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*pushes Anaris into the door*

Started by Lyrima, October 29, 2006, 07:22:20 PM

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Quote from: Namae Nai on January 14, 2007, 03:50:54 PM
"Tanare! It's an illusion spell, it's not a disease." Namae sighs, "We need Lady Anaris to calm down, so she can remove the spell herself. You should know that, by the way. Did you ever get rabies from turning into a canine? I hope not!"

"Besides, if you were colorblind you couldn't tell the difference between their" Namae indicates Kiaria, Anaris and the rest of the Tier'Dal in the pub, "normal forms and these ones. The only deviation is the coloring of their skin and hair doesn't match her dress anymore, naturally. But who am I to criticize? I'm wearing beaten leather into a tavern."

"I HAVE RABIES TOO?!?!? NOOOOOOOO! I mean i used have my skin care ointments to get rid of the rashes but no one every wanted to use then but thnen i lost them when i had to swim away from Traky's store after the cavein so i don;t have no more or nuthin."

"Wait a minute... my har doesn;t match my outfit either?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"


*opens her eyes to a squint*

*notices Anaris calmly primping in front of the glass*

*abruptly stops screaming*

*appears thoughtful*

*heads to back room*


*eyes the hacksaw*

Doc Wiffle?  Have ya been drinkin?

*eases over next to the stranger and drunken gnome*

*turns bright green eyes on the newcomer*

Do I know ya? I'm Lyrima Vakhar, Ranger of 43 Ranks in the Tunarian Alliance 'n Vet of Saga!

*thrusts hand at Gwendolin*
Lyrima - EQ2, ESO, now Baldur's Gate 3
Lark - Storm Trooper SW:TOR
Kiaria - Warden EQ2, ESO
Tira l'Arc - Ranger/Healer HZ/ EQ2, ESO
Athen'a - TankArcher AC


* Jasyn-gnome snaps out of his daze and shoots Lyrima a menacing glance.

Who're ya callin' Doc Wiffle?

* Jasyn examines the hacksaw.

What'm I doin' with this hacksaw?

* Jasyn looks at Anaris and Kiaria.

Why're they blue?

* Jasyn looks down at his feet.

... 'n why'm I STILL a GNOME!?

* Jasyn slowly turns toward Anaris.

I'd rather be blue than a daggum gnome!  What 'bout the resta us!?

* Jasyn swings around the hacksaw carelessly.

Wha' happened to Pryce's spatula?  Change us back!

* Jasyn pouts.

I can't drink as much ale between tree breaks bein' this tiny... 'n my fingers still hurt.

* Jasyn leans against the visitor's leg and sobs.


**pats Jasyn on the back**

heeee look on the bright side....i never seen an elf look so pritty...........

ai...that prolly came out wrong........

anyway...wanna coffee?


Quote from: Lyrima on January 15, 2007, 04:40:35 PM
*eyes the hacksaw*

Doc Wiffle?  Have ya been drinkin?

*eases over next to the stranger and drunken gnome*

*turns bright green eyes on the newcomer*

Do I know ya? I'm Lyrima Vakhar, Ranger of 43 Ranks in the Tunarian Alliance 'n Vet of Saga!

*thrusts hand at Gwendolin*

** takes hand and shakes**

please come and join us lil green eye......  my name is Gwendolin..

can i buy ya a drink?


Oh, nonsense, Namae!  I am in no mood for thinking and using magic at the moment... I'm far too pretty for that right now...

*continues to ignore Jasyn-gnomes pleas and keeps primping in front of the glass window*


*keeps looking at herself with a smile that's half-wicked, half-mischievous*

Hello there, you vixen, you... *talks to her reflection*

*takes out her compact and powders her nose*

Oh, for Innoruuk's sake!  This compact is no good for my skin... The shade doesn't match my new moontan!  Fabiana!  Quickly, ask Noa where she gets her make-up at and fetch me a dozen different palattes of lipstick, eye shadows, and powder pouf.....NOW!  *slightly snarls*

Oh, and make sure you see that Adeste tells you where her black market merchants are at... I need new dresses.... *regal nod*

*turns to the newcomer*

Why, hello there, newcomer.  Welcome to our tavern... Of course you may buy me a drink...  Elven wine, please, the rare vintage label... In a platinum ruby-encrusted goblet...

*eyes Jasyn-gnome, then addresses Gwendolyn*

...and I know you are new to these parts, but, will you PLEASE shut your pet up?!  I hate it when they squeal...  I'd quiet it up by kicking if it wasn't for my lacy boots, I'd hate to get them dirty...

*walks toward the back, joining Kiaria as they look for robes that match their new hair*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


ok elven whine it is......

** accedently drops a glass of water over the sobbing elven gnoom**

oops sorry buddy

*mumbling* perhaps this will sober him up a bit

*eying the woman who is adressing her**

*mumbling my dress looks better  hihi**

could i please bother you for some information aswell miss?

i mean i just ran from the freeport side, and i am looking for a family here.........

could you please tell me what families are recruitong and who i need to speak to for that?


*Dark Elf Ana turns around and faces Gwendolyn*

Well, aren't you in luck, newcomer one...  You seem to have walked into the right tavern after all...

*changes her tone of voice to add a hint of sarcasm*

Here at Saga, we pride ourselves in being very integrated and globalized by kindly accepting just about every reject that walks through that door...  Ogres, Gnomes, even Half-Elves and Goblins have a place in Saga!  *rolls her eyes* How many Qeynos taverns can boast such a variety of people more than Saga can?  It truly is a home for the homeless!  *eyes the newcomer again*  Or for those that dress like they are homeless...

*walks toward Gwendolyn, eyeing her up and down again*

Pray tell, dear, what made you take such perilous journey from Freeport to Qeynos?  And please, do not tell me it is because you *switches tones to mimic a goody-two-shoe girl* feel that Freeport is unjust and unfair and you do not believe in their wicked beliefs and would like to find a better life somewhere were people are treated with kindness... 

*switches back to Dark Elf Ana mode*

Don't tell me that sob story!  It's what everyone else says, and it's sooooo booooooring.....  Tell us a tale of courage, deceit, revenge, even a little lust....  Come on now, impress us....  Tell us how you got here....

*leans back and rests her hip on the table, mischievous grin on her face, waiting for Gwendolyn's reply* didn't happen to bring with you a dashing Shadow Knight with a slight resemblance to a blue-skinned Kuladen, did you?  We've a serious lacking of those around these parts, you see...

*peers over Gwendolyn's shoulder, just in case*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


well missy....lets start with the most important thing.........

have you seen the way they dress there???  i mean....need i say more??

but an other great reason is...they dont seem to understand me, i mean i am a real nicwoman, in all aspects i might add, i mean, i am a great healer, but they only saw the bad side of me in freeport. ok i might be a lil bitchy sometimes, at least this is what i am told, i strongly disagree on that, but thats no reason to dislike me now is it.......true, i am ainqui...i mean templar now, so i CAN wear plate armor, but be reasonable.....  a female in platemail????   i prefer a nice dress.

so what i am really looking for in a family is that they are NOT so short sighted that when they see me they think....hmmm just an other well dressed pritty face.....

true...i cant fight, but i can heal, and thats why i am here

**completely eying anaris**

and you guys may not mind the way you dress, but my motto is....even if i die, i still look goooood


Quoteso what i am really looking for in a family is that they are NOT so short sighted that when they see me they think....hmmm just an other well dressed pritty face.....

*tilts her head and looks at Gwendolyn completely puzzled*

Whatever do you mean by that?!  Are you saying there is more to life than that?!


EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


<Tanare runs over to Gwendolin still purple>

"You're a healy person? ooh can you like cure me fast and stuff. Namay says i have rabies from when i turned into a cute widdle puppy dog even though i thought i was too cute a puppy to get rabies and stuff."

<upon hearing the last bit of the conversation>

"oh yeah plate makes you all tin can smelly and icky and stuff. i don't know why anyone would like even wear plate and stuff...well unless they were in the sinky sandy place maybe and it was real hot and they wanted to go to a suana but there wasn;t any around and stuff maybes so they said 'hey i can like wear this smelly icky hot platemail and melt the pounds away' but then they'd be even smellier cause they'd be all sweaty and icky and who knows what that would do to their hair on top of everything!"

<blinks in confusion>

"did i ask if you could cure the rabies yet? oh yeah i'm Tanare mighty and tough and adorably cute ranger, well when i don't have this icky purple magic rash thingy Anary put on me, that's what Namay says anyways "


*looks to Tanare and puts her hands on her hips*

I did not give you a purple rash!  Namae did....  *nods*    You do look awfully cute as a baby blue Elf, though...

*nods and smiles appreciatively at Tanare, then turns again to Gwendolyn*

Now, Tanare has a point...  How did someone as small as you wear all that plate?  Oh, the horror it must have been for you!  I can empathize!   Well, I mean, granted, I've never worn plate, but I can only imagine how awful it must be to look like a male human servant!

*inspects Gwendolyn's wardrobe again*

So, where did you get that ensemble....?  I must say, it is not too bad...  Perhaps they have some in Tanare's, Kiaria's and my size............?

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


**looks at tanare**

hee you boy....dont you see we have important buiseness to take car of here....we no interested in your purple colour.....  we talk dresses here....

**looks anaris's dress again**
well missy, i can see you really could use some advise. I have some unfinished buiseness to take care of in freeport, but will be back in a week, to help you pick out some nice dresses.

(( ooc will go on holliday, and will be back saturday in a week))

soo missy, i hope to take you shooping someday, and in the mean while.....well you dress this way for so long, an other week wouldt be THAT bad.....

**looks at tanare again**

and you really need to fix that purple colour, you look like a clown..

ok...back in a week...

** turns and walks out of the bar**



<starts to cry at Gwendolin's words>

"They turned me into a boy too? But i was such a cute girl elfy before now i'm going to be a purple boy forever!" <cries some more> "And do you have any idea how icky the dresses are trying to match white hair when blond hair is a much cuter color ensemble to match with and purple skin even? Do you know how many colors clash with pruple!?!"

<sees Gwendolin turn to leave>

"NOOOOOO you have to like fix me so i can be cute again!" <cries>


A moment, Darling.

*beckons Tanare*

Cometh here, sweetie, taketh a look at these dresses.  I am most certainly positive we canst find thee something lovely to weareth.

*steps over with a warm smile in her purple face*

Prithee, do cometh.

*takes Tanare's hand and leads her to the wardrobe*


<looks around at Lyrima's words>

"Um who's Prithy? I don;t see her...or is it him?"

<blinks in confusion>

"Dresses? That match purple and look cute? Is that possible Lyrimy? I mean i can find stuff that like matches my eye color but that's like a totally different sytle/shading coloration. And white hair too? It makes me look old, almost like 150 even!"