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Phoenix Initiative || Prologue: Humble Beginnings || OOC Thread

Started by Tys, November 19, 2011, 03:10:15 PM

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Hello all! This is the first OOC thread for the Phoenix Initiative storyline group. If this is in the wrong spot, Vil please forgive me and move it to the right area. I did not want to clog up the tavern with an OOC thread. The goals of this thread will be to update readers and potential participants in this specific chapter of the P.I. series. Each OOC thread will look similar in format but contain different information. Eventually, there will be a master list of stories once we have enough in existence. As this is the first one, I will just post the link to the IC thread below. Enjoy reading and feel free to leave constructive criticism or praise if you like!

If you are interested in joining in this specific chapter or future chapters, feel free to PM me or Kael to work things out. If we can fit you in immediately, we will do so and if not then we will definitely work with you to be in the next chapter.

IC Thread: Phoenix Initiative || Prologue: Humble Beginnings

Setting: Carrick Station: One of the different stations that has shuttles to the Republic Fleet. Carrick Station is a spot where many new recruits and transfers gather if they don't have their own ship. Shuttles commonly provide access to Coruscant and the Republic Fleet, but sometimes the shuttles take members on special missions all over the galaxy.

Summary: [To Be Added Upon Completion]

Cast of Characters:
Tys Noma | Republic Vanguard (Lieutenant) | Reborn
Eshen Virol | Jedi Knight (Sentinel) | Kael Ocari