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Slipping out from the shadows... 7/22/02

Started by Saga Librarian, November 24, 2006, 12:22:03 AM

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Saga Librarian

Amaeliya Sylvanheart

A quiet redhaired halfling watches the gaity inside the warmly lit tavern and, clutching her good luck charm, slips in through the front door. Trodding on surprisingly quiet (and equally surprisingly shod) feet, she quickly winds her way around tables and chairs to the bar. She props her shield up against the counter and slips her charm into a pocket, then eyes the daunting height of the barstool with some puzzlement. After several failed attempts to gain leverage over a towering stool built for too-talls, she yanks her famous ladder out of hyperspace, bounds up a couple of steps, plops down on the stool at the bar and tosses the ladder back from whence it came.

After a few more moments of her own silence, she pays the bartender for a honey mead with a smile and a couple of gold pieces, and settles back, her legs tucked neatly around the legs of the stool. She then turns to the faces around her, some known and some unfamiliar.

"Ummm... greetings, all," she starts off in the Elvish tongue with a shy smile and a trace of an accent. "My name is Amaeliya Sylvanheart, and I am of the thirty-second... well, almost thirty-second, anyway... Circle of Karana, and of the people of the guild who call themselves the Halfheight Heroes.

"I've been lucky enough to know several of those who collect as the Saga guild, and I just wanted to make myself known to you." She takes a quick, somewhat nervous sip from her honey mead, clearly showing the nerves felt as she talks to those whom she does not know. "The people whom I know of this group I deeply respect and care for, and any friend of theirs is a friend of mine. If ever I can help you, either as a healer, teleporter, baker, forager... well, let me know." She beams a quick smile to Fayd. "I've been helping Fayd there, the too-tall in sky blue armor, with getting mushrooms and the like for a while. It's really him I have to thank for my skill. If he had not asked me for things that only a forager could be able to find, that skill would still remain dormant."

Amae sips sweet brew again and, licking away the honeyed aftertastes of the tavern's product, finishes an uncompleted thought. "In any case... I may not be as skilled as some, but I do have an eagerness to help, especially those who make Norrath a decidedly better place." She nods to the group at large for this statement. "I'm... well... I don't break camp often right now, due to some reoccuring and rather stressful dreams that I must take care of, but I sense that these dreams should end, in no more than a week or so. But whenever I do awaken from my sleep, if ever I can do something for you, let me know. Or tell me here, in this tavern, and when I venture into the wilds of Norrath once more I shall remember to keep an eye out. Either way, I would be delighted to get to know more of the Saga guild better." She sets the half-full, mulberry-colored jug on the counter, and wipes the condenced water that clung to her hand from the container's slick sides swiftly on her thick skirt. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she hugs her legs and beams a hopeful smile out at the people in the tavern.


Bindi the Hobbit
Creeping Crook

*Bindi goes over to shake hands with the newcomer, remembering to wipe the clay from her hands onto her pants before making contact*

Ello lass! Remember me? Methinks we met once in tha bank up in Shadow Haven! I remember that ladder o yers! *she turns to the barmaid* Bring us another couple o drinks lass! Keep em filled! *turns back to Amaeliya* So how have ye been?


Serinity Di'Marcia
Holy Knight of Tunare

<smiling at the friendliness of Amaeliya>
Hello there! Ifn ye are a friend of Fayd, then you are surely good folk! I would offer ta keep yer mug full, but it seems Bindi has beat me to it <chuckles>. We like a good drink around here.. again, welcome. I am Serinity, a Holy Knight of Tunare, at your service <bows>

Amaeliya Sylvanheart

Amaeliya smiles warmly at Bindi and Serinity, gently gripping the offered hand in greeting. To Bindi she exclaims "I believe I do remember that! The ladder I keep around for either showing affection of (or the bonking over the heads of) those with... um... 'special heights'." Her emerald eyes twinkle merrily at any of the taller folk in the tavern as she takes a healthy sip of her refilled honey mead, and then hastily puts the mug back down. The last time she was given an unlimited amount of alcohol, thanks to Hailhammer and his ability to summon stout, she had wandered around Rivervale completely smashed for twenty minutes after.

In response to Serinity she nods deeply with a smile, not wanting to create a fuss with jumping down from her stool, bowing, and going through the business of summoning and dismissing her hyperspacial ladder. She chuckles at Serinity's admission for her fondness for the tavern's brew and puts another few gold down, nodding first at the bartender and than at Serinity. "Sit!" She beams a friendly smile to Serinity, the openness of the people around her and the honesty in their smiles making the small druidess far more at ease. "Have a drink and chat a while."

"As to how I've been... things have been going quite well lately, despite the dreams I've been having that keep me from adventuring. My skills at baking are increasing steadily whenever I can sit down and work on my recipes. I finally am making things that can enhance the performance of those who carry them!" She looks postively ecstatic at this comment, shown in her shining eyes and excitedly bouncing posture. "Someday I want to make some recipe that can increase the wisdom of the carrier, especially since I avoid the flesh of other races." She shudders at the very thought of eating someone's relative! "And if I do manage to create such a dish, if you should care for the recipe I would be more than happy to make such an alternative well known."

She idly doodles patterns in the mist that condensed on the side of her honey mead. "In any case... Lady Luck has dealt you fair cards as well, I hope?" She smiles at those around her.


Silly Old Rogue

*Siffo appears beside Amaeliya*

Hello Amae, I am very happy you found yer way to our humble tavern. I still remember the days back in the Thicket. The time up on Goblin Hill when you told Beaggil to shut up, sit down, and listen. *sigh* I also remember how you were so excited and ready to leave with a group of dwarves from the Half Highs. I missed and was so happy when I saw you again. I am glad see you here. Please make yer self to home and get to know those whom I like to call friends, I hope you will like them as much as I do.

*Siffo whispers in Amaeliya's ear*

Try the ale, Tuppen makes it himself. It is most likly the best you will ever find.

*Siffo sets a stein of ale on the bar and then slips back into the shadows*

Amaeliya Sylvanheart

Amaeliya beams a smile at Siffo and bounds off her stool to hug him tightly before he can slip off again. "Siffo! I've been trying to track you down to take you up on the offer of hunting, but due to these dreams I have been trying to fit months of hunting, partying, and tradeskills down into to a couple of days. Please, if you're ever awake and sense that I have broken camp, please give me a yell! I would love to catch up on older times."

She blushes and chuckles at the mention of Beaggil. "Did I actually tell him to do that?" At Siffo's nod, Amae tries to think back and actually remember why she exactly told Beaggil to do that, but the particular incident eludes her. "Well..." she mutters. "He certainly was an exuberant young pup. I'm hoping I had a good reason to knock those words into him.

"Gods, I must have joined the Halfheight Heroes... oh..." she ticks a few years off on her fingers. "twenty-five seasons ago? No, I cannot be that long..." She looks surprised. "Though it must be, as I joined when I was but of my eighth Circle."

She chuckles at Siffo's suggestion and replies "Ah, well, I certainly shall have... to... try..." She looks up from the floor to see that Siffo has slipped off once more. After glancing about for him, she sees nothing but a stein of ale perched innocently on her counter. Vowing to talk to him once she breaks camp again, she goes through the hyperspacial ladder sequence and hops back up onto her stool. With a half-smile she picks up the beckoning stein, and takes a healthy draw.