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*pushes Anaris into the door*

Started by Lyrima, October 29, 2006, 07:22:20 PM

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((omg Kharga are you trying to kill poor Anaris?! hahah))

*feels the warm trickle of dropping sliding down her forehead and neck*

*the most horrific facial expression anyone's ever seen takes shape in her face*

*begins to pant and quiver all over*

*notices everyone's laughing*

You think it's funny???  YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY?!!!!

*casts Group Illusion: Gnoll and turns everyone into a hungry puppy, except Kharga who was flying too high for the spell to take effect*

Now, all of you!  EAT THE DUCK!!!

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


Puppy! ooh i look SOOOOO cute. can i adopt me? Hey what's that cute furry thingy over there turns around to look but the mysterious object vanishes. sees it again, spins again. Tanare begins to feel annoyed as she sees it again and takes off in hot pursuit.

Anyone watching sees tanare puppy chasing her own tail happily


>>seeing all the gnolls, his eyes flash green and he is overcome with tiger-rage!<<


>>dispels the illusion, landing lightly on his feet, claws unsheathed, gazing out over the crowd<<

(( hehehe Ana..  Kharga *hates* gnolls ! ))


* A  trail of ale mysteriously disappears as the sounds of a stealthy gnoll is heard lapping it up off the floor.


*laughs maniacally at the sight of all who laughed at her when she was baptized by the duck dropping*

See?  She who laughs last laughs the, um, best!

*realizes for a second that, to her own ears, it didn't sound like Elvish, more like: "Woof!  Woof woof woof awwww woof woof!!"  *


*starts whimpering at the sight of the angry and ferocious feline growling at her*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


*turns to look as the noise changes in the Tavern from cheerful to menacing*

*shrieks as she is surrounded by gnolls*

*starts preparing a lightning spell*

*brown eyes fall on her own...paws?!*

*sliips silently to the floor in a faint*

*lays in unattractive heap, a thin thread of drool easing its way down her cheek*


*walks in having finally found the place*


*eyes widen as she sees Kharga beset by obviously insane gnolls*

Oh my... Kitty!

*realising she didn't bring any sticks she grabs a handy gnoll and begins flailing away*

I will help!


::crouching, he leaps over the heads of all the Saga gnolls, and lands lightly next to Peri:: snatching the gnoll from her hands and dropping it on the floor::   

"Sorry.. um.. whoever.."

::grabbing Peri, he leaps up, landing lightly on the rafters, setting her on ther rafter next to him::

"OK.. here's the deal..  all of them..  that's Saga..  and I think all the mages are down there.. So how're we gonna fix this before the floor is too permanently..  umm  soiled.  You know all these puppies can't be housetrained."


*a tiara-wearing, very well-groomed gnoll with soft fur and a fluttering tail looks up at Peri and Kharga with pleading puppy eyes*

Woof woof! Woof.....woof?

*the gnoll has a bit of duck dropping over part of its face*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


QuoteSo how're we gonna fix this before the floor is too permanently..  umm  soiled.  You know all these puppies can't be housetrained.

* The  trail of disappearing ale grows no shorter as the lapping sounds of a hidden gnoll come to a complete stop.


Quote"OK.. here's the deal..  all of them..  that's Saga..  and I think all the mages are down there.. So how're we gonna fix this before the floor is too permanently..  umm  soiled.  You know all these puppies can't be housetrained."

We could get a razor and umm...

No that would take forever.


<Tanare stops chasing her tail at last and pouts gnollishly at her unruly tail. notes how her fur is all in disarray after the actitivy and begins to groom herself>


*lets herself down on a string of silk from the rafters high in the corner*


*carefully walks over fainted gnolls, duck droppings, loose feathers, a sticky spot of gnoll spit and beer residue...*


*climbs up a barstool and puts four of eight legs on the bar, making a demanding CLICK at Quince*

*this arachnid needs a beverage*


Quince notices the spider formerly known as Solerei approach the bar.  As she clicks at him, he gets out a row of shot glasses.

"One round of 'spider bite' coming up!"
EQ2 - Antonia Bayle: Quince Flutterfoot, Frixobulus, Sunbeam


*sidles over to the tiara-clad gnoll*



*grins wolfishly*

Lyrima - EQ2, ESO, now Baldur's Gate 3
Lark - Storm Trooper SW:TOR
Kiaria - Warden EQ2, ESO
Tira l'Arc - Ranger/Healer HZ/ EQ2, ESO
Athen'a - TankArcher AC


*tries to make out what Lyrima-puppy is saying*

Woof woof woof WOOF!

*isn't sure if her spell chanting will work in barks*

*concentrates really hard*


*a big swirl fills the tavern and all the puppies take anthropomorphic shapes miniature*

Yay!  Finally!  I can stand on two feet again! 

*notices her voice is squeakier than usual*

Why is that..........why is that barstool so high up?

*blinks several times*

*looks in Jasyn's direction*

Why.......why is that Gnome holding Jasyn's ale mug?  And holding my bags? 

*panics, feeling the sudden urge to "invent" something*

EQ2: Luxelen, Anaris, Nixabella   GW2: Aramaia.4365


<suddenly realizes what a great thing it would be to have an automatic combing hair comb that would work without having to use her hands and decides to try and make one>


After several unfortunate mandible-related shotglass accidents, the Solspider (of considerable size) has downed enough to make her see double...which, with approximately 100 eyes, comes out to 200 or so...sets of gnome-sized creatures wandering around the tavern.

They're really pretty much her size.

And they look juicy.


Those ones with the Tiaras looks especially soft and juicy.


Now if they'd just stand still.



Oh gods Peri.. I forgot about Sol..  I'll take her..  you handle all the gnomes...  >>with a snarl, he leaps from the rafters, landing on Solspidey's back, and hooking his arms around some of her legs, and his legs around some other legs, trying to keep her immobile<<


Nowhere in the arachnid guidebooks does it cover plummeting furry missiles that weigh three times as much as said arachnids.


*faint, furmuffled click*