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[SW-TOR] Jungle Fever

Started by Eshen, October 13, 2011, 04:58:12 PM

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The hum of the ship reverberated through all the surfaces: the bulkheads, floors, chairs, walls, and windows. It was something Eshen was getting used to. Not all ships had it but those of an older version seemed to have a pronounced hum. He noticed more as he attempted to sink into meditation. His mind yearned for the peace but he attempted to ignore the hum as long as his patience could last. The ship he contracted for passage was fast and discreet, a rare find this far out at the Outer Rim so he thanked the Force for its appearance after his successful gathering of information on Sith activities.

Now, he was headed to Naboo to rendezvous with Master Gurik for more instructions. A shriek in the Force interrupted his meditation and his hands found the twin circumferences of his lightsaber out of reflex. He resisted the urge as he attempted to gather his bearings. He was still on the cramped ship and something was ringing from the cockpit only a few feet away.

Eshen rose and approached the cockpit of the door, "Pilot, is everything alright?" The urgency of the cry in the Force was close. Perhaps they were passing by the source. A ship? A planet? He glanced out at one of the small windows and scanned the obsidian landscape for anything of note.

(This rp is open to anyone who wishes to join.)


Incoming transmission from setsua*  Eshen my brother we are under attack from one of the local tribes. They are ramming on the door, i don`t think it will last very long. I have 2 young kid`s with me and 5 adults. I am the only fighter in this village. Please come fast i am in need of you`re assistance, transmission out. Setsua is know left there channeling  the force to keep the door from coming down. You can hear the tribe`s men yelling to surrender, tell use if we come out they wont kill the kid`s,

But Setsua know`s better then to trust the word`s of evil men, thinking about his past he once used those same word`s to lure people to there doom. Setsua grab`s his light saber, ready for a long fight he tell`s the kid`s to cover there ear`s and the adult`s to cover the kid`s.

All setsu need`s to do know is wait for the perfect time to strike.