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A Sealed Letter 9/6/02

Started by Saga Librarian, December 06, 2006, 10:55:14 AM

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Saga Librarian

Jiren Akersen

*As the sun fades into obscurity little by little and the tavern begins to fill with its regular patrons, a shadow fills the tavern door. Not a hulking shadow by any means, but the shape of a larger than average man. The figure reaches into its cloak and pulls out a small, thin object. Standing still for but a split second, the man speaks, barely above a whisper, but clear all the same*

"If one of you could please make certain this reaches the hands of whom it is addressed."

*He lifts his hand slowly, and unclenches the fist clutching the object. As it slowly falls to the ground, it becomes instantly recognizable as a letter. Taking a quick glance around the room, the man exits just as quickly as he entered... having never come into the light*

The letter is sealed, and reads: "To be viewed only by Katryna, and any she deems worthy"

Quea FV
Port a Party

Quea stares down at the letter on the floor and then up to the retreating figure. She backs away unconciously, her mind screaming at her - stay out of it, more trouble, more trouble.

Katryna Sowdier   
Shamaness of Saga

Katryna stares from the dark corner of the tavern to the door the shadow retreated through, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.

Kat picked up her ale from the table and drank it down, licking her lips after she was done, never wanting to waste any of Tuppens' home made brew. Again her eyes slid down to where the letter awaited her.

Something in the back of her mind was trying to surface, a memory she could not place, she shook off the feeling that had crept into her and stood up. With a purposeful look upon her face she walked over to the letter that lay on the floor and picked it up.

<Kat thought to herself; it is a good thing the monk be showin me abit of the how to be tellin what these marks mean>

Kat reads the front of the letter and then breaks the seal, she then begins to read the letter.................


Jiren Akersen

*the letter reads*

Well hello, Shamaness.

I write this out of the utmost respect I can conjur for any one person. Believe you me, I hold quite a healthy dose for you and what you were capable of accomplishing. As you were at one point a large figure within my life, I feel I owe you a slight account of the happenings of the last few months. The edge of Norrath has yet to meet my eye, so I haven't fallen off of it.

You know already a hefty portion of the story. Frequent conversations with the demon itself, to your subsequent banishment of it. From there is where it would become blurry, I am certain.
Unfortunately for me... and me alone, the banishment of the Scourgefist left much to be desired. I tried... I tried so hard to continue along my path. My mind-state was simply too riled to walk the straight and narrow path that a monk does. When the Scourgefist controlled everything.. it was indeed "easier." I was pathetic, Katryna. Left alone in a world I had grown up in and abandoned. OF COURSE my face was remembered. Pity was slung my way... for my wife... for my DAUGHTERS. I had NO skills anymore.. no way to make a living. Day after day I hung myself with guilt over their deaths. I could not wash the blood from under my finger-nails! I sought employment with the Circle of Unseen Hands... I had no other choice!
Briefly I was with them. Their ways much too dishonorable for me, as you may have guessed, Shamaness. Each day went by. Each day went by with the blood staining deeper. Each day went by with the blood staining deeper and my soul tainting. Each day went by with the blood staining deeper and my soul tainting from DISGUST.
I cannot describe to you the loathing I've felt deep inside. The hatred for how pathetic I've become since you "cleansed" me. I am a shell! I possess NONE of the qualities that made me a man to be feared anymore! I could not.... could not slink around in the shadows like a thief!

Over anything else... dearest Katryna... this is a warning.
I hereby formally warn you, and your associates. Should we cross paths, we are enemies. I owe you a debt of honor. That debt will last until I either repay it, or one of us is dead. I let you know now, I have no intention of paying you for you theft. Honorably we shall one day meet, I am sure.

There is much more to say. Until I have said it all, we will not clash in arms with eachother.

With eternal love, gratitude, and honor. May your death at my hands be nothing less than torturous

Jiren Akersen


Katryna Sowdier   
Shamaness of Saga

*Katryna reads the letter slowly as each word sinks into her being, being ever so slowly digested, a numbness spreads throughout her body.*

Katryna shakes her head as her eyes are still glued to the letter, questions shooting like arrows through her mind. How can he say what I did was wrong, Scourgefist had to die, it was pathetic and evil. *Memories of what the Scourgefist had done, the images floating around in her head.*

*Katryna read the letter again.*

How can he say he is only a shell, he but has to accept that which he has done and try to make retributions for his crimes. *Katryna frowns* But.....I thought.....I mean....he was whole before the Scourgefist took over.....wasn't he?

Katryna thinks back to the day she poisoned the Scourgefist in the arena in Qeynos, the day Jiren was freed of his cell that had held him for so long. He seemed happy to be free, had he endured so much since then to put him to this path. More questions she started asking herself everytime she answered one. She would have to hunt this one down, his hate to her family was uncalled for, could she make him listen to reason once more.

Katryna not knowing how to feel let the letter slip from her hands and a hardness come over her, aye Jiren I accept your warning as I have no choice and as you say we will meet, I do hope by then you will see the error in your beliefs, Katryna thinks to herself. <mixed feelings shooting through her, Katryna walks out of the tavern.>