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Merry Frostfell!

Started by Missa, December 24, 2006, 12:23:58 PM

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*saunters over*

*swipes the eggnog*



*tosses it back*

Stuffs good!  *licks off the eggnog mustache while gazing down at the letters*

Ya got me, Ana.  Wonderin if the Princess's gonna be wakin up anytime soon.  She'd figger it out, I'm bettin.

*swings around looking for the eggnog vat*

Yo, Q! Got any more of that Nog ?
Lyrima - EQ2, ESO, now Baldur's Gate 3
Lark - Storm Trooper SW:TOR
Kiaria - Warden EQ2, ESO
Tira l'Arc - Ranger/Healer HZ/ EQ2, ESO
Athen'a - TankArcher AC


*sweeps in, every golden strand in place*

Greetings! Greetings to ALL of thee!

*blows kisses*

Darling Anaris! Tis so most marvelously delightful to see thee again.

*gracefully bestows hug and air kisses to each cheek*

*brown eyes glance at the cookies*

Oh! Cookies! Mmmm.

*head tilts slightly*

*blinks thoughtfully*

Tis missing an S.

*turns away briskly*

Now, Sir Quince, thou hast some cookies for me, aye?

*warm smile at the baker*


Quote from: Kiaria on December 27, 2006, 06:00:36 PM
Tis missing an S.

Henderson comes into the tavern, munching an odd snake shaped cookie.  As eyes all turn on him, he says through the crumbs, "What?"


* Jasyn looks over the cookie puzzle.

Are ya sure it doesn't spell LOVE YE PIGSI?  I mean... Swig is all adorable 'n stuff, right?  Ain't he, Anaris?  Ya DO love Swig, DON'T ya, Anaris?

* Jasyn stares at Anaris expectantly as he hands her a random "ale coaster".

Namae Nai

"Is it 'n anagram?" Renei appears, carrying a 'Santa Clause' size sack of Frostfell toys to pass out. She sets it down to look at the letters in the cookies.

She looks at the puzzle for a moment, and says, "Hmm... GIVE YE SPOIL? No... YIP GOES EVIL? Nah... O EVIL GYPSIE.. that could be it, but Quince isnay evil... SO YE GIVE LIP? I SPY LIVE EGO?" Renei stares hard at the cookies, then turns to Lady Anaris, "Any o' these make any sense ter ye? They're jus' makin' me hungry... Oh, I got ye all a present, from Odus, believe it 'er nay. Happy Frostfell !"

Without another word, she reaches into her enormous bag and starts handing out magical rings and trinkets to everyone nearby.
Namae Nai, Wandering Troubadour, 60,000,000,000$$ reward!


Quince notices his cousin enter, cookie in hand.  "Hey!  That was part of Anaris's present!"  Sighing, he looks to Anaris and says, "Pretend you have an extra S in there.  I'll make a new one, then beat it out of Hendy."

"Thank you for noticing that, Kiaria.  Have some of these!"

As Namae passes out presents, he gratefully accepts one, but asks, "Who's Odus?"
EQ2 - Antonia Bayle: Quince Flutterfoot, Frixobulus, Sunbeam



Well, I give up.  I have already told you I don't like science.  So it's out of the question for me to continue this charade of words and symbols.  What is a "Spy Ego" anyway...?  Is that, like, Gnome trinketry?

*eyes Jasyn*

Let us not discuss the swine, Jasyn, and why, for the love of Marr, are you handing me this dirty coaster?  Whatever happened to pretty lace dollies to place our fine glasses on...

*takes the coaster from Jasyn's hand, holding it as one would hold a dead rat by its tail*

Now, as for this probably unedible cookie jumble...

*eyes Namae's bag of goodies*

Ooooh!  Namae!  You shouldn't have!  I mean, you should, but you shouldn't have, you know...  From Odus!  How very lovely!

*takes Namae's gift and claps with joy*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365

Namae Nai

Renei answers Quince, "Odus is 'n island.. actually more like a continent, that once was afloat 'side Antonica, opposite 'o Faydwer. Used ter be the home o' the Erudites back in the days. Those folks were split up inter Heretics and normal Erudites; Heretics being tha' necromancers and shadowknights and evil clerics.. inquisitors, I serppose is a fair comparison." She notes the ring that Quince took and adds, "That's from the Deepwater Knights. They used ter be a sect 'o Erudite Paladins."

Renei smiles.
Namae Nai, Wandering Troubadour, 60,000,000,000$$ reward!


Quote from: Anaris on December 28, 2006, 09:21:34 AM

Well, I give up.  I have already told you I don't like science.  So it's out of the question for me to continue this charade of words and symbols. 

Now, as for this probably unedible cookie jumble...

"Yes, probably so.  I'm sure I didn't get the proportions of cinnamon and vanilla and sugar just right, and that they don't QUITE melt in your mouth ... Well, I guess you can just throw them to Jasyn's pig.  I'm sure they aren't up to Koada'dal standards."

Quince starts to turn away from Anaris, but then, apparently as an afterthought, says, "Although Kiaria seemed to know what the message was.  Not that she'd tell you ... "

He turns his back to Anaris, and starts up a hushed conversation with his cousins by the bar.
EQ2 - Antonia Bayle: Quince Flutterfoot, Frixobulus, Sunbeam


Niassa watches the scene before her and moves forward after a second.  She walks over to Anaris and peers down at the box of cookies.  She then cocks her head slightly sideways, as if listening to something.

Well, the cookies here, they say they don't need another S.  They prefer to be entirely factual instead of wishful, you see.  And whereas the cookies would be spelling a statement that is spelled somewhat archaically ~without~ the extra S, they do mention that they were baked upon a rather old if much loved baking sheet.

I would hazard a guess, Miss Anaris, that whilst you do not love them all, you do at least love one ... especially as he gave you such a nice gift ...  Leastways that's what the cookies are telling me.



* Jasyn half-frowns with a raised eyebrow at Niassa.

That's funny.  I only hear them cookies sayin' one thing: EAT ME!

* Jasyn reaches out as if he intends to snatch one.

I like dunkin' 'em in ale.


Quote from: Jasyn on December 28, 2006, 06:12:52 PM
That's funny.  I only hear them cookies sayin' one thing: EAT ME!
* Jasyn reaches out as if he intends to snatch one.
I like dunkin' 'em in ale.

"Jasyn, those are Ana's present.  When she gets the puzzle, she can pass them out to anyone she likes.  Meantime, come have some of these."

Quince points to the other plates of sweets laid out on the bar.
EQ2 - Antonia Bayle: Quince Flutterfoot, Frixobulus, Sunbeam


QuoteWhen she gets the puzzle, she can pass them out to anyone she likes.


They're gonna go stale before that happens.


Yes Jasyn!

*lightly smacks Jasyn's hands*

They're my present!   Don't you be placing your Half-Humanoid hands on them!   Though, I'll share one with you once you give me the present you got for me... 

*smiles sweetly and bats her eyelashes at Jasyn*

Come on now, darling, don't be shy...  Where's my present...?

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365



* Jasyn reaches into his bag and pulls out a wrapped gift, less than vaguely in the shape of a mug.  The wrapping is damp as if very recently soaked in liquid, say, ale.


* Jasyn outstretches his hand, offering the present to Anaris.

Oh wait.

* Jasyn reaches back into his bag, pulls out a loose bow and smacks it onto the gift.

There ya go.  Happy Frostfell!


*with a blank expression takes the gift in her hands and notices the dampness*

Um....yes.... Um.....Thanks Jasyn... I....  It's very sweet of you.... I always wanted a..... *unwraps the gift* ....wet mug.  So thoughtful of you, really...

*smiles a very fake half-smile and casually wipes her hand on Quince's sleeve*

Now, about these cookies.....

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365



*notices Missa's fawning over the dirty mug and gives the fellow Koada'dal a strange and curious look*

Missa darling....why are you eyeing my, um, mug in such unusual fashion for an inanimate everyman object?

*arches a brow and looks at Missa with suspicion*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


*turns a nice rosy glow*  Well, I'm not ... *reddens some more*  well, you see, I never imagined you would think ... *turns an interesting shade of crimson*  Why would I be wanting an old dirty mug anyway? 

Shall I clear it away for you?

((*cough*  wood elf *cough*))