Anon?"

Flippus gracefully jumped off the barstool and began to head towards the door.

Saga Librarian

Katryna Sowdier
Shamaness of Saga

Katryna turned from where she was talking to Rorac and watched the gnome that had just entered the tavern. Kat listened to the conversation he was having with Kettlestomp and heard him being refered to as Flippus, now why did that name sound familiar then she remembered. Katryna waited for the gnome to say his what he had come to say.

With a stern look on her face Katryna looked directly at Flippus and in a harsh voice said "I will fight to protect the gnomes, but it is for the gnomes that I know and trust, you I do not know. I had heard tale once that you looked upon Apep as a friend, ye were among the names mentioned this I know, I ask of ye is this true and be it is would you so readily accept him as friend again?" 



Flippus paused in his steps, closing his eyes in thought. He knew that he must choose his words carefully.

"Katryna Sowdier, I too have heard of you. I know that the Barbarians respect honesty and so I shall tell you the truth."

Flippus drew in a deep breath, "Understand that my first loyalty is to my Guild. By that tenant, this loyalty extends to all Gnomes, both good and evil. Charizma, is a very good friend of mine, a Gnome, and a member of Tinker's Pride. When she first came to us speaking of her love for Apep, there were many that questioned her, that did not approve of this marriage," he paused, looking at Kettlestomp.

"I was counted among those. But despite what I might have felt inside, Charizma assured me that her love for Apep was true and that he in return loved her equally. I had not had previous dealings with the Baron, though I had heard rumors, and so with Charizma's best interest in mind, I sought an audience with the Lord of the Ebon Storm. Perhaps I was naive for believing the words he spoke, but I could feel a genuine love for Charizma in his voice. I was convinced that although he had visited upon Norrath great evil, he would truely see that no harm would come to Charizma. I told him that I would honor their union, support their marriage, so long as he continued to bring Charizma happiness. So yes, I did count him among my friends."

At hearing this, Katryna scowled at the young Gnome, "I.."

"However," Flippus interuppted "would I so readily accept him as friend again you ask?" Flippus sighed, his shoulders sinking with burden, "A friend would not threaten to destroy a friend's home, his family, his friends. A friend would not so callously throw away a gift so great as the love of Charizma. If he would make her and Gnomekind suffer, then he will be my enemy."

Flippus looked up at the tall Barbarian woman and bowed.


Katryna Sowdier
Shamaness of Saga

Katryna looked at the gnome as if to weigh her words carefully, she had to look at it from all sides.

After a few moments Kat took a deep breath and said "I try not to judge others until I have the whole understandin of it, I donna like Apep or what he stands for or anyone that supports him to act like this. When ye agree to be his friend that shows ye agree with the persons choice of action, a monk spoke these wise words to me and he be right. I thank ye for yer honesty and accept ye as a friend."

Kat picked up her ale from Rorac's table and took a drink then continued to say "Be it known though, no matter the outcome of what happens at the gnome city, even if he doesna invade it, if ye go back to support him, even if its just in friendship and not the vile action he commits ye will be held just as guilty in my eyes. I can only speak for meself" Katryna raises her arm and sweeps it across the room "the others here will decide for themselves.

Mixxi Bixiebane
Diva of Destruction

Mixxi growls quietly as she hears Katryna's words.

"Bah. I've already decided. Anyone who publicly speaks of eating Halflings is no friend of mine, no matter how he tries to distance himself from these former friends of his. 'Tis not just his friends but his actions that guide my mind and my blade. Hands that clasp those steeped in blood will bear stains, no matter how they are washed."

She turns to her weapons, readying them for the defense of Ak'Anon. Her mind turns upon the thought of a city betrayed to its enemies in the name of love.

Jaroo Dooger
Tinker's Pride

Scribbling in a book clearly marked 'My Life As A Gnome Vol. III by Jarroo Dooger', Jarroo almost absently walkes in a few paces, looks thoughtful, shakes his head then scratches something out of the book.

He looks up at the faces staring at him. "uh, oh there you are Flippus. Hey Kettlestomp. I just heard about the attack. I've been.... away." As if a brilliant idea struck him he scribbles something down then looks up again with a confused face. "Uh... this isn't our guild hall Flippus. I guess I shouldn't have followed you in here. Oh well, while your here..." Jarroo looks thoughtful again and while scratching out something else from the book says, "No, no, no. That makes no sense." He then starts walking out the door flipping pages back muttering "gotta see the king...", stops then says "is that ale I smell? No, no time." and continues on his way.

Serinity Di'Marcia
Holy Knight of Tunare

<thinking this time before speaking...>
If the gnomes in my family Saga be in harm's way, then I will stand against ANYONE that seeks to do such harm. And since I have made my dislike <smirk> of the Baron Apep known, I would gladly stand alongside those of good faith and friendship. However, if anyone that also stands to guard Ak'Anon should call themself a friend of the horrid Tier'Dal Apep, then I will have to think twice on this...