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A Gnome with a collector's item guild card walks in ... 8/3/02

Started by Saga Librarian, November 29, 2006, 01:47:38 AM

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Saga Librarian


Gneen was moping around aimlessly, forlornly mumbling
"/who all GUILD" to himself over and over ... with precious
few hearing. He had been walking, just walking ...

He had visited the Barbarian Village in the West Karana
plains where Apep and Charizma had wed ... "it seems so
long ago, but 'twas only a few short weeks ...". He smiled
to himself as he remembered Kettlestomp peeing off the
dock during the ceremony ... "That Gnome has Chutzbeh."
(Gneen, you see, had been studying languages again!)

He went down towards Lake Rathe and looked across to
Arena, remembering how he snuck/hid all the way from the
Commonlands to help Tinker's Pride fight Gore Bloodlust in
the first event he ever attended at the tender age of ten.

He visited Oasis and remebered the first time he fought at
Orc Highway with a few guildmates. He remembered when he
was first able to travel to the moon, and Charizma had promised
to show him her "favorite spot". He remembered being stuck
in a blood pool in the basement of Unrest ... unable to jump
out while hidden and unable to survive if visible! He remembered
falling off the boat on his first trip to Firiona Vie and having to
be rescued by a Guide. He remembered camping Curfang for
several nights with his mates.

He remembered the adventure and the friends and the life -
and though there had been more than his share of death,
it seemed not to cloud his memories.

"Hmmm ... what's this? Looks like a tavern I have frequented
in the past. And it's open ... "

The door squeaked as he entered, but it was not a sqeak of
disrepair - rather a squeak that comes of frequent use. With
his purse heavy with gold pieces from a recent inheritance,
Gneen made his way to the bar. "Drinks on me tonight,
friend" he said to the pretty barmaid, "but it looks like it's
only you and I here now - please pour yourself an Ale with mine, I
shant be bothering you much tonight, for it is me last night
as a member of Tinker's Pride - and I feel the need for some
quiet contemplation".

A small table in a dark corner beckoned to the Gnome. He
sat down alone, raised his cup, and toasted to the empty
room: "TO TINKER'S PRIDE" he said to nobody in particular.
"FOR THE LAST TIME." he added- knowing that tomorrow
at this time THE PRIDE would be no more.

He took his tinkered guitar from his pack and began to strum softly, lost in thought.



Picking at a new kink in her armor, the small red-head wanders in to the one quiet tavern she can find along the noisy city streets. Bridh has never been one for the loud and boisterous. She rather find a nice quiet corner to reflect, or pass out, depending on how the day went. As her eyes drift across the small gathering crowd, she recognizes these faces as those of the family that Bippin has brought her nearer to, now becoming familiar and comfortable. Thinking that this be the best place to sit for a spell, she begins towards the bar but stops at the sound of a small guitar.

She turns to the table near the small fellow, listening to his tune. She had heard the rumor of a small band of companions who would travel together no longer, gnomes primarily. She never did fully understand gnomes, but had a few friends among their number. Listening to his words, her gaze settled upon him, and her chin settled upon her crossed arms atop the table.

His quiet voice faded away as he reached the end of his song, and Bridh watched him a moment before lifting her head. Her soft voice hard to hear normally, but clear enough in this shadowed tavern.

"My small friend, I know not of you, but I know of loneliness and abandonment. I do feel I should say though, as you sing your sorrowful song to us, that "pride" is not in a name, nor in a title, nor even in a group or a family. "Pride" is in your heart, as you look on at your friends and loved ones, and remember the things you have done and the places you have gone, and the people you have met. Someone may take away your titles, tarnish your good name... but no one can ever take away your pride."



"Thank you Bridh ... I shall try and remember your words."

On another night, other words may have been spoken, for
truth be told Gneen was always partial to Redheads. But
this was a night unlike any other. Not wanting to return to
Norrath, Gneen called to the Barmaid ... "Another Gnomish
ale please - and one for me new friend too!"

He played with the tuning pegs on the head of his guitar - they
didn't really need adjustment, but he was still feeling a bit
out of place.


Mage of Felwithe

Having heard tales of a gnomish bard, Wystro set out to see him with his own eyes. His journey took him here and there, this place and that. Barbarian fishmongers in the Karanas hummed parts of a tune they had picked up from a traveler – the words were gnomish. In the burning desert that lies where the Elddar forest once stood, Wystro found a scrap of parchment halfway buried in the hot sand with snatches of limericks scrawled upon its surface. The guards at the Firiona Vie outpost spoke of a gnome bobbing helplessly in the water along with a few musical instruments, mechanical quills and parchments.

The trail led Wystro to a place that was....he wasn't quite sure exactly where. The thoughtful strumming of a melancholy tune drew Wystro into the door of the Tavern. He greeted the friendly barmaid, who presented him with his glass of brandy, but refused payment.

"Drinks this evening are courtesy of the gentleman in the corner," she smiled.

After making sure the glass was clean, Wystro turned. At a table in the far corner, near a flame-haired wanderer coated with the dust of travel, he spied the source of the music. The gnome played a tune that sounded like the sun setting on a beautiful day. Wystro closed his eyes, and he saw the violets and crimsons light the evening sky. After taking in the moment of beauty, he opened his eyes, turned to the gnome, and raised his glass.

"The joy is in the journey! Both the one that brought you here, and the one that has brought us to you. It is a pleasure to meet you."



"Hail Wystro, and well met. Thank you for the kind words
and please forgive my saddened demeanor this evening -
I am not normally so morose."

Gneen tries some chords he has never attempted before ...
they sound acceptable so he weaves a new tune, with
lyrics unspoken, of comrades past and yet to come, and
adventures only a rogue could imagine.


Katryna Sowdier  
Shamaness of Saga

Katryna enters the tavern heading straight for her table not really noticing to much, just looking for her chair at her table to which her ale would be delivered, it had been one of those days. She had heard rumors and wondered at the validity of them. As Kat sat down she heard music play and immediately a particular gnome came to mind.

As Katryna gazed around the room she noticed Birdh and Wystro and smiled at them, then continued her in depth scan of them room and her eyes finally fell upon the gnome who had been here before, the name Gneen popped into her head. His music tugged at her heart as she realized by the aura that surrounded him the rumors must of been true.

With great sadness she accepted that which she could not change, looking upon Gneen she felt her heart go out to him. To imagine anything like this to happen to Saga would definitely kill her, this gnome that sat playing such music was a commendable one.

Katryna called upon the spirits to take a message from her and whisper it into Gneen's ear, "The memories you have, hold onto them true, be glad to have had some time to share with those you once held dear. You and your friends will find your ways to carry on, maybe, just maybe a new family will form and rise up to carry on where Tinkers Pride could go no further but never forget that which you once had. Tinkers Pride was a name to wear proudly and I for one can say we are all more enriched for having had the chance of knowing them." Katryna seeing the spirits finishing the message raises her mug in salute to Tinkers Pride.


Elsbet Squishytoes
Flinger of Pies

An older halfling wanders into the pub, her long gray braids frizzled out behind her wildly. Seeing that tonight is, in fact, not Free Beer night, she lays five gold coins out neatly on the bar, and asks for as many mugs of Oatmeal Fungus Stout as they can bring her. Old memories had overwhelmed her of late, especially after this day had seen the marriage of two of her dearest friends, both gnomes; a people that she had always felt a special affinity for, as their size, child-like curiosity, and appreciation of ale and silly jokes were so similar to halfling society's.

Thinking back to when she left her homeland for the great wide western lands with her dearly-departed brother, she recalled meeting a fellow named Sabbik down in the dogpits of Odus, so very long ago. On that day, he had given her a card, identifying his status in gnomish society...where was it...oh, yes. She rummaged through her sack for a moment, and retrieved a small wooden box, pulling out of it a small card, embossed with the logo of Tinker's Pride in the beautiful gnomish script. She frowned to think that this organization was no more, and became angered, because she knew that this, too, was due to the meddling of the stink elves. "One day," she muttered, "one day..." Her voice trailed off as she knocked back a tankard of stout.

Catching the eye of a young gnome playing a wistful, sad song in the corner, she nodded and smiled weakly, and wandered out the door into the starry night. Alone, again, and with nothing but her faith to keep her warm at night.


Pebble with a bow

Weary from her stint with the Death Nights and her ensuing aftermath of recovery from her stint with the Death Nights, Caillou wanders close to the Tavern, sees the warm glow and hears a light chord of music not like any she has really heard before, definately not that of the bards of Saga. Curious, Caillou steps into the bar with a small bit of caution. She sees a gnome sitting against the far wall strumming a gitar not like any she has seen. Gnome bard? she wonders to herself, then remembers poetry she read not long before, written by Gneen and wonders if this be him.

Caillou quietly sets her stuff by the door, not wanting to interrupt. She softly walks in a wide arc near to the table where Gneen sits with a few others. She sinks to the floor not far away, entranced by his melencholy music.

Caillou had been there at the Ak'anon when the Teir'Dal Baron Apep led a raid on that city. She had knew a small collection of gnomes and had liked all she met. She had also heard of the demise of the guild, the gathering called Tinker's Pride after the events at Ak'anon. The fact the Baron's wife is a gnome still surprises her. Why he would lead a raid on her people, her friends.......

Caillou listens to the sad sad tune and doesn't understand the world.

When Gneen pauses in his playing to take a drink, Caillou looks up to him with a wane smile and says simple, "Thank you."



Gneen's tune continues, as does his melancholy.

A nod to Katryna, Elsbet, and Caillou for their warm thoughts
and kind words ... thoughts of Sabbik flow at the mention of
his name, and Gneen pauses his strumming long enough to
raise a silent toast to the great Gnome now surely careening
down a river someplace. He wonders just how much Sabbik
knows of his sister's "adventures" of late ...

Gneen quickly checks his tinkered guild card ... it would appear
that the small green light is still on. The message on the card
tells him that Snumpkin may be trying to rally the Pride.

"Me mentor" Gneen mumbles "is attempting to rally support
for new leadership." Silently, his thoughts continue ... "A heroic
effort indeed. But at times, no matter how faithful the pet,
it is simply better to let it go peacefully and with fond memories."

"I may be here for some time it seems me friends" he called to
the assembled patrons, "but me purse is still as heavy as me heart,
so please - drinks are still on me!"

"A different tune perhaps ..." he pondered, and played something a
bit more up-beat - if only to lift his own tired spirits.


Charizma Silvertongue

Charizma treads carefully and quietly, her eyes aware of every movement around her as she draws near the Tavern. She is cloaked in a spell of Invisibility, compliments of a dear friend. Still she is nervous, for she knows some can see through such shields, and she remembers all to well the results of her last visit to this Tavern.

She makes her way to a window that is conveniently shadowed by a tree, and she takes cover as she peeks inside. She closes her eyes for a moment as she sinks against the frame of the Tavern. Gneen sits there, strumming on his guitar. That alone brings so many memories to her... "Gnome, gnome on the range!" she remembers giggling to his playful songs...

Charizma composes herself and peeks around the corner toward the door. It is a dark night, the half moon shrouded behind the clouds. Inside the Tavern looked dimly lit, as the mood for the night is rather melancholy. She sees someone approach the door. My chance, she thinks.

Just before the door can swing shut again after the newcomer enters, Charizma slips in and dashes for a shadowed corner. She looks around to see it anyone with such abilities has seen through her spell, but no one takes notice. Slowly she makes her way toward the back corner where Gneen sits, ever watchful for a change in demeanor of the patrons.

She settles herself on the ground not far behind Gneen, listening to him for a long while before he finally takes a break. He reaches for an ale, and nearly drops it when he feels two small arms wrap about his neck, and a whispered shush.

"Don't speak, Gneen. They can't see me. I received word that you were here, and... I had to come see you," she whispers in his ear as she hugs him. Her voice is sad as she speaks to him. "I'm not welcomed here, and I fear this invisibility will wear off before I can leave again. I've heard your tales, your poems, and your songs... and the songs of late sadden me so very much. You express my sorrow in words I never could. Our Guild is now gone... the home we shared for so many years. I was there from the beginning you know," she sniffles and wipes a tear from her eye. "I know you anxiously await word of the fate of Norrath as I try to calm Apep. I've left him sleeping in our hidden home and I must return soon. I think I know what to do..." her voice trails off as another tear falls down her cheek. "I promise, my dear Gneen, to get word to you first when I've succeeded. Until then... stay safe. You are in good hands here... even if they hate me, I hold no ill will toward them. Quite the opposite... and I would trust them with you, my dear friend." Charizma softly kisses Gneen's cheek and squeezes her arms about him a bit. "I will find you again soon. And I believe I still owe you a tour of Luclin..." her voice trails off and she smiles softly before letting go of him and sinking back against the wall.

Charizma knows her time is running short. She makes her way quickly toward the front door again, hoping someone will open it. She is in luck. She slinks out the door in the nick of time, as the spell drops as soon as she steps out. She glances around frantically but sees no one nearby, and the door has already shut. She knows she has worn out her luck for the eve and takes off at a full sprint back to her hidden home, to finish the monumental task she has been handed. To save her Love, her husband... and to save Norrath from his wrath.



Gneen tried to keep his expression from showing surprise as
he suddenly heard words being whispered softly in his ear ...
the voice was familiar, if unexpected!

The voice was that of a friend he had worshipped from afar
for many seasons - but she (although cordial and warm) had
not shared Gneen's hidden feelings. Events of late made
Gneen wonder of her motives, but it was impossible for him
to think of her as an enemy ... he chose to think of her as a
friend gone astray, with always the chance that she would
some day return to her senses.

No time soon would they travel together to Luclin, for she
traveled in different circles now.

He only wished he had been able to "see" her one last time ...


Katryna Sowdier  
Shamaness of Saga

Kat sat at her table quietly watching those in the tavern as it had become a custom for her, suddenly she felt the spirits get restless. The spirits swirled around not in panic but in warning of things not being as they should, they told her to look closer but do not react.

Katryna then saw the form the spirits had shown to her, a small gnome hidden from most sight, she did not move in a way of hurtful intent so Kat quietly watched her approach Gneen. Katryna realized now who this gnome was after the spirits spoke to her again of the conversation being had, it was Charizma.

Katryna wondered if it were lies that spewed from the lips of the lover of such a vile creature. She had thought to give Charizma a chance as she had heard many good stories of her before her choice of mates, but her family had pointed out more things for her to think on which caused a hate for what Charizma by being married to it now supported willing or not.

Katryna agreed with one thing that came from the mouth of the gnome, she would aid Gneen any way she could and was she sure most of her family would as well.

Katryna made a note to speak to her family about having a spell put on the tavern or runes to dispel any such attempt of entry again.


Mage of Felwithe

Wystro puts his empty glass behind him, hoping, praying, that Gneen's coin is still maintaining the supply of free drinks.

After an endless minute, Wystro turns and smiles to see that his glass is refilled with brandy.

A faltering note draws his attention back to Gneen...a slight flutter perhaps? A strange occurance considering the playing skill he has thus far exhibited. Emotions flicker and fade across Gneen's little face. Wystro cannot read them all.

"Hail, Friend Gnome! Many thanks for the free beverages....Might I hear more of your happy melody?"

Saga Librarian



"Of course friend Wystro, of course. In a moment."

Gneen had paused his playing, and most folks in the tavern now
looked his way as the music stopped - it had almost become
a part of the gentle ambiance of the room.

"Friends!" he said loudly, hoping that he could be regarded
as such in return. "This shall be my final act as a member
of Tinker's Pride. I hope you will bear with me presence in
your lovely tavern for just a bit longer."

Gneen had just heard (through the wonders of his tinkered
Guild Card) that Sabbik had left a message, and although the
Pride had not yet officially disbanded, it was simply because
of technical difficulties. The previous night, a new guild,
"The Gnomish Alliance of Gnomes" had been formed in the
chambers of King Ak'Anon. Gneen was supportive out of
respect for the former Pride members, but felt that it was
time for him to move on. By the weekend, if the Pride had
not yet disbanded, he would remove his Guild Tag. It was
a decision of no small weight.

"Friends!" he repeated, a bit nervous, "if you would all stand
for a moment." Slowly, the patrons stood - most being
very careful of protecting their mugs - and looked towards
Gneen. Gneen stood, and sang loudly:

No beautiful or spacious skies, in tinkered city grand.
For deep in mountain majesties does Gnomish Ak'Anon stand!
Oh Ak'Anon, Great Ak'Anon - your history serves as guide.
We'll greet all Gnomes with brotherhood       
for we are TINKER'S PRIDE!

"Thank you." Gneen said softly, and sat down.
A moment passed in uncomfortable silence.
Gneen rose again and shouted "AND DRINKS ARE STILL ON ME!"

A cheer went up from the assembled patrons!       



It seemed a long time since Gneen had entered this
friendly tavern. He checked his old guild card. "Yes,
it has indeed gone dark." Checking the aura which
had floated above his head for many seasons, he found
only that of his name and his Daddy's name.

"It is time" he said "to get back into the world."

A smile came to his lips for the first time in several weeks
as his fingers found the chords of excitement and fun
that had not recently been heard. His purse now depleted,
and his mug drained, he could only offer a song as thanks
for the support during his time of need. Pulling a tattered
song sheet from his pack he sang his favorite hunting tune.

Take me out for some small game,               
Take me out with a bow ....               
Fill up me quiver and pack me pack ...               
I'll shoot 'em and pierce 'em and then stab their back.

For it's root, root, root cast on bad guys       
if they can't move it's no shame!
cause I'll riposte and disarm and parry their ass -       
that's this Gnome rogue's game!

He got up slowly then ... almost hoping somebody would
stop him and wish him well on his next adventure ... much
like his old friends in that "other" tavern once did.


Mage of Felwithe

Wystro's esteem towards Gneen diminishes as the Free Beverages fade. As you look closely, you see a single perfect tear roll down the elf's face as he contemplates his empty snifter of brandy. Yet, from somewhere deep inside the confines of Wystro's soul, a scrap of gratitude floats slowly to the surface. As Gneen leaves, the elf appraoches and gently pats the gnome on the back.

"May Tunare watch over thy travels, Gneen. I shall always remember my Free Brandy with great fondness."

Wystro smiles warmly at Gneen


Jebbar Godsbane
Human Cuisinart of Death

Jebbar stands from the shadows where he had been sitting quietly through all of this. His face is streaked with tears but wears a smile...

"Be well, Gneen. Your songs are welcome here anytime. May your travels be safe, and may all the enemies you encounter present their back to you!"


Katryna Sowdier   
Shamaness of Saga

Katryna stands up and walks over to the gnome as he prepares to leave, "Hey Gneen ye look to be goin venturin, I hope ye know there be a place here for you to be keepin your journal" Katryna points to a shelf on the wall "I for one would love to be readin of yer travels and of course ye be invited to join us in our different travels we venture on."

Katryna feeling awkward started fidgeting abit and then mentioned, "ye know that we well ummmmm ye know that there be a way for ye to join the family if ye be interested" Katryna looked towards the form to be filled out, "and I would be honored to be sponsorin ye if you want." With that being said Katryna walked over to where the Monk stood and joined him.



"Thank you Katryna. Thank you very much."

With a flourish he turned and addressed the room.

"Hey everyone ... I've got a riddle for ye!"

"What's Gneen squared plus Two Gneen plus one?"

He paused a bit ... hoping that nobody here had heard
this one before ...

He looked around at the folks assembled ... this was the
part he liked best of all ...


That was his favorite joke. Gneen laughed heartily and
left the tavern. Nobody noticed the tear of happiness
that he had stealthily wiped from his eye ... for after all,
he was a master at those sorts of things.


Pebble with a bow

Caillou woke from her doze on hearing punchline. "Poly-whatall?" she wondered to herself. She bearily rubbed her eyes to see Gneen departing. She saw others around her with contented yet bittersweet smiles. Contented she understood since Gneen was more than welcome here. The bittersweet.... Caillou looked again at the distantly departing Gneen, casting a spell to get a better glimpse. Something was different, a different aire, a guild badge... gone. Caillou understood the bittersweetness and only wished she had awakened earlier to wish Gneen well, safe travels, and all the blessings and wonders he could ever find. She hoped he would find his peace, his happiness, his home... though she selfishly wished that it would be with them.


Xianya Lilboomer

Gneen was making his way from the tavern when he was surprised by a blond gnomette in a green robe appearing out of nowhere before him.

"GNEEN EXXANNAMM!!" She spouted, glaring directly at him. Xianya stood before him, hands on her hips." I hope you have had a wonderful time while I was in exile! Technical difficulties INDEED!!"

He opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off."Do you know what I heard?! Despite me being gone, I DO have ears! You have been sitting in that tavern lamenting over the demise of our guild while the world is passing you by not being recorded in song!"

He again tried to speak, but she continued, waving her arms wildly," Yes! Tinker's Pride is gone," then she added emphasis to her voice," As a guild! But it will ALWAYS exist in our hearts. And quite frankly, I would rather remember it as a battle cry or a cheering song of morale than a lament!!"

He motioned that he wanted to speak," Did you know that the gnolls tried to invade Jagged pine?" He tried to answer."Were you there to capture the events in melody?" He silently pleaded for a chance to speak."I cant believe you would allow those other bards to steal your glory!"

He was about to say something when she pointed behind them to the tavern." Those people down there are prolly the nicest people I have ever met," she reflected for a brief instance, "well, most of 'em. But if you feel all alone and distant from us 'former' tinks I am most sure you would be a most welcome addition to their family." She paused a second, " Or you could go play in the 'Gag Bag'." They both winced a little at the name of the Gnomish Alliance of Gnomes' newest tavern.

"Alright," she said, " I'm glad your done mourning, now get out there and rejoin the living!" She then took her staff and swatted his rear to get him moving. As he trotted off to a new future, she looked after him, wiping a tear from her face."I am sorry, I wasn't strong enough to hold it together."