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[SW-TOR] Meanwhile, back at the spaceport... [Finished]

Started by Catri, September 21, 2011, 07:23:04 PM

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Catri stood in shock watching the three Jedi argue. She raised her eyebrows at Corrin, and he shrugged his shoulders. Monty looked like he was struggling to contain laughter.

Catri walked over to Levant.

"Look,settle down. Bowdaar is not near stupid enough to start blasting a facility at random and I sure as frell am not going to ask him so don't get your robes in a twist. Now we need all the help we can get, and I would much appreciate it if you would hold off on returning to Tython for a bit." Catri said.

Catri then bolted out the door after Jen and Cyrian. She called out for them to stop and listen to her.

"Jen, I know you want to get your Master back, but are you out of your kriffing mind? I'm not going to have Bowdaar start shooting at the planet with a gun turret. Do you know how much fracking destruction that would cause? Levant is right. Lots of innocent people will get hurt and it wouldn't just be the Hutts we'd be at war with. Now I'm all for going in and getting Raven out. I have some scores to settle with Soryn myself, but if we're going to do this we're going to do it right."

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


As the group left the clinic Levant was relieved. Even though he was the youngest Jedi there he still felt like a babysitter. He couldn't grasp the disconnect they were having between force users and Jedi. A force user used the force to their own ends, a Jedi worked with the force as an ally, they were not slaves to it. As far as he was concerned they had forgotten what it meant to be Jedi. Turning around to the Bounty hunters on the table, he noticed Fluffy watching his every move. "You know I envy you Fluffy. When people get on your nerves you can just shoot them." The droid didn't respond, just tilting it's head. "And the trend of you intimidating the poodoo out of me continues." He said with an awkward smile.

Reaching into his pocket, Levant pulled a Holo-recorder from his pocket. Flicking a switch the feed began to record. "This is Jedi Knight Levant Moonstride. The mission has gone the direction the council expected. My primary assignment from the council to judge the Jedi knight Raven Miles and his Padawan is complete. His padawan is less than stable, and they share a force bond which will hurt them both in the long run. I'm not certain tearing them a part will solve the issue. My secondary assigment is still in progress. I have lost favour with the group so I will be going to retrieve the data on my own. The full report will reach you if I survive. If I don't survive, or if we end up in a galactic trade war with the Hutt's, let it be known I tried to stop it." Switching it off he transmitted the message to Tython.

"Now for answers." Levant said walking to one of the bounty hunters. The man was just starting to come back to reality. "Shame, you would've been better off sleeping for this next part." Closing his eyes Levant delved into the bounty hunters mind. Surface thoughts and emotions were one thing but jumping into someone elses mind was like trying to lasso a rancor. The bounty hunter writhed in pain for a few moments before he fell into unconsciousness. He didn't need much, just the last day or so. Blue prints for the compound straight from the source. They're weren't perfect, the man hadn't seen the whole set up. But he found where he needed to go. A warehouse at the back on the complex housed the majority of the computer systems. Getting in might be tricky, but the rear of the complex had less security from what Levant got from the Bounty hunter.

Grabbing his things Levant rushed towards the door. "Well Fluffy it's been....awkward. I'll be back for those two later." He pointed at the two Bounty hunters before walking out. At this point the smuggler's were acting more sanely then his fellow Jedi. Jen was ready to light a powder keg and risk the lives of countless civilians, and Cyrian was going to follow 'Ashla' right behind her. No mission, no goal was worth that to Levant. If he could minimize casualties and get the data he needed it would be a good day. Beyond that if it came to it, he would stop the others if it meant saving lives or stopping war.

Throwing his hood up he walked through the streets. He was moving fast. He needed to get a head of the situation. He needed to get infront of his fellow Jedi.


Jen stopped walking. " I knew you would not start a bombing run. But, it gave Levant what he need to return to the council. I feel it is not his path to go with us. Do not miss read my actions. I go to save Raven. But he comes second to killing the Ysalmari. They are a danger to all Force users. But, we will need help. Time to take a page from Raven's book." She turned and walked right into the nears cantina. She walked up to the bar and jumped on to it. She ignited her lightsaber. " WHO WANTS TO PARTY WITH JEDI? WE ARE GOING TO KILL SLAVER SCUM AND BLOW UP HIS COMPOUND. THEN HAVE A DRINK."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


 A stocky hairy bear of a man looks up at the woman on the counter, around him where empty glasses...about 14 of them. "I remember they had strict rules about dancing on the counter...." His hand grabbed another glass and downed whatever was left in it. "And I talk business eye to eye....not eye to shins so get down." He extended a hand for the jedi to get down and discuss business of killing things. Björn pretty much looked like a hairy bear of a man of course, his jet black hair was messy except for a braid on the side, his beard was rather big and full not to mention his face had odd tattoos of runes and other things. Of course without his armor he looked like a typical run of the mill man except for the whole necklace of teeth and not to mention the giant curved fang between them.

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Catri followed Jen into the cantina. She was about to ask the bartender to refer her to one of his usual customers who might be able to assist them when Jen jumped up on the bar. Catri gaped in shock. Nar Shadaa seemed like a straightforward den of thieves and liars, but surviving there could often require more tact and diplomacy than a meeting of the Republic Senate.Either Jen's plan was going to work or they were going to have half of the cantina at their throats.

Catri breathed a sigh of relief when a big, tough looking man spoke up. She hoped that Jen would get off of the bar and stop drawing attention to them soon. She walked over to the man, raised an eyebrow at his unusual choice of jewelry, and extended her hand in introduction.

"Catri Sage, and this is Jen. We need to... call on an associate of ours, and we could use the assistance of someone who has a way with weapons."
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


The man looked over at the woman that introduced herself. He extended a cybernetic left hand. "Björn Blackmane, Mercenary...Ex-Trooper." He grunted. The cybernetic was rather was somewhat too small for the large black haired forearm and the off color grey metal against the pale skin of the man. "Well im sure I have enough firepower to get the job done by myself." He turns back to the counter looking over the forest of 14 empty mugs with a slight annoyed and upset look, beckoning over the bartender to get him another one. As he grabs the drink he takes a swig before responding again. "I would be lying if I said I wasnt interested... care to run the story by me in detail minus placing a woman on the counter?"

If anyone did take a look on the floor there was a large sack covered bulky item at the man's feet.

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Jen got down of the bar and put her lightsaber away. "Soryn Vel Has taken my Master. We are going to get him back. Then we are going to free the slaves and destroy the compound. Then we can come back and have a round of drinks on me. So, are you in or not? We are short on time. We will be out numbered and out gunned. There are also some lizards. They are a health risk and must be destroyed." Jen leaned on the bar and ordered a drink.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


He listens to the whole idea. "Heh...I like outnumbered and outgun, makes it fun..." He finished his drink, clanking the empty glass next to the large collection of 15. "If you need firepower...i've got it...." He taps the sack covered item at his feet. "Not to mention my arsenal I have stored away which I dont mind sharing to people." He stretched slightly and then coughed  at the mention of lizard. "Lizards? Like..big and dangerous or what?" He was somewhat confused at the whole wondering how lizards would be a problem.

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Jen looked at him and smiled. Lets Just say the Jedi do not like them. They are small and bit size. May make a nice snake on a long trip. But none can live. Lets go."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


The man makes an Ahhhh noise. "Those...uh...what were they again...Ysala-something or other?" He shrugged, guessing he was right as he reached down and hefted up the large mysterious object at his feet, carrying it over one shoulder. "I always wondered about keeping one as a pet honestly I mean ...of course for companionship not to drop down unsuspecting jedi's robes or anything."

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Levant had made his way to outside Soryn's compound. He was surprisingly calm considering what he was about to try. He stood for a few moments in an alley adjacent to the front gate. This next part was going to take some Consular charm to pull off. Taking his robe off he threw it over a pile of trash that he had stacked as high as he could get it. Next he rolled on the ground making sure to get his clean white clothes as dirty as possible. Then he waited. When one of the two armed guards left the front gate, Levant had an opening.

"Someone help! Help! It's a Jedi! He's trying to escape!" Levant said as he slouched up against the wall of the alley. Activating his lightsaber he flashed it around a few times in the dark alley before tossing it towards where he had his robes set up.

It was a huge risk, but the surveillance didn't have the alley covered, it was the only place he could pull it off. The guard's curiosity getting the better of him, he rushed across the street and into the alley. "Did you say Jedi? Answer me!" The guard shouted. The man was practically shaking in excitement and fear.

"*Cough* He was watching you, I must've scared him because he attacked me and ran deeper into the alley. He's still here somewhere I'm sure of it." Levant was lying through his teeth. Lucky for him the guard wasn't the smartest person in the sector. The lie seemed to work. The man ran deeper into the alley way, and it didn't take long for him to find what he was after. Pulling his blaster he fixed it on the Jedi Robes. "Gotcha!" The man shot, the robes and trash fell to the ground. The guard was confused for a second and then he felt a sharp sting on the back of his head. The man fell to the ground and Levant dropped the droid arm he had used to smash the man with.

After a quick costume change, and stuffing the guard into an old shipping crate, Levant walked towards the front gate of Soryn's place. The guard suit was itchy and it smelled like the man hadn't seen the inside of a refresher in days. Walking back to the guard post he stood there for the better part of 10 minutes before the other guard returned.

"Slag this comm. I still can't reach Nel and Raith." The other guard said smacking a comm. link off the wall. "Nel this is base, do you copy?"

Levant was smiling a little behind the guard helmet because he knew they wouldn't be answering. But the smile went away when something unexpected came in over the Comm. link.

"Query: Who are you trying to contact?" the comm. hissed in static.

Fluffy, you stupid droid! was all Levant could think. He must've been using the bounty hunters comm. that got left in the clinic. The other guard was confused. "This is base looking for Nel and Raith. Who's this?"

"Clarification: This is Fluffy. I'm afraid there is no one here by that designation. Perhaps you have the wrong frequency."

It was a nice save on Fluffy's part, though Levant wasn't sure it was intentional or if Fluffy just responded that way because the Bounty hunters weren't awake yet. Levant could just imagine the droid handing them the comm. link when they woke up.

Levant walked over to the other guard who was still pretty confused and held out his hand. "Here you take over here and I'll take the comm. back and see if I can find out what's going on. We might be getting interference from some thing. I'll clean up the signal and bring it back."

The guard shrugged and put the comm. in Levant's hand. "Be quick about it, I don't want to be out here all night."

Levant nodded at the man and started walking towards the back of the complex. As he walked he could feel the Ysalamiri inside the complex. Like little black holes in the force. He could already feel the effects on his senses. Taking the force away from a force sensitive was like taking away all of their senses. Without the force, Jedi were weak. It was lucky he had a helmet on because the expression on his face would've been a dead give away.

After a short walk Levant had reached the ware house. His head was spinning a little, but otherwise he was keeping it together. Pressing the lock, the door opened and Levant stepped in. Without the force he was definitely on edge. He couldn't tell if there was anyone else inside and he had no idea how to defend himself if he was caught. He slowly made his way through making sure to stop and look around as he went. Seeing the computer hub set up in the middle of the ware house, he quickly moved towards it and plugged in an empty data pad. The data pad only had one function, to copy the contents of the drive it was plugged into. Levant may have been a stick in the mud sometimes, but at least that meant he was prepared. Trust was something earned, he hadn't earned from his allies and his allies hadn't earned it from him.

While the data pad was collecting information something in the rear of the ware house caught Levant's eye. It was a cage. Walking towards it he saw a cage full of sentients. Different species but all humanoid and all fairly young. Slaves he thought. He couldn't risk letting them out right now. He still had some explosives from earlier, but he couldn't just blow it and hope they all made it out in the confusion. He had to wait for the right time. Heading back to the computer he saw the data pad had finished downloading. Unplugging it, he pulled off his glove and stuck it inside his sleeve.

Suddenly a man spoke from behind him. "There you are!" the man shouted. Levant nearly jumped 5 feet in the air. Being numb to the force was taking it's toll. "Jumpy much? We're needed upstairs, the boss has something to say. Any luck with the comm.?"

Levant stuck his glove back on and walked over to the man. ", not really. Still seems to be getting jammed with another frequency." Walking with the man towards the main hold of Soryn's complex Levant felt like he was going to puke. Without the force, he had no way to anticipate, and no way to calm himself. The worst part was he was stuck wearing the foul smelling guardsman uniform. Trying to assure himself that he could handle this, he took a few deep breaths and hoped that he could keep his senses about him long enough to get out of Soryn's complex before the others decided to go on the offensive.


Corrin stared quizzically at the group that left the cantina. Monty regarded Bjorn with a thoughtful smirk on his face. It certainly didn't take long for the girls to find some help.

"Okay, you went and got yourself a mercenary. Good job, girls. What now?" Monty asked "We're not much better off than we were in the first place, no offense Bjorn. We can't just walk up to the compound and knock on the door."

"Why can't we?" Catri said

"What do you mean 'why can't we'? Because it's karking crazy, that's why!" Corrin replied.

"Just hear me out a minute." Catri said looking around at the group "Soryn wants me and my family. Why not give him what he wants?"

"Uh, you seem to be missing the point of this whole operation, Kitten. We don't want Soryn to get you" Monty said

"Think about it. We were counting on Levant to help us distract the guards, but that's obviously not going to happen. We need to find another distraction, and it would be pretty distracting if i walk right up to the compound and turn myself in. Haven't you ever heard of a prisoner exchange?" Catri said

"Of course I've heard of it, Catri, because it's exactly what your father will try to do when Soryn is torturing his little girl because I let her run off and try this fool idea." Monty snapped

"Monty's right, Cat. It'll never work. My uncle will know it's a trick from the beginning." Corrin said.

"Of course he'll know it's a trick. I never expected to fool him, but I can try to throw him off a bit. he won't know what kind of trick to expect until all of you are inside." Catri said.

Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Jen walked up to Catri. She placed her hand on her shoulder. "You do not have to do that." Jen was very calm. Too calm. "I feel him. He is strong in the Force. Stronger then he ever was. Something has changed. I feel his calm. It makes me calm. It is hard to explain. But i feel we will have our distraction. But we have to move now." Jen took off running.

Raven was lead into a great hall. Soryn was on a stage. "See this is the Jedi. Look at him beaten and broken. Cain him up." The men dragged Raven to the center of the room. They chained him up about two feet off the ground. Levant and the other guard entered the hall to see Raven hanging in the center. Men where cheering and stomping on the ground. "I have selected five men to show you. That Jedi are weak." Soryn said as five men stepped up to Raven. "Now." The men began to beat Raven. But as they did it the crowed got louder. As they got louder the Ysalmari move away. Raven could feel a bit of the Force. Then he could feel it Strong. It felt differant or maybe he was. But now He could feel him. He was in the door way. It was Levant. I will give you time. Go. May the force be with you. Then Raven Started to Laugh. The men beating him stopped. Raven looked at Soryn. "You failed. Jedi are not weak." Raven then used the Force to pull his lightsabers to him. From Soryn's belt. Faster the one could see. Raven had cut the shock collar off. As well as the chains that held him. " In the name of the Republic you all are under arrest." Raven stood in the middle of the room. He was calm at peace. If he was to die. It would be the will of the Force. He was ready.
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Grumbles as he stands there, he  grabs the large fang on the necklace and started to pick at his teeth with them as he held the large sack covered item over his shoulder. " did say something about freeing slaves so lets just chalk this up to a community service, i'll offer off my normal price, were talking alteast know what, i'll do it for free." He shrugs as he looks at the one that told him his presences wasnt exactly helping. "I like it when its not easy...makes me work harder, the harder I work the more the client sees the more I get offered." He gave a toothy grin, letting off the fang that was used on his teeth.

Forum Name: Bobinator.


"Let's go, then. Soryn's compound isn't too far from here." She began walking down the street and stopped short in front of what everyone could only assume had been a building. A part of the burnt out frame still stood in front of a pile of rubble and twisted metal littered with the charred remains of tools,workbenches, and a few droids. The sign in the front remained relatively intact, and she could see lights spelling out "Jorel Sage, Mechanic" sparking on and off.

"I'll explain later, Kitten. We have to get going NOW." Monty said as he dragged Catri away from her dad's shop.

It was hard to tell what was going on when they arrived at Soryn's compound, but Catri knew it had to be something. She could hear shouts and blaster fire inside the main building. Guards were rushing in from all over the compound to help with whatever was going on. They could quite literally walk in the front door.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


All of Soryn's guards were all pulling their weapons, ready to charge at Raven. Levant knew he was trying to give him time to rescue the slaves, but he couldn't just leave another Jedi to face this many people on his own. Levant was still shaky. With his connection to the force being limited he felt exposed. Plus he only had a few charges and grenades, and a blaster and he was a terrible shot. But the grenades were an option. Reaching to his side Levant pulled a concussion grenade from his belt and activated it.

"HEY SIR! Heads up!" He yelled throwing the grenade at Soryn.

Soryn didn't expect it but reacted quickly batting the grenade away from himself with his rifle before it went off. The grenade ended up flying back slightly towards Levant just before exploding. The blast was loud, most of Soryn's guards were stunned. Levant and two other guards closest to the explosion went flying backwards. Flying through the door he had just came from, he landed hard in the hall way.

Everything was bright and his ears were ringing. He wasn't sure what was going on in the main hall. He could hear sounds but everything seemed muffled. Finding it hard to catch his breath he pulled off his helmet and tossed it to the side. He hoped the blast would give Raven an upper hand. Numbers didn't mean as much when the room was in disarray. Levant struggled to his feet and braced himself on the walls. Pulling his blaster off his belt he started walking back towards the main hall. He just wished the world would stop spinning so he could be sure where he was or where he was going to shoot.


Soryn ran from the room. With body guards behind him. Raven stayed in the center of the room. The Force was strong there. He was safer there. "Soryn, Are you leaving? The fun has just started." Raven blocked blaster fire and used it to take out more of the guards. Some came at him with vibroblades. He cut them down too. It was good to feel the Force once more. Raven used the force to find Levant. He pulled him to the center of the room. "Hay shadow, i knew you wanted to follow me. But come on." Raven smiled at him. "The force is strong here. Use it to clear your head. Ohh. keep shotting at the pips on the wall. That will keep the Ysalmari away. You did good kid. Now we are winning." Now some of the guards where running out of the room. Seeing a Jedi with his lightsabers. Was to much for them.

As Jen got to the main gate she stopped. She turned to Catri and smiled. "He is free. Lets end this. I will take Corin. We will free the slaves. You and the rest get Soryn. After the slaves are free, i will set this place to blow. It is time to let freedom ring." Jen looked at Corin. "The slave pins are that way." Jen looked back at Catri. "May the Force be with you."
Raven Miles -ToR
Raven Miles - GW2


Catri pulled her blaster and ran around the side of the building to a nearby loading bay. She ducked behind a shipping crate near the entrance to the loading bay just in time to see Soryn and five of his men run out the back exit and head straight for her. She let off a volley of blaster fire as they neared the loading bay. The group stopped in their tracks for a moment, disoriented by the unexpected attack.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight


Suddenly as the group stopped, Björn seemed to appear by Catri. He was holding onto the large covered object in his hands along with a piece of equipment over his left eye which looked like a targetting system. The burlap style sack covering the bulky item was whisked away at the straps disengaged, no wonder the man was built like a bear...the item was actually a large slugthrower cannon. The weapon was bulky as it was big, a dual drum magazine seemed to hang undernearth its large frame and looked out of place color wise as it was blue against the overall dark grey coloring. If anyone would see the side...there was a bit of art of a blue twi'lek woman bending over with the words "Bottoms Up!" written above the image, it seems if you were standing infront of the weapon the dual drums would look like a pair of buttocks. He looks over at Catri. "So...I think we got them covered pretty well..." He bellowed out loudly at the group. "Your move, sweetcheeks!"

Forum Name: Bobinator.


Catri bristled at being called "Sweetcheeks",but she quickly focused on the task at hand. She fired another blaster bolt into the group taking out one of the guards. Blaster fire acroees from her diverted the guards' attention for a moment. Catri looked over and saw Monty peeking over a shipping crate with a blaster in each hand. She was about to open fire again when she noticed Soryn slipping to the edges of his cluster of goons.

"I think Soryn's going to try to run again. You and Monty keep these guys busy." Catri said to Bjorn. She slowly crept out from behind the cover.

Sure enough, Soryn broke away from his sentient shields and began running across the courtyard toward another landing bay. Catri ran after him firing her blaster.
Templar Theresa "Clarion" Shea
Illuminati Wendy "Miss-Frost" Frost
Dragon Catriona "Catri" Sage

GW2-Tarnished Coast Catri.6978

Family Name:Catri
Characters: Roonah, Nah_Re , Ji_Na, Elmaa, Soo_Ri, Shioreeko

Rift Faeblight