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Uolian pulls up a chair 7/19/02

Started by Saga Librarian, November 23, 2006, 11:39:58 PM

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Saga Librarian

Forest Stalker

Just wanted to have a seat, and share some ale with many of my most favorite adventures in this harsh land.

thank you all for always warming my heart and keeping me company as i sit nakid in the bazaar waiting for my soul to be called back to my body, often laying in a bloody heap somewhere...

my blade is forever at your service, and no cost is too high for you my friends


Mixxi Bixiebane
Diva of Destruction

Mixxi rises in a clatter of armor so suddenly that she knocks her chair over.

"Uolian! Welcome!" A smile lights up her face, crinkling the fine network of scars that show slightly lighter against her tanned skin. She whips off a guantlet to clasp the ranger's hand warmly. "It will be good to swap a tale or two when we are not out of breath from sword swinging!"

She waves energetically at the bartender, nearly knocking over Uolian's drink. "Bring out a bottle of that special port!" Turning a chair back-to-front and straddling it, she prods Uolian's ale with a finger. "Join me in something that thickens the blood and puts fire in the bones!"


Bippin Tenderfoot
Redeemed Rogue

Bippin pulls up a chair and joins the table. "hmm the special port, eh?". He pours himself a glass, then pours for Mixxi and Uolian too.
Aye Uolian, of course you'll be laying in a bloody heap somewhere. Are you not a ranger? 
As Mixxi said, have a nice heartwarming sip of port, and tell us some tall tales of your adventures.


Katryna Sowdier
Shamaness of Saga

Kat walks into the tavern and looks towards the bar to see if she is noticed, sure enough the serving girl sees her and smiles then goes to get some ale. Kat heads to her table in the back and places her packs on the floor beneath it, glad to finally put an end to this day.

Katryna lowers herself into the chair that is closest to the wall and looks around to see who all is here. Kat see's Mixxi and Bippin talking to someone but his face was not towards her so she could not see him. Then when he looked around Kat seen his face and a smile crept to her lips. When the girl brought over her ale she asked her to take a couple of drinks over to Uolian.


Jebbar Godsbane
Human Cuisinart of Death

Jebbar walks in and heads straight for the water basin. He proceeds to sponge off some of the blood, gore, and chips of bone that cover him. Once he is somewhat cleaner, he glances around the room, patting his club on its belt loop. He spies Uolian at one table, and Katryna sitting at her usual table by the window.

"Kat, get over here and say hi to Uolian!"

Jebbar approaches Uolian's table with a broad smile and slaps him on the back.

"Good to see you, chum! I hope you're here to get roaring drunk!"

Katryna Sowdier
Shamaness of Saga

Kat starts to laugh to herself and then proceeds to move to the other table. Katryna sets her belongings down, places her ale on the tables and turns to Uolian and smiles, "Hi again my friend, it is good to see ye in our tavern."


Elemental Mistress

*Ntalliya walks in the door, and scans the room for her friends*
* Her eyes stop on a table with everyone chattering away, finally noticing who all the commotion*

Uolian!! Welcome!!!

*She runs over to the table and Hugs Uolian tightly*

Good to see you finally decided to stop in our establishment! How have you been dear?

*Ntalliya pulls up a chair and motions for the barmaid to bring her some spirits*


Titaisia Lightheart
Wishful Dreamer

Titaisia's eyes widen as she sees who has come to visit, already surrounded.

"I am lucky lucky Norrathians are short enough to see over! Welcome, Uolian!"


Forest Stalker

*beams happily around his friends, gulps down some of the port offerd, buys another round, and juice for the young ones*

I have such stories to tell! i cannot wait to be back in touch with the lands... what adventures have you all been on? I trust Jebbar has been protecting my cute gnome friend from that shifty gnome enchanter! surly someone as bald as him has placed a spell on her poor heart 

and i hope Mixxi is warning all the poor young elves that Titaisia is quite charming herself!! look what she has done to me *gulps another drink*

I miss you all and am anxious to return and battle next to you all once more... *even the shifty gnome Rorack*

i trust you all continue to protect norath and luclin, keeping em safe from the likes of the dark elves and trolls. oh how i do hate trolls... though.. i know of this story, of a troll paladin who served the lord Prexus... but that is a tale that shall continue later....


Titaisia Lightheart
Wishful Dreamer

Titaisia waves her chalice. "Stories, we want stories!"