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Brutin--The Word of Brell

Started by Noa, August 03, 2006, 11:21:55 PM

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 Mixxi Bixiebane
Posts: 4
(2/26/02 12:27 pm)
Brutin--The Word of Brell
The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

I hope you are in good spirits. After being unceremoniously dumped outside the monestary gates with the instructions to bring the Word of Brell to outsiders I have done a great many things.

Initially I met up with Rugero the warrior and Ovor, perhaps someone you wouldn't approve of but I like, together we did a great many things to cleanse the area around Kaladim of infidels and my most hated foes, the undead.

It wasn't long and we found ourselves in Crushbone trying our hand at "converting" orcs, but somehow they don't take kindly to my Repent-or-die tactics. After Crush got wind of us stalking their main village we were chased out by an armed party slightly less aggressive than an army.

From here things get confusing as Rugero had this desire to travel to the city of Freeport, home of the Mules. I thought it had been bad enough dealing with Pointies in Crushbone and Kaladim but Mules are just that, slow and dimwitted. As a side note Abbott you will be pleased to note that I have received forgiveness from the Temple of Marr in Freeport for my transgression of thought regarding the females of this area and their leather, and though they like sunlight, their kind shapes would be a welcome obstacle in the darkness of a mine while ahogu-

Sorry, a compassionate scribe has stopped that train of thought.

Anyway, while I was wandering about I noticed that Ovor and Rugero both explored according to their own dictates and our little closeknit group seemingly broke apart. As I was later to find out, this as not true, we are stronger than ever but more seasoned.

In the lands west of Freeport a strange occurance strikes the land, it becomes filled with werewolves while the sky turns orange. While I am still not the best in speaking Mule I must admit this isn't common from the skyward faces and incoherent babbling as they finally move with some speed, though randomly, as they escape.

I also went south to a desert and beheld my current playground. First by traveling through a tunnel which makes me slightly homesick I have encountered yet another strange occurance, this time the undead and followers of some person named Tische Virm wander about.

I have really found my calling standing there dealing Brell's good work on these people and I have to pray nightly so as not to enjoy it muchly.

Oh yes, I was able to really help out a few unfortunates in a place called HighHold Pass, there inside a keep were some prisoners and as a good Alcolyte of Brell I tried to bring them over to our faith. They were very interested so long as I gave them hope of escape or being freed but when I explained that I did not have this power, they derided me and spoke badly of Beloved Brell. So Ovor showed me a favorite hobby of his, he opened their cell doors one by one and I dispensed the Word of Brell to them, one hammer stroke of faith at a time.

That is all for now Abbott and I am sorry for the length of this letter but as it is my first to you since being thrown out for that prank and as you can see I am busy, besides I am positive Deacon Telmit's beard will grow back despite what his wife says.

Word of Brell


The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

I have received your warm gift and I thank you but I still find myself wondering exactly what I am doing out here. I do not know why I am here or why you sent me, and Brell simply tells me to be patient, that this will just backfire in your face.

The strange occurances have disappeared from Muleland and I am thinking about coming home, that manorhouse with all the undead seems like a good place to go, I don't know why you didn't tell me about that place.

I know you don't believe me when I say that I talk to Brell all the time, he is very rarely away from me, but that is why I guess I got in the monestary. I also know that you don't like me calling myself "The Word of Brell" but he knows I like to repeat what he says.

Oh yeah, he told me that the first time I visit him face to face you would really get ticked off! Is that true?

Anyway, I have managed to find a group of people out here wandering around like me, thanks to Ovor, yeah, that is the guy you say I should stay away from, but theft is one of his least sinful skills and as Brell told me, when was the last time he did it to a dwarf? (oh yeah, now I get it, it was you)

I would tell you the name of the group but I don't want you harming them for knowing me, being the good and temperate person you are. Just know that they surround you, we are everywhere.

Ok, Brell says I should leave you alone for now.

Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

I have been back home now for several days but missed you at mass, they tell me you are getting ready for a big meeting between the heads of clergy for the various parishes of Brell. I am very excited for you.

I have managed to find a home in the lost manor house known as Unrest. I find great pleasure striking down the forsaken minions of chaos. While I could careless of good or evil so long as they follow the rules, I will say that the undead don't belong to any set of rules. Plus Brell doesn't like them

You will also have to note that I achieved a promotion, guess Brell got tired of me tearing up the undead and let me do it with style!

By the way, Brell hasn't been around recently, I know you don't like to admit that I speak with him, that you think it is blasphemous or what not, that I am not high born or in the clergy for any other reason than I speak to him and can cast the spells he allows. But just yesterday he said something was brewing and that he would be back later. He left and I haven't seen him since.

I am kinda worried for him.

Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

I have been back home now for several days but missed you at mass, they tell me you are getting ready for a big meeting between the heads of clergy for the various parishes of Brell. I am very excited for you.

I have managed to find a home in the lost manor house known as Unrest. I find great pleasure striking down the forsaken minions of chaos. While I could careless of good or evil so long as they follow the rules, I will say that the undead don't belong to any set of rules. Plus Brell doesn't like them

You will also have to note that I achieved a promotion, guess Brell got tired of me tearing up the undead and let me do it with style!

By the way, Brell hasn't been around recently, I know you don't like to admit that I speak with him, that you think it is blasphemous or what not, that I am not high born or in the clergy for any other reason than I speak to him and can cast the spells he allows. But just yesterday he said something was brewing and that he would be back later. He left and I haven't seen him since.

I am kinda worried for him.

Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

I am writing this particular letter with great excitement about my adventures today, I cannot seem to sleep because of my excitement.

As you know I have been staying in the HighHold pass hunting for a fabled shield called the Darkwood Shield which is possessed by the gnolls of that area. And of course I am sure you know that Brell has been missing for some time.

Today was like the last few days for me, at least in starting off, in which I was a nervous wreck and ready to take it out on the gnolls. Because of a great preponderance of clergy in the area and also for the fact that I have become popular I am allowed into a group with the Clergy need met and I fight, which I find works off my frustrations rather well.

No sooner had I managed to say hello to my friends than a large band of gnolls led by the two leaders of their clan beset us and in battle we tried to decide who would take the landing overlooking the West gate. Guards had been dispatched but were helpless to affect the outcome as they were trapped over the ramparts of the gate itself and blocked from sallying forth.

Three times we beat them back with bloody losses, while our party was ripped apart so badly that only fresh recruits coming to our aide allowed us to keep that overhang in our possession.

As we rested Brell returned to me, he was haggard looking and worried but after finding out that I was okay he told me of a fantastic adventure he had been on, that some event was about to take place for us, the lower mortals that would open up strange new avenues for our adventuring hearts, but that it also brought trouble. He called that trouble "Combine" and I didn't understand what he was babbling about in his excitement but I was glad to have him back with me. Of course my party, no used to having Brell around wondered who I was talking to, after all, only the true Word of Brell can see him without going to him.

In any case, without notice the Gnolls were on us again and this time the casualties on both sides were horrific. At the end of the battle with the gnolls again in full retreat to their side of the overhang only three of us remained and one of the leader gnolls lay dead at our feet. He had on him a fantastic tomahawk axe that any of my brethren would love to wield but alas as we drew lots for the item it went to someone else.

As we sat back to rest those crafty gnolls surprised us by attacking without resting, they caught us completely by surprise and with my fighting and healing at the same time, the three of us were able to barely stave off this attempt, and then only because the last leader of the gnolls fell at our feet, the survivors of that war party fled, giving us the heights and the fabled shield.

And to my utter contentment I drew the lot that allowed me the shield, which was fitting since I had slain the leader of the gnolls, but to my chagrin I found that I had cracked this fabled shield.

Not to mention that with the huge fight and the overpowering numbers of the enemy, I was promoted yet again, and in record time I have shot up the ranks of the Clergy. It won't be long now and I will be ready to receive my new spells!

I am very happy but I am not sure HighHold Pass offers me much any more, I believe I will travel to the south to the very temple of Cazic Thule, Brell and I have been talking about him for the past few hours.

I hope all is well

Word of Brell

Freeport Militia Holding Tank

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

Thank you very much for paying my fines, I assure you that won't happen again. As promised I will explain just how I got into this situation so that you will be properly compensated.

As you know I have been travelling abroad now for several months and become somewhat fluent with several languages, though not enough to pass a good conversation except perhaps Mule (that is Human as I call them).

I know you don't like to hear this but when I talk with Brell I do so in the superb Dwarvish, and rarely do I bother to concentrate on switching languages for others, I just keep jabbering in Dwarvish and hope they understand.

This led to an outstanding discovery, along with the fact that I can curse Pointies and Mules for their lack of sense in combat, I was able to freely....congratulate? Admire? Respond? on the attire of ladies as they grouped with me.

Well, as fate would have it this last week I was going to explore some of the south in a days time or two, so I went to the Oasis south of the city to say my farewells, and this lovely creature in black satin was out there sweating as she toiled under the strain of combat spells. I could not resist and told her just how good she looked....and she could not understand a word of it, simply smiled and waved before blowing something else up. So I got to thinking, I bet I would get blown up for saying what I really thought...and decided to give it a try.

Boy oh boy, let me tell you, I told her things my mother would be frightened of and my father proud and my anticipated response? A hug, she hugged me. How polite!

That was the beginning of the end Brother!

From there I went back to freeport and then to the docks, I would go to Kunark on the next boat and loe! I met Sarhea, that fair lady of StarSpun...and I told her so.

She was so polite and accepting and I told Brell to help her out, so he buffed her up and on the boat we went.

It was on that evil trip that my downfall began. Brell was drinking something, the first I had ever seen him do so and he mentioned the cool drink of water, pointing at Sarhea. I took the time to notice that Sar wasn't wearing much, now I know you are the clergy of Brell but hells! he was asking me!

you ever notice how sexy a woman looks in armor? And what little of it lets you know she isn't wearing anything else? Make it worse brother, put yourself on a slow moving ship with nothing else better to do that stare and have a conversation with a fellow you can't throw off the boat while he points out the finer details...on her.

So I finally could stand it no longer, I said such things! Now mind you I was not vulgar (by dwarven standards, I don't know how the rest like to gossip) but she was armored, barely and hot from the sticky weather and the heat. By the way, I will interrupt myself here to ask, have you ever noticed how a chainmail shirt sags when it is hot, I mean just the heat of the sun and body can make it sag and on certain wearers you can see such sights!

Anyway, Brell was laughing it up, Sar was minding her own business and I managed to get the subject changed, but wasn't really successful until we docked. If you think me mad at one point in the middle of my expounding she tried to answer me that she didn't understand what I was saying and I blamed Brell, after all, he did make me do it, and she was satisfied with that. I am very sure she would have tossed me out of the boat if she really knew what I was saying!

In any case, we were finally in Kaladim and I fled the dock, I didn't get off and walk to the shore, no Brother! I ran for my life! and that is where I made my mistake, for had I stayed and told her how pretty she was all night long I would not have fallen from grace.

I began commenting to every female I saw, minding that here everyone understood me and off to Kunark I went, safe in the knowlege that I was out of dwarvish speaking areas and with a pretty victim to practice on for another boat ride.

Unfortunately this pretty thing totally understood every word I said and calmly bided her time, when we docked in Firona Vie and was introduced to the constables and promptly shipped off to Freeport. Which is how you found me there.

You ask what do I have to say for myself?

I never once lied

Word of Brell


Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

You ever notice how catchy your title is? I bet you get teased constantly behind your back. Must be hard on your self esteem, maybe that is why you are always so mean to me. But I don't make fun of you...much.

I am writing today after having taken a bit of time off to relax in MuleCity. My wanderlust ended and after getting bailed out of jail I decided to learn the language, which I failed miserably at and ended up drinking a toast to Brell which lasted six days, nine hours and 15 minutes, give or take a headache.

Once I got myself cleaned up a bit I wandered south again, Cazic is a dangerous place and good for learning but I couldn't find anyone I wanted to be around so I left and stopped in the Oasis of Marr to rest. Lots of gators and orcs.

I spent the last several days there hunting them in fact and I am pleased to report that I was again promoted, it won't be long now and I will be reporting back to you for my next line of spellcastings.

In any case last night I decided in preparation for that expense I would go back to a favorite haunt of mine, Befallen. The undead there are rich and in need to enlightenment from Brell so off I went. Little did I know at the time that Tenzin was there hunting a wand of some kind from this foul natured priest. After healing him up some he saved my life and I finally noticed that he wasn't alone, Menemas was there as well. I have adventured with both and they are quick and efficient which for someone who likes to stay in one piece is important.

We traveled further down into Befallen where this wand was located and after I tripped over a willowisp there started such a fight that my face still hurts from the thought of it. Sadly we won and the wand was Tenzin's which meant that Menemas went on his way and Tenzin concentrated on his new toy. Leaving me to wander back out to a safer spot for me to camp for the night and write this letter.

What wonders will there be in the future? I just know that I like helping others out and the look on Tenzin's face was worth all the work and that damn little Wisp.


EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


A Joke to whom?

"This is the night of Anpass"

"What is that?" I asked.

"A time of celebration of the night, when the gods first decided to create others to inhabit Norrath." Brell replied, "Drink libations as is proper." I obediantly followed directions, as a Dwarf only I could properly harness that teaching.

"And then there is Mogitin..." He continued as I refilled my goblet. "It signifies the need to war these new races together, to prove whose creation was better."

"I know, libations." I spoke up and drank.

"Kelam, the progentitor of Kelethin. Though initially opposed to them, I helped out." He said, remembering with a sparkle in his eye, every so often looking at me as he taught me.

"yeah, what you said." I had to change out bottles here but he didn't wait, he kept reciting.

"Granite, my favorite servant, he and I got drunk together back in the old days, libations." I obeyed.

"Oh man! I cannn b'lieve dat, you had a survant?" Refilling and disbelief closely intermingled at this point.

He was watching me now, just watching and talking, his hands on his hips. "Don't forget the decision we made to have days of the week, Tueday being particularly favored, libations for week and tuesday."

"Gahsh Yew made da leak?"

"week, the week" he corrected.

"I shed dat. Yew Def?"

"I can see Gravity affecting you, let us celebrate that."

"Yea, can fergit dat....look! Itsss poolen me down!"

"Her" he snapped at me as my back touched the ground, I don't remember sitting down or getting off my feet.

for some reason at this point my right eye was fluttering and I couldn't focus, if it wasn't for the fact he was huge in stature I wouldn't have been able to see him.

"I dun fee so gud." I commented almost to myself.

"Well there you go, a little libation to the doctor you will need later, but all over your chest?" He was looking down on me with a broad smile on his face, I couldn't see out of my right eye anymore and the left was packing it's bags but I am sure he was smiling.


"In any case my friend, you have now sampled a little godlike thankfullness, what do you think?"


Transcribed to the Abbott Dean of Kaladim

Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim,

I somehow ended up in East Freeport. I don't know how I got there but I did have a purchase voucher for a meal from Kaladim so I must have visited you recently. I celebrated a holiday with Brell, it wasn't traditional and we don't celebrate it, he told me it was very different and that I would have to listen and learn.

I drank libations of mead and ale as he spoke out the various things that happened to make it a celebration but the list was so long...

In any case, I have left Freeport, home of the Mules and this time went north, swimming a river and staring at the Inkies as they went about being bad. I came across the place I was looking for in Lavastorm, an apt name for that chunk of rock, but hidden within that hell was Najena, an Inkie was a bad attitude and lots of undead servants, so I decided to pay a visit.

Lots of hallways and I got to visit them early on, I was checking things out when an earth elemental saw me and started to take offense to my being there when suddenly we were both set upon by Inkies. It would seem a group of them had taken this very same day to hunt Najena and her undead staff. They were incensed that I dared to hunt what was theirs and they took it away from me (no complaints there) and everything else they could get their hands on.

Unfortunately there was a lot to get their hands on. Suddenly from no where ogres and skeletons attacked the group, which surprised, immediately busted apart and headed in all directions, so I did the same, and wouldn't you know it, the path of least resistence was further into Najena's home.

So as Inkies died left and right I found myself in the back hall near a doorway marked "Najena".

Neuwp. Not that brave. I turned around and decided I would take my chances with the legions of undead waiting for me at the exit.

Najena has a pretty fun place, with lots to hunt, if you can manage to keep from falling over the dead Inkies in the entranceway.

Word of Brell

No time for the written word

"Stand back Tenzin, this is no place even for a monk of your skills. It is only because I was able to heal myself and offset my impressive fighting skills with spells that I have come this far."

Tenzin stood there calmly, no emotion interrupting his concentration, but then that never happened so it was impossible to tell if my words had effected him, had given him the caution he would need to survive this encounter.

Suddenly beset by Goblins along the shore I tried desperately to warn him. "Tenzin, watch out for the..." Interrrupted by the spatter of blood and loose teeth from the nearest Goblin, Tenzin was also caught by surprise and had lashed out with a backhanded fist to dislodge his attacker.

"I will take care of this" I had kept my cool, of course I knew that a quick spell would solve this matter and keep Tenzin safe from harm.

Before I could act however the closest Goblin attacked. To be sure the attack was original, he had flung himself at me, trying to knock me over to keep me from casting, the originality of it came from the fact that he did it with his feet in the air and his head skimming the ground, and probably because of the ground furrowing around his forehead, he did it unconsciously.

"Never underestimate the will of the goblin horde!" I cried out to him, hoping that some of it would rub off and keep him alert.

I regained my feet and set about that spell again but this time it was too quiet, nothing was happening. I looked up to see Tenzin standing over three goblins, including toothless, his foot raised in a high angle no living creature should be able to reproduce. He was murmuring to himself.

"I should stretch more before I pull again."

Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim

How long it has been since I last wrote you but I have been busy and of course there was that time I was spending at home. I shall take some time to catch things up I promise but I must also search my own feelings and Brell will not help, he simply says this is why he put me here.

I shall contact you soon regarding the most pertinent details

Word of Brell

Re: The Word of Brell

Abbott Dean of Kaladim

Ragged breath, the cold frost against the skin, what little is exposed of course, that being covered in blood and making it far colder. Winded from the exercise and knowing that just sitting around meditating and healing wasn't the most active but this was different.

Slumpped next to him heavily was Haffil, the Druid of Starspun he was only now meeting, a good tempered fellow whose temper was being stretched. He showed signs of combat wear as he drew goblins to him during the fighting with his powerful spells of destruction.

Sari in her fine white robes of her occupation, comtemplated how the stains of blood would come out, the blood along the entire length of her staff showed how she liked to get active when her job was done, righteousness by stave, one swing at at time.

Quyk kept to himself, again, not saying much, during combat a stone quiet caster who slammed his opponents with death only to sit back down and calmly meditate.


How long had he known her now? Had she been there that first night? The first night when StarSpun was first created? He couldn't remember but she was remembered from that time period, from the beginning. She wasn't part of the family anymore, the family had been acting strangely to be sure but Demaste and Sar, Intra and others were gone. No explainations that he could fanthom but they were. Sarhea seemed pained on his requests for information. She had said something he couldn't catch, the explaination said too fast for him to translate and his request for a repeat met with the heavy bearing of painful memories from her.

Now there was sadness mixed with death this night. Snow falling and the utter quietness that snow seemed to bring with it, just that background hum that snow makes when it falls and the quiet heavy breathing of six people trying to live through hell.

And the heaviness in his own heart, life was change, no matter how painful.

Re: The Word of Brell

Such pretty marble!

How different this night had turned, the same night of so much pain and suffering, Essay had been too much for the Starspun members and with the raid came a change of membership in the party. Gone was Quyk and Essay, the energetic, now we had Tavarian the Bard singing his lifesaving songs and Heartbow, another great cutie new to Starspun.

The goblins had put up a valiant fight all night long but it did them no good, instead they were surrendering entire parts of their kingdom to Starspun, the wanderers guild. This reformed group held the Scryer's room, how would the king read without him? Oh wait, the King looked frozen in the back wall, in mid run!

"See your Majesty? They just kicked your ass and are fully healed, why don't you send some more of your people? hehe" I couldn't help but taunt the frozen stare that greeted me as I looked up at the trapped monarch. The others behind me quietly sitting around the inscribed circle on the floor, held as if mezmerized by Sari herself.

The clash of battle sounded again as fresh guards poured through the door and Tavarian, Sarhea and Heartbow started in on the mass, Sari freezing those extra troops the Goblins thought would tip the tide of battle and Haffil simply waiting for the right moment to light each goblin on fire as it perished under this tightknit group. And in the background sat the Dwarf, healing and read, reading and healing.

The pelting crack of lightning sounded as the goblins died, Heartbow was ripped out of our grasp and we looked about at the wonder of it. Our ranks now thinned.

Another push to dislodge us from the room met in failure and then that lightning crack again as Haffil was ripped away from us.

We were staring at each other when the last push came, so inopportune, as if the Goblins could see in the room and know that we were losing people. We met them head on and did fine at first, but they didn't stop coming and with a Heartbow's sword gone and Haffil not searing the flesh of Goblins they became more bold, they noticed the little Dwarf healing all the damage they inflicted as one after the other, they died.

Not this time, now was the time for the Scryer himself to lead the assault and it would be to the healer they would come. And without his healing energy the fighters would not be able to cope.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Tavarian yelled above the din and everyone scrambled but the Scryer had his target and Sari went down under the flood of Goblins, Tavarian tried to sing himself and Sarhea away, they were in the thick of it but were together, Sari and myself had been separated, in fact, I was still near the back where I had teased the frozen lord.

As so it was that part of the room that I last saw in the Battle of Scryer Room. The toll had been high but the Goblins had finally dislodged us, and only after six hours of combat.

....what a day, the events were incredible and the bone weariness that came with it left no time for Brell, no time for colored remarks about his female companions, only sleep.

Word of Brell


EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Re: The Word of Brell

The nacent power of the being standing before him was so great that he had to shield his eyes, the others around him were their normal oblivious selves and Brell didn't need any kind of protection so somehow he was the only one effected by the appearance of a god.

"I must ask you a question Cazic, and I want a straight answer." Brell said calmly, his voice cutting through the din of wind and pure energy that flowed around them, and though he was effected Brutin's companions weren't, they sat about idly talking about the chain of events against the orcs.

"Ask your questions Brell but don't expect from me without performing a favor for me first" The faceless monstrosity said calmly, apparently he wasn't effected by the sheer power displayed. Brutin was quickly getting a complex with all of this but managed to get to his feet.

"I want to know what are your plans for the elvin ranger" Brell asked him, again far too calmly for the anger starting to seep into Brutin.

"Nothing of your concern, and why would you think I want anything to do with her?" Cazic asked calmly and Brell looked at Brutin in reply, Cazic followed his gaze. "This mortal can see us?" Cazic was taken aback."

"Yes, it is his curse. And he is the one seeking the truth, his friend is corrupted in some way and he is concerned." Brell explained.

"Corrupted? By Tunare, by Quellious, by the Marr twins perhaps, but not by me, she is in love. Oh, this is rich. I see now." Cazic had figured it out but he didn't bother to explain.

Enough was enough. "Tell me now! I don't have time for these games, god or not, leave her be!" Brutin clenched his fists and growled as the surge of energy boosted and Brell looked at him completely surprised.

"How dare the worm." Cazic was speaking calmly, as if a dog had stepped out of place and needed to be reminded it's place. "Never again speak to me as you have, you need to learn manners."

The blinding flash of light wasn't pretty for the eyes, it was just a marker for the power that it contained as Brutin was caught in the directed explosion and he was thrust into the ground and skidded several feet away near a tree. His wind was gone and he was blinded by the light of the blast but the energy field was gone, the interview must have been concluded.

He blinked a few times and his sight came back, standing over him were his group buddies, wondering why he has been thrown like that, the fighter in the group had his blade out but there was no one around, Cazic was gone.

Brell stood behind the others, unobtrusively waiting for Brutin to recover, the group was stunned by all of this, nothing had happened to them, he had just been flung into the ground and the Druid was talking about heresy.

"I am going to get revenge. I won't stand for that." He said outloud and over the shoulders of his friends. They were used to him talking to the wind but they were upset after the accident.

"You need to calm down, I think you are off track on this." Brell explained calmly.

"Forget it, I will do this myself then."

"Where will you go?" Brell asked as Brutin shrugged off the hands of his friends and started walking south.

"I am going to go talk to Cazic again and shove my hammer where the sun don't shine. I am going to his temple to get my friend back." Brell just watched him walk for a bit.

"Your friend? You hardly speak to her. How can you count her as a friend?" Brell was trying to break his spirit, he wouldn't fall for that.

"I don't have a lot of friends, not with my "gift" from you. I need to cherish the ones I have."

He picked grass and dirt out of his hair all through the deserts of Ro.

Word of Brell

Re: The Word of Brell

"You dare invade this sacred temple!" The priest hissed at him but his smile was the only reply. "I should call the guards and have you killed immediately!" The priest threatened while looking around, gauging distances.

"Go ahead, my troll companions have been killing them all day. They won't save you, not from me." The look in his eyes stopped the Priest short.

"It's you, that misguided fool from Brell." He spit quickly. "I am amazed you speak my language, but even more, I am surprised you made it this far." The Priest relaxed slightly and he took notice of it, that wasn't the way to defend your life, this walking worm had information.

"You would be surprised at the power of greed. These Shadowknight fellows are very organized and the evil in their hearts gives them an excellent drive to wade in and kill. I obviously had the wrong choice of groupfriends in mind all these times, good is organized but not as savage." He circled around so that his back wasn't to the open doorway, just in case his troll allies retreated.

"That doesn't concern me, I have a message from Cazic, a message I was told I would never have to deliver." The Priest stood his ground now, the same power that protected him in the Deserts of Ro against Cazic now protected this Priest from him.

"Speak then."

"You are looking for the wrong god it would seem." A lizardlike laugh struck his ears like a thunderbolt. "Innorruk is the cause of your sorrows, for he has corrupted your pitiful friend, she is being manipulated by him directly. And the allies you help serve him, you have gotten this far with his help, only to find out that he was behind it all." The Priest knew the complete irony of it all and smiled in his own sick way even as the meaning hit home.

"You mean she wasn't turned by Cazic.." The words were heavy in his mouth.

"You fool! She isn't even turned! She is in love. Such a noble creature in such a noble venture, being sucked into a pit of hate, so wonderful! Innorruk is pleased I am sure."

"I was led to believe that..."

"Led to believe what? You have heard nothing but rumors, you thought that "evil" was Cazic, but you forget about those you don't serve. You thought Brell would correct you? You have risked your life to make an ass out of yourself and delay any help you could have brought to that girl. So much for the cavalry."

He turned to the sound of fighting behind him where his Troll allies were fighting the guards off. His eyes flashed in anger and he prepared his spell to gate himself away from this farce. The Priest was laughing, loudly and he couldn't shut that creature up, not here.

"You serve Innorruk even now, desert them! Leave them to me, I will show them what they look for." The laughter was too intense, his ears hurt, not from the sound of the fighting but the blood pumping from his heart.

"You serve him even now...."

Re: The Word of Brell

The crisp dry air of grass and mountains were an assault on the senses compared to the dank and dark mists of the Ferrott and Cazic's temple but the scenery change had been necessary, the group, the family was meeting in Kunark and he had been invited early to get some hunting done. And hunting they had done, the beasts and animals here were plentiful and the Iksar less than friendly, just like the rumors.

And with several groups under his belt here he had done well for himself but with one exception, he had been active, not just content to sit back and make sure his people were healthy, no, he was in the thick of things. Kanina had joined him and with her helping with the healing duties he had been fighting at the front.

The others in his groups thought it was funny at first because while he was enthusiastic for battle he wasn't trained for it and he couldn't land a great many blows, but where his hammer failed to strike he would call down the fury of Brell himself and smash his foe. Until he got better.

Things were like this for some time but change was inevitable, it was time, it was time to gather the members of the family together and raid the Sarnak Fort.

Word of Brell

Re: The Word of Brell

The cold dank rain made way for a bright and sunny morning as the family gathered and it was a hard decision to leave the group he was in made easier when Xesh called himself and Bippen away from the fighting. There would be plenty of time for that.

As the river merged with the Lake a great gathering took place and Starspun assembled, ready for battle. Having forgotten to get augmented by speedy magics Brutin was of course nearly last to the gathering, and having started perhaps the closest to the gathering point, it made this task an awesome accomplishment.

No sooner than he arrived however and the guild was ready to depart for the fort. The 4 parties it formed swiftly broke up and started for the fort. With a quick reassembly outside the back door of the Fort the groups readied themselves and then the assault began. The plan was simple, fight your way into the fort, kill a reasonably high ranked official and fight your way out. This was training for them, nothing more, the goals were simple and nothing important was expected but experience in the endeavor.

The first few guards went down quickly, the first while the group was still assembled, the offensive capability of a group like that was so great that the time it took to prepare a spell made casting it useless, the target having already died off.

The corridors were large and wide, allowing a good many people to stand abreast and fighting side by side, and with the fact that most adversaries came in one at a time, it was short work for the group.

Half way to goal that all changed. They were close now to the target, the officials received better protection and it showed as the group, though large, was swamped by Sarnaks able to survive even under the barrage of spells and multitude of stabbings and slashings.

It was Triest, Enchanter of his very own group that was the first to die. His casting was quick and effective and finally the Sarnaks took notice, or at least one of the eilte guardsmen did, and no one could react in time. Brutin stood back from the fighting and saw the first hit take effect on his group buddy, nearly dead Triest fought back and Brutin quickly started his healing spell but so quick and deadly was the Sarnak that before the spell finished, Triest was dead. The Sarnak died a short while later and the group waited enmass for Triest's return.

Brell showed up but Brutin wasn't about to talk to him in front of these many people, no way. "Nice work there Brutin, healing are we?" Moving to the far corner, nearly out of sight of the front where the enemy came from Brutin sought privacy to defend himself.

"I know you didn't come here to bust my chops." He retorted, looking around to see if people were looking, only Halus and Sari were in range to hear and it didn't look like they had.

"I came by to tell you that 3 more are going to die. This raid is effective but we decided that you had to pay a price, we know what you are going to do with this kind of experience and there has to be balance." Brell said calmly, more interested in looking at the fighters as another wave of Sarnaks hit the front lines.

"Oh, you had to come tell me, I was important enough that this had to happen and it had to happen right now." Brutin shot back sarcastically.

The group moved as one again and this time assaulted the large cavernous holding of an official, there were so many people about that Brutin couldn't even see who was being assaulted but there was healing to be done, his group was active and others around him were hurt, he wouldn't turn them away as long as he could still do his job.

"Brell, you came to stop me from doing something, you are setting me up, and I won't fall for it, I won't." Brutin said and as if to make his point Brutin searched out the group and began a healing spree, two warriors, an enchanter and a wizard, plus two from his own group, Bippen and Dondi. He wiped his hands proudly on his pants and looked at Brell who only stood there looking at him and smiling.

"I came to tell you because you are my friend, I wasn't finished with the message and now I think I will wait and let you see for yourself." Brell said as Brutin sat down to meditate and regain his strength after the castings. "I wonder how much of that casting spree was a cause of my appearance or rather your guilt for allowing a group member to die." Brell hit home with that, going after Brutin's pride.

"We are fighting our way back out of here Starspun" Keshu declared, the official was dead, almost unnoticed by Brutin who was fighting with Brell. Brutin tiredly breathed and concentrated on regaining his health but the moving around him stopped...and Brell shut up. Something was wrong.

He looked up from his spellbook and could see the backs of his guildmates down the hall, he got up and hurried after them but with their augmented speed they were around a corner before you knew it. His own augmented feet took him down the corridor in chase but they were out of sight. Keshu was no where to be seen. As he turned to look behind him Dondi caught up. What was he doing here? But then, Dondi was very active, casting the harmful spells that were slaying the Sarnaks out from under the fighters, so he must have been Medding as well.

They were lost, a little further down the corridor he had seen them go, nothing, he turned and went down the only other way, only far enough to see. Nothing. Brell was gone again.

Oh boy.

He turned and retraced his steps, Dondi close behind, but he stopped up short at the T intersection behind them because the Sarnaks were closing in, they one was close. Dondi was too close and the Sarnak attacked. Dondi didn't panic, he began killing it, and quickly, Brutin stood back and healed him, the fighting between both the Sarnak and Dondi was intense, fists versus spells was no contest however and the Sarnak was quickly dying, but he was strong and took his time to do it.

That is what led to disaster. Another two sarnaks arrived, they helped their brother against Dondi and then three more came to help. Brutin sat there counting them, 13 in all, each one as if they stood still so that he could write their names down. And Dondi stood his ground and fought. Down went the Sarnak, death claiming Dondi's first victim, only 12 to go.

Brutin began to call out for help, he knew Dondi wouldn't be able to do it, the others would come quickly, there was no doubt about that, but Dondi was now dropping quickly and Brutin healed him, twice in rapid succession, and Dondi kept fighting but the Sarnaks were frustrated, he should have been dead and so several rushed the Cleric as they are all want to when they can't make headway. The bashing wasn't all that bad and Brutin stood his ground, healing Dondi where he could but not there were so many on him that they were interrupting the healing. He moved to the other side of Dondi, to the front and tried to heal there, got one off before more Sarnaks caught up to him, he ran back to where he was. Dondi was still alive, he wouldn't abandon him, and a sarnak in front of him now was wounded, it must have given up on Dondi with Brutin's healing. Brutin retaliated, the damage wasn't as intense for him, he hadn't healed himself at all, he would make these Sarnaks pay.

And pay one of them did, he managed to kill this wounded Sarnak that attacked him but Dondi was in need of healing. These infernal beasts were taking their toll and Brutin ran back towards the front, to give himself enough time to cast the healing energy, but his own time ran out, as he passed Dondi the Sarnaks turned on him and killed him, Brutin was stunned, realizing that he was leaving Dondi to fend for himself and he realized he had managed a feeble single call for aide.


Re: The Word of Brell

"Very funny Brell, you set me up" Brutin stood nearly naked on the bridge leading out from the outpost into the wilds of Firona Vie.

"I told you, you have to pay for this, you yourself have been gaining strength and power since that confrontation with Cazic, you can't talk smack to a god like that, and then do what you did? No, you had to pay for the priviledge my friend." Brell explained. Brutin was memorizing spells and Dondi showed up in Firona Vie as well, he had finally died from the Sarnak onslaught.

"Well, you know we almost won that fight, we were kicking ass" Brutin popped in.

"Correction, Dondi was kicking ass, you only healed him and killed off one of his discards, don't be too proud of yourself there." Brell teased him.

"Look how long we held them off, we could have stood there all day had they not come after me, Dondi was messing them up."

"Brutin, who are you trying to kid, that whole fight lasted less than 30 seconds, they moved in and wiped you out." Brell looked at him like he was a child.

"Couldn't have only been 30 seconds, I was a wild man, moving around and Dondi was really messing them up." Brutin defended.

"And just how long do you think you can last against a dozen Sarnaks all by yourself? An hour? They mauled you."

"But all the spells I cast, they take time, and I was running." Brutin was searching his memory.

"You healed Dondi twice and got interrupted the rest, it doesn't take any time to start casting a spell and get beat for it. Plus, you lasted longer because you were running around in circles, had they been able to hit you as often as they liked, you would have expired verrrry quickly. Brell explained.

"I see, thanks for taking that heroic memory and dashing it on the ground." Brutin frowned.

"No problem. Like I said, you gotta pay the price for being a hero."

Word of Brell

Guilty as Charged

"That was a lot of bail Brutin, I hope you plan on paying me back" The warrior said calmly as they made their way out of the holding pens deep inside Kaladim.

"Of course I will, I appreciate you taking time out to pay my bail." Brutin grumbled some more about injustice as he turned the corner and picked lint off his tabbard.

"How do you manage to get into messes like this?" Rugero asked him pointedly.

"Well..." He thought but a moment, "it was innocently done my friend, she said make a wish, the fact that I rubbed her butt first is what you do prior to making a wish isn't it?" Brutin said matter-of-factly.

"No, that is an Erudite myth, not the lore of the Dwarves of Kaladim." Rugero corrected him.

"hehe, are you sure?" Brutin seemed noneplused.

"Positive, I have been out there just as much as you have my friend."

"True. My mistake then." Brutin admitted.

"You can say that again brother, two weeks in the slammer, I hope it was worth it."

"Oh..." A grin crossed his features. "It was brother, it was indeed."

Incarcerated Word of Brell


EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Fearless Stalwart Defender

"They are undead foul abominations unfit for continued existance. I will tear them asunder and leave none standing. Their very presence mocks Brell and all he stands for and I care not to have them stain these fair shores a moment longer!" He pat passionately as the speech came to an end.

"I could help." Ahris offered calmly.

"No! Fear not, it is my deed, you stay back and keep the songs coming, I will clear this house out and send these fouls beasts back into the void!" He looked momentarily at the rooftops, sure that his visage was staggering, though Ahris looked down on him instead of up, the curse of abnormally tall companions.

"Alright." Ahris stood back and lightly played the song which washed over Brutin and invigorated him to new heights of thought.

"I shall return momentarily." He declared and stepped out over the front porch which moments ago he had laid waste to in a spectacular display of martial prowess that stunned even himself.

The halls inside the manor were dusty and unused, the undead stood or sat everywhere, going about their inane tasks in death where life could no longer give them hope. He made his way to the stairs and crept up to the hallway above and peered around the corner. The lone skelleton stood it's ground as if on guard and peered at him with red blazing eyes, the power of death and magic flowing through it's brittle frame.

He stepped out and lowered his hammer at the poor lone skelleton and bellowed, "Who dares stand in the way of the servant and Word of Brell!" The Skelleton turned it's whole body to face him and stepped towards him with an weird gait.

"Me!" The creak of the door with had been standing against prickled his ears as the Skelleton shifted it's weight to form an attack.

"and me....
and me...
and me...
and me...
and me...
and me..."

".....uh...I had better go ask my companion if it is possible to entertain such a horde as yourselves, one moment." Brutin turned on heel and went back down the stairs, of which his left foot had never strayed. Turning the corner to the left and then a quick right through the main double doors and bursting into sight was Ahris whose jaw dropped as Brutin and guests came forth.

"Gangway slowpoke!"

The Retreating Backside of the Word of Brell

The Word of Innorruk

The grassy knoll...somehow that felt funny to him despite the fact that this conversation had gone south a long time ago.

"Of course you can't see what you are doing, he has blinded you." Brell stood lazily about, chewing on grass and expounding his point as Brutin sat cross legged and meditated for the next round of healing energies.

"Then why don't you cut me off." A quick reply, a challenge backed by fear.

"Look, I like you, I really do, we have been around the place a couple of times, but if you think I am going to let you mouth off like that, remember you are just a mortal. I can kick the hell out of you and keep you alive, and I don't sleep, so make another snide comment like that again..."

"Look, I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but this is important to me." Brutin looked up at him, checking first to make sure everyone was out of listening range.

"Important? Tell me this, why are you doing it? To recover your friend? You haven't tried to see or speak with her since this began. This is something weird, something totally different." Brell was getting frustrated.

"I got played. Cazic led me on, you led me on, Innorruk thinks it's funny...."

"Listen to yourself! You would think you were the newest member of the pantheon!" Brell spat out in disbelief.

"You bet your arse Brell, you did it to me, everyone thinks it's funny, but I can see and hear gods but don't have their power, can't defend myself if I tried. You know what that is like? I can't even look at some of those people without risking everything."

"They aren't people." Brell corrected.

"Exactly!" Brutin threw at him, stabbing the air with his index finger.

"You are being manipulated right now, you are twisted, look who you are grouping with!" Brell pointed to the large Ogre chopping holes in two Goblins and talking about his Wizard Mistress.

"That is different." He defended himself.

"How so? That is a shadowknight! He worships Innorruk!" Brell spat the words.

"He worships this Mistress of his, and I think she is in league with Ro." Brutin explained.

"You are grouping with him because you hate, you hate the way things are going, you hate what you have become, you hate the fact that you laughed at."

"I hate the fact that people think I am weird because I talk to you, do you ever think you will appear to them so I am not labeled mentally ill?"

"Too late for that."

"This is no time for jokes!" Brutin jumped up and then sat back down while trying to control his breathing.

"Look at yourself, look at your attitude. You are playing into Innorruk's hands, you haven't given a thought about Sarhea since Cazic punished you and you are out to get someone, anyone for no reason. You have lost your way, your purpose has been subverted. Ever wonder why the guards were saluting you in Nektulos?"

He quickly sighed and calmed himself, letting the words seep in. "They were afraid of me."

"Afraid of you? You have to be joking, they hate, that is all they do, they consider you a brother, and an abomination, and they love you for it. You are the freak you have been afraid to become."

The Abomination of Brell


"Boy you don't look well" Brell stood over the meditating form of Brutin so comfortably placed in the hot sands of South Ro.

"I have found my niche" Brutin replied, very matter of factly.

"I noticed we don't talk as much and you keep droning on about love, love the girls, love your friends, love your family. What's going on?" Brell was trying to look into his soul but Brutin simply shut him out, the action didn't go unnoticed by the god.

"I was trying to convince myself."

"Of?" Brell sat down next to him, facing outwards.

"That it existed." Brutin's voice was flat, no emotional inflection.

"This doesn't sound like you."

"What is funny is that Erollisi hates me now, she won't talk to me and her people won't harbor me, Her brother does and she hates that. I have managed to further Innorruk's plans without trying. That bastard stands over my shoulder and laughs, I can't get rid of him, so..." Brutin clenched his teeth and looked up from his book, the Ogre out across the sands slammed into a sand giant, almost toppling him.

"What are you talking about? What is going on here Brutin?" Brell was alarmed.

"I am talking about how much more powerful hatred is. I might have gotten duped trying to help out a friend but I have known power ever since." Brutin said wistfully.

"What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about losing love and friends, both to this damn curse of mine and to other things, love is for suckers, either way I never cared but by embracing hatred, by furthering it, I have grown more powerful." Brutin said and stood up to cast healing energies over the Ogre who continued swinging away.

"This isn't you." Brell said.

"Oh? You know the truth Brell, you are a god. I am more organized than ever with hatred in my heart and that is all I have ever been interested in. I thought maybe I had made a mistake taking up the cloth, that perhaps I should have taken up the sword and defended people, but with people like him," he pointed to the Ogre, "I am appreciated and valued."

"Now we are getting somewhere, now we get down to what is really bothering you." Brell announced.

"No, not really. It was the focus I was trying to discover. But I found something else. I like it." Brutin said ruefully.

"If you love it so much, isn't that against the nature of your discovery?" Brell challenged.

A chuckle. "No, because I hate myself for it."

The Hatred of Brell


Brutin sat cross legged near the big drop into the lava pit below, across the rim was the entrance to Ro's temple and his loyal servants entered and left occassionally as Brutin Mediated. Brell came up behind him and Brutin looked up.

"What do you think now?" Brell asked him and Brutin smiled.

"I think you guys spend too much time confusing us Mortals." Brutin replied.

"We don't do any such thing, we made you this way so you could confuse yourselves." Brell commented.

"There is so much pain and suffering, the loss of Jadia and Xesh to the unknown, walking into the sunset like that. Ankles was depressed as all get out. Everyone's reaction to it. What a mess." Brutin sighed heavily.

"Yeah, beautiful ain't it?"

"Are you being sarcastic?" Brutin shot up at him.

"Nope. Without the love there to begin with Ankles wouldn't be depressed, Xesh and Jadia wouldn't have walked the earth and no one would care. How can you have Hatred, anger or pain without Love, Kindness or Family?" Brell asked calmly.

"I guess I see your point." Brutin said.

"You can't see my point, you can only feel it." Brell hesitated for a bit and then continued, "And what about your problems."

"Ah, Valquiss saved me from my own crisis. I felt helpless, manipulated and useless. I was going to ask you to convert me to Paladinhood because I am not being utilized and Val said just wait and see, he asked for me to trust in him and show some faith." Brutin said and looked up at his friend.


"It paid off. Ankles and Mixxi took us into the heart of the Solusek Mining company and environs and we cleaned house." Brutin replied.

"I know, I am the one who rewarded you."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Because I wanted you to hear the answer." Brell said.

"Hear the answer? I said it."

"Then the only question is, are you listening."

The Word of Brell

Re: The Word of Brell

The camp fire crackled loudly as the assembled gnomes drank and ate from the cooking meat. They sang and talked and held a great feast on behalf of the warriors that had saved their little village from the wild dangerous Cougars that hunted livestock and recently, small children in the area. This was Velious and they lived by different rules but Brutin was enjoying it, his armor was being cleaned as he sat there, the blood and gore was extensive as he tended to splashed by his companion who even now partook of a roasted....hmm, better not check, might be family....

The head elder stepped forward and raised his hand, it was so refreshing to finally be taller than someone, mind you it was no disadvantage when standing around females, Brell had made his Dwarves just the right height for nature lovers and females were very natural. Slapping himself twice swiftly he went back to paying attention to the elder.

"In this time of rejoicing I would like to honor the brave warriors who slaughtered the cougars, they fought over the course of a solid week and stopped fighting only to sleep. They are to leave us soon and continue their journies but I wanted to give them something to reflect our gratitude, our appreciation of them risking life and limb, the chance of death and the cold to help us without thought of reward. It is only appropriate it comes from us.

So, I would like to to bestow this Velium War Axe to our Ogre Brother who stood toe to toe with the Cougars and slew them." The crowd clapped and Brutin couldn't help but join in, his companion was strong enough to have battled those Cougars bare handed, backwards and in his underwear but they didn't need to know that.

"And for our Dwarf friend who stood by his side and healed his wounds, refreshed his tired muscles and never shut up, I would like to bestow this Bloodstained Fang, carved from the very maw of the creatures they hunted, may he use it well." Again the crowd errupted in applause but never having heard of this thing they gave him he looked at his companion who made thrusting motions.

"It's a piercer?" He looked down on the large toothy fang as it was put lovingly in his hands, as if it were a treasure beyond compare.

"I can't catch a break."

Piercer??? of Brell



Let me out!

It's cold in here, I have no blankets and there is nothing to eat, is someone going to feed me today?

Are you listening to me? Is anyone there?

It isn't my fault! We were just having fun! She didn't mind, it isn't my fault her father walked in!

Hey! Are you listening to me?

I am not what you think I am! I am a representative of Brell Serlis himself! I would never do such a thing! I am innocent! Acting in such a way is an affront to my religion and a pox will be cast down on this place!

Hey! Hey! Guard! Bring me food! Does anyone know I am in here? How long am I going to stay in here? What are the charges?!? are pretty cute.....

Hey! Where are you going!

The Price Tag for a Soul

"Hey Brutin, thank god the boat just got here, been waiting forever." Heartbow said as she made preparations to board.

"Yeah, but it was a pretty quick trip, seems like everyone is abuzz about Firona showing up in Greater Faydark." Brutin said as he moved out of her way and turned around to watch her board.

"Hey, there is something about you, you aren't the same since the last time I saw you." She said inquiringly.

"Hehe, I can say the same for you, nice heart shaped.." he reached out to pat her bottom and then gave it a good squeeze.

"Definately not the same!" She exclaimed and moved out of range.

"I have more of that too." He said moving in a little closer.

"And I have something for you..." he was staring at her hips and even though he wasn't a warrior trained in combat he did see them turn, she was at least kind enough not to aim for the nose. "...pervert!" the blow catapulted him up over the dock and into the water being that he had been standing next to her and behind.

By the time he could pull himself out of the water the boat had departed.

The Soulless of Brell


EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish



"Hey Brutin!" Guano said as they clasped hands, the trip to Velious had been hard and painfull.

"Hey Guano, hope you haven't been waiting long." He replied and tried his best to smile to his Ogre friend.

"Boy, that looks like it hurts." Guano had finally taken notice.

"It does." Brutin replied and pulled his hand away from his left eye.

"Clerics shouldn't fight." Guano said firmly.

"I wasn't in a fight."

"Who did that to you then?" Guano turned to look at him as they crossed the snow.

"A friend." Brutin said and frowned.

"I would hate to meet your enemies." Guano said and Brutin shivered.

They came down over the long bridge and turned to the orc camp on the flat icy plains. Gathered around various bodies were Mixxi, Triest, Wystro, Dondi and Bindi. He skipped his normal salutations to the girls.

"Hey guys, what's up?" He said excitedly, not expecting a group of peers out here.

"What are you doing with the likes of him?" Mixxi's venomous reply pierced him to the core, after Heartbow's reaction to him and now this.

"He is my hunting partner." He defended himself.

"How can you stand his presence?" Mixxi spat and went off to find more prey, putting distance between her and the Ogre.

He stood there stunned for a few minutes, he had never seen a reaction from the cool headed Mixxi in all of his time knowing her. It was the kind of thing that made you wake up and take notice.

"Maybe you should group with them, they are your people." Guano said, he could sense the atmosphere and Brutin nodded, the Ogre overpowered him now anyway, he needed to reflect.

"Yeah, Dondi is inviting me to stay, I am going to stay here with my people, see you later Guano."

"Maybe." Guano shot over his shoulder and gave him a hug and wave and left.

He could hear the wind blowing over the frozen ground around him.

The Word of Brell

Re: The Word of Brell

Brell walked up next to him as he sat there, the party was assaulting the Orc camp yet again and Brutin kept his attention on Mixxi and Bindi, they were both wading in deeply as usual.

"Whats going on?" Brell asked as the fighting stopped, he knew that Brutin didn't talk during fights and had waited patiently.

"My eye hurts and I can't heal it." Brutin said quickly.

"I won't let you."

"Why not?" Brutin looked up at him.

"Because you needed someone and wouldn't ask, so I am giving you a sign to carry around." Brell explained.

"A blackeye? How is that going help people notice?" Brutin said frustratedly.

"You are a cleric idiot, you could have healed that the second after you climbed out of the water. They will wonder why you haven't." Brell just stood there with his hands behind his back watching Mixxi.

"Yeah, she gave me a load of crap about Guano." Brutin said and lightly tapped at his eye.

"I know. I might be on speaking terms with you but that doesn't mean I ignore everyone else." Brell said and continued to watch.

"She let her hatred show through, she wasn't thinking clearly and didn't make sense." Brutin shot out.

"Then why are your feelings hurt and why do you feel like you let her down?" Brell asked point blank.

"Because she doesn't let her hatred show through and she always thinks clearly and makes sense." Brutin said right back.

"So what makes this any different?"

"Listen to what she said!" Brutin shot back.

"I did. Did you?"

"I have heard that line from you before Brell." Brutin sighed and shook his head exasperatedly.

"I know, but someone you didn't respect said it, perhaps if someone you respect said it, it would be different." Brell raised his left hand and made a distinct motion of crossing his fingers.

"And what makes you think I should listen to her?" Brutin challenged.

"Because you know she will be right." Brell replied calmly.

"What makes her so special." Brutin murmurred.

"You think she is special or you wouldn't be effected by her dummy." Brell chuckled. "Besides..."

"I wish Brutin wouldn't talk in Dwarvish all the time, I can't understand him." Bindi said, and while she said it politely it showed she didn't like not understand what he was saying.

"Besides what?" Brutin looked up at him and then to Bindi.

"She is going to kill the god you can't get out of your head."

He stood up and turned to Brell. They made eye contact but Brell looked away to watch Mixxi fighting.

"I am out of here, you are being labeled again." Brell said and started off into the snow storm.

Brutin just stood there and waved.


Play it again Sam

"We are moving down to the lower floor people" Syl said as the group sat about the large room with the flowing blood pool in the middle. Brutin sat there meditating and listening to Brell babble about some fight between Bristlebane and Prexus half heartedly and then stood up.

The crowd was already flowing out the mirror that magically led them outside where they could teleport back upstairs, wasn't magic grand?

Slowly everyone filed out until only Bindi, Dondi and myself remained. Syl had stayed behind to fight once or twice more and the rest had either stayed to help or followed directions.

No sooner was Syl gone than the maid who took care of the room burst forth and attacked. Bindi met the charge head on and Dondi followed up with some spells. Brutin added his own Anti-undead spells and revelled in the destruction. No sooner had they started than the Maid was counting carpet hairs at their feet.

They turned back to the mirror and Brutin waited for Bindi, ladies first and all, plus the view was better from behind (subconsciously he looked to see if Dondi could read minds), and the shimmer of the Shadowbeast went undetected. The maid had somehow opened a portal that led this nasty right to them.

Bindi stopped in her tracks and gave it the what-for, it could have been an orc pawn or Innorruk himself, she just stabbed him right between the eyes and for a moment Brutin had to rethink his teasing her, thank Brell for good natured humor (fingers were crossed between spells to further bless that thought).

Dondi followed up and Brutin gave the thing another round of spells. As his mana got weaker he did what all Dwarven Letcher Heros do, he called retreat.

"Get out, I am out!" Wow, what an idiot, he hoped he wasn't going to be remembered for the things he said. I mean mana? Somehow he didn't think he would be believed.

Bindi jumped through the portal and Dondi moved up to stand next to it but didn't go through. Brutin moved as soon as Bindi was gone but knew that his policy of last out wouldn't work with Dondi, not since the Sarnak Fort.

The Shadowbeast got rude all over his face and chest and suddenly he was slammed with a spell that locked his feet into the floor.

"Get out Brutin!" Dondi shouted and fried the beast again.

"I can't, I am stuck, I think he rooted me!" He shouted loudly and Dondi got that serious look again. With nothing else to do Brutin fought back, he kept trying his feet but to no avail. His body was getting racked by this creature and Dondi stood back and cast his healing energies, Brutin felt great and knew he had been fully healed, he just couldn't move, so he kept fighting.

How tired can you get in fighting a creature far outstripping you? It was almost sleepy time and Brutin knew that he was dying, Dondi stood there and conserved his mana, asking calm questions about Brutin's movement, coaching him through this disaster, the Beast was catching hell from an underpowered, none-trained loudmouth fighting machine but Brutin couldn't tell if it was upset from the damage it was taking or the fact it was late for it's next appointment...

Again Dondi cast and again Brutin felt wide awake, fully healed and fighting still, the Beast shrugged it's shoulders and began massacring the Cleric all over again.

Brutin spit out a tooth. "still stuck!" he went back to failing and Dondi sighed and cast again, Brutin felt much better until Dondi had a case of honesty.

"I am out of mana Brutin, run!" Dondi shouted but still didn't run, he stood there watching and doing what he could.

"I will gate out! Get out now!" Brutin began the spell while the Beast practiced Riverdance all over his exposed parts.

Somehow he made it.

Punching bag of Brell

Happy Birthday Present---Love Brell

The celebration was over, after coming in from a semi hot meal and a small fire he was ready for bed, the ramshackle inn provided the very basic of necessities but it was more than he was used to, a luxury. As he started taking off his armor he noticed the small package sitting in the middle of his bed, a small note lay on top.

Without saying a word he opened the package to reveal a book and he sat down heavily and opened the book randomly, not sure if he was awake enough to appreciate giving an illiterate a book for his birthday.

The writing was ancient and he was surprised the pages didn't disintegrate in his fingers. The wording wasn't familiar but he could read it, he just didn't know why.

.....The War having stalemated a contest was decided, a way in which the gods could finish their feud quietly and without destroying what they loved so much.

"To each of us we will create a being, what will represent us, and only one being, created for this purpose alone and it will compete with the others so created until only one is left, that being deciding the outcome of this contest." Veeshan spoke and the others listened, secretly they harbored many grudges for the past fighting and into each they created their beings." Brutin rubbed his eyes and then continued.

And having made their beings and on the day that the contest would start these beings were presented to the host to begin but these beings were so powerful and so aligned towards their advantages that many arguments broke out and the contest stalled.

"We cannot agree, for each of us has wrought a being of such incredible power that to unleash this creature upon Norrath would be to destroy it, should two such creatures lock in combat we would not be safe, this cannot be." The Tribunal said calmly, his voice of reason settling the squabbles of the others.

"This cannot be, our argument is over what is already created, not what is to be created. Therefore from this existance should be pulled our pawns." The Tribunal said and the others agreed.

Therefore from each god came a champion, the qualities of his hero selected the pawns were "born" into existance, the time it takes for birth, growth and maturity being a small parcel of time for each of the gods.

Brutin shook his head and then flipped around the book random, looking for some guide, some meaning to the gobbily gook contained in it's pages.

The Rules shall be as set forth, that each pawn shall gather it's power, shall learn it's warcraft and then shall seek out others of it's ilk, and there shall they battle until only one is left, this last pawn shall mark the winner of the contest.

He felt the sweat pop out on his forehead and he flipped around some more, the chapter named Pawns caught his eye and he saw the pages laid out, each god's name was there and large spaces underneath. It was blank as if something was written there but not revealed to him, as if his sudden gift of reading had been taken away for just those lines, but instead of it being inked pages of nonsense, nothing was there. Except for Brell, and then his own name.

Brutin the Dwarven Cleric. His association with Brell has isolated him from the rest of his kind and the heros of Norrath consider him a novelty. He has revealed his conversations in hopes of keeping people at a distance. He keeps up a front of cowardess and bad manners to keep people from liking him however this melts in the face of adversity. He is afraid to love and takes great pains to put up barriers between himself a females. (The Seal of Tribunal)
After review of the complaint set forth from Cazic, it is determined that gathering allies is not against the contest, as the pawn has gathered them on his own, not through Brell. Therefore the group associated with Brutin and with (this part left blank) shall be allowed to remain, they have gathered forces for the war. (The Seals of Tribunal, Tunare and Bertoxxulous)

At the end of the book was another note written by hand and Brutin picked it up, Sure enough, he could read it.

'now you know why you can talk to me and use my spells when you aren't a true cleric of mine. and hopefully you can forgive me but it was finally time for you to know. Good luck'

Brutin looked up and realized he wasn't tired anymore, that the past was both a little clearer and yet somehow so far confused now that he didn't know what to do.

Pawn of Brell

First meeting

The fire crackled insistant as Brutin walked up and took his gloves off, getting his hands closer to the warming flames. The two other figures sitting there had been talking but stopped as he approached, they watched him and he just stared at each of them, he was still confused and his mood foul.

Without acknowledging them he took out the birthday present and tossed it into the fire, giving it a little wave goodbye as it sat atop the burning embers.

"It won't burn" the fully armored human said staring at the book in the flames, as if he too wished the book would burn.

"How do you know?" Brutin asked and then looked at the other figure, a female half elf sitting crosslegged with a mandolin in her hands.

"Mine didn't, why would yours?" the human stood up to full height and opened his cloak revealing the same book. Brutin stepped back and reached for his weapon.

"Calm yourself." the female said and stood up between them. "We have been waiting for you." She said and then smiled to him. Wow, she was a looker but he had to remind himself that his facade was to protect him, boy that was gonna change and fast.

"How did you know I would be here and why wait for me? I didn't even know you existed." Brutin said and put the fire between himself and both of them.

"We knew you existed, we didn't know your name, we have been looking." the human said and threw a few more sticks on the fire.

"What do you want?" Brutin said.

"My name is Rafe" The human said. "This is Siele" He indicated the girl.

"I am Brutin, and you are with Rodcet and she is with Quellious?" Brutin pointed at each of them and they blinked.

"How did you know?" Siele asked stunned.

"They are standing behind you." Brutin said and they turned quickly.

The gods just smiled and Brell waved, it would figure he would show up.

"So are we duking it out? We supposed to fight to the death?" Brutin asked and watched them for their reactions.

"We want an alliance. There is no way that Clerics are going to outfight the others, not like Lestik or Vestoban." Rafe said and Brutin saw Siele nod her head.

"Who are those guys?" Brutin asked and the others looked at him.

"We were told that you just learned about the truth, we have known for some time. The object is to track down who the others are and get rid of them, we have been tracking but can't get rid." Siele said, her voice was soft velvet, it was easy to tell she was a bard, her singing voice gave her away.

"Who do they belong to?" Brutin asked and began to take mental notes.

"Lestek is Cazic's Pawn..."

"Can we please refrain from using the term Pawn? I am no one's pawn." Brutin said and the other two were taken aback by his outburst.

"You will get used to it, don't be offended Brutin, it is our lot." Rafe explained and Brutin frowned.

"My lot is to do what I please, to live my life, to eek out a happiness in this miserable mudball." Brutin said and the others let him vent.

"Vestoban is Innoruuk's" Siele said.

"What about them?" Brutin asked and they took their time answering.

"They are powerful, they have gotten alot of power and have already killed Wean and Telamun."

"Who are they?" Brutin asked.

"Wean was Prexus' Pa...person. And Telamun was the Tribunal's. That is why the Tribunal has taken over the role of referee." Rafe explained.

"I gotta find out who everyone is, you are my first encounters and I didn't even know." Brutin said and they looked at him again, this time in surprise.

"You mean you don't know who Lestik is?" Siele asked him.

"Of course not, I just started this stupid game." Brutin said disgustedly.

"But what about your raid into the Temple?" Rafe asked.

"What raid? That attack I did against Cazic's High Cleric? I did that for personal reasons, Cazic almost killed me." Brutin said. They watched him for a moment. "You are looking at me weird, what am I missing?"

"Lestik was there, you put his eye out when you attacked, he was standing next to the High Cleric when you killed him. Lestik knew of you and tried to kill you to satisfy the contest but you beat him. That is why we came to you, to get your help." Siele said.

"Hey, the book said only one god can win, how can we team up?" Brutin wondered.

"Alliances during the contest are not frowned upon, others are already doing it, only one can win but you can work with whoever you want until end game." Rafe said.

"This is all too weird, we are talking about some stupid game and our lives. This is nonsense." Brutin turned to the gods standing outside the circle of fire and flipped them the bird, including Brell.

The others gasped and both Rodcet and Quellious frowned but Brell smiled and that pissed Brutin off.

"I have unfinished business with Lestik, that is for sure. If this is some game then I am putting Cazic and Innorruk out of the game." Brutin said with finality.

"Innoruuk. Carry the u farther, lose the r." Rafe corrected him.

"Innorruk, Innoruuk, whatever, he is late for dinner."

Pawn of Brell


EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


A Three Hour Tour-- Brutin Style

This ship was different than the others, a druid of Tunare's was standing buck naked on the forecastle sunning herself, Brutin was in an excellent spot to keep tabs on her, "make sure she didn't fall overboard" and all. The Captain was at the bow with the first mate trying to coax a devote follower of Prexus back unto the ship, the fellow was getting closer to his god by tying a rope around his waste and jumping overboard, allowing himself to be dragged behind the vessel while he "communed".

Brutin had used the nice Velium mace Mixxi had given him to break off a portion of the mast to use as a toothpick while he pondered and was still chewing it when Brell showed up.

"Deep thoughts, care to share?" Brell asked and looked about at the mass chaos. Brutin grunted, looked up from his DruidWatch and then switched the toothpick to the other side of this mouth.

"I can't figure something out with this little game of yours." Brutin said casually, a tactic to p**s off Brell by making light of the new revelation. It didn't work as usual.

"What's that?" Brell asked and took a seat.

"From what I have seen to date the people for this game have been chosen from the Heros. And Heros don't die, they can be reborn to try again." Brutin said.

"And you are wondering how the game can finish if we keep allowing them to come back." Brell finished for him.

"Exactly. I wouldn't think it would be a problem to find the nearest player and get my brains bashed out so I can start again, the penalty is worth getting on with having to deal with being a Hero." Brutin said, weighing one off against the other.

"Fact is the Heros die all the time, sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't. I wouldn't bet that you can assume during any death, game related or by being a Hero that you can assume you will simply pop back to the place a bookworm bound you." Brell shifted himself so that he could turn from the Druid to look back at the Captain and his efforts.

"That guy is not going to make it." Brutin piped up.

"Why do you say that?" Brell asked and turned to look forward again.

"Prexus just showed up." Brutin answered.

Brell looked around and then shrugged. "The fact is that alot of people you know, all of them Heros, have died and not resurfaced. I think in discovering that part about your existance did you more harm than good. These fits of nobility you have during a crunch time are effecting those around you, you might not have guilt over your own death but they do."

"So now I am a thoughtless bastard, I should save myself so that they don't feel guilty." Brutin chimed in.

"Remember Rugero?" Brell said suddenly, interrupting the chain of thought. Brutin started and looked at him.

"Yes, I see your point." Brutin said wistfully.

"I will leave off the names of the others since you get my point." Brell said and started picking at his fingernails. He looked to the wide open sky and the smell of salt air from the ocean. Disgusting.

"So you are saying that getting killed by another player means I will be gone for good?" Brutin said.

"Yep, the ability for us to bring you back has been suspended. You are history, no choice to come back if they take you out." Brell explained.

"What about allies? Tri is yapping about allies in our guilds, I don't know where he is getting his information from but I don't count on Starspun helping me. I am not about to risk a single one of them in some stupid game you are playing, besides, it might go against their home team."

"Frustrating, ain't it? But that doesn't matter, it has to be by your hand. If one of your people found one of the players and killed him, it wouldn't make a difference, he would simply come back a little pissed off at you for the trouble. By your hand." Brell said

"Well good, that means I can leave this whole moronic story inside my head and no one else has to know." Brutin said satisfied and went back to his DruidWatch.

"Well, the truth be told..." Brell said airily and Brutin looked up at him.

"What did you do?"

"...ever since you stopped writing the Abbott Dean I have been showing up to the scribe you were using to write for you and giving him your life story." Brell idly played with some of the excess splinters from Brutin's earlier attack on the mast.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Nope, since you can't read or write normal writing I didn't think you would figure out, which you haven't."

"What does that matter? That stuff can't get around, if you hadn't noticed most of the people on this mudball can't read or write either." Brutin said derisively.

"That is why I had copies delivered to the Abbott Dean and other clergy in each major city." Brell said with a slight smile. "They are good about diseminating information to the smaller temples.

"Not alot of people worship you Brell." Brutin shot back.

"That is why Cazic graciously offered to spread the word after he blasted you in the chest." Brutin looked startled, "And Innoruuk after he manipulated you. You are quite the popular buffoon of Norrath." Brell said.

"Why would you do that?" Brutin asked, feeling betrayed.

"Because I know you." Brell said simply.

"That makes alot of sense."

"Actually it does, now you can't run and hide." Brell said slapping him lightly on the shoulder as he got up and winked out of sight.

Word of Brell

Machine Gun Ankles

In the beginning the lined up facing outwards, the group was already working well together and the run up from the Iceclad docks into the 2nd floor of the tower was uneventful. But finally they were assembled and watched the ghostly bodies studying their texts endlessly. The constant soft whispering from them was deafening in number if not decibel and Brutin gripped his Morning Star tightly even though he had no intention of using it.

"Okay then."

Fantastic words uttered by Ankles, the import of their meaning lost at this juncture but Brell showed up. Something was going to happen. Ankles took off at full speed, a full tilt run through a floor infested with Ghosts. Brutin considered asking Brell to remove Mental Disorder.

She came back to the group with a Student in tow and Brutin was genuinely impressed with her control. The group attacked it and without a single healing spell from Brutin it was gone.

Ankles was gone.

Correction, she was back, this time two ghosts in tow, they flailed at her desperately but Triest and Dara froze one and the other didn't last long by itself. The remainder didn't put up much of a fight either.

Ankles was gone.

Back with more she slid against the slick floor and recovered just in time to take the charge of the oncoming hosts. The Librarian and her assistants screamed bloodly murder and tried to do the same, this fight got vicious and Brutin quickly healed the damages done by the ghosts, but again Triest was mezmerising them in place while Dara made them weaker than they were. Mene stood back and quietly swarmed, flamed and blasted them into oblivion while Ankles and Lodark, a paladin Brutin had been grouped with prior to this little raid hacked away on their ghostly bodies with their magical weapons.

Ankles was gone.

Brutin sat back against the wall and caught his breathing, Brell stood silently, arms folded and watched something outside of Brutin's eyesight. The others were winded but they were smiling. Ankles came back at the front of a pack of baddies that had the whole group jumping and Brutin glared at Brell who was smiling broadly as the party tried desperately to deal with the mess in their lap.

Brutin closed his eyes and concentrated but the din of battle was too loud, despite the way Ankles walked and the way the robes flowed around Dara's hips he sacrificed his own happiness and with a grumble turned and faced the wall. He could see nothing and it was easier for him to concentrate. He sensed Ankles constantly, she was taking the largest amount of damage but one by one the ghosts fell at the party's feet and Brutin would stand, heal and then sit again.

This time the group fell to their backs and gasped for air, the fighting was intense and despite the coolness of this ghostly place they were all sweating. Triest was popular with the ghosts when the ghosts finally broke their mezmerised prisions and they went for him. Brutin pondered this too late however.

Ankles was gone.

Brutin tried to rush his concentration, to will himself back into a peaceful state and then realized the foolishness of the act.

Ankles came back with guests and again they were busy fighting and casting and Brutin was healing. Because he was facing the wall he couldn't see that an army had finally gathered to crush Ankles underfoot and Triest compensated in his own special way. He stood in front of them and mezmerised them. He did this every time he had to cast that spell and it always worked. Until now. And two of those guests didn't take it kindly. They turned their attention to him and Brutin stood up and turned after the first hit Triest took. He began casting his healing energies but it was too late, the Teacher in the left corner classroom ripped him apart with a spell and Triest fell quickly. It was shocking and the ghosts were quickly dealt with.

Brutin cast his reviving energies over Triest and brought him back to the group from whereever his god had dumped him, if he even had a god being an enchanter.

They sat back down to regroup themselves, each one feeling like they had let Triest down while Triest was sorry he had let them all down. Family....

Brutin was wondering what had happened to the quiet steady pace Mixxi had set for them earlier in the day but his wishing was interrupted by a thought...

Ankles was gone.

Lodark had left the group and Mixxi had joined and Brutin concentrated on Mixxi this time as the new swarm brought in by Ankles was steadily hacked to pieces by the little halfling. Five, six, eight ghosts, didn't matter, the enchanters mezzed them and Mixxi hacked them to pieces... by why didn't Ankles help.

Ankles was gone.

The nightmare highway had begun, the party was in a dance of blood and screams, Ankles lined them up and Mixxi knocked them down.

At some point Mene had vanished and when he returned, decided he had enough. Wystro came and joined the group, his pet had the speed instinct of Ankles and the battle lust of Mixxi, so yes, things could get much worse.

Ankles was gone.

A steady flood of ghosts, including a foul tempered Dwarf who probably couldn't read eiither. No one was safe from Ankles, the hotdog vendor from Aisle 3 included....

The group would have been covered in blood and gore had the ghosts had any to spatter about but the sweat was there in this dead cold frozen tower of fear and loathing.

And then it finally ended. Somehow they had survived. Not the Tower of Frozen Shadows and the incarcerated souls inside waiting for them, but rather the hectic pace of a girl with a sweet innocent smile and very nice hips.

"Quit complaining whiner"

"Brell, go away. They are going to think I am weird and I don't need that."

"You are weird."

"I am going to jump into the Iceclad Ocean."

"It is freezing cold."

"Good, two birds with one stone."

PolarBear of Brell


EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Re: The Word of Brell

"Hello traveler, care to join this hearty band of adventurers?" The woman was an Erudite and so beautiful Brutin had to hide his eyes. He smiled and joined the little pack sitting in the hallway to the Tower he had been wandering through ever since the guild abandoned him.

"Hello there Dwarf." The female voice slammed into him and he turned to match this soft highpitched voice to a monk whose body so was solid and yet feminine that he had to slap himself to see if she as a goddess.

"Very nice to have you." He turned and saw the beautiful High Elf smiling at him, another healer like himself, her golden armor dazzling him as much as her smile.

"Nice beard cutie" the Erudite teased and his eyes widened. He was playing catch up.

"Here is our tank, thank the heavens." The Cleric said and Brutin turned to the newcomer.

He was covered in scales, his eyes smouldered in hatred and he was flexing his muscles in some apparent pose to impress the ladies. "I am ready to rip this place apart! I have the best spells against undead here, you can stand behind me and forget your worries!" He yapped and Brutin imagined a barking dog stuck behind a fence in Freeport.

"He is so macho, but you will get used to him." The girls murmerred and took up their spots.

Brutin looked at each beauty in turn and then at the vulgar, vain and inept ShadowKnight.

....his mouth just dropped open

Dumbstruck of Brell

Rain of Tears

The pattering of rain obscurred all but the immediate area and Brutin pulled his cloak tigher around himself as Siele stopped by the large bon fire that had not been snuffed out by the rain.

"Are you sure this is safe?" He asked and made sure the Morning Star Mixxi had given him was close by.

"Positive, she can be trusted." Siele said and Brutin decided that if it was a trap it was too late now.

They stopped by the very edge of the flames and Brutin glanced about, including behind himself but there was no sign of anyone. Then he noticed the shimmering in the rain of something hidden. He squeezed his eyes closer together and noticed the hidden form of an Air Elemental standing on the other side of the flames.

"Stop, that is owned" Siele cautioned as she could make out the invisible form of the elemental from the falling rain. "We are here and we can see you Connie." Siele said.

The girl stepped out of the shadows, obviously from a spell like Wystro and Triest liked to do. Brutin paid the action no mind but studied the person. Beautiful girl with haunted eyes, that constant look of terror contrasting with her features enough to highlight them and make her look even better.

"Hi there Cutie." Brutin piped in.

"You two are truly working together?" the girl Connie asked.

"Yep, she and another call me friend." Brutin said, trying to calm her.

"My name is Conpt." She said and Brutin nodded.

"Hi Connie." Brutin said and then began studying the area behind him, something was wrong.

"What are you so scared about?" Siele asked Connie.

"Veld is in the area. He got into a fight with Thilyana and got himself arrested, she bolted town and he got released this morning." Connie said.

"Alright, I am lost." Brutin chimed in.

"Thilyana is the Bristlebane pawn..."


"Would you stop with that. Veld is Rallos Zek's Pawn. Mean bastard." Siele brought him up to speed.

"So why are we still hanging around here if this guy is mean and on the loose?" Brutin asked. A simple question he already knew a simple answer for.

"Because the only way out of this continent is through the docks and it is right next to the jail. You don't think he is watching our escape routes?" Connie said and Brutin pulled his fingers through his beard a couple of times thinking.

"Hmmm, that is right, we have to take the slow boat off of here unless we can get one of our friends to help." Brutin said problematically.

"There is only one catch, the rules." Connie said and then looked from Brutin to Siele.

"What does she mean?"

Siele looked at Connie and then back to Brutin. "The rules state that any one helping during the fight of two pawns suffers the fate of pawns." Siele said cryptically.

"Which means what?" Brutin asked.

"It means that if your friend comes and gets killed they are gone, they aren't coming back." Siele said.

"What do you mean, Hero rebirth. That is the rules for them, why don't they apply?" Brutin asked.

"Because people could be advantaged, we learned the hard way that if you have teleporters wisking you away all the time, nothing would get accomplished. So they all decided to make it effective during the Wean/Vestaban fight." Connie added.

"What happened?" Brutin asked, dreading the answer.

"Wean tried to escape via a Wizard friend and Vestaban poisoned the wizard, killed him, and they didn't let him come back. Wean died right afterwards." Connie confirmed Brutin's own fears.

"Well, that blows that. I won't sacrifice what few friends I have to this stupid game." Brutin said and Connie stared at him, she hadn't seen him at full tilt yet.

Suddenly Connie cried out and Brutin looked up in time to see her hit the frozen ground to his right, her elemental leaped into action by attacking the figure that had slammed into her.

"Hello there!" the blasting voice exclaimed and started hacking into the elemental who fought back.

"Veld!" Siele yelled and started singing a song to herself, she started glowing. Brutin yanked out his mace and took up his shield. He saw Connie get up and cast some healing energies into her pet but the toll it was taking was severe.

"Siele, get out of here!" Brutin yelled and dashed through the fire itself to land a blow into Veld who turned to him from his busy dance of death the elemental and smile at him.

"Well hello there little Dwarf!" He said exuberantly as if this were a party rather than a battle. The backhanded swing caught him by surprise and he went sailing back through the fire he had charged through. He tried to catch his breath as he stared up into the rain loaded skies above him. He blinked back the rain and rose to his feet.

Veld was done slaughtering the elemental and was staring at Connie as he advanced against her. "You may remake a pet if you wish, I like a good fight, but make this one tougher. Your life depends on it!" He said gaily and Brutin shook his head as if confronted one of the demented.

Connie was so shocked she couldn't move, her only defense to his advance was to take a step back, and then another.

Brutin clenched his teeth and invoked the power of Brell within his chest. The searing blast of power washed over Veld who jumped back at the power of the attack and then looked at his new adversary.

"Powerful indeed! A worthy opponent! Let us make War!" Veld said happily and charged through that same fire. Brutin put up his shield and took the charge head on. Thank god he had the ability to stand up to damage even if he couldn't deal it.

He blasted Veld again who was thrown into the fire and had to dance his merry way out the other side to avoid lasting damage from it.

Brutin caught his breath and looked around. Siele was gone and Connie had made another pet, this one burning with great intensity despite the rain, just like the bon fire between them.

"Ahhh! An alliance! Two to one, I am outnumbered!" Veld said, who couldn't have been happier.

"You are going down wacko!" Brutin said and charged him physically. Veld was caught by surprise, expecting a spell attack and prepared to resist the charge when Connie's pet slammed into him, the blow and the fire spell seared through him and Veld had no choice but to turn his attention to the pet. Brutin by this time had reached and attacked him but the mace just wasn't doing the trick, Veld shrugged off his attacks as if a 6 year old were jumping on his back.

Veld was surrounded and the pet was doing considerable damage, with Brutin on him he could not concentrate on any one opponent and so he reacted to help out his situtation, he turned to Brutin and parried two blows before cutting deeply through the armor Brutin wore across his abdomen. Brutin coughed up blood and then felt his body kicked away, back into that bon fire but the ice caused him to fall further and he came to rest with his face in the freezing snow, he was cold except for the wound which felt warm and tingly. He was tired.

Connie had looked at Brutin briefly, a terrified look on her face and then back to Veld who finally finished off the pet. Connie cast a spell into his face as he moved up closer to her and then he stabbed through the middle of her with his sword. Connie stopped in her tracks, stiffened and then looked sideways to Brutin, that look of terror finally gone from her face.

Veld pushed Connie off his blade and Brutin stood up, the emotions within him gone, he was numb, head to foot, he knew it was raining but couldn't feel the impact of the little droplets. As Veld reached him and pulled his arm back to make a final blow Brutin invoked Brell again. The blast and impact was so close that Brutin himself was thrown back several feet and came to a rest facing straight up.

Moments passed and nothing happened, Veld didn't come back and the numbness kept him from moving, he would sleep now......

The feeling of warmth was mixed suddenly with the soft voice he couldn't understand. An angel was singing and he listened. Siele came out of no where, over head since he couldn't move, she looked down on him and he could see the worried look on her face admist the tears, she cried for the loss of a friend. Brutin had failed to save her. She was talking to him but it was as if she were far away, he could barely hear her.

"He is in the water, you blew him down the embankment!" she said as she gathered him in her arms and rocked him back and forth gently as she sang to him. He turned his head over to the battle ground and he could see Connie, her face one of peace as she lay in her bloody snow, her eyes were open as she stared back at him.

He watched as the fire slowly died.

Word of Brell

Edited by: Mixxi Bixiebane at: 2/26/02 5:29:24 pm

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 35
(3/2/02 1:54 pm)
Reply  Re: Brutin--The Word of Brell
Abbott Dean of Kaladim

I know it has been a very long time since I have written to you but the continent of Velious is not a place scribes go to ponder things. I did find one for hire in the city of Thurgadin and I am sending you this missive in dire portents.

I have been told by Brell that he finally revealed himself to you directly and after the initial shock wore off he explained to you something about the situation.

Unfortunately the possibility you will be needed in this conflict has escalated. Recently for the sake of friends I foolishly revealed a hint of what I was involved in to a friend of mine and she is now curious. I stupidly told her to stay out of it and I am sure that will get that spark flowing. If this Elf by the name of Alora, a cleric of Tunare should come to your door then it is imperative that you conceal her within. A cleric from a different faith would never be suspected inside our halls and should she be used as a weapon against me, or should she be attacked directly to gain leverage over me, I will be sending her to you with all haste.

Please ask no questions and though you are probably still in shock, I will speak with you through Brell should this disaster unfold.

I will be twisting Brell's arm to favor the church with gifts to show my appreciation but I know with his sense of humor you should be ready for anything.

Hey, won't this be the first worship day since you had solid proof he existed? Should be a real party, wish I was there to help you praise him name.

That's all for now. Everything you can do for her is greatly appreciated, please keep her safe and hopefully you will never see her.

Word of Brell

"What else does it say Vestaban?" Lestik asked as he stirred the fire.

"That is it. Isn't that sweet, thinks he messed things up, oh doesn't he realize the truth." Vestaban looked up from the letter and crushed it in his fist before stuffing it in his tunic. "I am going to show him this letter with this Alora's blood all over it and see how he reacts to that."

"Won't he be surprised." Lestik chuckled as only Iksar can do.

"So...are you in or out?" Vestaban asked and looked to his left, the silent figure sitting there soaking up the heat in this snowy plateau turned his attention to them.

"I don't have the stomach for this deception, I prefer war in all it's glory. But I agree. This little alliance that little Dwarf brewed up could hurt us should we stand alone. I will join."

"Excellent Veld, Excellent. And he is still here on this continent." 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 36
(3/2/02 2:19 pm)
Reply  An Argument
"I am leaving Velious for the time being" Brutin said flatly. Brell just looked at him.

"Yes, I know Mixxi is one of mine." Brell said.

"Yeah, but I ain't coming back after the wedding." Brutin said and Brell looked at him.


"I am going to go hunt for some stuff, more armor and some things a friend told me last night." Brutin admitted.

"You mean this wizard, the one that thinks that I am just a halucination." Brell said with a smile on his face. "I was standing there listening to you two talk."

"Then you already know."

"I know what he said, I know what he thinks. Why would I want to change that attitude of his? Am I supposed to be offended? What if he was deeply religious and decided to side with his god? After all, if he believed you he would have proof positive of the existance, not a faith, but proof. Think he would turn you in to Torwui? Maybe try to kill you himself? Ever think about that?" Brell said and Brutin stood there with his fists clenched.

"You aren't going to manipulate me Brell. I am going to the Karana's after this and the Desert of Ro, gonna kill me that cyclops guy that wanders there." Brutin said defensively.

"You ever wonder if this little break up of your family was orchestrated?" Brell asked.

"What? Why would you say that?" Brutin was confounded with this line of thinking.

"Because it got you closer to your family than you have ever been. The girls love you for your depotism, they put up with the very things you do to drive them away. They aren't afraid of you anymore. And you talking to me doesn't seem to bother anyone anymore. I can talk to you in a group again and only Wystro seems bothered by it." Brell explained.

"I know I have gotten close, but you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it. I lost Rugero and now Ovor, I won't lose them." Brutin commanded.

"And Alora?"

"What about her?" Brutin interjected.

"Why did you write two letters?" Brell asked.

"Because there is no postal system out here." Brutin said and panned his arm across the frozen vista.

"Well, you will be relieved to know that the Abbott got your letter, Alora will be interred should she show up, but that caused quite a stir with the other clergy."

"Well good, something went my way after all." Brutin said.

"And the other letter was found by Vestaban." Brell interrupted.

"What does that mean?" Brutin asked.

"It means the letter never left Velious and the rest you have to find out for yourself. Can't break the rules after all. Intelligence comes from live bodies, not gods." Brell said. "I just need to light a fire under your butt so you don't go run and hide."

Brutin stared at the pitiful fire he had made.

"I don't think you will be hiding anymore. Siele, Rafe and now Alora.....stakes are too high to hide."

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Reply  An Argument
"I am leaving Velious for the time being" Brutin said flatly. Brell just looked at him.

"Yes, I know Mixxi is one of mine." Brell said.

"Yeah, but I ain't coming back after the wedding." Brutin said and Brell looked at him.


"I am going to go hunt for some stuff, more armor and some things a friend told me last night." Brutin admitted.

"You mean this wizard, the one that thinks that I am just a halucination." Brell said with a smile on his face. "I was standing there listening to you two talk."

"Then you already know."

"I know what he said, I know what he thinks. Why would I want to change that attitude of his? Am I supposed to be offended? What if he was deeply religious and decided to side with his god? After all, if he believed you he would have proof positive of the existance, not a faith, but proof. Think he would turn you in to Torwui? Maybe try to kill you himself? Ever think about that?" Brell said and Brutin stood there with his fists clenched.

"You aren't going to manipulate me Brell. I am going to the Karana's after this and the Desert of Ro, gonna kill me that cyclops guy that wanders there." Brutin said defensively.

"You ever wonder if this little break up of your family was orchestrated?" Brell asked.

"What? Why would you say that?" Brutin was confounded with this line of thinking.

"Because it got you closer to your family than you have ever been. The girls love you for your depotism, they put up with the very things you do to drive them away. They aren't afraid of you anymore. And you talking to me doesn't seem to bother anyone anymore. I can talk to you in a group again and only Wystro seems bothered by it." Brell explained.

"I know I have gotten close, but you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it. I lost Rugero and now Ovor, I won't lose them." Brutin commanded.

"And Alora?"

"What about her?" Brutin interjected.

"Why did you write two letters?" Brell asked.

"Because there is no postal system out here." Brutin said and panned his arm across the frozen vista.

"Well, you will be relieved to know that the Abbott got your letter, Alora will be interred should she show up, but that caused quite a stir with the other clergy."

"Well good, something went my way after all." Brutin said.

"And the other letter was found by Vestaban." Brell interrupted.

"What does that mean?" Brutin asked.

"It means the letter never left Velious and the rest you have to find out for yourself. Can't break the rules after all. Intelligence comes from live bodies, not gods." Brell said. "I just need to light a fire under your butt so you don't go run and hide."

Brutin stared at the pitiful fire he had made.

"I don't think you will be hiding anymore. Siele, Rafe and now Alora.....stakes are too high to hide."

Word of Brell

Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 40
(3/3/02 10:22 pm)
Reply  An Affair to Remember
what a neato wedding, the group was all there and despite that Mardok having shown up as he had feared, the family pulled together and saved the minister from death!

Brutin stepped over the fallen trees and branches in Butcherblock, he hadn't been this close to Kaladim in ages and to have actually been inside...the Abbott had pulled some strings for him yet again.

He had wished he had laid off the Stout a little bit more but his words must have been garbled to Dondi and Bindi because they kept ignoring his questions of where they were going and he stayed up on the chimny of the house at the docks, watching Nat swim instead of watching the boat.

The quick sprint to the boat when it arrived resulted in him swiming as gravity took over and threw him off dry land and into a school of groupers upset at his intrusion.

So why not go visit his friends. It had been some time since he had seen the group, they refused to stay in Velious with Veld running around looking for them. They weren't committed to getting rid of that madman like he was.

He turned the last corner into the hidden area and went around the large jutting rock and entered the camp. And froze.

The middle fire still crackled and the tent flap was fastened securely in place but the site was anything but normal. Brutin dropped his Stout on the ground and just stared.

The note stuck by dagger to the tent post wiggled in the light breeze that caressed the moutainside and Brutin grabbed it. But the words weren't magical, they weren't written by any god, he couldn't read them. He could only guess at their meaning...

Brutin, seems we missed you but we were
were told that you had been in the area for a
little celebration. Surprise surprise. Rafe kept
healing Zefin and Siele so he ended up going first
which is why it isn't pretty, I have more skill than
that. Zefin stepped in the way of Lestik and paid
the price, what a shame but at least it shows more
skill. Plena is around the tent, apparently Veld likes
his privacy. We heard she was your woman from a
witness to a conversation you had with him. That
kill was very satisfying we are told.
In any case we are gone now, sorry we couldn't
wait for you but Siele ran off with that damn song
of her's so we are tracking her down now. Don't
bother, you will be too late to save her. On a side
note, they managed to take down Graf before he
could withdraw.
What do you think of your idea for groups now?
P.S. How is Alora?


He could see the names, he could understand those. The last one frozen him in his tracks. Alora....

Was Maldok a part of this?

He needed this note read, needed to know what it said.

And where was Siele? Was she missing? Did they have her? Or had she been gone when got here.

So many questions...

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 47
(3/6/02 9:05 pm)
Reply  When all you have worked for....
"You look kinda down" Brell came around the snow drift and stood over Brutin who sat near the little camp fire, waiting on the Tizmak to show their faces again.

"I am." Brutin said and continued to meditate, increasing his willpower for the coming fight.

"What about?" Brell asked and looked over at the cave entrance. "Is it what happened to the others? Do you blame yourself for their deaths?" He asked softly.

"No. I couldn't be there for them, I am sorry I let them down but I doubt there was anything I could have done for them." The dwarf said.

At this moment one of the Tizmak warriors showed his face, looked around a bit and then focused on Brutin sitting out in the middle of the snow. The warrior charged him, weapon held high. Brell looked up at the oncoming enemy and then down at Brutin who opened his eyes, glanced at his foe and then slowly stood up, nerve racking as it was with a frothing yelling Tizmak heading in his direction.

Brutin raised his arms on high and then brought them down on the Tizmak, the last moment his right hand flattened as if stopping wagons in the marketplace of Freeport. The Tizmak stopped abruptly and Brutin focused himself and invoked the name of Brell, sending a wash of force over the Tizmak who reeled from the blow but never moved, it's feet frozen to the ground.

This continued, large breaks as Brutin recharged himself for another blow, he couldn't gather the energies like Elie would but the blows were substantial and the Tizmak fell lifeless to the snow after only 6 minutes of effort. Brutin sat down. He had not broken a sweat.

He didn't care.

"Okay, you have my attention now, that isn't one of your typcial styles. Firstly you are out here by yourself instead of with friends. You are isolating yourself on purpose. Why?"

"You wouldn't understand Brell, you aren't like me."

"Now that is a thing to say to me, Brutin, we are friends, I don't come down here and talk to you because of this game I am playing, I like you, we are friends." Brell said.

"Really? When was the last time you confided in me about the others? What problems do you have? I don't know, you keep that locked away inside you, if I was your friend, you would share that with me." Brutin tossed out and Brell flinched at the rationale.

"You have been talking to Elizer again." Brell accused.

"He is part of my family, what do you expect? He thinks you are just a halucination. He dares me to get you to perform miracles." Brutin balled up some loose snow and threw it into the little campfire.

"I am not a circus monkey, I don't perform on command, nor is he my problem. Ro can deal with him. You weren't supposed to reveal my existance, you don't know what it is like for people to believe in something and then have absolute truth of it, what comes after something like that?" Brell said, almost to himself.

"I didn't know they couldn't see you. I thought this was normal."

"I picked you from outside of the Clergy. From the regular ranks of souls. Had you not been picked for this little game you wouldn't have been a Cleric of mine." Brutin looked up at him. "I am sorry if that bothers you but it is the same for everyone. Torwui isn't from the schools. Elizer is stronger and more powerful for the simple fact that he is dedicated to the cause. But Ro doesn't use Elizer, he uses Torwui. Therein lies a great secret of power you should treasure." Brell explained.

"What about Veld, I thought Lestik and Vestaban were the true enemies I would have to watch out for but I realize that Veld is the one I have to be concerned with." Brutin said, watching Brell instead of the caves.

"Veld is a different story. He loves killing, he loves fighting. The fact that he is a warrior is secondary. Had he not been chosen for this experiment he would have been a mass murdering crazed dervish of nightmares and suffering. Zek really outdid himself on that one. There is no discipline in Veld, just the need for death." Brell said.

"They are cold, they have no life in them." Brutin admitted as much to himself as to Brell.

"They have accepted the game, embraced it, and so they play the game, they hunt and they kill, and in the end, they will turn on each other and kill." Brell said, sadly shaking his head.

"I don't accept this game, I choose life. I choose...." Brutin swallowed hard and Brell looked from the cave back at him.

"That is your advantage Brutin, you want to live, you enjoy life. That makes losing unthinkable for you. They have nothing if they do win, they have no reason to fight." Brell's eyes were burning with the fever pitch of the game. He could sense victory even if Brutin couldn't.

"It isn't an advantage, it is a weakness..." Brutin said wistfully.

"What do you mean?" Brell seemed to be gauging something.

Brutin stood up and wiped his hands clean of the snow.

The Tizmak Champion slammed into him from the left side, the run had been long and the head of steam forced the air from Brutin's lungs, 3 ribs snapped and his arm broken under the force of the blow. It took less than twelve feet for Brutin to come to a stop from the impact and his instant reaction was to blast the Tizmak off the ridge with his spell. The Champion was more embarrassed at itself than hurt when it landed down below but it simply turned and charged back up the mountain after him.

Brutin turned on his back and could see Brell standing over him, eyes worried even as Brutin chanted for the healing energies to wash over him and despite the snow falling in his face he felt nothing.

".....get up!.......coming back!" Brell was yelling at him but nothing was getting through. He knew Brell wouldn't use his powers to help him. That wasn't his way."

Brutin softly muttered the next spell from instinct and felt the wash of mana over his body pick him up even as the snow kicked up from the hooves of the Tizmak Champion started to pelt him. The gate opened and Brutin was dumped uncermoniously in the middle of Thurgadin at the feet of the WolfMaster.

The call went out for healers as the guard lifted his head. They were all dwarves even if this one was a foreigner. Brutin blinked but couldn't focus. He didn't know how much was from being rolled over by the Tizmak and how much from the realization of it all.

"....I am in love...."

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 48
(3/7/02 2:04 pm)
Reply  The Penitant-- a Day of Thanks
Brutin sat in his grungy little camp, far outside of the city quitely hunting Tizmaks alone as Brell walked up on him.

"I don't want to hear it Brell, no pep talks." Brutin said at the outset, Brell stopped abruptly and looked at him but then continued into the little circle of heat, not that he needed it with his bare chest peeking through the mining vest he liked so much.

"I have a problem." Brell said simply and Brutin looked up at him to search his face.

"What problem? Are you serious? Coming to me with a problem?" Brutin said sarcastically.

"Yes, you. Weren't you the one complaining that I never share with you my problems?" Brell said and Brutin nodded.

"That was me."

"Then shut up and listen." Brell said flatly and Brutin winced.

"Go ahead, these guys can wait, just don't let them charge me again." Brutin said and Brell did his little godthingy and the Tizmaks stopped coming out of their caves, they just peered out and then went back to hidding again. "What did you do? They are scared."

"I let them see me." Brell said and turned his back on the Tizmaks. "I have a problem from a long time ago. When the Dwarves overcame the Ogres in the old war there was a day of thanks, a day of celebration with a catch. It was called the Penitant. While the Dwarves won the fight, it was my decision to have them help others, to help pay for the damages done during war. It was a very beloved celebration." Brell explained and Brutin listened.

"What happened to it, I have never heard of this thing before."

"It got dropped. The Clergy, my clergy, dropped it because it wasn't making money for them. They dropped my holiday because it didn't benefit them!" Brell was obviously upset and Brutin crossed off his list pushing all of those buttons he had planned on inflicting his friend with.

"Didn't they know that it was their duty to perform this rite?" Brutin asked.

"Of course, but because I didn't drop from the skys and burn them to dust in a fit of rage they did it anyway." Brell said.

"Why didn't you turn them to dust?" Brutin had to ask.

"You think that is a fair punishment? Don't do exactly as I want and suffer instant death? That ought to bring out the converts..." Brell said and Brutin forced back that inner conflict and lost.

"Yeah, but you would get a lot of converts from Cazic and Innoruuk." Brutin blurted out and waited to see if he was turned to dust. Brell just turned to him and smiled.

"That is my point. That isn't my style. Imagine Tunare or for that matter Quellious dropping down out of no where and smacking their faithful hordes because of some slight." Brell said wistfully.

"So what happened during this celebration?" Brutin asked to break Brell's line of thinking.

"The Clergy would wander about the lands helping those in need. The opposite of the harm done during the war." Brell ticked it off on his hand as he spoke.

"That doesn't seem so bad."

"And they had to do it in utter silence, the opposite of the harsh words and threats that led to war." Brell ticked off his second finger.

"Not good, who can preach." Brutin said.

"And they cannot accept tithes from the peoples, the opposite of the value of lands destroyed and the properties of innocents stolen." Brell ticked off three.

"That is really not good, a cleric not accepting money..." Brutin wasn't chiding his friend, and he realized to himself that he was dead serious, no wonder they had dropped it like a hot rock.

"And they cannot refuse help. Even that from enemies, the opposite of the lack of mercy shown in those harsh times where enemies were slaughtered or raped." Brell ticked off his last finger and looked at Brutin.

"Wow...I didn't know you only had four fingers."

"BRUTIN! Are you listening to me? Or do you want me to Zek you up and down this mountainside?" Brell turned to him, his eyes flashing.

"Yes! I heard you. Calm down. I have the solution to this problem and it brings the celebration alive and pays the Clergy back in full." Brutin said, a smile on his face.

"What is that?" Brell asked, his face lighting up a bit.

"I will perform this rite. I will be the Penitant and then I can have it recorded and sent to the Abbott Dean so that he will know I performed this deed and he and his fogies did not." Brutin said thumping his chest.

Brell just smiled and nodded. "A good plan especially for you. I knew I could count on you." He thumped Brutin on the back heartily.

Brutin picked himself up and walked back to camp dusting snow off of his shirtmail and pants. "I'm sorry." Brell said apologetically.

"You have to watch out for the snow, it is mixed with ice and you can slide a long distance here before you know it." Brutin said and looked back on the path he had taken. "I think you broke a rib." He tried to feel his back and shoulder.

"Nope, got to leave you in perfect health for the celebration."

"When is it?" Brutin asked, suddenly realizing the time and place issues.

"It occurs when you set the time and the place must be for those truly in need." Brell said.

"I was thinking the Humans and Barbarians. Elves and I am too close to home to get arrested." Brutin said and Brell winked at him.

"There is that, yes. If they find out you are doing it and they aren't then they would try to stop you to cover their shame. And you can't do it in Rivervale because the clerics there aren't lax. They remember it but never practiced it, though I don't know why. I won't punish them for that." Brell said and Brutin nodded.

"Excellent news, this sounds like fun." Brutin said.

"Oh it is. They will thank you and ask questions and you can't say a word, just follow them around and do good things. Towards the end I am going to have someone show up and hand you 500 platinum to line the coffers of my temple in Rivervale. The Priests will be told you are coming and won't shoot you." Brell calmed his fears.

"Gee, thanks." Brutin replied flatly. "Pal."

Penitant of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 54
(3/8/02 6:25 pm)
Reply  Labor of Love
"What are you cackling about! Get over here and pay attention to this lesson or yer money is wasted!" The old codger just stared at him and Brutin put the jug down and moved closer to the Still. "This is where the brewin be done, are ye payin attention?" The Codger hit him in the back of the head and he fought off the instinct to blow a kiss at him.

"Just show me what to do old one. I have work to do." Brutin said and went back to eyeballing the things in the store and thinking about how effective he would be.

"Donna think I am impressed with you comin in here and droppin the money on me desk. You learns like the rest o dem." The Codger finished up his lesson and wiped his hands on his apron.

"I am ready for this." Brutin murmurred mostly to himself but the fire in his eyes must have been convincing.

"Give it a spin but remember to shut the vent to the fuel before you start it up, that way you won't...STOP! I said shut the.."

Brutin had ignored the codger, tired of the endless yammering about how to brew this simple drink and hurriedly started up the machine to get things going. It was just that last exercise, about vents and matches and things that confused him.

Brutin woke up upsidedown and outside in the cold corridor facing what was left of the store. The codger was talking with a guard and kept pointing at him and though there were another six guards standing about, no one seemed interested in his welfare.

The store would be closed at least two months if he had a good carpenter.

Brewer of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 62
(3/11/02 8:52 pm)
Reply  Full steam ahead
The snow fell slowly over their faces as Brutin smiled at them.
"What are you doing here?" He said and the group moved into the little circle of heat the campfire gave off, the removed their gauntlets and nearly stuck their hands into the flames to warm up quickly.

"We have been moving all around, we missed you alot." Puddlefoot said and the others smiled at him, there was a new face, Thundi who exuded power, like Mixxi.

"I have been stuck out here spinning my wheels like a Mule's wagon in mud." Brutin said and looked back at the Tizmak caves.

"You should come with us, we could use you, you are a good combat healer." Gears said and Brutin smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, don't mind if I do, this place is getting stale." Brutin said as he gathered his things, the others made no move until he was done and then Puddlefoot cast his spell to move them out of this place...


The sounds of swamplife burst into his senses and Dikadaf let him go from tired arms, the weight of his armor and his own fatigue sent Brutin slidding down the embankment and into the dirty water, he was so tired from the exertions however he could only turn over to keep air in his lungs.

"That was great, we really mauled them before we got chased out." Thundi said, his armor was soaked in blood and gore from the fighting but his attitude was inpenetrable as always, Brutin would have paid good money to see him pissed off.

"And we got a lot of good stuff too, mostly for the new Cleric!" Gears said and Puddlefoot gave him the thumbs up signal to show his pride.

"Thanks guys, this stuff is great, I can't believe you were so busy getting me stuff like that." Brutin said and showed off his now dirty armor.

"Hell, we couldn't have made it down that far if you hadn't been along and that stuff doesn't do us any good anyway." Puddlefoot said and fixed up his pack while the others rested.

Only seconds passed and then Thundi stood up.

"Breaks over, let's go back in." he didn't wait for a reply, he simply charged forward to get it done.

Brutin groaned.

Word of Brell

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 65
(3/12/02 5:12 pm)
Reply  Combat Medic
"What are we doing?" Brutin was hurrying behind his friends as they padded their way across the open fields of lava and stopped in a large plain.

"We are hunting" Dikadaf said and chuckled as Gears got things set up, everyone took their places with Dika and Thundi in the front and Brutin at the rear.

"You are getting the attention of the scum we are fighting because they know that if you are healing they can't win, so they try to wipe you out." Gears said.

"I know all that, but I prefer to know that if any one person dies, it is me and the party gets out safely." Brutin said and D chuckled again.

"We are expendable." D muttered and Puddlefoot smiled and nodded.

"I don't think so." Brutin said.

"Very noble Brut but think of it this way. You can die and we can all get out safely and wait for you to get back to wherever it is you are coming from, naked mind you..."

"Horrible thought" Thundi chimed in quickly.

"or you get out safely and we get rezzed right away and all together with no dangers." Gears finished and then smiled at him. "Lets work on this."

They proceeded to work through several scenarios in which each person had a role and while Brutin had been through similar things and done the same thing, now these few people were working in tandem. Within an hour they were done and made their way back to the lair of the Dragon.

(2 hours later)

The kobold King's guardsmen fell to the last fighter and the group backed off for a much needed rest in the hot caves of Nafagen's lair.

Brell came out of the dark recesses of a corridor, one not lit by the fires burning deep within. He looked everything over and then watched for a moment while Thundi and D cleared away the bodies.

"What are you doing here?" Brutin asked. It was in typical Dwarvish but now his group were dwarves and halflings all able to understand him, they looked at him and guessed what he was doing before going back to work.

"I came to tell you that you are promoted, all this work you are doing has paid off." Brell said with his typical bored speech.

"I have been Promoted!" Brutin yelled out in his typical way and then smiled broadly as the others congratulated him, he told his family immediately.

"Yes, and now you can call on me for greater things, you have earned that right." Brell said and put his hand on Brutin's shoulder before withdrawing back into the darkness to disappear.

Brutin smiled to himself as new powers entered his mind, the others let him concentrate on this task and finally he stood up and looked at Gears.

"What about timing for healing that completely heals the person?" He asked proudly.

"Wait longer." Gears fired back.

"Expendable" D said and chuckled.

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 82
(3/18/02 5:04 pm)
Reply  Stunned
The fiery skyline of the Cauldron seethed around him as Brutin looked down into the water, as if his eyes could penetrate all the way to Kedge Keep and his huntings there.

Brell stood next to him while the others layed about sunning themselves and eating some rations, taking a break from the hard work of fishing, Dwarven style.

"So what is bothering you? You seem preoccupied." Brell said, knowing that Brutin wouldn't say a word first, not taking any chances around people to think he was crazy again.

"I got some alarming information yesterday." Brutin said and Brell raised an eyebrow and then looked back at the others who opened their eyes or looked over at Brutin.

"There he goes again." Thundi said and Gears chuckled.

"Tell Brell I said hi." Dikadaf interjected quickly and Brell smiled.

"You spoke in front of your buddies." Brell cautioned him.

"They already know. Dika thinks it is awesome and the others are willing to put up with it for the healing." Brutin explained and Brell nodded.

"So then get on with it, what is this information that stunned you?" Brell looked back out over the lake.

"I talked to Fayd." Brutin started.

"He isn't one of mine." Brell said after searching his memory quickly.

"He is one of Tunare's, or at least I thought he was."

"What do you mean?" Brell asked.

"I was talking with him about things and he doesn't worship Tunare. He says that he was trained in the healing arts by her healers but that she didn't fuel his power to heal." Brutin said flatly.

"Yeah, and so what is your problem with it?" Brell asked.

"That IS the problem. How can he have the power to heal if it is just a skill?" Brutin asked.

"You feel the truth is the total answer to not only his power but your own? That I might not be fueling your powers?" Brell asked.

"Yes, and if that is the case, then I don't have to play this stupid game. I have almost all but forgotten it anyway." Brutin said and Brell nodded.

"I know you have but the game will go on whether you don't want to play it or not."

"Just answer my question, how can he have the power to heal if it doesn't come from Tunare herself?"

"He is both right and wrong. So are you." Brell said.

"What? What kind of answer is that? Are you trying to be vague on purpose?" Brutin glanced up at him and started to shake his fist.

"No. You have to listen for this to make sense." Brell waited for Brutin to calm down enough to listen. "Firstly Clerics represent the gods on whose power they tap into. There is no denying that because it is a fact. You gather your power from me and Fayd from Tunare. But if you think we are actually doing the healing or rezzing then you are mistaken. You aren't asking us for those benefits, you are doing it. All clergy, except perhaps Fayd, who seems smart enough to think beyond the trappings of church, believe that the god himself or herself is the one possessing the power. This is not true." Brell explained slowly.

"So Fayd is right..." Brutin jumped in.

"No, listen to me dummy." Brell put his hand up to silence Brutin from further comments. "When you are promoted and I show up to give you that power it is gathered inside yourself, the same way the wizards and magi do. Do you think they are fueled by gods? No, they would be Cleric cast offs if they were. Think about it, how do they do their thing?" Brell asked and Brutin thought about it.

"Well, they channel mana into a sheet of paper and whamo, they fry something." Brutin said.

"Oh boy....."

"What? Are you making fun of me? I don't know!" Brutin said.

"They read those papers to tell themselves who to channel that power through themselves. They study hard and use sheer force of will to get the job done. Their higher intellect allows them to read the forumlas to get the job done." Brell said.

"So they carry themselves then. But what about us?" Brutin asked.

"You don't have to study as hard, it comes naturally because it is a gift from us, we grant you the knowledge to get it done but it is still your force of will to get the healing or buffing done." Brell explained.

"Takes a lot of faith that does, so that must be what gets the job done." Brutin said.

"No. The force that gets the job done, for bother the studied and the faithful is Mana." Brell said.

"Mana again, I keep hearing that." Brutin said.

"Yes, because you think of your own willpower and your ability to get things done but if you weren't tapping mana, that outside force, for help, you wouldn't be able to heal anything. The power that grants a wizard to fry is the same power that allows you to heal. They just come from two different sources different ways." Brell said and then stopped.

Brutin just stood there, breeze on his face.

"Great, you are lost. Close your mouth before a Goblin climbs in and makes himself at home."

"So...Fayd...." Brutin tried to venture.

"Fayd heals by learning to channel that mana through himself like he should, but he refuses to accept that a god is doing it for him, which he is both correct and incorrect." Brell said.

"Because while he is doing the healing, the knowledge to do the healing comes from a god." Brutin said.

"Exactly. Fayd said himself that Tunare's healers taught him how. You don't have to read it out of a paper, you are the perfect example of that.

"So Fayd isn't normal." Brutin said.

"Nope, none of the heros really are but he sets himself above even those. He has talent. Rare in Clerics..." Brell said and started to fade away.

"Hey! Dammit Brell!....."

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 83
(3/18/02 5:27 pm)
Reply  Intervention of Fate
"I knew I would find you here." The familiar voice over his right shoulder startled him and he turned around quickly.

"Siele!" Brutin beamed and ran to her, they hugged tightly for a bit and then he looked at her.

"I haven't seen you since the day before that camp ambush at home." Brutin said.

"Yes, I was there, I killed Graf and got out into the open, I was able to sing my way out of danger but you are damn lucky I was able to carry a tune, I was scared stiff!" Siele said and slapped him upside the head. "You were late!"

"Yes, I know. I have a tendancy to get lost at home. But I have to avoid the guards, I can' be seen in Kaladim without special permission and the guards are on orders to arrest me on sight." Brutin explained and Siele raised an eyebrow, gauging if this was one of his ploys or not.

"In any case I was told that you had "quit" and refused to play your part."

"Yep, that's me." Brutin said and went back to the fire, offering her some heated food and warmed water.

"Nothing, I am fine. I came because Dronna and Sinque are dead." Siele revealed.

"Who?" Brutin asked.

"Mithaniel and Karana's people. It seems Lestik, Vestaban and Veld have grouped together, just like we did, and they are messing things up." Siele said and moved in close to him.
"You have to get back in the game Brutin, they are going after everyone else and then they are coming for you." Her eyes glinted in the firelight, her seriousness evident.

"When they come that day will present itself, but they don't have to come, I am not playing their silly game."

"They are coming anyway. I just thought you might like to know." Siele said and then stood up.

"Where are you going? Stay awhile." Brutin motioned for her to enjoy his camp.

"No. I want to live."

She left

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 93
(3/22/02 4:29 pm)
Reply  Shintou
"You evil bastard, you turned Sarhea away from us and cluttered her mind with hate. You I will make suffer." Brutin stamped his foot impotently as Shintou made his rounds through the party, glaring, fuming and making snide comments to his friends. Off to the right an elf stood there smirking with his arms crossed over his shoulders, watching Shintou.

"Let's get back inside, maybe these evils can control their fights this time." Puddlefoot said and the others agreed. Brutin didn't want to leave, he was sizing up his foe, wondering if he should make a play for him but then followed the others, they would be without support and his anger was not going to cost them.

The evils came with them and both groups began a race to set up their respective orders and get underway fastest but the Dwarves and Halflings won out. Had Gears been present that little gnome would have had them killing before the whole evil group had arrived.

Back into business it was easy to focus away from the hatred and back to the present, the killing, just focus inward and things would be okay but Brutin wasn't the killer, he sat there and stewed, frothed and seethed, waiting for his comrades to need him.

"I challenge you to a duel Pale Skinned Weakling!" Shintou burst out loud enough to catch Brutin's attention and the others came over to him as he stood up to watch the brewing content.

I Pale Skinned Weakling was that High Elf from outside who had stood emotionless and watched Shintou's display of hatred towards others. His name was Leawen.

"I accept, begin." Leawen said flatly and prepared himself for the attack, which came instantly and savagely from Shintou. Leawen was a caster, Brutin could see that from the look in his eyes, but when the fighting started he could not recognize the spells. There was something strangely familiar however and the thought of Dondi killing Sarnaks in their fort came to mind. Perhaps he was a Druid.

Back and forth they fought, the High Elf never stayed still long enough for Shintou to get a good strike in, which left the Dark Elf off balance, giving Leawen enough time to step back and cast another damaging spell.

Within a matter of minutes Shintou was nearly finished. The battle had been close but it was no longer in doubt when suddenly Leawen grinned broadly and healed Shintou back to his full health. Shintou was caught by surprise and then prepared for a new attack, an opponent's moment of weakness would cost him, how noble.

Leawen just raised his hands and channeled energies he hadn't brought to bear before, the power of the spell slammed into Shintou, knocking him off his feet and sending him hurtling to the far wall. As he regained his feet shakily Leawen again raised his arms, as if while Shintou had been picking himself up Leawen had been lounging, unconcerned.

The second spell seared the eyes of all present and only Puddlefoot seemed unmoved. Shintou lay motionless on the ground, the second spell having finished him off.

The contest was over.

Witness of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 94
(3/22/02 4:51 pm)
Reply  Morals
"Hello again friend" Finneas said and Brutin smiled. It was a clear day and things were good, the fighting had been intense the last several days but the money had been good and as a result, Brutin was inebrated most of the time. Life was good.

"Hello Finn, how are you doing?" Brutin said and smiled.

"I am fine, I wanted to ask you some questions." Finn said.

"Again? Sure go ahead." Brutin said, the prior conversation on the moral of thievery had been interesting.

"How many started the game." Finn asked and Brutin almost choked on his spit.


"How many began the game." Finn asked innocently. Sure some of the family knew about the game, but he was brand new, how did he know? Was this a popular discussion item with them? Were they in danger?

"Uh, well...16, one for each god." Brutin replied and Finn nodded.

"That is what I had figured." Finn was confirming things he had answered in his own mind. "How many are left?" He asked pointedly.

Brutin exhaled and thought about it, something he had been ignoring for so long had been thrust into his mind and the flash of Siele talking to him ripped open fresh wounds. "9 of us I guess." Brutin said, almost numb. "Which god do you worship?" Brutin asked, trying to take control of the conversation.

"I don't." Finn said flatly.

"I am sorry for that." Brutin chimed in, in his usual way, the Cleric at last.

"Don't be, my family once implored the church for healing and because they couldn't afford it, they were turned away. I lost my brother." Finn said, he was speaking from a part of himself that was dead, he too struggled internally with the weight. "What about Errolisi? Is her person still in the game?" Finn asked curiously.

"Conpt....she died in Velious...I let her down, I wasn't there for her." Brutin said lightly, memories flooded his mind.

---Siele gathered him in her arms and rocked him back and forth gently as she sang to him. He turned his head over to the battle ground and he could see Connie, her face one of peace as she lay in her bloody snow, her eyes were open as she stared back at him.---

"I am sure it wasn't your fault." Finn said. Though he didn't know the situation entirely he wasn't trying to placate Brutin, he was speaking from the heart.

"Sure it was." Brutin turned to look in the direction of Velious. "Sure it was."

Word of Brell

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish


Brutin Vitellius
Word of Brell
Posts: 95
(3/24/02 7:14 am)
Reply  Dinner for Seven
Brutin entered the dinning hall and glanced about, his smile was gone the moment he had stumbled into this plane of existance and Brell didn't try to cheer him up, it was as if he was feeding on the mood himself.

Sitting at the large table were 6 gods and their pawns, lined up as if on display. Brutin noticed that they had been conveniently separated into managable groups. Brell took the larger of the two open seats and motioned for Brutin to take the other, it wasn't a request. Brutin locked eyes on his three favorites, Veld sat there with no utensils, they had wisely perhaps taken them away from him while Lestik shifted uncomfortably on the unfamiliar furniture. Vestaban composed himself and glared with unmitigated fury at him, Innoruuk next to him looked almost identical to him.

As Brutin sat down Siele put her hand on his, it didn't go unnoticed by either of the three sitting directly across from him.

Dinner be damned.

"Cazic, I see you got kicked out of your temple, I am sorry I wasn't there for that." Brutin said airely and Cazic's featureless face bunched up.

"I expanded, I wasn't kicked out of anything." Cazic corrected him and Brutin smiled.

"Sure babe, I believe you." He said condesendingly. It was apparent the truce kept Cazic from doing anything, Brutin hadn't been blasted. "I am just sorry I wasn't your pawn..." Eyes flashed at Lestik quickly, "...nothing like working hard and then get thrown out of what I helped build." those words directed to Lestik himself.

"Your pet barks incessantly Brell, shut him up." Innoruuk said boredly. Brutin looked at him and then smiled.

"How is Shintou these days? Did he find all of his teeth? Well...I will say that it was my pleasure to entertain the champion that splattered him. Surely that is the best of Innoruuk's 'chosen'...tsk tsk." Brutin said and then chuckled as Vestaban stood up and readied a spell, only to be stopped by his master.

Vestaban sat back down and composed himself and then looked back up at Brutin. "We have been doing our own studies of you Brutin, you aren't the person you show yourself to be. I can see why we have been missing you, you act completely different than your true self. But I have to ask myself, A lech? Constant trouble with the law and with the ladies...why?" Vestaban finished and Lestik smiled. Veld seemed uninterested in the conversation completely and was staring at his plate as if to expect it to suddenly fill with food.

"I am what I am." Brutin said.

"How weak. I would at least throw that hard bitten desperate wit into it. Try to convince us little dwarf!" Vestaban was on a roll. "I attended shall we functions. I have been watching them since I can't watch you, I have been learning. And the way you come running for them, you speak roughly but you are the perfect puppy dog." Vestaban said with a grin and Lestik laughed. Innoruuk and Cazic joined in.

"They don't have much to do with me, I am hardly ever around them, quite frankly I don't even like them anymore, I am leaving them." Brutin confessed and Vestaban broke out in hard laughter.

"Now I know you are desperate! Because the consensus with them is that you love them all...."in a manly sort of way of course." Vestaban parodied his own words and Lestik laughed himself off the chair, tail forcing a compromise with physics and hard wood surfaces. "No, I don't think I will fall for that thin, worthless attempt to misdirect us. But I will commend you, it is so utterly confusing to find one that we can use against you, no lover? No "little morsel" as you call them? My my, the sacrifices we make for games we don't play." Vestaban gave him a toothy smile.

"So what? You know I have a family, big deal, I practically announced that months ago. You are late in discovering that. You are going to have to do better than that." Brutin set his napkin in his lap, the fact that he was a dwarf and taking this opportunity for manners wasn't lost on the others. He was mocking the Dark Elf.

"Your time is up Brutin, there are not enough of you remaining players to defeat us. Each one of you will have to deal with us on our terms." Vestaban said and looked at each of them in turn.

"Fine by me." Thilyana chimed in. "I did that in Velious and humbled Veld." she said and picked at her plate with her knife.

"It was an excellent battle, but had you not fled, I am sure you would have been defeated." Veld spoke up, finally something he liked to talk about.

"So where do we go from here?" Thilyana asked, looking at each in turn. "No more secret identities and no more hiding unknown amoung the people." she said.

"Brutin, you can't refuse to play the game anymore! You have to help me, I can't take them on by myself and the other two won't join." Siele was paniced, she had only stayed in the game this long by running.

"Yes Brutin, by all means, rejoin us, wallow in your self pity while we track you down and when we get there, you can get on your knees and beg for mercy." Lestik said.

"It is funny to me that amoung all this death that we serve each other, that life, tiny new life begins Brutin?" Vestaban piped in and smiled. Brutin looked at him with a slightly lost look on his face. "I guess new life means new opportunity, opportunity moreso for some of us, regardless of protections." Vestaban put his fork and knife down, the motion made with his his right hand sent the knife clattering into the middle of the table. Brutin locked eyes on it and then at Vestaban.

"Yeah, I am playing..." He picked up Bindi's knife.

Word of Brell 

EQ2 again ~ Ellie (Kaladim), Noa (AB)
EQ again ~ Vee, Mak, Ellewys (FV)
ESO ~ Vieolah
SW:TOR ~ Emme
Rift ~ Noamuth, Euma
EQ2 ~ Noamuth, Ellendrielle
VG ~ Fie, Nymm
WoW ~ Izzra
HZ~ Nymm
EQ1 ~ Elloise, Radish