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[SW-TOR] Meanwhile, back at the spaceport... [Finished]

Started by Catri, September 21, 2011, 07:23:04 PM

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His finger pressed onto the red trigger, the large cannon came to life with a burst of loud bass fulled thwump thwump thwump. One of the guards jerked and recoiled violently as a cloud of blood explodes from his chest, making a fist size hole. "I've got you covered!" He let out another burst of rounds, mostly in the attempt to send people scattering or hide behind cover to give Catri a clean pursuit.

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Soryn slipped into the landing bay a few seconds before Catri arrived. She ran in after him expecting to see him entering the ship. A fist struck her in the jaw. She stumbled and her blaster slid a few feet away. She swung her fist at him, but he blocked the punch. He punched her again in the face.

"You really thought you were going to win, Catri? You really thought your pathetic family was a match for me?" Soryn sneered. "Tell you what, I like you. I'll give you a chance. Come with me and maybe I'll let you live."

"Frack off." Catri said punching Soryn in the jaw.

Her fist barely slowed Soryn down. He punched her in the nose then kicked her torso hard sending knocking her backward onto the floor. Then he knelt down on the floor nearly on top of her. He grabbed one of her wrists and pressed his other arm to her throat to pin her to the ground.

"See,  that's the probelem with you...with your whole family really. You think your so gorram morally superior. I'm a just  businessman. I like credits, and pretty slave girls get me a lot of credits." Soryn said. He let go of his wrist and traced his finger across her face. "Now you're going to come with me, Kitten, and we're going to see if we can come to an agreement before I find the rest of your family."

"Don't call me Kitten." Catri wheezed.

Soryn gasped as the sound of blaster fire echoed off of the walls of the landing bay. Catri threw aside the blaster she had taken off of his belt and shoved his body away from her. She felt one of her ribs protest as she sat up. Blood was flowing from her nose, and she could feel a lovely bruise beginning to form on her jaw.

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Raven felt in the Force. Something was wrong. He looked down to Levant holding his neck. Blood was pouring out from his fingers. In his other hand was a thermal charge. Levant rolled it across the room. "Good idea kid." Raven used the force to push it into a group of guards charging. BOOOOM!! The explosion rocked the room. It took out a support beam. Making half the room cave in. The fight was over. Raven bent down next to Levant. "Sorry this will hurt." Raven used his lightsaber to stop the bleeding. Then he grabbed the com link from Levant's belt. "Hey guys. This is Raven. Levant has been hurt. I have to get him to the ship. Or he will die. I will see you their. Have fun breaking Soryn's toys."

Back on the ship Raven was checking Levant's vitals. He was asleep now. He would live. But it had been close. Raven now was going through the records Levant had downloaded. "I knew it. Master Houseman was behind it all. He found out about Kat's family freeing the slaves. Now i see this must stop." Bowdaar looked at Raven. "Tell the others i will see them on Tython." Then Raven ran off the ship.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Levant was out cold. He hated sleeping, his dreams usually made it anything but peaceful. His dreams were always the same memory, cold, alone, surrounded by a howling sound. It was never enough to give him a clue about what he was seeing but always enough to disturb his slumber. True to type they always ended the same way, the sound grows to loud to ignore almost consuming his entire self.

Waking with a gasp he felt light headed. His neck had a sharp pain, slowly reaching up he felt the wound. Something must've happened in the explosion. Taking a deep breath he placed his hand over the wound and surrounded it in the force. Light stretched out from his palm and slowly the wound began to mend. With that his head became more clear and his focus returned. Looking around he saw he was on Cyrian's ship. He also saw his datapad on the ground. He didn't need the force to know someone had looked at them, and he knew who. Just then Bowdaar came walking into the crew bunks. Levant just nodded. "Raven might be on his way to Tython but the others are still dealing with Soryn. I'm not one for waiting to see how this all plays out. Let's say you and I pilot this thing to Soryn's compound and make sure our friends are all in one piece." Levant said standing to his feet.

Bowdaar practically roared with excitement. Must've wanted in on the action pretty badly, because he was running to the front of the ship before Levant had even taken his first step.

OOC- Sorry I was AWOL guys and gals. Good to be back.


Monty stopped himself from calling out to Catri when he saw her following Soryn into the landing bay. He thought she was being real stupid following a snake into its den, but he couldn't risk alerting the guards. His only option would be to try to get away from the fight before it was too late.

After Bjorn turned the settings of his weaponry to puree Monty slipped out from behind the shipping crates to follow Catri. He tried not to panic as he ran to the landing bay. Soryn could easily beat Catri in a fist fight. It would only take a few minutes for him to force her onto his ship and then....well, Monty didn't want to think about what would happen then, but he was certain that one holo vid of the "and then" would be all  Soryn would need to get the rest Sage family exactly where he wanted them.

  Anger boiled up inside him when he opened the door and saw Soryn kneeling over Catri. Seconds later he heard a blaster shot and Soryn fell to the side. He walked over to Catri and noticed her wincing as she tried to sit up.

"Take it easy, Kitten, you're being a little over ambitious. At least let me assess the damages before you move on to walking." Monty knelt down beside Catri and  handed her a handkerchief to stop the bleeding in her nose. She was lucky this time. According to the mediscanner she had some bruises and a cracked rib. He injected her with a stim and some kolto and then  waited a few seconds for them to begin taking effect.

"There's nothing wrong with my legs, old man." Catri said as Monty picked her up off the ground. In spite of her protests she wrapped her arms around Monty's neck and leaned her head on his shoulder. She felt Monty's arms tighten around her and she knew it was all over. She was safe.

"Hush now, Kitten. That was a real stupid thing you did following him in here. You're lucky you're not in worse shape right now. He could have..."Just then Monty heard movement just inside the entrance of the ship. He ducked behind a shipping crate just in time to dodge a volley of blaster fire. When he looked up he saw a green Twi'lek  stumbling drunkenly down the loading ramp waving a blaster in the air.

"It's all your fault, you filthy little schutta!" Ardon Vel shouted. "You and your karking family! First you try to turn my own son against me. And when I finally get him away from the job your worthless father tricked him into taking at that sorry excuse for a machine shop you and those no good meddling brothers of yours wreck our jobs."

Blaster fire bounced off of the walls as Ardon shot randomly with a complete lack of aim that could only be achieved by the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol. Monty ducked behind the crate and shielded Catri until the volley ended.

"Put the blaster down Ardon, before someone gets hurt." Monty shouted.

"Oh someone's going to get hurt alright! That bitch killed my brother, and she's going to pay. And then I'm going to find her brothers' ship and blow the rest of her family to pieces like I blew up their fracking shop."

Monty fired before Ardon had the chance to raise his blaster again. The Twi'lek crumpled to the ground with a blaster wound in his chest. Catri placed a hand on Monty's arm. She knew that as a doctor he felt killing folks was a conflict of interests, but they both knew it had to be done.

" I better get back to Cy's ship. I'll need to hitch a ride back to Tython with him to pick up the Wildcat." Catri said.

Monty stood up and helped Catri to her feet. By this time the kolto had enough time to work on her ribs, and she was strong enough to walk out of the building on her own.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Cy stopped at the nearest terminal and started punching buttons while he viewed the screen, trying to find the fastest routes to where he wanted to go, then with a quick turn and yell "This way!" he started back off down a hallway, Jenn following him in hot pursuit.

They very abruptly came to the slave pens, some were open aired but most were barred and closed of and their were a few guards milling about, looking rather nervous.  Cy turned to Jenn and spoke quietly "Start freeing them, I'll handle the guards.". As soon as he finished speaking he used the force to propel himself to the nearest guard and by the time he landed those twin sabers were out.

After Cy had systematically incapacitated the guards and Jenn had released all the slaves from their pens and collars she turned to Cy "We have to get rid of the Ysalamari, they are too huge a threat."  To that Cy gave a quick nod, not vocalizing how nervous these creatures actually made him... using the Force for sight was a great gift, and he knew he would lost that sense soon.

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


Catri left the landing bay and remembered that Corrin, Jen, and Cyrian had gone off to free the group of slaves. Catri found them near the slave pens.

"Corrin, I'm sorry, your Uncle and your Dad..."

"It's okay, Cat, I know. I knew it would come to this." Corrin said. "We need to take care of the Ysalmari now. It's awful pesky for our Jedi friends having them running around."

"Well, alright then. Let's catch us some Force sucking lizards. Lead the way and tell me what to do." Catri said.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


I didn't take long for the ship to reach Soryn's compound. There was a small landing pad in the back that was currently occupied by another ship. Bowdaar roared in frustration and hit the turrets. The whole ship shook as he unloaded a full volley into the other ship, clearing a path for them to land. Heading to the loading ramp Levant opened the door to see all the frail slaves huddled together coming out of the compound. Bowdaar practically shoving Levant off the ramp ran into the compound to find Catri and Corrin. Levant knew there wasn't a lot of room on Cyrian's ship, but it would be enough to get the slaves off of Nar shaddaa.

Walking over to the slaves Levant held out his hand. "It's ok, I'm a Jedi. I'm only here to help. We can get you back to republic space if you'd like. The choice is yours." Slowly and timidly one of the slaves moved forward and started walking toward the ship. Levant couldn't offer much but a smile and a promise, but for people that had nothing that was enough. Slowly one by one he lead them into the cargo hold of the ship and distributed some rations. It was going to be a tight trip back to Tython but leaving the slaves on Nar Shaddaa would've been like leading them to slaughter. There would always be someone willing to take advantage of them there. At least from Tython he could try to find them a safe place to live.

As the last of the slaves boarded the ship Levant looked back towards the compound. A few of Soryn's guards had come through the back door. Some were fleeing for their lives, others still seemed willing to fight. With abandon they began to fire at Levant and the ship. "Enough of this! There's been enough death!" Levant shouted hoping to reason with them. His words worked on a couple, but not all. About 5 remained while the rest turned tail and ran. Igniting his lightsaber Levant began to deflect the blaster bolts that he could. He was still fairly weak for combat. The best he could hope for right now was to defend his position until the others made it to the ship.

Then to his surprise the turrets lit up and laid bolt after bolt into the guards. It took less than a minute for guards to be laid out. Turning to the turrets he saw the slaves had manned them. Turning off his lightsaber, he nodded to the slave that he could see in the turret. In a strange way it was the only way the slaves could take back any control over their lives. With the outside clear, there was nothing left to do now except keep the engine running for when the others made it back. He just hoped the Ysalamari didn't give them too much trouble.


Jen went up to the closest computer terminal. She started punching on the key board. The lay out of the complex showed on the screen. Then she did a scan. " It looks like the fighting has scared them back to their main pin. I have lock them in. Now all we have to do is get there and destroy them." Jen looked at the others "lets get this done." She then downloaded all the data in the computer. Then wiped the whole system. "I have all the records. "There will be no record of these things left her." Then she started towards the pins. To finish the job.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Bowdaar bounded across the courtyard toward the main building. He stopped briefly along the way to ask Monty where the others had gone. He found them near the main Ysalmari pen. Corrin walked up to him, and he could see Catri standing a short distance away with her back to him.

"Rarcwo rooohu?" Bowdaar asked

"I'm fine. You missed most of the action, Furrball. We're just cleaning up now." Corrin said.

Bowdaar gave Corrin a mock growl and walked over to Catri. He Put his hands on her shoulders and spun her around. He was about to pull her into a hug when he noticed the changes Soryn had made to her face. He moaned in surprise as his hand brushed against the bruise on her jaw.

"I'm okay, Bow, really. It's worse than it looks." Catri said anticipating her friend's question. He felt her flinch in pain as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Ohacraao waahwa acwo waoo aooo rooohu? ah'sc rrooahwhrr aooo orahanan acahsc!"

"Easy, Bow, I beat you to it. Soryn's already dead. I'm okay, just a little sore. I need you to call Dad for me. Monty should know where he is. Ardon bombed the shop."

"Ohacraao rarhoohuao aoacwo warcooahwac?"

"I didn't  get a good look at the wreckage, but it looks like all the droids are dead, all except Fluffy. Monty brought him over to help guard the clinic." Catri grabbed Bowdaar's arms to keep him from rushing off in a rage "Hold on, Ardon's dead too; so don't go out looking for blood yet. I need you to stay here and help Dad start to rebuild while I get the Wildcat from Tython."

"Ohahanan rooohu rhwo ooorraro?"

"Of course I'll be okay on my own. I'm not a youngling." She said with a playful scowl. Bowdaar ruffled her hair and headed toward the clinic to call the rest of the Sage family home. Catri turned to the cages and began shooting at the Ysalmari.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Being this close to pen. Jen could feel Nothing in the Force. When Bow came up to the group. She Jumped. "How did Raven not crack? To endure, what he did. With Force is one thing. But with out it." She looked over to Cy. She did not need the Force to see his pain."You ok, Cy?" She placed her hand on his shoulder.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Cyrian had a hand on each lightsaber hilt and he looked incredibly nervous, twitchy even.  His head kept swiveling back and forth very quickly but he couldn't decide on where he wanted to "look" or what he was supposed to listen to, his lip curled into a obviously fake grin. "Of course.. I'm... fine.."  His head continued to swivel.. he really had no clue where he was by this point, only that Ashla was gone and he was having a very hard time keeping himself together.

Whilst this inner turmoil was going on, he heard Catri start with that blaster and his sabers came out very rapidly and ignited.  He knew the general location of Jenn so he could keep them away from her, but he had no clue what he was even going to fight.

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


Catri saw Cyrian ignite his lightsabers and she wondered what in the blazes he was thinking. She was not overly familiar with the intricacies of Force Sight, but she had the impression that he might have a bit of trouble seeing around lizards that essentially turned off the lights for him. Corrin walked up beside her and began shooting at the cluster of lizards that she had attacked freeing her to edge over to Cyrian. She began calling out information to him about the locations of some of the nearby lizards while she was shooting.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Standing on the loading ramp Levant's neck was killing him. His abilities within the force weren't enough to totally heal his wound at the moment. Slowly he sat himself down on the ramp. Putting his hand over the wound he felt pain shoot down his neck. At least the pain will keep me from falling asleep he thought to himself. He honestly didn't have enough left to heal it, the events of the day had taken a toll on him physically and mentally. Taking a deep breath he remembered the datapad with Soryn's files on it. Pulling it out he began to scan it over.

There was more here than he thought. It seemed Soryn had been dirty for decades. He kept it well hidden. Most of the files were locked down tight. Levant was looking for two pieces of information in particular. Sitting there skimming through wave after wave of data, he finally found the first answer. Soryn had a few Senators in his pocket. The only way it was possible for this level of slaving to happen in Republic space was if someone higher up was keeping the law turned in the other direction. It also explained how Soryn managed to get a warrant placed on Catri and the Wildcat so quickly. It also detailed Master Houseman's involvement. Even a few instances where he sent force sensitive slaves to Korriban for his pick of the litter so to speak. There was the trinity he was looking for. Slaver, Senator, Jedi. At least he had the proof now, not that it would matter if he didn't get it back to the Jedi temple.

As he sat there skimming through the data something caught Levant's eye. A file labeled "Shadish settlement". Reading that sent his heart rate into the atmosphere. Jedi training hadn't prepared him as well as he thought. It was his birthplace, it was where his family lived. It was where he was orphaned before he even knew his family. With apprehension he clicked the file and began to read it. It wasn't long until he found his birth name listed on the page. He knew his name wasn't Levant, but Levant was all he could ever remember being. Looking at the data he saw his birth name listed as "Auric Northbourne- Unaccounted, Presumed deceased", under his name he saw the names of his 3 brothers and 1 sister.

For a moment he swore he was a little elated. Then he read what was beside their names.
Auric Northbourne- Age 3- Unaccounted, Presumed deceased
Ollie Northbourne- Age 9-Captured-Sold on Nar Shaddaa
Enri Northbourne- Age 6-Deceased in transit to Nar Shaddaa
Hanna Northbourne- Age 8-Captured, Force Sensitive, Ship to Korriban
Rourk Northbourne- Age 13- Deceased during attack of Shadish settlement

Just like that his heart sank. The force could be cruel sometimes. On one hand at least he knew, on the other he wish he didn't. Most if not all of them were more than likely dead. It was enough hope to leave him wanting more. Had Ollie and Hanna died too? What happened to Enri and Rourk? Why couldn't he remember. He may have been young but he was a Jedi, there had to be a way, someway to remember.

Then just as fast as his heart had began racing, it slowed or more to the point Levant slowed it, he remembered his training. At least it's something, that's more than I had before. I can't let this distract me. he thought as he tucked the datapad away and stood to his feet. He could keep the ship running and make sure the slaves were comfortable for the time being.

OOC-Sorry I decided to post this to help explain the name change from Levant to Auric. Probably won't happen until the end of this RP anyways so it really doesn't effect this thread too much.


Even with the complete lack of sight in any way, shape or form, Cyrian could still follow directions and swing a saber or 2.  When Catri started speaking he felt suddenly at ease again, knowing he had "friends" around, and when she started yelling out directions he knew what to aim at finally. After several years of intense martial training, even the lack of Ashla's touch could not stop muscle memory and his dual lavender lightsabers rained down death upon those devilish lizards.  Cy hacked and slashed with extreme precision at every single target location that Catri called out until she finally fell silent and the light of Ashla blinked back on, then with a slight twirl and flourish, those sabers were flicked off and reattached to his belt.

A deep, ragged breath followed as he retreated once more into the embrace of Ashla...   "We should return to the ship, the slaves need to be protected now.."  Without waiting for a response, he spun on a heel and moved back towards the landing pads.  To anyone who could read body language or even see halfway clearly, Cy was incredibly bothered by what just happened... Ashla had never left him alone before...

"The Spatula of Purity shall scramble the eggs of your malfeasance!" Sir Osric The Chaste


Corrin walked over to Catri.

"Well, it's all over." Corrin said

"You okay? Catri asked. She put her hand on Corrin's shoulder.

"Yeah. I will be. Listen, you need to go get the Wildcat. Now that I'm suddenly out of work I'll wait and see if your dad will give me my old job back."

"With the redecoration your dad made to the shop there'll be a lot of work to do. I'm sure he could use an extra pair of hands." Catri hugged Corrin for a moment then turned and followed Cy to his ship.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Björn comes walking with his eye piece up on his head, scratching a few marks onto his weapon. " people sure do make this interesting, perhaps we can work a call me up with something interesting and i'll do the of charge of course. If you need those slaves escorted i'll lend some help" He held onto the cannon with one hand, extending out his real hand. "What do you say hm? Your own personal mercenary?"

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Catri paused and turned around to shake Bjorn's hand.

"It's a deal. I'll give t=you a call if I need an extra gun, and you let me know if you ever need a ride anywhere. Now, if you don't mind a trip to Tython, I'm sure we could use another gun on board. I get the impression that we're going to hunt for some worms in the Jedi Council."

Catri turned and walked into Cyrian's ship. She had noticed that Cy seemed a bit uncomfortable at the Ysalmari pens. If Miraluka depended on the Force as much as she had heard it can't have been a pleasant experience to have his ability to feel it removed. Catri walked up behind Cy and placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Are you okay?" Catri asked
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Jen walked up behind Cy and Cat. "We need to get going. I fell a darkness in the Force. I think Raven is about to do some thing crazy. Even for him." She then turned and headed into the passanger area. She walked up to Levant and started to use the Force to heal his neck more. "I am sorry for what i said to you. I was trying to get you to leave. I saw what i thought was your death. I see things in the force. but some times i do not read them right. I thought if i gave you what you need on me. You would leave.  That you would not go in and you would be safe. I did not think you would believe me if i told you this. So, i gave the angry me. But you still went in any way. I got this files. I do not know if got them when you was in side." Jen handed Levant a Data card and walked away.

A small transport ship was coming up on Tython. A short fat blond man sat at the helm. Raven was standing behind him. With his eyes closed. "Almost there Rav." The man said. Raven opened his eyes. He smiled at him. Even when Wade was under his command. He called him that. The other troopers always called him sir. But not Wade. He treated him Just like any other man. Raven liked that about him. "Thanks Wade for doing this." Well you saved my life and my wife's and son's as well. I owe you." Just then the com came to life. "Transport Big Gun. I am sorry but you can not land at this time. We are having strong storm right now. Your ship is too small. You will have to wait." Wade looked at Raven. "What you want to do?" Raven looked at the scan of the planet. Their was a strong storm. The ship would not be able to land. But their was also bigger supply ships on there way down. "How close do you think you could get me?" Wade eyes went wide. "What do you mean?" Raven smiled. "I mean can you get me close to this ship here. So, I can jump on to it." Wade laughed. "You where never dull. It will be rough. But I think i can do it. Go stand by the rear hatch. I will let you know when to go." Raven started to walk away. "Hay Rav. Just like old times?" Raven smiled at him. "Yep, this time do not crash." Wade smiled back. "That was not my fault. They told me they fixed it." Raven rolled his eyes. "You keep telling yourself that." The small ship hit the upper atmosphere at full throttle. Wade knew he would need speed to pull back out.The ship was knocked all over the place. Wade was trying hard to keep her on course. The back hatch opened. Wade yelled "TEN SECONDES!" After ten seconds. Wad pulled up. As Big gun pulled up. Raven fell out the back hatch. Raven was now in free fall. The cold rain felt nice on his burns and cuts. The ship he was aiming for come out of the clouds fast. "Sith spit!" Raven used the Force too slow him down. But it was too late. He hit the ship hard. He rolled down it. Raven was trying to find some thing to garb on to. But it was all smooth metal. His metal hand mad sparks as he slide down the ship and off it. "Bantha fodder. This was not part of my plain. Why do i plain? It always ends up this way." Raven calmed him self. He used the Force to slow down. "Size matters not. Do or do not. Their is no try." Raven put out his hands and used the Force to push at the ground. It was working. Raven slowed down even more. Then another ship apered out the clouds. This time he was ready. He landed on it softly.The ship was just over the temple. Raven force jumped off the ship. He landed in the court yard. A group of Padawans stared at him with wide eyes. "Trust in the Force young ones." He said as he walked into the Temple. "I wish Jen could have seen that." Raven said to him self. When he got to the door of the Council chamber. He felt it. It was the dark side. Raven opened the door. Master houseman was standing in the center off the room. With his lightsaber out. The rest of the council was bound in their chairs. "I see you live. I will have to fix that." raven looked over to Master Shan. " I will free you in just a bit. I need to take out the trash first."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Catri squeezed Cyrian's shoulder reassuringly and followed Jenn to the passenger area. She sat down and drew her blaster. Twenty seven years of life among the scum of the galaxy had given Catri a nearly  Jedi-like sense of when something was not right. And something was not right. They may be headed back to Tython , the bastion of peace and order in the Republic, but she figured Jenn might need some backup.

When the ship landed Catri followed Jenn down the loading ramp. The two women ran through the hallway until they arrived at the doors to the Council Chamber. When they opened the door Catri saw a Raven and another Jedi facing each other lightsabers drawn amidst a circle of Jedi tied to chairs. That was not a sight she saw every day.

"Raven, you're having a party and you didn't invite me? I'm hurt." Catri said raising her blaster cautiously looking around the room to further evaluate the situation.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight